Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1145: Believe in the Holy Sword!

The awakened Holy Soul returned to the inner world of the Earth Mother's Epee once again.

The one hundred chains of faith that entangled him no longer contained any distracting thoughts, and even the consciousness of the spirit of the earth mother completely disappeared.

In the end, all the powers of the rules of faith were gathered together and turned into a ball of milky white light, very agile.

This ball of light is the body of the spirit of the Mother Earth.

The consciousness of the spirit of the earth mother has been slashed by the awakening sword, but his body has not dissipated.

The spirit of the earth mother at this moment is like a born baby.


The Earth Mother's epee disintegrated inch by inch, and without the spirit of the Earth Mother, it would hardly be an opponent of Kenmaru.

In the end, Kenmaru swallowed the Earth Mother's epee.

The Earth Mother's epee is cast from the "heart of the earth" deep underground. It is of excellent quality. After the sword pill swallows it, it becomes more solid and immortal.

Based on the estimation of awakening, there is almost nothing in this world that can destroy Jianmaru.

He guided the sword pill and merged with the spirit of the earth mother.

The process was surprisingly smooth, and the sword pill and the spirit of the earth mother blended and quickly merged together.

The main reason is that the spirit of the Mother Earth has not been lost at this moment, and his life form is destined to need a carrier.

The spirit of the Mother Earth can be understood as a soul form.

The sword pill is the flesh.

If the soul does not have a body as a carrier, it will be difficult to survive.

Jianmaru is connected to the awakening natal life, which is equivalent to a part of his body. Now it merges with the spirit of the earth mother, then his consciousness will become the meaning of the spirit of the earth mother.

To put it more directly, the spirit of the Earth Mother is now awakening.

The awakened holy soul returned to his body. He stood up from the stage of ten thousand Buddhas and looked up at the sword pill in the air, with a look of expectation in his eyes.


A crack appeared on the surface of the sword pill, and the crack quickly enlarged, and the shape of the sword pill began to change.

Originally, he was a pitch-black sphere.

Now it is gradually elongated and surrounded by light. In the end, Jianmaru turned into a black long sword with nine nicks shining brightly, revealing the supreme sharpness, it seems that even the world can be Split with a sword.

Sword Maru finally grew into the second form, sword spirit!


As soon as he regained his consciousness, the sword spirit flew into his hand, holding the sword spirit in his hand, and he immediately felt connected by blood, as if the sword spirit was an extension of the body.

"Good sword!"

Amituo flew over, looked up and down the black sword spirit, and couldn't help but admire: "The quality of this sword, in the sacred artifact, is a leader, and it has the ability to swallow and grow. In the future, it can even grow into a divine sword. "

"Wake up, you should give it a name."

Su Xing nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Just call it the Holy Sword of Faith!"

"Belief in the Holy Sword?" Mi Tuo murmured: "This sword is closely related to the rules of faith. It is worthy of the name to take this name. By the way, wake up, do you now control the rules of faith?"

"I can't talk about control." Su Xing shook his head and said, "The rules of belief are broad and profound. Who dares to say that I can control it? At best, I'm just getting started."

"Getting started is as difficult as climbing to the sky!" Mi Tuo sighed, how many people want to embark on the road of faith without getting started? The great sages in Gouchen's Secret Realm are obviously sitting on the side of the major forces and mining Yuanyang Stone. In fact, don't everyone have the mind to explore the road of faith?

However, no one succeeded.

Suddenly, Su Xing frowned, and he found that around the Holy Sword of Faith, there were small threads piercing out of the void, and then submerged in the Holy Sword of Faith.

This is purely a feeling, and I can't see those tiny threads when I wake up.

He opened the eyes of the Holy Light, and then he could see clearly that those threads were all the power of faith.

"Where did these powers of faith come from?" Suwa Wake couldn't help but wonder. Although these powers of faith were not particularly large, they were accumulating all the time. The accumulation of less and more, as time goes by, the harvest will be very impressive.

"There are usually two ways to practice the rules of belief, one is to realize it by yourself, and the other is to cultivate believers."

Amitabha explained: "Believers will have the power of faith when they pray in the future. You can draw a ray of the power of faith and try to trace the origin to see where the source is."

"it is good!"

He sat down cross-legged and stretched out his hand, and a power of faith appeared in his palm. He relaxed and felt it with his heart, and soon discovered that within the power of faith, there was the aura of Xiliangzhou.

"Actually from Xiliangzhou!" Su Xing looked surprised.

"So that's it!" Mi Tuo suddenly realized, "Wake up, you are already a household name in Xiliang Prefecture, and Life and Death Fighting Sect has become the only overlord of Xiliang Prefecture. It is normal for everyone to believe in you."

"Believe? Believe in a person, isn't it about casting a temple and building an altar?" Su Xing asked.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. As long as your image is deeply ingrained in a person's heart and stalwart, the other person can be regarded as your believer and will provide you with the power of faith." Mituo paused, then said: "Of course. , Build temples, build altars, and make formal sacrifices, the effect will be better. Therefore, if you have time, you can return to Xiliang Prefecture and let Life and Death Fight Zong build the temple for you, so that Xiliang Prefecture will be hundreds of millions Everyone believes in you, that way, you gain

The power of faith will be very impressive. "

"Even, it allows you to break through to the Saint Realm, Great Saint Realm, and even Saint King Realm in a very short time."

However, Su Xing shook his head, rejected this proposal, and said: "This matter will not be considered for the time being. Boundary Sea crosses two continents. With my current cultivation base, it is difficult to cross the past."

"In addition, building temples and setting up altars, although the power of belief gained is more, but the distracting thoughts contained in it will also increase a lot. At that time, there is a danger of getting confused."

"Also, since the Devil Emperor is on the road of faith, he must be very sensitive to the rules of faith. If I move too fast, he will feel it, and he might even act on me."

What kind of character the Devil Emperor is, with a finger extended, he can crush his current awakening countless times.

Although the possibility of him being concerned about awakening is small, awakening also needs to be just in case.

Mi Tuo also nodded and said, "It's true. I didn't think about it well. I still have to practice one step at a time, so that I can go further."

The power of belief that he has received now is relatively pure, and with his state of mind, he can completely eliminate distracting thoughts.

"Let's go! Three months are almost here, the big brothers should be coming over." Wake up and leave Wulianggong and return to Scarlet Moon Valley.

At this moment, the Biyan Sacred Emperor Formation had already enveloped the entire Longyuan ground vein, and gradually, the rules of heaven and earth began to change. Wake up to Longxin Grottoes and find that Zhou Ziheng, Jiang Qiao'er, and Dong Fengxue have also ended their retreats, feeling the breath of the three people's cultivation base, and they can't help but shine.

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