Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 980: Zhuo Yao

"You are so beautiful."

Zi Lingsha licked her mouth, and on her citron, she raised a few points of dissatisfaction and ignored Qin Shi. Then, at this moment, a strong light suddenly broke through the clouds and attracted her and Qin Shi and Hao Yue. Looking, she screamed: "She has succeeded!"

“Is it successful?” Qin Shi was relieved as he watched Yan Ling gradually recover.

If Yan Ling has an accident, he really does not know how to explain to Xue Xin.

Yan Ling faded the disease and restored it into a white complexion. She blinked and stared at the jade hand and looked at her eyes. She excitedly rushed Qin Shi and waved: "Stone brother, I succeeded! I succeeded! We will be able to do it right away." Going to the pig & pig & island & novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{}Chaos cemetery, you can see Xue Xinjie."

Qin Shi nodded with a smile, and he really couldn’t wait.

"Then, who is the second one?" Qin Shi turned and asked the other Qing Xuezong disciples.

Yan Ling’s success has greatly encouraged this group of people, and one by one rushed to the front: “I am coming, I am coming! Don’t grab it with me!”

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, this matter is not the same. Although Yan Ling has succeeded, it does not represent the safety of this method. I will guarantee your safety one by one."

"Then let me come." A young boy came forward, his voice was still a little tender, but his eyes were very decisive. Qin Shi was a glimpse of it, and he nodded: "Okay, then you."

"Xiao Zhuo Yao, can you do it?" Yan Ling worried about the boy.

The boy nodded with great courage: "Sister Yan Yan, you can rest assured, I am not a child, I also want to pay a small profit for the Zong, I don't want to always give you trouble."


"Little guy, what is your name?" Waiting for Yan Ling to open, Qin Shi suddenly came forward, I do not know why he was full of interest in this boy.

"My name is Zhuo Yao! Big brother, you can rest assured that I am no longer a child. I am sixteen years old. I can do it." The young man's pretending appearance made everyone laugh.

Zi Lingsha also laughed unexpectedly and yelled at Zhuo Yao’s head: "Do it, little adult, then you, but you have to promise your sister, if you feel uncomfortable, you must show it. I will help you with your big brother by then, do you know?"

"I know!"

Zhuo Yao nodded, and Zi Lingsha handed the poisonous Dan in his hand to Zhuo Yao.

After Zhuo Yao took it, his face changed obviously. The pale and weak color was broken by two different toxins at one time, turning into two colors. On his skin, half was purple and half was black.

Zhuo Yao began to drive drugs. Qin Shi was very interested in walking behind Zi Ling Sha, and said: "Oh, I didn't expect Tiandu female, but also this gentle side?"

"How, no? You just want to spread my mother's love." Zi Lingsha squinted at Qin Shi, and did not have a good voice: "In addition, I have said many times, I do not like the name of the poisonous woman! !!"

"Know it...!" Qin Shi shook his head, then he turned and his eyes fixed on Zhuo Yao. He was serious for a moment: "You said, can he do?"

"Must be sure!"

Zi Lingsha responded with great certainty. This is called Qin Shi. She was very surprised and curious: "Are you so sure?"

“Yeah!” Zi Lingsha tapped the dagger, and then she indulged for a moment, saying: “I don’t know why, I have a good impression on this little guy. From him, I seem to be able to see your shadow, especially just The color of the decision is too much, although there are only a few, but this is the point, I believe he will succeed."

"my shadow?"

Qin Shi slightly frowned, but he did not notice this, but just Zhuo Yao's serious appearance, he even attracted him, so he also believes that Zhuo Yao will succeed.


The two toxins, one yin and one yang, are eternal worlds, but they are natural enemies. However, this time, they gather together and become violent immediately. Qin Shi can feel from the outside world that the strength of Zhuo Yao’s body is unstable and disordered. Great.


But suddenly, a very strange scene appeared. When the two forces were wildly shocked, a tremolo emerged. The voice was very small, and few people heard it. But after the vibrato, the two forces were simultaneously exposed, fighting for the battle. It faded and sent out a few repressed lows.

"Well? What is going on?"

"I don't know, I have never seen this situation. The two toxins in his body seem to be awful under the impact of a huge shock. Then, the thing appears, the two toxins, all Suppressed." Zi Lingsha is also contemptuous.

Qin Shi was so condensed that this scene was too strange. He had just heard the vibrato, but the time was too short, and he did not catch it.

"Yan Ling, is this Zhuo Yao, is it an ordinary disciple of Qing Xuezong?"

"You said Zhuo Yao? Of course not." Yan Ling looked at Zhuo Yao, enviously shook her head: "He, identity is incredible, he is the descendant of our sovereign."

"Well? That being said, is he the son of He Shuhan?"

"Do you know our sovereign?" Yan Ling was slightly surprised.

Qin Shi smiled and nodded. It was also ridiculous to say that, the name of He Shuhan, when he was still burning Tianzong, when Xue Xuexin and Yu Yuan played against each other, he accidentally heard it.

"Yes, you and Xue Xinjie, all Qing Xuezong knows, you know the name of our lord is not strange." Yan Ling said to herself, then nodded: "Yes, he is our lord Son."

"That also told him to participate in the sacrifice of the gods? What's more, his age is too small? This He Shuhan, it is really enough." Qin Shi is somewhat dissatisfied with this He Shuhan.

Yan Ling heard the words but smiled and shook her head: "You are really wrong with our lords. What our lords don't want is Zhuo Yao's insistence. Zhuo Yao's child is very special. Although he is famous, he never wants to be rich. The child is so embarrassed, but very approachable. When he was a child, he took the initiative to ask the lord, hoping to be like the ordinary disciples of Qing Xuezong, class, practice martial arts, practice, and then, there is no shelf, and get along with the disciples of the sect. They are all very harmonious. This time, it is also his initiative and the lord’s life, saying that he wants to participate in the sacrifice of the gods."

"At the beginning, the Sovereign was completely rejected. Later, it was because he could not stand his stalker, and Xue Xinjie and Elder Fior promised to protect his safety. The Sovereign finally agreed."

"I just didn't expect that we just got out of the sect, we separated them from Xue Xinjie, and then planted a trick of chaos. This time, thanks to Qin Shi's big brother, otherwise Zhuo Yao would do something, then we really I don't know how to explain it to the lord." Yan Ling was afraid of the road.

Wen Yan, Qin Shicai suddenly realized, if it is the descendants of He Shuhan, then the power just made it.

But he did not notice that Zi Lingsha, who was always on the side, always looked at the beauty, looked serious and looked at Zhuo Yao. She said secretly: "No, that power is not the power of He Shuhan... that power, What is it?"

Her whispered voice, no one knows, but in the end, she did not figure it out. After half a column of incense, a force of rising power, Zhuo Yao completely eliminated the toxins in the body, she was awakened, this piece Things are put aside.

"Is it successful?" Qin Shichong Zhuo Yao extended his thumb.

The people of Qing Xuezong also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, the third one." Qin Shi yelled at the disciples of Qing Xuezong.

With the example of Yan Ling and Zhuo Yao, the people behind are much smoother, and many of the details are very harmonious, so they have successfully completed the poison.

Of course, some of the disciples who are not good at all are in danger. Fortunately, Qin Shi has been protecting the law from the left and right, helping him to protect his heart with spiritual and soul power, and finally he was lucky to avoid it.

Until late at night, everyone finally completed the understanding of the poison, standing in front of Qin Shi, a living dragon, Qin Shi, this can not help but **** the mouth air.

"Oh, my embarrassment, I didn't know it before. Now they are all detoxified. I know that they are so powerful."

"Really, all of them are not in the eight-day world. There are also three people in the nine-day world. One is in the sky. If you put it on the mainland border, like the place of Baichao, it is enough to claim the king. It is the existence that can sweep."

"Well, the most important thing, this is only the last disciple of Qing Xuezong. It is really the first in the eight domains, Qing Xuezong."

Qin Shi three secretly marveled, Yan Ling and other people's true strength, indeed more than their expectations, but this is also good, their strength is stronger, then the speed of the next road will be faster.

Because the previous few days have been delayed for a long time, so after Qing Xie's disciples detoxification, one by one all proposed to hurry overnight, Qin Shi heart is eager to see so it does not make sense, everyone even got up, turned into a dozen The stream of light rushes to the center of the continent, the chaotic cemetery.

Along the way, in addition to arriving at several small cities, Qin Shi will go down and inquire about the three-leaf Bodhi fruit, and the holy Wu Xuanjing, almost non-stop, so he soon arrived at the Chaos Cemetery.

However, about the two things, Qin Shi is still Liao no gain.

The chaotic cemetery is the most chaotic place in the human world, and it is also the place where there is no difference. There are eighty-three sins of the Eight Spheres. Therefore, as soon as they enter, the strong suffocation is called Qin Shi. I frowned.

From the air of this land, Qin Shi can smell a strong **** smell.

"Here, is it a chaotic cemetery?"

Qin Shi gently snorted, from the chaotic cemetery, the crowd began to change a lot, hesitating the sacrifice of the gods, here is occupied by the disciples of the eight domains, almost ubiquitous eight domain disciples, any one That is the leader of this world.

Feel the atmosphere around, Qin Shi even some inexplicable excitement.

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