Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1186: Ruins of the ancient city!

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Except for Lu Zhongming, all the other leaders of the Lu family died.

Kill one person in ten steps, never stay for a thousand miles.

The awakening at this moment has interpreted this sentence to the extreme.

"Wake up, if you dare to kill so many people in my Lu family, you will definitely die miserably."

Lu Zhongming didn't run, and in front of the speed of waking up, he couldn't escape at all.

In his hand, he held a jade arrow with a faint light lingering on it.

This is the "Sound-passing Arrow" of the Lu Family.

Once it is posted, the Lu family nearby will all rush over.

"Lu Xingzhou is nearby?" Su Xing asked.

"That's right! He is in the ruins of the ancient city 100,000 miles away, and he will come soon." Lu Zhongming said.

One hundred thousand li is a very short journey for the strong in the holy realm.

"That's great!"

Wake up and look calm and calm.


The light flashed, and Lu Zhongming's head fell to the ground.

Seven Forbidden Domains, Rank Nine Saints...All of these are not enough to support the first half of the move in the hands of Awakening.

"Let's talk about the dragon soul first!"

Wake stood on the mountain peak and began to merge the third dragon soul.

The breeze is fading, and there is no cloud in all.

If Ruowu's dragon chants sounded, strands of golden energy dissipated from the mountain and was gradually absorbed by the awakening.

The third dragon soul is not powerful.

The process of absorbing and fusion is naturally much easier.

Soon after, the power in the third dragon soul was completely absorbed by awakening.

He looked inside and found that the Ancestral Dragon's vision had become more solid again, and he was one step closer to the complete evolution of the Ancestral Dragon clone.


Under the awakening body, the mountain was cracked every inch, and finally collapsed and fell with a loud bang.

At the same time, Wake opened his eyes and stood in the air.


In all directions, hundreds of rays of light flew across.

When people saw the corpses of the leaders of the Lu family, their faces changed suddenly.

"Something happened, the leader of the Lu Family, a dozen of them died at once."

"When I woke up this morning, my left eyelid kept twitching. I knew something bad had happened. I didn't expect that such a thing happened."

"Who is that guy? He actually killed more than a dozen leaders in the Lu family. Is he crazy?"

Hundreds of saints were all attracted by Lu Zhongming's "Sound Transmission Arrow".

At first, everyone was just curious about what happened.

When they came to the scene, they were surprised to find that more than a dozen of the leaders of the Lu family had died.

With the ruins of the ancient city as the center, with a radius of three million li, it is the territory of the Lu family.

The rest of the saints didn't dare to offend the Lu Family. They found some treasures of heaven and earth and needed to be taken away by the Lu Family.

It can be said that here, the Lu family can walk sideways.

Nowadays, a dozen leaders have died all at once, which is simply a matter of breaking the sky.

Everyone stayed away from awakening one after another, fearing that they would be mistaken for thinking that they belonged to awakening.

"who is it?"

"Dare to move my Lu family?"

A loud shout came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of leaders from the Lu family rushed there.

When they saw the bodies of Lu Zhongming and others, they were immediately furious.

Soon, the dozens of Lu family leaders who had just arrived, focused their attention on awakening.

Although there were hundreds of people present, there was no one beside him when he woke up. It was like a standout group, and it was easy to be locked in a glance.

"It's you?"

The leaders of the Lu Family had seen the portrait of Awakening before entering the Xuling Garden.

After the initial anger, he was quickly recognized.

"You guys go together!"

Awakening was too lazy to speak, his body turned into a stream of light and rushed into the crowd of the leading Lu family.

These dozens of Lu family leaders all exudes a strong killing intent, and they all want to kill the awakening.

Naturally, waking up will not feel soft.

As a result, an extremely shocking scene emerged.

Awakening is like entering an uninhabited state. Wherever he passed, the leaders of the Lu family died. No one was his enemy.

This strength completely stunned the other saints who came to watch the excitement.

Everyone finally understands.

In the ruins of the ancient city, Su Xing dared to challenge the Lu family, and she really possessed strength beyond ordinary people.

"too frightening!"

"Who is he? Why is the strength so terrible? Most of the leaders of the Lu family have reached the ninth rank of the saint. Everyone is extremely powerful, but in front of him, they are as vulnerable as a chicken."

"His strength is probably not inferior to that of the magic soldiers and respect them."

A group of saints deeply imprinted the awakened image in their minds.

Everyone understands that a powerful person like Awakening cannot remain unknown forever, and soon the entire virtual spirit garden will become famous.

After that, Su Xing killed several batches of Lu family leaders.

He didn't stop until no one came.

"Lu Xingzhou didn't come?"

Su Xing shook his head, feeling a little puzzled.

Since Lu Xingzhou was nearby, how could he watch the leaders of the Lu family be slaughtered?

Was it indifferent, or something delayed?

Awakening is more inclined to the latter.

"What are the ruins of the ancient city?"

Wake up and look at a saint who joins in the fun.

Just now, when he heard these people often mention the ancient city ruins, he was a little curious.

"It's a hundred thousand miles away to the east, where the gods are young, and Lu Xingzhou is practicing there."

The saint who joins in the fun has a scared look on his face.

Su Xing massacred so many leaders of the Lu family today, and it has left a devilish impression in people's hearts.

"Speaking in more detail, these low-grade stars Yuanxin are your reward."

Awakening took all the wealth of the leaders of the Lu family as his own.

Among them, there are a large number of inferior Star Origin Hearts.

The awakening cultivation base has already entered the eighth rank of the saint, and the low-grade Star Origin Heart is no longer available.

"Never mind the reward."

How dare the saint ask for the reward for waking up, he could not wait to stay away from waking up earlier, and hurriedly said all he knew.

There are many relics of the ancient city in the Xuling Garden.

But the ruins of the ancient city occupied by the Lu family are the most complete.

It is said that Lu Xingzhou fought a battle with Chi Yuan five years ago in order to obtain the remains of the ancient city.

Since then, Lu Xingzhou has been practicing in retreat in the ruins of the ancient city.

No one knows what state his strength has reached now, but it must be even more unfathomable.

There are many rumors about the benefits of the ancient city ruins.

Some people say that there are deities left behind by gods.

Some people say that there are god-level exercises, magic arts, and so on.

Others say that inside is the place closest to the will of heaven and earth, and practicing there can get unimaginable benefits.

There are so many differences, true and false, no way to distinguish.


Waking up no longer hesitate, and flew towards the east.

Not to mention, in the ruins of the ancient city, there is a great treasure that is worthy of Lu Xingzhou's stay for five years.

Just to say that Su Xing killed so many leaders of the Lu family today, once Lu Xingzhou leaves the customs, he will definitely settle accounts with him. Rather than waiting for the opponent to exit, it is better to take the initiative to kill Lu Xingzhou by surprise.

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