Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1184: Yuanjia Road is narrow!

In the valley.

The remaining aura blocks the approach of any creatures.

It's very quiet here.

Get rid of the charming and seductive female voice that occasionally comes out.

Three days and nights passed.

The voice gradually stopped.


At a certain moment, the man and the woman opened their eyes at the same time.

The two looked at each other and were speechless for a long time.


After a long time, the two sides retreated at the same time with great understanding.

Their body speed is extremely fast, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After half a day!

On a mountain peak, wake up and stop.

Thinking of the previous experience, a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

too crazy.

He never expected that his first experience with men and women would be spent in such a crazy state.

"I hope I won't meet her again in the future."

Wake up and shook his head slightly.

Based on the experience between the two, it would be very embarrassing to meet again.

This is why they fled without saying a word.

He is not an irresponsible man.

However, there is no emotional basis between him and Luo Qingxue. They are both lost because of the influence of the energy of "Zhouxin Mirui".

If this is the case, we must be with Luo Qingxue.

It is unfair to both parties.

"Check your body first!"

Wake up and no longer think about it.

He looked at himself and couldn't help having many surprises.

First of all, the Ancestral Dragon's vision became more and more real after devouring the dragon soul, and there were signs of breaking away from the natal stars and independent existence.

Even if it has not yet reached the level of complete separation.

However, if the Ancestral Dragon's vision is stimulated, its power will be very terrifying, and it can be called the strongest assassin for awakening.

Secondly, after swallowing the soul of the cicada, he wakes up to find that he has obtained the strongest power of the soul of the cicada, the "Nine Changes of the Cicada".

The Nine Changes of the God Cicada is the most heaven-defying magical power of the Nine Heavens God Cicada clan.

Luo Qingxue's "Escape of the Spirit Cicada" was born out of the "Nine Changes of the Cicada".

This magical power is not only as simple as body skills, but also contains extremely powerful lethality, which is a flexible use of the power of the space avenue.

"good stuff!"

Wake up overjoyed.

Regardless of the lethality of the "Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada", just talking about its appearance in terms of body skills, once learned, it can increase the speed and flexibility of awakening more than ten times.

In the end, wake up also found that his own understanding has increased.

Lingtai Ching Ming, thoughtful thoughts.

Participating in martial arts, divine arts, exercises, etc., is much easier than before.

This is the benefit brought by "Zhouxin Mirui".

As a treasure in the depths of the starry sky, the effect of Zhouxin Mirui is not only to make people confused, but the biggest advantage is to enhance one's understanding.

With the energy of Zhou Xin Mirui, in the three days and three nights of the cloud and rain madness, it was absorbed by Awakening and Luo Qingxue.

The awakened perception has been greatly improved.

"Luo Qingxue should have gained a lot of benefits," Su Xing murmured.

Luo Qingxue got rid of the energy that had absorbed a large amount of "Eternal Heart Honey Core", and when he merged with the awakened soul, he also gained the power of the unstable cicada soul that he had just swallowed.

Therefore, Luo Qingxue also got the magical power of the soul of the cicada, the nine changes of the cicada.

Moreover, what Luo Qingxue himself repaired was originally "escape the cicada".

The comprehension of the "Nine Changes of the Cicada" is definitely better than Awakening.

"Practice for a while first."

Waking up without leaving in a hurry, he sat cross-legged on the mountain and began to practice.

The main purpose of this practice is to comprehend the "Nine Changes of the Divine Cicada".

There are nine changes in the divine cicada, with nine layers in all.

The first three are not lethal, and are the part of the body technique.

Once you understand everything, you can go anywhere in the sky and underground, which is very powerful.

Time is long.

One year, dazzling.

At a certain moment, Wake opened his eyes.


He flew out of the mountain and flew across thousands of miles in an instant.

The trajectory of the body and law is even more erratic and elusive.

He got into the space from time to time, and then came out again, like a dolphin constantly shuttled on the surface of the water and the bottom of the sea.

This kind of hard training lasted for half a year.

Half a year later, he woke up and stopped.

In the past six months of hard work, he finally changed the "sacred cicada's first change", and the cicada's wings flew to the sky, and he understood thoroughly.

Today, his body technique speed and flexibility have been improved several times compared to before.

"carry on!"

"The second change, the cicada's wings hit the ground."

The first three changes of the Nine Changes of Shen Cicada are the flying of the cicada wings, the escape of the cicada wings, and the cicada wing into the sea.

Every time you learn to change, your body style speed and flexibility will increase geometrically.

This time, it took two and a half years for awakening to make the second change.

The speed and flexibility of the body method have been improved several times again.

"Now, even if you are the Holy King, you may not be able to catch up with me."

Wake up with a smile.

The body exercise is fast and flexible, which is a great help to oneself, and can attack and retreat.

"It's time to find the next dragon soul."

Wake up did not intend to continue practicing.

This practice took four years, plus three years of retreat in dragon blood.

In other words, there are only three years left before the closure of the Virtual Spirit Garden.

He must hurry up and look for other dragon souls.

"There shouldn't be too many things in this virtual spirit garden that can threaten me."

Compared with before entering the virtual spirit garden, in the past seven years, the strength of awakening has been greatly improved.

The cultivation base reached the eighth rank of the saint.

The Zulong vision is very powerful and has become the biggest killer.

He also practiced the "Nine Changes of God Cicada" to the second change.

Now, even in the face of Yuwen Haotian, Long Yi, Chi Yuan, and Lu Xingzhou, he has the confidence to fight.

The substantial increase in strength made it easier to wake up to find the dragon soul than before.

One month later.

Wake stopped and found the third place of dragon soul.

This is a mountain, straight into the sky, majestic and steep.

"This dragon soul is not powerful."

Wake stood in mid-air, shaking his head gently.

He could feel that the dragon soul in the mountain had a weak aura.

This is also normal.

Dragon Soul is very difficult to find, let alone a powerful Dragon Soul.


"someone is coming?"

Just as he was awakening to collect the dragon soul in the mountain, dozens of rays of light galloped in the northern sky.

There are a dozen young people.

They wear similar clothing styles, with another "Lu" on their chests.

It is a member of the Shenbing Business League, the Lu family.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Su Xing stared at the other party without saying a word, and surrounded himself directly, shook his head.

"Ha ha!"

"You just wake up?"

"Unexpectedly, I would meet you here, your luck seems to be bad!"

The leader of the Lu family stared awake with a playful expression on his face.

He suddenly slapped his forehead and cried out strangely, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lu Zhongming and I am a good friend of Lu Yuanhao." "Do you remember Lu Yuanhao? Before I entered the virtual spirit garden, he asked me. If you meet you, take your head off and take it back to kick him."

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