Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1148: The ancient gods descend!

Wake up and take a deep breath, try to calm yourself down.

The more this is the time, the less you can panic.

"I must be close to the fourth sister to give her the'Holy Demon Heart Source' for refining." Su Xing thought secretly. Although he carried the "demon stone bone" on his body, it could deceive the human aura, but if the distance is too close, it will still Be aware of the remnant soul of the monster race.

And around the tiankeng, there were so many remnant souls distributed, almost as one post with three steps and one post with five steps.

And the strength of the remnant soul is mostly in the semi-sage elementary level, and there is no lack of semi-sacred middle-level, high-level and even peak existence.

The current combat power awakened is the semi-sacred pinnacle, and he can also defeat it, but the key is that there are too many opponents, and if he is besieged, he will be instantly submerged.

"These remnants must be drawn out." After a while, Su Xing made a decision and resolutely put away the demon stone bones.

Suddenly, there were countless remnants of the monster race, looking towards him.

Without the demon stone bones, the human breath spoke to the remnant souls like a beacon in the dark night, too conspicuous.


The three remnants closest to waking up immediately rushed towards him, as fast as lightning.

"Countless sword fingers!"

The wake-up has long been expected, and it is the first form of "prajna bergamot" with a palm that does not evade.

Prajna bergamot is the sacred art of the Buddha school. It contains the breath of the most rigid and yang. It has a great restraint on the remnants and ghosts. At the same time, it is naturally hated by the remnants and ghosts.


The golden palm prints enveloped all the three remnant souls that rushed toward them. Those three remnants also had the strength of a semi-sage elementary level, but at this moment, under the golden palm prints, they melted and collapsed, and finally disappeared.

After a blow, he awakened and stopped staying, turned and ran quickly.

The blow just now, whether it was the movement of the fight or the breath of power from the very first sun, was enough to attract the attention of all the remnants around the tiankeng.

Now, countless remnants of souls, like locusts crossing the border, swarmed towards him.

In the face of thousands of remnants of the soul army, awakening also felt a tingling scalp.

Simply, his speed is not slower than these remnants of the soul army, in this chase and escape, he can always maintain a proper distance.

Half a day later, Wake used the void to shuttle, dashing into the ground, and at the same time took out the "monster bones" to blind his own breath.


Over his head, an army of remnants whizzed past.

Feeling the terrifying power aura, he couldn't help but wake up with a panic, and said to himself: "I am afraid that if the saint comes, there will be no bones left by these remnant soul army!"

Simply, the demon stone bone can blind his breath, as long as the distance is not too close, the remnant soul army can't find him.

Of course, the main reason is that the Remnant Soul Army has no sagacity and just does things by instinct.

Awakening drilled out of the ground, turned and quickly swept towards the sky.

He was anxious in his heart, fearing that Su Ke would be in danger if he came late, so this section of the way back, flew desperately, and used the void shuttle one after another.

Soon after, Wake up and return to Tiankeng again.

Without the hindrance of the remnant soul, he smoothly came to the bottom of the tiankeng.

Ten meters away from Su Ke, he awoke and stopped. He found that after the previous delay, the ashes on Su Ke's face became more intense.

Su Xing hurriedly took out the "Sage Demon Heart Source" and shouted: "Sister Si, this is the Saint Demon Heart Source. I will refine it soon and it will be helpful to you."

After speaking, he threw the "Holy Demon Heart Source" to Su Ke, and ran his cultivation base, and injected the power of the "Holy Demon Heart Source" into Su Ke's body.


Su Ke's body trembled lightly, as if she had sensed the coming of awakening, quickly refining the "Holy Demon Heart Source", and soon the ashes on her face began to fade away.

Just as Wake was relieved, something happened suddenly.

The black phoenix remnant soul actually started to consume the power of the "Holy Demon Heart Source", and the speed of its consumption was many times faster than Su Ke.


Supplemented by the power of the "Holy Demon Heart Source", the black phoenix remnant soul's strength greatly increased, and it immediately crushed Su Ke, causing Su Ke's whole body to be diffused with the aura of death.

Looking at the appearance, Su Ke would be completely swallowed by the remnant soul of the black phoenix in a moment.

Waking up in shock.

Suddenly, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, staring at the remnant black phoenix soul, and said: "Naughty animal, if you dare to swallow my fourth sister, then I will destroy you."

Awakening began to attack the black phoenix remnant soul.

Prajna bergamot and Dayan Sword Art came out together, and he wanted to destroy the black phoenix remnant soul, even if that way, Su Ke would lose the opportunity to fuse the black phoenix remnant soul, but it was better than being swallowed.

"Roar!"  The black phoenix remnant soul let out a sharp roar, and the wings stirred up, and two torrents of black power shattered the awakened attacks one after another.

"Sage-level power!" Su Xing's heart sank. This black phoenix remnant soul is far more powerful than other remnants, and it can still retain the power of the sage-level. It is hard to imagine how terrifying it was before his death.

"A true dragon is born!"

Awakening triggered the power of the vision, a real dragon phantom descended, and attacked the black phoenix remnant soul.

The black phoenix remnant soul felt the threat, and the black flames all over his body flourished, fighting with the real dragon phantom. At the same time, it was accelerating to swallow Su Ke.

"If this continues, if the true dragon vision can't defeat the black phoenix remnant soul, the soul of the fourth sister will be completely swallowed by it. No, I must think of another way."

Wake up and anxious.

Suddenly, he sat cross-legged from the same place, with his hands on his knees, his mind became calm, and he began to communicate with the second vision, the Shenhe vision.

Soon, the awakened mind sank into the Shenhe and saw the first ancient **** phantom.

The first ancient **** phantom opened his eyes, and the bright light penetrated the starry sky, forming two extremely vast beams of light, and in that beam of light, mysterious runes flowed and intertwined, revealing a very sacred atmosphere.

At the same time, his eyes suddenly opened when he was sitting cross-legged. The next moment, the two beams of light that penetrated the starry sky burst out of his eyes and bombarded the remnant black phoenix soul.


The black phoenix remnant soul uttered an incomparably stern cry, and then, its soul began to disperse, and in the end, only a black flame remained, soaring and burning in the void, as if it would never go out.

Su Xing stretched out his hand, and the black flame fell into Su Ke's body.

Gradually, the ashes of Su Ke's body began to fade like a tide.

Seeing this, Wake could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Finally succeeded."

Using the "Breaking Eyes" of the first ancient **** phantom, he dispelled the remnant soul of the black phoenix, obliterating the fierce and evil consciousness, leaving only the purest and purest energy.


Su Xing spurted blood from her mouth, and there were blood and tears in her eyes.

Forcibly communicating with the first ancient god, he suffered a strong backlash, but his face showed a smile. As long as the fourth sister is safe and sound, what is this injury?

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