The clothes on these black silhouettes are a bit similar to the uniforms of the shinobi assassination unit, but the details of the clothes are different from the uniforms of the shinobi assassinations. It is the shinobi force that Luo Tian established not long ago. ,Chinese website

Members of the shinobi force, although Strength can’t match the shinobi assassination force, but the number is large, and it is sent to the Quest by Luo Tianda, and these are the Quests assigned to the maritime management entry Pirate Ship.

Look at the shinobi troops in front of you, put on the Doflamingo corner of the mouth, who is sitting in a chair and enjoying the red wine.

“Fufurfurfurfurfuryl is the interesting shinobi force in the Shenluo Empire. It is really interesting. Baby5, let people stop the boat.”

The beautiful girl who was wearing a maid costume next to her mouth heard Doflamingo’s words, and the eyes lit up.

“Young Master, do you need me? Young Master, you can rest assured that I will finish the Quest you explained.”

Said, the beautiful girl ran out in high heels, and soon the ship of Doflamingo stopped.

11 looks at Pirate Ship, which stopped in front of the eyes, and several members of the Shinobi army showed a satisfied look. Then they went to the bow of the Doflamingo and the others. Start to talk. “The people on board gave me a good listen, I don’t care. Where do you come from, what kind of Strength, since you have come to our Shenluo Empire, you must abide by the rules of our Shenluo Empire, otherwise we will crush you like an ant”

“Boldly dare to talk to Young Master like this, don’t you want to die?”

Just after the shinobi army had finished speaking, a tall man near Doflamingo suddenly started to talk to anger, but his voice was very sharp, coupled with his tall figure, it looked very funny.

When several members of the Shinobi army heard Pica’s words, they had a strange smile on their faces, and then they began to wear a hand seal.

During the time of the implementation of Quest, members of the Shinobi army saw too many unruly Pirates. Most of the time, Pirate, who did not know about the Shenluo Empire, would not accept the overlord treaty issued by Luo Tian.

And such a person, so far, no one can live into the Shenluo Empire.

If you don鈥檛 accept it, then kill it.

At this time, when the people on the boat saw that the shinobi troops were in a state of disagreement, the faces of the people were simultaneously changing.

As a Doflamingo, they don鈥檛 know the combat power of these people.

Moreover, even if they can cope with these few people in front of them, don鈥檛 forget that they are behind, but the Imperial Empire.

Just as everyone was with swords drawn and bows bent, a strange laugh suddenly sounded from Doflamingo’s mouth.

“Fufurfurfurfurfur is really a hegemonic force. Well, you can say your rules. I accepted Doflamingo.”

When I heard Doflamingo, several members of the Shinobi army finally stopped, but they had a disappointing expression on their faces.

In fact, when Luo Tian gave the Shinobi troops a Quest, they also gave good benefits.

When the shinobi unit completes a Quest every time, it will get the corresponding merit value according to the Quest difficulty, and this merit value is the real currency of the major units of Luo Tian.

The merits can be changed not only to the goods that all kinds of money can buy, but also to the fordable equipment of the Xerma 66 family, even Devil Fruit.

For the shinobi force, there is another important role for merit.

Another point is that the most important thing for the troops is that when the members of the shinobi army are enough, they can directly pay the merits to join the shinobi assassination unit.

Therefore, at this time, the faces of several members of the Shinobi army will be such expressions.

Although the opposite side will also receive merits if they agree to fulfill the treaty, this merit has more to kill them.

That is, Luo Tian鈥檚 orders can鈥檛 be willing to accept the treaty, otherwise the members of these shinobi troops will let Pirate live alive into the Shenluo Empire.

On board.

Look at the sea is a disappointing member of the shinobi army, Doflamingo was slightly surprised, but his face still did not show.

“Well, you can tell the rules of your god empire.”

Although the members of the shinobi army were a bit uncomfortable, after hearing Doflamingo, they started to talk and said, “We have orders from our gods.

First, Pirate who enters the Imperial Empire must hand all the weapons to us for safekeeping, and we will return the weapon to you when you leave;

Second, after entering the Shenluo Empire, Pirate cannot have any conflict with the residents of the country, and then you will know it;

Finally, Pirate, which enters the Imperial Empire, must be registered, and each person must pay 100 million Berries entry fees.

Above three points, if one of you fails to do so, we have the right to kill you on the spot.”

After listening to the members of the Shinobi army, not only other people, but even Doflamingo’s face showed a dangerous smile.

“Young Master, they are so crazy, you don’t need me to kill them.”

Listening to the words, Doflamingo’s eyes under the sunglasses stunned, and then he smiled.

“Fufurfurfurfurfur is really a hegemonic treaty, I accepted it.”

“Captain 367”

“Young Master”

“Young Master”


When I heard Doflamingo, Pica and the others had a surprised expression on their faces.

In their cognition, Doflamingo has always been a person who ran against me and died. But this time, even he didn鈥檛 even see the face of Fielding Luotian.

Look at the expression on the faces of everyone, Doflamingo smiled a little, his face was a little strange.

“You listened well. This time we came to talk about business. I will give you a temper to converge on your temper. If you get into trouble, don’t blame me for solving it.”

Upon hearing this, Pica and the others immediately got Level 1 cold sweat and quickly nodded.

“Okay, this time all the cadres will go with me to see what this Shenluo Empire looks like. As for others, give me a good boat.”

“Yes, Young Master”

The entry fee for a human head 100 Wan Berries, although Doflamingo is not bad, but it is not extravagant to waste 100 Wan Berries on an ordinary crew.

On the other hand, after Doflamingo paid the money and recorded the list of immigrants, the shinobi troops were also very happy, and immediately got a boat with Doflamingo and the others into the Shenluo Empire. .
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