Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1105: Late night visitor!

In the solemn mansion, every plant, one tree, one flower and one stone, are all carefully carved and valuable.

Everything here is full of luxury.

In the palace-like palace, the son of Zixiao sat in the first seat with a cold face.

There are two people sitting on the left and right sides.

One of them is the "Lan Sheng" of the Jiang family, and the other has a cold temperament and a solemn face, like a withered monk, motionless.

He is the newly promoted "Half Saint Armor" of the Jiang family.

Before Armara became a semi-sage, it was a sharp sword in the hands of the Jiang family, which secretly eliminated many opponents for the Jiang family, and his hands were bloody.

After becoming a semi-sage, he even used the word "killing" to the extreme. In three days, he killed more than one million people in the three families in the northern border of the Southern Territory and won two celestial veins for the Jiang family.

The son of Zixiao glanced at Armorian Half-Holy, and there was a sense of dread in his heart. Armorian Half-Holy was born a dead man. This kind of people only knows to kill, almost exterminate humanity, which is very terrible.

"Li Shinephew, since you are fighting Su Xing to the death on the ninth day of September, is it necessary to continue the plan of letting Armuan take action?" Lan Sheng asked.

If not necessary, Lan Sheng didn't want the Jiang family to lose the sword of Armuan.

You know, the decisive battle between Suwa and Li Jingyi, and Suwahara's assassination, are completely different things.

The former is upright and upright, and no one can complain about death.

The latter is an assassination, which is a dark deed. Afterwards, the Saint King Tianji will definitely be furious. After a thorough investigation, it is impossible for Armara to escape a catastrophe. It is a mortal fate.

"Naturally." Zixiao Shengzi was in a bad mood because of the death of the shepherd boy. At this moment, he looked directly at Lansheng and said: "Lansheng, Ming people don't talk secretly. Since cooperation, we must be sincere. The shepherd boy is dead. Doesn't the Jiang family pay anything?"

"My Jiang family also lost Jiang Tianyi, he is also a world-famous evildoer..." Lan Sheng didn't say this. He knew that Li Jingyi was in a bad mood and didn't want to tear his face with him. After all, the two sides still have a long-term future. Cooperation.

Or to put it directly, the Jiang family will depend on Li Jingyi who has grown up in many aspects in the future.

Li Jingyi's tone eased slightly, and said, "Sage Lan, we were too underestimated to wake up before, which led to the death of Tianyi and the Shepherd Boy. Now we must not underestimate the awakening. Everything should be airtight. ."

"I will fight Yu Xing decisively, and Armara Half Saint also needs to assassinate Xing Xing. This is double insurance."

Lan Sheng nodded and sighed: "Li Shinephew, what you said is reasonable, but with the popular half-sages, it will be difficult to succeed even if Armara shoots."

Both are half saints, but the strengths of Armarat and Fengxing Semishen are very different, and even Fengxing Semishen only needs a finger to crush Armarat.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter. Lan Sheng only needs to arrange Armorian Half-Saint to take action. I can assure you that the popular Half-Saint will be incapable of surviving, and within half a quarter of an hour, he will definitely not be able to wake up." Li King one.

"That's great! Half a quarter of an hour is enough to wake up and die dozens of times." Lan Sheng's eyes lit up. If he could kill Awakening, then it would definitely be worth the loss even if the sword of Armuan was lost. .

This is a great favor.

Li Jingyi will definitely need to reciprocate in the future, and when Li Jingyi has grown up, his rewards are enough to allow the Jiang family to cultivate countless Armahara Half Saints.


There are still three days before the Galaxy Flying Ship leaves Baijie Mountain.

It takes only one month to fight Li Jing, so the time to wake up is very precious, and every second cannot be wasted.

In the room, he woke up sitting cross-legged, thinking about how to make the most of this month's time to improve his strength.

"My cultivation base is five levels lower than Li Jingyi's, and Li Jingyi himself has at least stepped into the five prohibitions, possibly six prohibitions, so I need to improve my cultivation."

If you change to someone else and want to break through the realm of cultivation in just one month, it is almost impossible to do it.

However, this is a breeze for waking up.

The only thing he needs to pay attention to is how to break through the cultivation base without affecting his foundation. "According to the information given by the third senior brother, I only need to break through to the supreme level six to be invincible. However, people like Li Jingyi have many variables in their bodies. His cards are other people. I don’t know at all, it’s impossible to be as simple as on the surface, I need to guard against all of these

. "

As the saying goes, know yourself and your opponents before you can survive a hundred battles.

But if there is too little information about the enemy, it is certainly not a good thing.

But Li Jingyi's depth is so deep that even his old opponents, Tianyan Saint Son and Saint Blood Demon, don't know his specific strength, and they will definitely not be able to find out within a short time after waking up.

"Leave aside Li Jingyi for now, I will be myself first."

"After removing the cultivation base, my sword power also has a lot of room for improvement. In addition, I haven't fully digested the benefits of the nine-color glow, and I need to think carefully."

Gradually, a clear training plan emerged in his awakened mind.

At night, he was waking up while practicing in the room and was awakened by the knock on the door.

He opened the room and saw Wang Ji standing outside the door.

Wang Ji was very polite to Awakening. He received the "World Origin Fragment" from Awakening. He felt that making a friend of Awakening was the most proud thing in his life.

"Wake up, someone outside wants to see you." Wang Ji whispered, as if doing something shameful.

"Brother Wang, what are you doing? It's sneaky." Su Xing said a little funny: "Who is the one who wants to see me?"

Wang Ji swept left and right, and when there was no one around, he lowered his voice, and said in his ear: "It's a big beauty."


The first time I regained consciousness, I thought of Su Miaoyin, Jie Huayu, and Dong Ruhua, but even if they came to find themselves, they would usually go with each other.

"It shouldn't be the three of them, who would it be?" Su Xing was also a little confused. Using the holy soul, he did see the figure of a graceful beauty standing outside.

However, the other party was wearing a special white head covering, surrounded by a curtain of light gauze, blocking the holy soul's continued penetration, causing the awakening to be unable to see the other party's face clearly, naturally I don't know who the other party is.

"Please come in!" Su wakes up. This is the Shenbing Business League, and the semi-sage is living next door. He is not worried about any danger.

"Squeak!" The door of the next room opened, Jiang Qiaoer walked out, staring at Wang Ji and asked, "Who?"

"This..." Wang Ji looked embarrassed, and he deliberately spoke in a low voice, knowing that Jiang Qiao'er also lived here, for fear of causing any misunderstanding.

I don't know that women's sensitivity in this aspect is not comparable to that of a saint king-level person, but Jiang Qiaoer has noticed a little movement.

"Brother Wang, go and watch the door." Wake can't laugh or cry. He has always acted upright, and there was nothing wrong with him, but Wang Ji's appearance is as if he was cheating on someone and then caught by Jiang Qiaoer on the spot. Su Xing looked back at Jiang Qiao'er, and said helplessly: "I don't know who it is, let's take a look together."

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