Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1102: despair

Chapter 1,102 Despair

As the sound suddenly came from the rear, there was a lot of figure in the back of the void.

All the roads are strong.

Of course, the strongest is the old man who is headed.

It seems that it is nearly a hundred years old, but it gives people a sense of arrogance.

He appeared.

The atmosphere of the whole world is instantly suppressed.

From the fluctuation of his breath, Jing Yunyi probably can be sure that this person is at least a six-time middle and late warrior.

It is much stronger than the pastoral scene that they saw before.

It’s just that the momentum is soaring, and the space around it is turbulent.

Jing Yunzhen and the wind smashed to see these people, the face was instantly gloomy to the extreme.

no doubt.

Neither of them thought that the people of this Fengyun Chamber of Commerce would catch up so soon.

But it is normal to think about it.

Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

In the Baizu domain, there is a certain momentum. They are originally an industry that sells all kinds of precious treasures. It is not surprising that they have some powerful treasures that can speed up their flight speed.

"Is this little miscellaneous sneak into the Fengyun world of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and stolen the Optimus Tower? You also killed a lot of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce in the Fengyun world, and even seriously injured our Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. President?"

When Feng Yunao and others appeared, Feng Yun’s eyes were directly locked in Jingyun’s body, which continued to manipulate the body and fled forward.

When I saw Jingyun’s so young age, and the martial arts repairs on her body were just the three-fold appearance of the gods, the Fengyun arrogance was also slightly surprised.

But after being surprised.

Feng Yun proud is even more angry.

Their huge Fengyun Chamber of Commerce was so upset by such a little rabbit.

If you say it.

Let him leave this old face?

"The animal husbandry is not dead?"

This is something that Jing Yunzhen and Feng Feng did not think of.

They used to think that in the stormy world, Makino had already died under the secret of Jing Yunyu, just like the rest of the people.

However, Jingyun and Fengfeng did not care about this.

It is still important to continue to escape.

Feeling that the wind is arrogant, they are getting closer and closer, and Jing Yunyi once again took out the transmission mirror.

As Jingyun’s mouth whispered, the light on the mirror was so bright that it quickly enveloped Jingyun’s and the wind.

next moment.

Jing Yun霄 and Feng Yan disappeared directly in front of Feng Yun Ao and others.

In the past, in the Fengyun world, Jingyun霄 did not use this transmission environment because the Fengyun community belongs to the extraterritorial space. If Jingyun uses the transmission environment, it is very likely that it will directly transfer itself to those turbulent spaces that are connected to the extraterrestrial space. .

That would be tantamount to committing suicide.

Jing Yunhao certainly does not dare to use the transmission environment.

Seeing Jing Yunzhen and the wind smashed in front of him, Feng Yunao and others were slightly surprised. Fengyun proudly sneered aloud: "There was such a treasure in the hands of the little shards. It is no wonder that after catching up for so long, they did not catch up." However, the more weird treasures, the harder it will be, and the president will have to look at it. You can display these treasures several times."

"Everyone, continue to chase after the president, the president wants to see, where can they escape?"

If Jingyun 霄 they can always display those transmission mirrors, then Jing Yun 霄 they have long since ran without a shadow, and will not be caught up by Feng Yun proud.

Therefore, Feng Yun proud can be sure that Jing Yunhao has limited use of the transmission mirrors, as long as they continue to track, sooner or later they will catch up with Jing Yun.


The void is another tear.

Feng Yunao and the rest of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are stepping into the torn hollow, chasing up quickly in the direction of Jingyun and the wind.

With the transfer mirror, Jing Yunyu and Feng Yu are in another position.

But at the moment.

Jing Yun's face was obviously pale.

"Hey, you are fine."

The wind is very worried.

"I'm fine, but my body has not healed, and this mirror is extremely labor-intensive. Although I have only used it twice, my mental power has been worn out a lot, and I can't continue to use it. Otherwise, I will When I was not caught up by the people of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, I was killed first."

"So next, I will tell you how to use the mirror and the mouth, then the mirror will be handed over to you."

"With your soul power, you should be able to use it twice. We strive to reach the chilly land you know after these two times."

Jing Yun's voice is a bit weak and authentic.

It is also necessary to use the spiritual power to hurry, and it takes a lot of effort to open the transmission environment. Moreover, Jing Yunqi himself has suffered from a minor injury and has not completely recovered, so now naturally it is a bit unsupported.

But escape has to continue to escape.

Therefore, Jing Yunhao had to tell the use of this transmission mirror.

The martial arts training is not low, the learning ability is not weak, and the use of the transmitting mirror is quickly mastered.

However, he is not in a hurry to use it.

Can only be used twice.

A good knife must of course be used on the blade.

Once used, his mental power is seriously depleted. At that time, I am afraid that I will use my martial arts to escape.

After giving the mirror to the wind, Jing Yunqi himself entered the Shoutian Supreme Tower, and then trusted the wind, so the Optimus Prime Tower was temporarily handed over to the custody, while he was escaping the time of escape. The Supreme Tower is relieved and tempered, and the time in the Supreme Tower is slower. It is naturally faster to adjust the body inside.


One of the land of the Baizu domain.

The wind fled wildly, and the violent looting went away.

The people at the rear Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are chasing after.

After two hours.

The people of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are catching up with the wind.

When I saw that the situation was not good, I had to use the mirror to open the distance.

Then I continued to run wildly.

In the past, naturally, many people have also encountered.

Those people are surprised.

Curious about who it is, is actually being pursued by such a powerful force.

that's it.

Two hours passed, and the wind was only one-third of the distance from the chilly land.

This time.

The wind was stunned by the wind and they caught up.


The wind is full of gloom.

I had to use the transfer mirror again.

Feng Yun Ao and others have caught up with the wind again and again, but they have been fleeing again and again, and they are all more angry.

Keep catching up.

Due to the use of the transmission mirror twice, the mental energy loss of the wind was so severe that his speed of exerting his body was slower. This time it was not an hour, and they were chased again.

"Escape, you continue to run away, I see how far can you escape?"

"And the little chop that is with you?"

Seeing the wind and the body is obviously weak and a lot weak, Feng Yun proud is also mad and deliberately laughed.

But they did not see Jing Yunxiao.

Actually ran one.

It can't help but look even more ugly.

"kill him."

Feng Yun proudly angered the people of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

The wind is a bit desperate.

Now that he is weak, he has been unable to start the mirror.

If the other person comes out casually, he may be able to solve him.

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