Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1114: Little monk's suggestion!

The gate of the Zixiao Palace is closed and ordinary guests are not accepted.

But this kind of action did not affect people's enthusiasm for watching the game in the slightest. There was a sea of ​​people under the mountain, like a wave that spread hundreds of miles.

On the mountain, we got rid of the disciples and elders of the Zixiao Palace, as well as many distinguished guests, but Zixiao Palace could not refuse to entertain.

For example, the popular half-holy, the Holy Prophet, the saints of other forces, the saints of the family, the great saints.

In addition, the Tianjiao, quasi evil spirits, and world-class evil spirits of the major families have basically arrived on the scene.

People are divided into groups.

The older generations stay together, the younger generations get together.

Before the war, there was a lot of discussion and disputes.

A solemn and magnificent palace, located on the top of the mountain, has an excellent viewing position.

Sitting in the palace are half-sages, saints and other elder figures. Everyone outside is a big figure who can cause an earthquake by stomping.

Among them, the Half-Holy Popular and the Holy Prophet are impressively listed, as well as the palace owner of the Zixiao Palace, and many elders.

The owner of the Zixiao Palace is named "Feng Xixian".

From the outside, he was a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and a stalwart body. He had the charm of a mature man. When he was young, he was mostly a handsome family man.

Feng Xixian sat in the first seat, looking at the Holy Prophet and Half-Holy of Fengxing not far away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Holy Mu and Fengxing, you two feel that you wake up from the battle between King One, Who will win more?"

"Is it necessary to say? Naturally it is Li Jingyi! I heard that some time ago, Li Jingyi had already cultivated his physical body to the'Holy Bone Realm', and his martial arts reached the'Heaven's Power, High-level', which is now well deserved.' The first person on the Supreme King's List."

"I also heard that Li Jingyi is going to use awakening as a stepping stone, and when this battle is over, he will break through to the semi-sacred realm. As for awakening, frankly speaking, he is still tender."

Jiang Yuanfeng, the Patriarch of the Jiang family, and Zhou Tianheng, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, respectively answered first.

These two families had already made good relations with Zixiao Palace, and their own demon evildoer Jiang Tianyi and quasi evil evildoer Zhou An died at the hands of awakening and naturally hated awakening.

And because of those things, they had a lot of contradictions with the Holy Prophet and Semi-Holy Father, and they were too lazy to evade anything at the moment, and were ironic without mercy.

The elders of the other families did not speak, and were happy to watch the excitement.

"Everyone is a character with a face and a face, don't you feel naive to sing this kind of double reed?" Half-sage Feng Xing smiled coldly.

"It seems that Fengxing, do you think that wake up and win more?" Zixiao Palace Lord Feng Xixian was not angry, giving people a feeling of winning, and asked calmly.

"It doesn't matter who wins more. The battle of life and death has many variables. It's not you and me who can decide the victory or defeat by talking casually here. If this is the case, isn't your Zixiao Palace invincible? ?"

The Holy Prophet’s words were a little subtle, but none of the people here were fools. I couldn’t hear them. His last words were satirizing Zixiao Palace’s like to speak big words?

"Then wait and see!" Feng Xixian looked as if he was too lazy to argue with you.

Outside the palace is a huge square, surrounded by clouds and fog, and a scene of a fairy home resort. There are many figures on the square. Although they are young faces, everyone is very strong and exquisite.

They are the top figures of the younger generation in the Southern Territory, each with extraordinary identities.

Dong Fengxue, Su Ke, Su Miaoyin, Jie Huayu, Dong Ruhua and others are here, Zhou Ziheng also returned from Baijie Mountain, in addition to Xie Longfei and others.

What is quite eye-catching is a combination of a fair-faced little monk and a giant ape that is three feet tall and extremely burly.

This little monk was exactly Xuan Kong who had asked Su Xing for the "Infinite Array of Buddhas". The giant ape around him was always called "monkey" by him, and he didn't know the specific name.

I don't know how this strange combination got here, but it attracted a lot of attention.

Xuan Kong didn't care about this, his eyes almost stayed on the three of Jie Huayu, Su Miaoyin, and Dong Ruhua, and he never left.

If you look at the three women in this way, other people will definitely feel obscene, obscene, etc.

However, the little monk was wearing a snow-white robes, spotlessly clean, with a white face and clear eyes, which would not make people think that he had any intentions of indiscriminate plots.

People rely on clothing, and Buddha rely on gold.

Sometimes external ministers can influence a person's mind.

A beautiful girl is cute, and an ugly girl...that would be disgusting.

Standing in front of the three women, Dong Fengxue stared at the little monk Xuankong defensively. This was a subconscious action.

Although Dong Fengxue also felt that a young monk would not plot against the three women, but the other party kept staring at the three women, which made him defensive.

Wake up, but entrusted the three women to take care of him. If something goes wrong, Dong Fengxue is afraid that she will be stripped of several layers of skin.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The little monk Xuankong put his hands together and walked towards Dong Fengxue, but his eyes still did not leave the three daughters, like a cat, seeing the delicious fish, he couldn't move his eyes at all.

"Little monk, stop!" Dong Fengxue was afraid that his actions would be too stingy. After thinking about it, he said, "If you have anything, just stand there and say it."

Dong Fengxue was not afraid of the young monk Xuankong, but the monkey beside Xuankong put a lot of pressure on him.

"Donor!" With a white smile on his face, the little monk Xuankong saluted Dong Fengxue and said: "The little monk and the three girls hit it off right away, and want to lead them to convert to my Buddha."


Dong Fengxue and Su Ke were both stunned.

The little monk was too direct, and he came up with his purpose, making the two of them obviously caught off guard.

"Monk, don't think that you are dignified. I won't take you anymore. If you talk nonsense, be careful that I cut you with a knife." Dong Fengxue's face turned black in an instant.

The three daughters have a good relationship with Su Xing. Let them convert to Buddhism and become nuns?

Dong Fengxue thought this was ridiculous.

Other people around were also shocked.

The combination of the little monk and the monkey was originally very weird, but the request now made is even more incredible.

Everyone had noticed the three women in secret.

Everyone is beautiful and beautiful, and the appearance is not inferior to the saints of the major forces. If such three extremely beautiful women become nuns, wouldn't they be too violent?

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The little monk Xuankong was not angry, let alone pressing every step of the way. He just folded his hands together and said politely: "The little monk is just giving a suggestion, the donor should not be angry."


Dong Fengxue held the Dragon Blood Mo knife in his hand, acting as if he was guarding the little monk at any time. "Dong madman, forget it." Dong Ruhua shook her head. She was not afraid of anything, but today is the day of the decisive battle between Li Jingyi and Li Jingyi. She reconciled with Huayu and Su Miaoyin, all concerned about the safety of awakening and were not in the mood to talk. Other things.

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