Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 991: Look behind

Qin Shi’s sudden movements stunned many others, and Hu Tianxiao’s thief’s eyebrows screamed low: “Boy, are you also a disciple of Jianzong?”

"I don't even understand people's words. Do you need me to translate it for you?" Qin Shi said coldly, the sarcasm of his cold words, but his movements were not sloppy, and he had a unique advantage in speed, in the blink of an eye, A residual image, the black robe arrived in front of Hu Tianxiao in the cold wind, and the fierce grasp of the palm of his hand.

Hu Tianxiao's face changed, his strength is very strong, above the moon, so it is very flexible to move one step backwards, the Qin Shi attack will be staggered, and then, when he sees Qin Shi's cultivation, he can not help but hold a big belly Laughing: "Oh, seven days? It’s a funny kid. I’m really correct. There’s no one in Jianzong. Can you even jump out of this wild species?”

& {pig + pig + island} novel www.hzuanbsp; a blow was evaded, Qin Shi is not unexpected, stopped and shouted at Hu Tianxiao calmly smiled: "More said no benefit, since you look down on me, then we are one-on-one, Can you dare?"

"One-on-one?" Hu Tianxiao stunned and suddenly laughed: "Haha, kid, are you crazy? Have you heard it? He said to be one-on-one with me."

Hu Tianxiao said, suddenly provoked the ridicule of many fraternal disciples behind him.

"The guy who is not self-sufficient, wants to challenge our big brother in seven days?"

"Just wait for the beaten floor to find your teeth."

"It’s okay to find a tooth everywhere. If you don’t want his life, it’s all of our big brother’s mercy, and it’s good.”

Not only the disciples of the blazing domain, but the disciples of the three wilderness areas, such as Haoyue and Xueyu, are all looking grim and incomprehensible to Qin Shi.

"What is the story of this little brother? Hu Tianxiao's strength is not simple. The five layers of Tianzhu, in the sacrifice of the gods, is also ranked high, so openly challenge him, isn't it asking for trouble?"

Xue Yu slightly blamed a long sigh: "Hey, look at his previous style of action, it should be a very calm person, what will happen? How can it be so impulsive?"

"Now the words have already been said, and there is no chance to recover. I hope that he is not a hot-headed person, but has a real ability. Otherwise, we will have to suffer from it. Hu Tianxiao will not let us go."

"This time the stone is too impulsive."

Haoyue is also a long sigh. He and Hu Tianxiao’s grievances are not a day or two, so he knows Hu Tianxiao better than many people.

Hu Tianxiao, for the time being, does not say how strong his man is. From his own point of view, he is a downright villain, insidious and cunning.

However, without waiting for his voice to fall, Zi Lingsha glanced at him from the side, and did not look good. "You are too embarrassed to say that he is not because of you, but to take the initiative to provoke this big man?" ”

"I...!" 皓月语塞了了.

Zi Lingsha sighed and sighed: "The stone is not a person you don't understand. The most unfortunate thing is that his friend is wronged."

After a moment of indulging, her beauty is also slightly worried about Qin Shi: "However, we don't have to worry too much. You should know him a little for so long. He is not the kind of person who does things without brains. Since he dares to fight. Hu Tianxiao, certainly a little sure... even if it is no longer good... I also have a way to kill Hu Tianxiao."

Looking at Zi Lingsha fiercely, the mouth of the moon twitched, and now he still remembers it. Before entering the center of the chaotic cemetery, Zi Lingsha poisoned the picture of Du Teng, so he was the woman in front of him. Not doubtful.

The voice of ridicule called Qin Shi to lose patience. He said impatiently: "If you talk so much nonsense, how dare you dare or not."

"I dare not?" Hu Tianxiao was angered by Qin Shi, cold: "I certainly dare, but if I win, I want all of you's points! One, not less."

The thick threatening scent stunned from the air, and the three sleighs in the distance were sobered that the disciples were obviously frowning. They knew that everyone in Hu Tianxiao must have counted them in.

"Big Brother, what do we do? Look at this situation, do we want to... Do you want to leave this first, and now you have time to run."

"Nonsense!" Snow screamed, although he was also annoyed by the impulse of Qin Shi, but he was also a temperamental person, told him to do this kind of escape, he could not do it, bite his teeth: "If it is not a small brother Our points have long been taken away by Ye Fengqi. Now the reason why we can barely save the points is because of the help of the little brothers, how can we make this kind of thing?"

"I...!" the other two shyly bowed their heads.

Zi Lingsha inadvertently looked back and smiled: "Oh, this snow is good, according to the man I imagined."

After Hu Tianxiao made an unreasonable request, Qin Shi did not rush to agree, his points are good to say, but he will not joke with other people's points, he turned back, he rushed to the moon, Zi Lingsha, and the snow 堰 three Look around.

Zi Lingsha is the first to express her attitude: "Don't look at me, I participate in the sacrifice of the gods, that is, to track you, if your points are taken, I have no need to score points, so you decide."

"Me too, I decided because you decided not to retreat." Haoyue shrugged, and a more important reason is that he did not say, that is, he also understands the words of Zi Lingsha, the reason why Qin Shi is adventurous. Come forward, mostly because of him.

How could he cross the river to break the bridge at this time?

Of course, for the two people, Qin Shi himself is confident, but he is worried about the three people, and the accident is that the snow is a smile: "Little brother, we are all dead people, If it’s not for you to save, don’t say it’s a point, can you live two things, so you can do it boldly.”

Xue Yu’s response was unexpected to Qin Shi. He nodded warmly in his heart: “Thank you for your trust, I will not ask you to trust me.”

After all, he was arrogant and replied to Hu Tianxiao: "Well, I promise you, but if I win, I want you to be here on the spot."

"What?" Hu Tianxiao's face sank, and the disciples who followed him were very angry: "I want our big brother to be self-proclaimed, boy you don't want to live?"

"Ken, or not?" To those little Qin Shishi are too lazy to pay attention, the eyes are determined to look directly at Hu Tianxiao, it is estimated that Qin Shi was irritated, Hu Tianxiao forcefully nodded: "Good, good boy, I promised You, I want to see, what do you have, can tell me to be on the spot!"

"Then don't talk nonsense, do it."

Qin Shi’s foot was smashed, and a pair of purple thunder wings were born from the bones on his back. He slammed hard and rushed to Hu Tianxiao.

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere solidified, and everyone stared at the two people.

boom! Bang!

The loud noise rang, and it sounded on the barren land. Even the eight-field disciples in the distance were alarmed, and Yu Guang’s side was slightly attracted.

A seven-day challenge to the five layers of the Scorpio is not a picture that can be seen when it is normal.

"Oh, is this swordsman's little guy quite timid?"

"Well, but here, there is no use for timidity. What's more, if you win, it is timid. If you lose, it is just a slap in the face. It is impossible to win the heavens in seven days."

"That may not be the case, I am very optimistic about this kid."

A group of people talked about it, and Haoyue was nervously screaming at the back of the sorrowful sword. He made up his mind that if Qin Shi had a slight loss, he would fight this life, and he would have to pay the price of Hu Tianxiao.

Beside him, the beauty of Zi Lingsha is cold.

She has long seen the heart of the moon, but she is unlikely to give the opportunity of the month, because she will never allow Qin Shi to have a slight loss.


From the cold wind, Qin Shi hit three palms in a row, and Hu Tianxiao's frontal impact.

boom! boom! boom!

When the three palms fell, Hu Tianxiao did not hide and not flash, and stood in front of the original face.

The gap between the five layers of Tianzhu and the seven-day world is still too large. After Qin Shi’s three palms fell, Hu Tianxiao’s silk did not move, and his wrists were obviously numb, causing his lips to twitch slightly.

"Is there too much difference?"

"If you can't do it, if you can't do it, should you change it?" The third palm was interlaced, Hu Tianxiao's face was sinister, and the fierce one stepped forward. On the occasion of Qin Shi's hand, his other hand was empty. Exploring, punching at the peak of Qin Shi is a punch.

"Cracking the sky!"

If the boxing force is fierce, the space will be shattered. From the thick force, if you hit Qin Shi, Qin Shi will lose half of his life.

"Stone!" The man in the distance stunned.

Qin Shi is also amazed, and Hu Tianxiao’s strength is much stronger than he imagined.

Seeing the level can be, he is black and shrink.

"Golden pattern body!"

A vain sway, Qin Shi suddenly turned into a residual image, two black awns that are indistinguishable to the naked eye, one left and one right, and the next one, Hu Tianxiao rolled the crack of the space to break it.


The afterimage was suddenly broken down, and even the ridiculous land with the rear was shattered out of a deep gully. However, the Qin Shi defeated by everyone was not seen. Hu Tianxiao frowned: "Is it escaped?"

Haoyue and Zi Lingsha were secretly relieved.

"This kid, a little meaning ~ Many eight-domain disciples see this scene are incredible, although they still do not believe that Qin Shi can win, but can avoid Hu Tianxiao this blow, it is already a good skill of Qin Shi It is.

"Hu Tianxiao, pick me up again!"

Suddenly, behind Hu Tianxiao, Qin Shi’s roaring sounded. He turned back fiercely. Qin Shi’s five fingers were closed, and there was a thunderbolt between the five fingers, which was printed on his forehead.

"Not long-term memory!" Hu Tianxiao snorted with the cold snoring, the soles of the feet forcefully slammed the whole body through the arm and slammed the Qin Shi.


The two fists of the wind blew directly on the sky. The splendid aura was like a fireworks, and the electric phoenix flint, many people were shocked to get up.

"Positive and Hu Tianxiao collided, this kid is not to be killed?"

Some people almost blurted out without thinking. Hu Tianxiao’s power was very arrogant. Just touching Qin Shi’s fist, Qin Shi’s arm was distorted. A group of people shook their heads in disappointment: “It’s over.”

"No, you see the back!"

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