Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1138: The son of God has fallen!

The attack of the dark epee contained an extremely rich earth attribute aura, as thick and majestic as the earth.

The most important thing is that it is not the dwarf **** child who is in Yujian, but the dark epee launches the attack on its own.

It is not like a sword, but more like a complete creature.

People were surprised.

"The strength of that sword is no better than that of the dwarf **** son, and it is in harmony with the dwarf **** son, and the cooperation must be very tacit."

"Doesn't this mean that you need one enemy two to wake up? It's equivalent to facing two dwarf gods at the same time? How can you fight this?"

"It's shameless! It's not fair."

Everyone in the human race feels uneasy for awakening.

However, this is not a competition in the arena, where there is so much fairness and justice between life and death?

This makes everyone worried about waking up.

Facing the dwarf **** child, he can only achieve a narrow victory, and now he has a dark epee of equal strength, is he still capable of the enemy?

Awakening, he did not expect that the dwarf **** child had such a trump card, and his figure flashed, avoiding the attack of the dark epee, and shouting: "Mi Tuo!"

"call out!"

A ray of light rose up into the sky, and Amitabha flew over, fell on his shoulder, stared at the dark epee, and said straightforwardly: "Give that sword to the king, that dwarf **** son, you will deal with it."

"Okay!" Su Xing agreed. He had faith in Amitab, but other people didn't think so...

"What is Wake up doing? What is so special about that dog?"

"Should it be a medical emergency?"

"A dog with a big palm, no matter how badly it goes against the sky, where can it go? Don't be beaten into meat by that heavy sword."


Everyone talked a lot, they weren't concerned about Amitabha's life and death, but because they were afraid of waking up and Amitabha's death, they would also be wiped out.


"Dare to underestimate this king, then let you see how powerful this king is."

Aida was very angry.

He found that not only was everyone underestimating him, but that dark heavy sword also conveyed contempt.

Amid the roar, Mi Tuo's body quickly grew larger.

Then, a big dog with gleaming golden light and several feet high appeared in the void, majestic and handsome.


Facing the dark epee that swept across, Mi Tuo stretched out his claws and slapped the sword severely.

The frenzied force spread from the center of the collision and thunderously exploded. Then people saw that the dark epee was slapped back by Aida's claw.


Everyone was stunned.

The strength of this dog is beyond everyone's expectations.

"What a powerful dog, I didn't expect to wake up not only for himself, but also for training a pet."

"There must be some unique secret recipe, otherwise, how could a dog become such a powerful pet?"

Everyone was amazed.


"This king is not a waking pet, but his master, he is my pet."

Mi Tuo retorted loudly.

He woke up a black line and wanted to kick this dead dog away.

However, now the dog is helping himself against the enemy, and can't get angry with him, so he wakes up and transfers his anger to the dwarf **** son.


He held a rust-iron sword and slew the dwarf god.

Without the epee, the dwarf **** child would lose absolute defense, and it was a great opportunity to kill him.

The dwarf **** child is also aware of this, but the strong clashing, pay attention to an aura, if you shrink and evade, you will only lose faster.

He had to fight.

The dwarf **** child took out an epee again and used the earth swordsmanship.

"Sword Ten!"

Su Xing directly displayed the tenth form of "Dayan Sword Art".

He glanced at Mi Tuo just now, and found that he and the dark epee are not the same, no one can do nothing.

This is also normal.

Whether it is the Amitabha or the dark epee, they are both solid and immortal. Without absolute crushing power, it is difficult to win.

Therefore, if you want to decide the victory or defeat in this battle, you have to rely on yourself in the end.


Ten sword lights poured down like a horse, and the sharp sword aura covered the sky, causing the dwarf **** son to avoid it, but he was indeed tough, and he used his vigorous cultivation skills to block this wave of attacks.

However, there was a huge handprint that followed one after another.

"Countless sword fingers!"

The golden radiant bergamot, under the pressure from the sky, overwhelmed the sky, as if it had the power of destroying the world.

The most disadvantaged place for the dwarf **** child is that he only mastered a unique skill, earth swordsmanship.

This is also normal, how can the dwarf background compare with the human race?

Their faculties are so few and pitiful.

There was a boom.

The golden Buddha hand shattered the epee in the hands of the dwarf **** child, and the remaining power was a brain bombardment on the dwarf **** child.


He spurted blood, his chest was bloody, and his body was like a kite with a broken thread, falling downward.

However, Wake up did not let him go.

He used the void to shuttle to the bottom of the dwarf god, and the rust-iron sword pierced straight out, taking the head of the dwarf god.


At the moment of crisis, the dwarf **** child roared, forcibly turned his body, and held the rusty iron sword with both hands.

Jianfeng tore the palm of his hand and kept moving forward, finally piercing his body.

However, it also gave the dwarf **** child a small buffer period, allowing his head to avoid the sword, causing the rust iron sword to only pierce his shoulder.


Wake up vigorously swinging the rust-iron sword and chopped off the dwarf **** child with one arm.

"Spirit of the Mother Earth!"

The dwarf **** son ignored the injury on his body and screamed at the dark epee. He felt a strong death crisis. At this time, life-saving was the most important thing, and everything else was secondary.

The dark epee rose into the sky, trying to come and support the dwarf **** child, but Mi Tuo entangled it firmly, and said loudly: "In front of this king, can you come as you want, and leave as you want?"

"Today, no one can save you." Su Xing stared at the dwarf **** child with an indifferent expression.


He used the void to shuttle and approached the dwarf **** son again. The latter was seriously injured and his body was very disturbed. He lost another arm and his strength dropped sharply. It was a good time to kill.

"Sword Ten!"

Awaken once again played the tenth form of "Dayan Sword Art", and saw ten sword lights running through the sky, covering the dwarf gods.

The dazzling light illuminates almost half of the Scarlet Moon Valley.

When people looked up, they saw the body of the dwarf **** child, melting away inch by inch, as if ice and snow were melting. In the end, no bit was left, completely dissipating in the world.

The dignified dwarf **** son, a generation of seven forbidden kings, fell.

He still has lofty ambitions in his heart, and his future is not limited, but all of this disappeared with his death.

Wu Xiu's road is so cruel and bloody. No matter how enchanting Tianjiao, all may be strangled in the cradle.

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