Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1162: Half-Holy Peak!

Wake up and return to the room, he took out a low-grade "Star Origin Heart".

Star Origin Heart, taken from the star crystal nucleus in the starry sky.

Each star is a small world, and its star nucleus contains the power of many world rules.

If it is a martial artist below the holy realm, rushing to refine the starry sky source heart, it will be blown up by the power of the majestic rules inside.

And the martial arts in the holy realm, refining the Star Origin Heart, can obtain the power of internal rules, which is of great benefit to the improvement of cultivation.

Xingchen Yuanxin is divided into four products.

Among them: low-grade star source heart, corresponding to the cultivation base of the saint realm, middle-grade star source heart, corresponding to the great holy realm cultivation base, high-grade star source heart, corresponding to the holy king realm cultivation base, and best star source heart, corresponding to the holy monarch realm cultivation base.

The price difference is based on the unit of one hundred. For example, a middle-grade star origin heart is worth a hundred lower-grade star origin heart.

The awakened cultivation base is at the semi-sage high-level, refining the low-grade Star Origin Heart, which is very luxurious.

However, as long as he can quickly improve his cultivation level, he will not feel a pain in his cultivation resources.


Awakening to take the next star Origin Heart, like hot magma, flowing into the abdomen from the throat, and immediately turned into a huge volcano, exploded in the abdomen.

Endless energy, like thousands of wild horses running off the rein, rushes in his body.

Waking up, the body shook wildly and almost fell to the ground.

He hurriedly moved his natal star, and began to refine the surging energy in his body.

The fast-rotating natal stars produce a majestic traction, and when they turn to the extreme, they actually turn into "black holes".

The countless energies in the awakening body are converging towards the natal stars.

Visible to the naked eye, his natal stars are actually growing bit by bit.

It took an hour to wake up to refine the energy of this star Origin Heart. He felt it carefully, and his cultivation became more and more vigorous and condensed.

"Ordinary and semi-sage, it takes several months or even half a year to refine a star's Origin Heart, and it takes at least half a month for the best ones, even for characters such as the Son of True Dragon, Son of God Soldier, and Son of Beast God. It also takes a day, or several days."

"And me, it only takes an hour."

The speed of refining the Star Origin Heart is related to a person's understanding and potential.

And the speed of waking up and refining Star Origin Heart is simply terrifying fast.

In this way, his cultivation efficiency will increase exponentially.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, he must have enough Star Origin Heart.

"These thousand Star Origin Hearts are enough for me to use them for a while, at least for these three months on the Longwu Saint Ship, I don't need to worry about Star Origin Heart matters."

Thinking of this, I woke up and began to practice with great concentration.

Refining one Star Origin Heart in one hour, and refining twelve Star Origin Hearts at twelve hours a day.

There are 120 pieces in ten days and 360 pieces in one month.

Three months later!

After the awakening retreat was over, the 1,000 Star Origin Heart he had purchased from Tianbao Villa had all been refined.

If this matter is spread, it will definitely cause a great sensation.

Ordinary half-holy, it takes decades to refining a thousand Star Origin Hearts, but it only takes three months to wake up.

Of course, if the cultivation base reaches the semi-sacred state, the lifespan is very long, and decades of time are nothing.

Usually, it takes several years for the semi-holy and saints to retreat for a while.


A very strong breath emanated from the body of the awakening body.

Refining a thousand Star Origin Hearts, his cultivation base broke through to the semi-sage peak in one fell swoop.

"Other semi-sages, at most a few dozen Star Origin Hearts, are enough to raise the cultivation base to a stage. It is estimated that only a few hundred Star Origin Hearts are needed for a person like the God Soldier Shao Zun, but I consume A full thousand stars Origin Heart..."

Waking up secretly smacked.

But I didn't worry about it.

This is a good thing, showing that his body has great potential.

Comparing the human body to a water tank, the repair base is the water in the water tank. The larger the water tank, the more water it can hold. When fighting, the explosive power is naturally stronger.

"I don't know how many low-grade Star Origin Hearts I need to break from the semi-saint peak to the saint state." Su wake can't estimate it specifically, but it must be more than a thousand.

In addition, from the semi-sage breakthrough to the saint state, the xinxing also needs to pass. If the understanding of the power of the rules is not deep enough, even if you have the training resources, you can't break through the cultivation base.

It sounds troublesome.

In fact, if the cultivation level reaches the semi-sage or saint state, it is very difficult to improve it. Many semi-sages spend hundreds of years or even a lifetime, and it is difficult to break through.

"I don't know, with my current cultivation base, in terms of combat power, what level has it reached?" Su Xing's mouth was hooked, and he could easily defeat ordinary saints when he was at a semi-sage high-level.

Now that the cultivation base has been promoted to the semi-sage peak, the combat power has naturally shown a geometric increase.


The speed of the Longwu Holy Ship slowed down, and it seemed that it was about to reach its destination.

Wake up and walked out of the room and came to the deck. Looking around, there was a huge barrier between the sky and the earth in front of him, falling from the highest sky, deep into the earth for thousands of miles.

"It's a big formation that traverses the sky and the earth. It can be called a divine formation. It separates the sky and the earth, forming a world inside and outside." Su Xing's eyes couldn't help showing a touch of wonder.

The inside of the formation belongs to the boundary of "Southern Emperor City".


On the light curtain of the formation, a huge mysterious rune appeared, blasting a ray of light, covering the Longwu Holy Ship.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a gap appeared on the light curtain for the Longwu Holy Ship to enter.

This is a very strict testing method.

Without the help of the Longwu Sacred Ship, other people would not be able to enter the Southern Emperor City at all, and rush into it rashly, and would be directly bombarded by the formation.

"Soil buns!"

"This is called'Nanwu Divine Emperor Formation', haven't you seen it?"

The young masters of the Lu Family also boarded the deck and couldn't help laughing when they saw Su Xing's expression of surprise.

Su Xing glanced at Lu Yuanhao and the others, and said, "You guys, are you going to give me Star Origin Heart?"


Speaking of Xingchen Yuanxin, Lu Yuanhao and others' faces suddenly sank.

It's as if the scar has been uncovered.

"You wait and see!"

Lu Yuanhao and the others left a harsh word, and left the deck directly.

At the moment, in the crowd, they are unwilling to talk to Su Xing, lest Su Xing tells about the gambling appointment three months ago, leaving their faces blank.

"It seems that these dudes don't give up on me!" Su Xing looked at the back of Lu Yuanhao and the others, and touched his chin, with a calm expression on his face. He was not at all afraid of Lu Yuanhao's group of people, if the other party really dared to mess around, he would not mind, and he would teach them some lessons of regret for life.

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