Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 945: She still needs me

When the blood wizard was trying to stop Qin Shi, he had no chance.

When Qin Shi's palm and hail are printed, the bright red blood penetrates into the hail, hesitating a very high chill, forming a thorough icicle, just connected to the chest of the little girl.

"No!!!" The blood wizard yelled: "Little guy, stop working, you are so unprepared, you will die if there is an accident!"

And how he shouted, Qin Shi always kept indifferent, smiled at him, the smile contained too many emotions.

After closing his eyes without saying anything, a very strong force broke free from this void, like a ferocious wild? Pig? Pig? Island? The novel w.uu beast escaped from the cage, the blood wizard The tremor was shocked by a strong fierce demon in the Wangshan road.

Even the shadows frowned from the outside, the hands were continuously turned, the fingerprints were shot, and the fluctuations were formed by the power of the domain. This forced the power to be controlled so that it did not break through the field.

"Amazing boy." The dry shadow is deep.

But for a moment, a full of killing eyes suddenly looked at him, calling this dry shadow can not help but be wary, when looking for the opportunity, only see the blood wizard red eyes, cold voice: "Old dog, you remember, if he does not Things, then everything is easy to say, if he has a little accident, then even if it is called my soul to fly annihilation, I want your Li family to pay a heavy price, I said to do it!"

The shadows are very embarrassing, but they are very helpless, but they have not argued with the blood wizards. They just said: "If he has an accident, it is indeed my fault, so I will definitely agree with my life. However, Li Jia, you are not hurt. ”

"Then try it!"

The two insisted on each other, but the energy never left Qin Shi, and the heartstrings were tight.

Qin Shi naturally can't smell the smell of smoke outside. When the icicle frozen by the blood connects him to the little girl, he forms an endless suffocation in his body, and blocks him and the ice.

At this point, he seems to enter an extremely mysterious state, in a virtual space, surrounded by endless darkness, and occasionally, he can hear the horror of the beast, his faint gaze.

"Here, is that Dantian of the little girl, a piece of darkness, really like a demon."

Gently whispering, Qin Shi took a deep breath. Since the blood wizard had told him the way, he naturally knew how to do it.

Therefore, he manipulated the mind and looked at the inside of the little girl. In the end, he stared at the shin bone of the little girl, the bones and bones, which was the place where the human body made blood.

Qin Shizhen looked up and saw that there was a steady flow of black blood in the cheekbones of this little girl: "It seems that if you want to exchange blood for this little girl, you must first expel the helium in this cheekbone."


He made a fingertip, and Qin Shi’s finger burned with a golden flame. He used the soul as the foundation and slowly infiltrated into the skeleton of the little girl.

Going deep into the end, Qin Shi was slightly frowning. I saw that in the deepest part of the cheekbones, there was a very voluminous group of suffocating scorpions that had penetrated into the bone marrow of this little girl.

"Hey...!" Pour the air and breathe, Qin Shi said: "In this case, it seems that I am still a little evil."

This suffocation should be the highest purity of the Qin Shishi history, except for the demon and the sky. It is conceivable that three hundred years ago, the killer of the Li family was attacked, and what position did the group have? .

Qin Shi is sure that with his current strength, he may be able to conquer the stinking lungs, but he will never be able to break the suffocation. This suffocation has been ingrained in the shin of this little girl.

However, it is not completely unexpected. Qin Shi has long realized that the disaster will never end easily. Therefore, he did not prepare himself for the words of the blood wizard.

"Call, demon, you always said, don't use it easily, but this time, if you don't use it, you may not see me when you wake up, so, sorry, I have to use it early. ""

Qin Shi squinted and stared at the totem on his arm.

Immediately, his palm turned over, and a curled black spider crawled out of his sleeve. He couldn't help but recall the picture that had just escaped from the chaotic field and the last time the demon woke up.

At that time, when he was eclipsed by the demon spirit, the demon turned his power to Qin Shi, but when Qin Shi had not said it, after that time, the demon spirit fell.

The demon did not devouring the demon spider, but instead used the fierce demon power to control the demon spider, which was hidden in the hand sleeves of Qin Shi.

Devil spirit spider, that is in the devil world, are extremely sinister things, even some of the domain's fierce demon must also avoid three points, Qin Shi looked at the devil spirit spider, faintly said: "Little guy, last time, You have made me almost die, I have never been with you, now is the time for you to make up for me, go."

Qin Shi palms up, the demon spirits found that the group of suffocating, suddenly like a hungry wolf, crazy greedy pounced, carried out bites, swallowed.

The suffocating air was almost wiped out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qin Shi’s eyes flashed in the eye: “Sure enough.”

It was also found that there was a blood wizard and the shadow of the outside, feeling the suffocation around the hail, and the blood wizard stunned: "This is, success?"

The shadow is also awkward, I am afraid that nothing in this world can be more joyful to him than watching his daughter recover.

The suffocating gas became lighter and weaker, and eventually completely dissipated from the sacrum. Qin Shi’s eyes were condensed, and the black blood flowing out of the blood veins finally showed a faint blush.


At this time, no accidental scene emerged. This little girl lost the support of the blood, and the body organs appeared exhausted in an instant. It was impossible to support those organs by human blood.

"Little girl, hold on, it will end soon."

Qin Shi Ningsu said that immediately he had a lot of blood in his palm, and when the blood flowed out, he also formed a reversal vortex at his wound, which would leave the magic blood in the little skull. Reverse inhalation in the body.

This scene is very spectacular, like a waterfall between the rivers and the rivers.

The blood wizard and the dry shadows are concentrating on the gods. They all know the final success or failure and see the result.


Qin Shi’s blood has a magical component. Although it is subtle, it is the power of the evil spirit. When the blood flows into the little taro body, the body of the little taro is obviously relieved. When the blood flows for a week, this little girl’s face On, it was a faint blush.

Seeing this scene, the shadows trembled a few times. At this moment, he did not know how many years he had been expecting: "Heaven, Heaven finally opened his eyes."


But suddenly, after the recovery of the girl, an unexpected force burst, such as a strong impact reflected to Qin Shi, Qin Shi a mouth of blood spout, the whole person was shocked to fly hundreds of meters.

"Kid!" The blood wizard is arrogant.

The shadow is also a shock in his heart. He took a step forward and was willing to catch Qin Shi. After all, in his field, he should be the master here, so in the blink of an eye, he moved to Qin Shi’s body. Before, however, unexpected images emerged.


The shadow had just reached out, and a force broke free from his field. He even gave him a shock, and his entire hand was shattered.

"Drink, this power, how can it be so strong?"

Qin Shi fell to the ground, painful mourning, convulsions, convulsions, and even blood sheds from the corners of his mouth. When the color of the blood is seen, the blood wizard is stunned, and the blood is black.

"Damn, the magic blood is again in the body, this little guy can't control the magic of the body."

"What can I do to save him?" The shadows hurt the pain and bite the teeth.

He is really grateful to Qin Shi.

But the blood wizard shook his head helplessly: "There is a **** explosion, no one can save him, only he can save him."

Hearing the words, the shadows appeared, even though the blood wizard said this, he raised his hand and sacrificed all the power in the body, and sent it to Qin Shi.

"Little guy, it’s going to go." The blood wizard gnawed his teeth.

In the darkness, Qin Shi was crazy. He couldn't control his emotions. It was like a flame that broke out.

"Kill, kill and kill!"

If someone can see the eyes of Qin Shi at this time, it will remember the night of the original moon, and it is not the same as the original.

Two times invaded by the magic blood, let Qin Shi's body be tough, it is also unstoppable, he constantly trembles, the power of layers, the destruction of the field of life.



The explosion continued, and in the mall at this time, it caused a huge wave.

Just when Qin Shi was about to die, and completely broke into the magic road, a voice, very warm, like an ethereal scorpion, sounded from the depths of his body.

"Stone, I think, if you hear my It must be that your magic has recurred. I also know that when you hear my voice, you will calm down because You said, you will think about me, always."

"From our acquaintance, I have never said anything warm to you, I have been staying alone, I have been waiting for me alone, I am sorry...!"

"Before you enter the devil, there is a paragraph, I want to say to you, to my favorite person, this life, the eternal life, the man I have to rely on."

"I still need you...!"

Hey -! Qin Shi was struggling in a sudden, suddenly, his **** red eyes faded, and a touch of warmth filled with thoughts: "Snow, snow heart."

The voice is sounded from the magical bead of the Emperor, and the voice is so weak. Qin Shi can even think of it, seeing that the snow heart is suffering for him when he is looking for the Emperor's magic bead. These, she never said.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly firmed, no longer a little bit of magical infection, very clear, just Tao.

"Yes, I can't get into the magic, she still needs me."

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