
Pēng pēng pēng 砰



In the harbour, the messy gunshots and explosions, the screams of humans and the snoring of Monster have never stopped.

The giant rhinoceros is rampant in the Seaman. If it is in the unmanned environment, all the bullets can’t even wear its skin. Even the powerful weapon such as the powerful big fire arrow can only leave traces of burnt black on it. Instead, whenever the giant rhinoceros collides, there will be a large number of Seaman being hit and even trampled into bolognese.

Confusion scare fear

Faced with the terrifying giant rhinoceros, various emotions began to breed in Seaman’s mind.

“Open the gun and open the gun”

At this time, on the six Battleships on the coast, the Seamans also started the operation under the command of the adjutant. A black cannon was directed at the giant rhinoceros. In the fierce roar, a cannonball spurt out. Directly hit the giant rhinoceros.

Bang bang bang

The violent fire blasted on the giant rhinoceros.

The power of the cannon is obviously far more than bullets and rockets. It is unkind to say that six Battleships can be fired together and even a small town can be easily leveled.

The violent explosion covered almost the entire body of the giant rhinoceros. Although the wound did not appear on the giant rhinoceros, the terrifying impact of the explosion caused the huge body of the giant rhinoceros to stop.


The giant rhinoceros made an angry roar, marching through countless shells, and the huge body trembled.

“Stop this Monster and finally stopped.”

“Greatly, the cannon is very useful for this Monster.”

“We are together with Attack, all Attack, this Monster’s head”

Seeing the attack of the giant rhinoceros was stopped by the cannon, the Seamans on the Battleship were suddenly excited, and they fired more powerful shells.

The Seamans on the harbour were also sighed in relief, and they all spread around all around under the leadership of their respective units, surrounded by the giant rhinoceros and launched a crazy Attack on his head.

The violent sound of gunfire suddenly rang through the sky in the harbor.

However, there was no Seaman noticed that not far from the ground, there was an incredible ice-cold body on the face of Shanghai, and a pair of light purple Rinnegan calmed the look at the scene of Luo Tian.

“Sure enough, what is the heat of the weapon, as long as the quantity is high, it is still good.”

The look at the giant rhinoceros, which was suppressed by the cannon and then besieged by all the marines, still had a faint smile on Luo Tian’s face.

He is not worried that the giant rhinoceros will be killed by this group of marines.

As a psychic beast of Rinnegan’s animal path, unless the gods die, these psychic beasts will never have the concept of death.

“But it won’t work like this, then come back.”

Luo Tian looks at the giant rhinoceros that was completely submerged by artillery. He looked at the six Battleships that couldn’t break the gun. He smiled softly, and the both hands suddenly started a quick hand seal. Then, the right hand with the blood was still dry, and pressed hard to the ground.


A lot of white smoke exploded again.

Hearing the movement, a seaman looked down and looked around, suddenly the whole body was shocked, and his face was instantly pale.

In their horrified eyes, a large red tong was suddenly found in the white smoke that suddenly popped up. Then, a huge lobster bigger than the giant rhinoceros, they were given to them at a very fast speed. Rushed over the past.

“Long lobster is a big lobster”

“Why why there is such a big Monster”

“Can’t win, we can’t win”

“Run fast”

Seaman suddenly paused one’s head out of fear, looks at the closer giant lobster, and refused to continue the Attack giant rhinoceros, and rushed to both sides.


The giant lobster’s huge pliers waved, and nearly 100 Seaman screamed and screamed. Then, the giant lobsters completely ignored their meaning. In the pale faces of the marines, they came directly to the coast and jumped directly.


A lot of water was raised, the giant lobster jumped directly into the sea, and then a pair of huge pliers directly caught the side of a Battleship. The entire Battleship suddenly swayed, and all the Seamans above stood unsteady and fell a large piece.

And this time, Seaman suddenly reacted. The purpose of this giant lobster is the six Battleships on the coast.

“Damn this Monster wants Attack Battleship”

“I can’t absolutely let it Attack Battleship, otherwise there is no cannon, we will lose.”

“Open the gun and fire at the Monster.”

“Reporting the giant lobster on the side of the Battleship, at the dead end of the Attack, most of us simply can’t attach it to it”


Whether it’s the Seamans on the harbour or the Seamans on the Battleship, there was a burst of one’s head out of fear, and the Attack target was quickly moved to the giant lobster.

However, just how some ordinary bullets and sporadic shells can stop Rinnegan’s psychic beast?


In the horrible face of Seaman on the Battleship, the giant lobster made a strange scream, and then the huge double tongs lifted up and slammed into the Battleship.

Hōng lòng

Dozens of escaping Seaman were directly smashed into meat sauce, the entire Battleship crashed into the sky, the huge red double pliers on the terrifying Strength, in countless shocked eyes, directly the entire Battleship In two halves.

The Seamans above were screaming and unable to escape, and then they sank into the sea with the two halfs of Battleship.

“Attack Express Attack”

The Seamans on the other five Battleships were pale and screaming in horror, without the blockage of the previous Battleship, and numerous shells looted at the giant lobster.

However, the giant lobster had a huge body that sank directly into the sea. All the shells were shot in the sea, and the explosions picked up countless waves.

Shortly afterwards, the sea next to a Battleship suddenly exploded, and the huge double pliers of the giant lobster caught a Battleship and slammed it.

“how come”

On the harbour, the Seaman looked at the Battleship in two moments, one by one pale and the whole body was cold.

However, they forgot that without the suppression of artillery, they behind there is a giant rhinoceros.


The terrifying snoring made the Seaman suddenly wake up one by one, stiffly twisted, and the huge body of the giant rhinoceros, hōng lòng rushed over to them.


The screams of horror, suddenly sounded in the entire harbor, a side-by-side murder, and this began

Not far away, the look at this scene of Luo Tian’s face is slightly white, and the gasping is also a little rush.

The two pylinders of the formidable psychic spirits have almost exhausted his few Staminas.

Feeling the body of Hollow’s float, Luo Tian took out the munitions from the pocket and took it from the white teeth and ate it directly.

With the dying of the grain, the body of Hollow floated out of a new Strength, the pale face returned to ruddy, and the rapid wheezing subsided, and Stamina recovered completely.

Even more than a few times before Stamina.

“Bing grain pills, it’s a good thing, but you can’t eat too much, otherwise the body will not eat.”

Feeling the body of Strong, Luo Tian could not help but sigh and muttered.

Then, I looked at the two psychic beasts that were raging in the marine. As soon as the eyes closed, Rinnegan disappeared and turned back to the ordinary dark eyes. He turned and walked toward the town.

At the same time, the road that does not return to the head. “After the end, clean it.”

“Yes,” a respectful voice did not know where it sounded.

In the harbour, sha is still going on.

Under the two terrifying strengths of the beast, a Seaman dies and the Battleship is ruined and sank.

Gradually, Seaman is no longer thinking about Attack, but running away.

However, in Kuchiyose no Jutsu, which is completely inconsistent with the size, even escape is a luxury.

after an hour

The smoke of the two psychic beasts turned into white disappeared.

In the harbor, there have been corpses, and nearly 5,000 Seaman dead bodies are covered with ground.

At the same time, on the sea, the six Battleships have all sunk, leaving only a body and countless ship fragments on the sea.

The rich bloody smell is difficult to dissipate even in the sea breeze.

An Anbu appeared in the harbor and turned a blind eye to the numerous bodies in the harbor. The booth eyes under the mask began to sth.

“Suiton (Water Release)”

Hōng lòng

The huge water flow is like a waterfall. It slopes down from the sky and directly washes all the blood and corpses on the harbor into the sea. Then, under the pressure of the formidable water, all sink into the seabed.

After releasing Ninjutsu, Anbu disappeared instantly.

And when everything calms down, there are only traces of bombardment of numerous shells left in the harbour.

Marine force
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