Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1307: The terrifying power of Jizu God Array!

In ancient times, some unusually powerful races appeared in the four star regions.

For example, the stone clan headed by the Great Sage Doutian, the human clan headed by the Qiluo god, the spirit clan headed by the soul, and the starry sky overlord clan headed by the big king.

Before the Great Sage Doutian was born, in the early days of ancient times, the most terrifying existence of the four star regions was the Starry Overlord Clan.

During the heyday of this race, there were only more than 10,000 people.

Compared with today's big forces, the tribe with millions or even more than tens of millions of people, the Star Overlord Clan can be described as sparsely populated.

However, every existence of this race is very powerful.

They are like God's darling.

The most proud of is its extremely powerful physical qualities.

In its heyday, there have been nine physical gods, nine physical gods, and it feels terrifying to think about it.

And among the nine physical gods, the most powerful is the Great Tyrant.

The starry sky tyrants call their own race physique, the tyrant body.

Ba body Wushuang, look forward to everything!

Later, for unknown reasons, the Star Overlord clan gradually declined, the clan members became fewer and fewer, and eventually disappeared completely in the long river of history.

However, many legends left by the starry tyrants are well known by people.

At this time, after the mysterious man in the black robe was awakened and torn off the disguise, people were shocked and inexplicably shocked after seeing the face clearly.

The Star Overlord Clan, who had disappeared for millions of years, reappeared in the world.

When this news spreads, it will definitely cause a great sensation and even cause panic.

Does this mean that the Star Overlord will make a comeback and dominate the world?

The Star Overlord Clan is not only physically domineering and acting style, but also has always been extremely domineering. For other races, they have always been dismissive of other races, and there are quite a few things that they will kill if they disagree.

In the early days of ancient times, when the Star Overlord Clan ruled the world, there were quite a few races that were wiped out by them, making them tragic.

That was a very dark age compared to other races.

"Everyone, although You Xuan is a starry sky overlord, but the overlord has become history. Their ability to multiply is too poor and they are destined to be unable to occupy this starry sky."

Ji Lanbing opened the mouth to explain, defuse the turmoil of people.

"Then how did this You Xuan appear?"

"Does he have other clansmen?"

Someone asked, obviously not at ease.

"You Xuan comes from ancient times."

"Always in a sealed state, not long ago, when the power of the seal was exhausted, he came back to life again."

"You Xuan has not encountered any tribesman so far."

Ji Lanbing explained again.


"This You Xuan actually comes from ancient times?"

People are shocked.

Panic disappeared unconsciously.

After all, the Ji people are not worried, and they don't need to panic.

The innocence has fallen, at least there is still a tall man like the Ji clan holding it.


Awakening didn't pay much attention to those situations, only You Xuan was the only goal in his eyes.

Promoting ten steps of killing will consume a lot of awakening, and there will be a short period of blood loss.

But at this moment, Awakening can't control so much.

He wants to kill You Xuan.

Even at the mercy of another ten-step killing.

This You Xuan threat was too great, and the other party was also murderous after learning that he was the Chaos Eucharist.

This is an endless situation.

"You can't kill me!"

Although You Xuan was injured, his actions were not slow at all, and he directly chose to avoid the battle.

He dare not take risks.

As the Starry Sky Overlord, he knows the Chaos Eucharist better than anyone else, which is a constitution that is inherently restrained to their Starry Overlord.

He is in a bad state at the moment, and he can't use his cultivation base, and he has nothing to do with the 10-step killing.

"Little beast, stop!"

Ji Lan drank coldly.

When Ahanwu and Shi Kaitian died, she did not bear the slightest reluctance, but she felt that her face was lost, which made her angry.

But You Xuan is different, he is of great use to the Ji Clan.

This time, Ji Lanbing was nothing but You Xuan borrowed from Nine Patriarch.

If You Xuan had an accident, Ji Lanbing couldn't explain it to the nine ancestors.

"You have the ability, you come down to fight."

"I will let you bury You Xuan."

Awaken to the naked provocation, without giving up.

"court death!"

Ji Lanbing's face was pale, "Little beast, do you think I can't deal with you by relying on this Magnetite Mountain? The Ji clan elite listens to the order, and the Ji ancestors' formation!"


In Ji Lanbing's hand, a quaint formation flag emerged, exuding a sacred and vicissitudes of life.

"Ji Zugu Formation Banner!"

"It is said that Ji Zu personally created the nine-stroke ancient formation flag when he set up the magic formation."

"If the nine-stroke ancient formation flag is activated together, then the power of the Jizu God formation will be thoroughly stimulated."

"Unexpectedly, Ji Lanbing actually brought an ancient formation flag."

People were horrified.

Although there is only one ancient formation flag, with thousands of Jizu elites, it can also exert one ninth of the power of the Jizu **** formation.

One-ninth of the Jizu God Formation is already extremely terrifying.

Su Xing's gaze condensed, and he stopped chasing You Xuan. With the huge magnetic field of Yuanci Mountain, the Jizu God Formation might not be able to block.

Obviously, in these three days, Ji Lanbing not only prepared the opponent for awakening, but also brought a method to crack the Yuanci Mountain.

"Little beast, your death date has come."

Ji Lan smiled coldly and threw out the ancient formation flag in his hand. Suddenly, the ancient formation flag rose against the storm and turned into a towering stone pillar, majestic.

Countless runes flew out from the sky-reaching stone pillar and sank into countless Ji clan elites.

Through these runes, the strengths of the elites of the Ji clan are intertwined and connected, and finally form an extremely huge array, covering the sky and the sun, and enveloping Yuanci Mountain.

Ji Lanbing stood on the top of the stone pillar to the sky, looking at the awakening below, happily said: "Little beast, I won't let you die so easily. I want you to survive or die."

"Old witch, wait until you break the magnetic field of Yuancishan!"

Su Xing shook his head and was too lazy to spend a lot of words with Ji Lanbing, glanced at You Xuan, and turned and dived into the mountain.


A huge beam of light descended from the sky, carrying incomparable terrifying power.

With the blessing of the Ji Clan Divine Array, the Ji Clan elites can already mobilize the power of cultivation at will.

They injected holy power into the divine formation, and countless sacred powers gathered together to form a vast ocean of holy power, magnificent.

The beam of light impacted and hit Yuanci Mountain, and the huge mountain trembled suddenly at this moment.

"Essential Magnetic Mountain is a dead thing after all. If it can excite its powerful magnetic field, it can also resist the Jizu Divine Formation, but obviously, there is no such ability to wake up."

"Sure enough, it is useless to defeat You Xuan, after waking up, it is impossible to escape."

"It's a pity, a peerless Tianjiao who can overwhelm the Starry Sky Overlord in the physical realm is about to die."

People walked away and looked at the disappearing figure, shaking their heads and sighing. Wake up this time, it is really doomed.

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