Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1179: Encounter a beautiful woman!

Without the suppression of the Dragon Soul, this world is no longer solid and immortal.

Wake up and leave easily.

When he came to the bottom of the lake, he arranged a dozen psychedelic formations according to the instructions of the little monk.

In this way, it is difficult for others to discover the existence of Longhu Cave.

In terms of refunding 10,000, even if someone discovers Longhu Cave and wants to open the restriction on the entrance of Longhu Cave, it is almost impossible to do so.

These are the original words of the little monk.

He seemed extremely confident in his own formation skills.

Leaving Longhu Cave, wake up and head north.

After the Ancestral Dragon's vision swallowed the dragon soul, it made him feel a subtle touch to other dragon souls.

Able to distinguish general orientation.

Three months later.

Wake up and stop.

The mountains ahead are connected and towering.

Halfway up the mountain, there is white snow, unparalleled holy.

It's very quiet here.

No insects, birds, or monsters roar.


Awakening spurred the eyes of the broken delusion, and suddenly saw a different picture.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are two completely different auras, one is sacred and majestic, filled with domineering warfare, and the other is ethereal, like a dream bubble, as if there is no existence in this world that can restrain it.

The two breaths are intertwined with each other in a long-lasting confrontation.

Affected by them, this Fang Tiandi is trapped in a peculiar field, any foreign aura will be blocked out, forcibly breaking in, will undoubtedly die.

"There is a breath of dragon soul!"

Su Xing's eyes condensed.

That sacred and domineering aura came from the dragon soul.

Wake up and try to take a step.

Sure enough, he found that he was not affected by this field.

He guessed right, his ancestral dragon vision had swallowed a dragon soul, and his body was naturally stained with the breath of the dragon soul.

These breaths are so weak that other people cannot perceive them.

But things of the same clan and the same origin will have feelings.

Therefore, he is not rejected by the field here.

"call out!"

Wake up no longer hesitating, stretch out his figure, and climb one of the peaks.

He watched carefully.

"The location of the Dragon Soul should be the place where the two auras clash the most."

"It's there!"

The awakened eyes finally landed in a deep valley between the two peaks.

The field there is exceptionally strong.

Wake estimated that even if the Holy King comes here, if he is rejected, his soul will be scattered in an instant.


Wake up and fall into the valley.

"call out!"

In an instant, there was a grey air current rushing towards awakening, extremely fast, and almost instantly, it arrived in front of his face.

It is a bird with double wings and a long tail. It looks like a snake's tail at first glance, but it is very similar to a dragon's tail when you look carefully.

On its forehead, there is still a pair of horns.

The most special thing about this bird is that its body is almost transparent. It does not seem to have a physical body, but more like a soul body.


Reawakening pointed out, trying to shock and kill the opponent.

However, the sharp sword aura from his fingertips could not hurt the opponent and directly penetrated through the opponent's body.

It's weird.

Waking up had to dodge to avoid.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Wake up standing on a stone, urging the eyes of the broken delusion, and finally see clearly the mystery of that bird.

It is not a soul body, but between the virtual and the real, and the cultivation base can be hurt.

However, its moving trajectory is very mysterious, it seems to be able to shuttle back and forth in the void.

Awakening can also travel through the void, but it is far less mysterious than the opponent used. The moment he pointed the sword and attacked, the bird hid in the void and then escaped.

Because of its speed, it looks as if a finger sword penetrated its body.

"It's somewhat similar to Luo Qingxue's body style."

In Suwa's mind, Luo Qingxue couldn't help but see the scene when Luo Qingxue used "Escape the Cicada".

Moreover, under careful observation, he found that the bird had many similarities with the cicada except for its tail.

"call out!"

The bird, which looked like a cicada, locked in and woke up again and attacked him.

"Just because I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Su Xing looked cold.

It's hard for someone else to get that bird, but waking up on the Great Avenue of Enlightenment and possessing delusional eyes, it is not impossible to really want to kill that bird.

Just as he was about to do it, a graceful figure descended from the sky and stopped between him and the bird.

"I mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Wake up secretly in his heart.

He never expected that he would meet Luo Qingxue here.

Observed from a close distance, Luo Qingxue is more moving, his facial features are exquisite and flawless, his eyebrows are picturesque, his skin is snowy, and his eyes are bright as stars.

However, there is a sense of coldness.

Like a goddess who does not eat fireworks in the world.


Luo Qingxue stretched out her white jade hand, and the bird stayed on her slender jade finger, gently stirring her transparent wings, very agile.

"Quickly leave!"

Luo Qingxue's voice was very pleasant, like a stream of melting ice and snow.

However, Wake up frowned.

He came here to subdue the Dragon Soul, and it is impossible to leave here.

Moreover, this is not Luo Qingxue's house, so why let him leave?


Suwaken ignored Luo Qingxue and walked toward the depths of the valley.

However, before he took a few steps, Luo Qingxue stopped him.

"It's very dangerous here. It's for your good to let you leave." Luo Qingxue said indifferently.

"Then thank you for your kindness."

Waking up is reluctant to deal with such a tall iceberg beauty.

Moreover, he doesn't like the other party's actions to stop him.

After speaking, wake up and move on.

This time, he directly urged the void shuttle, took a step, passed Luo Qingxue, and appeared behind him dozens of miles away.

However, Luo Qingxue's "Escape the Spirit Cicada" is one of the nine must-dos, and his body skills are more powerful than waking up.

She stopped waking up again.

"You should understand the rule of first come, second come?" Luo Qingxue said.

"I know better, what is called an unowned thing, and those who have the power know the truth."

Wake up with a plain face.

If it were known by other Wu Xiu from the Central God Lu, his attitude towards Luo Qingxue would definitely cramp him.

In the entire Central Shenlu, which male martial artist, in front of Luo Qingxue, did his best to please him? How could it go against her meaning.

Even if Yuwen Haotian, Long Yi, Chi Yuan, and Lu Xingzhou, on the surface, they would not lick their faces to please, but in their hearts, they wanted Luo Qingxue's approval.

Only to wake up, a stranger attitude.

Luo Qingxue is not regarded as a peerless beauty at all. Luo Qingxue was cold by nature, and didn't care about the attitude of waking up, but said straightforwardly: "You are not my opponent!"

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