Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 929: Li Qi

Upon entering this giant tower, Qin Shi felt a strong sense of oppression, which originated from the soul and the root bone. In this giant tower, it is said that it is spiritual power, soul power, and even the power of evil spirits. He couldn't use it any more, his eyes were slightly cold: "Drink, seal the spirits, and seal the soul, I didn't expect there is a third array here? Even the power of the demon has been suppressed?"

"Well, it turned out to be a trapped demon." The blood wizard looked grim: "This sleepy demon is the array that was derived from the sacred celestial tens of thousands of years ago, and it has a strong repression against our Mozu."

"However, it is the swallowing demon who has been wounded in the body. Otherwise, relying on this half-hanging method, I also want to trap the swallowing demon statue? That is really ridiculous. Even the devil's genius created by the emperor was also swallowed. After the devil respected the wound, he barely sealed it."

&@猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.omnbsp;Qin Shiwenyan wrinkled his frown, and he was naturally familiar with it, because that was the way in which the demon was sealed in the desert town, but he did not expect This method was actually his ancestor, created by the emperor.

However, seeing the blood wizards defending the swallowing demon, the heart can not help but smile, it seems that this kind of racial power is still very strong.

"Well, as long as we don't make trouble, there are more ways to do it to us." Qin Shi smiled and immediately went to the first floor of the tower.

The first floor, the area is very wide, there is a full tens of thousands of meters here, is a trapezoidal stepped auction site, in the center of a trench, is a curved auction platform, and then around the arc, a row A row of seats, there are hundreds of rows, Qin Shi is in the 110th row, leaning against the corner on the right side, he and Xiaomi Cai found a seat, and quietly sat down.

Since he came late, just after a few moments of admission, the auction has already begun. A beautiful woman in a big red **** dress walked onto the stage from the stage with a graceful pace.

Surrounded by the extremely ethereal voice.

"Thank you all the friends who came from afar and can take time out of their busy schedule to participate in our auction to pay tribute to the auction house. I think everyone knows that this auction will have many precious treasures, so Liu Feifei will Let's talk nonsense, let's wait and see, today's auction."

"Next, the first auction item: nine products and six stripes crossing the robber!"

At the beginning, it was a rare treasure in the mainland. When a cart was pushed to the center of the countertop, Liu Feifei opened a red cloth, and a green medicinal medicine appeared in the eyes of everyone, the atmosphere of the instant auction was ignited.

The rich Danxiang, such as the March osmanthus, even the Qin Shi can not help but greedily swallowed, to know that the nine products of the six-grain medicinal herbs in the eight domains, it is also a very sought-after treasure.

And the most important thing is that this is still a very practical medicinal medicine, crossing the robbery, the temptation to the heavens is unparalleled, and the heavens are also among the continents, the most backbone, the most A huge crowd.

Therefore, when the drug was released, it was directly copied to the sky.

Originally, the starting price was only ten red beans, but within a short three seconds, Qin Shi heard a number that had broken through three digits from the deafening roar.

"One hundred red beans!"

This speed of soaring is really shocked by Qin Shi, but what makes him even more curious is what is this so-called red bean? Shouldn't it be Lingshi, or Xuanjing?

When he was awkward, someone suddenly yelled at him. The habit of growing up in these years called him an instant vigilance. A cold rushed up and called, and suddenly he heard a cry: "Drink, you." How is it so cold? I am going to freeze my baby."

Qin Shi turned back and saw a handsome boy who was famous. This was a quick convergence of cohesiveness. "You shot me, is there anything?"

"Oh, can you talk? I thought it was a cold ice that didn't melt for a thousand years." The teenager spit out his tongue and followed the slap in the face of the singer: "Big brother, my name is Li Qi, it is a three-day." I am a cultivator, I like to make friends, see your kindness and kindness, see if we have this relationship, and make a joint?"

"Not interested in."

Qin Shi’s indifference echoed, but he thought about it. He also said that he was an ice cube. Now he said that he is kind and good-looking. Is this kid sick?

"Don't be a big brother, the younger brother came to pick up a lot of things, I don't understand a lot of things. In the future, you will cover a little brother. The younger brother promises to be behind you, and he is obedient." Li Qi had no bottom line.

Qin Shi’s mouth wanted to refuse, but when it came to the mouth, it stopped. He said: “Now, I am in the mall, I don’t understand a lot of things. It’s reasonable to say that I’m new to the market, if this kid is a shopping mall native. Maybe I can really help me a bit."

Thinking of this, Qin Shi said: "Are you a local?"

"Yes, yes." Li Qi heard that there was a play, and Guagua said indefinitely: "Big brother, I said to you, it’s not that my brother is blowing with you. My brother is living in this mall for more than ten years. Many things are Clearly, what do you have to understand, even if you ask me."

"This kid is quite on the road." Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction: "Well, let's make a friend first, don't you call me big brother, my name is Qin Shi, how long you are, if not If you dislike it, call me a stone brother."

"Shi Ge!" Li Qi Mali's opening.

Qin Shi helpless, called so smooth, this kid is how many big brothers, but he did not go to ask more, anyway, he did not care, immediately thought about it, said: "Then I ask you, what is the red bean here?"

"You said red beans? This is the exclusive currency for the auction house. It is a badge made of sea stone."

"Shi Ge, you don't have to squat with red beans. This red bean is the owner of the auction house. In order to commemorate his little daughter, the circulation value of this red bean is as high as ten pieces of the next product, and the middle product. Xuan Jing is also not far behind."


Qin Shi poured the air-cooled mouth, not because of the value of this red bean, but the number of auctions that just crossed the robbery, one hundred red beans, that is not to say, it is equivalent to a thousand pieces of the next product? Such a huge wealth is that even now he has to look at it.

"The people who come to the mall to auction, can take out thousands of Xuanjing, it really is not a general generation." Qin Shi thought.

"To the big brother, you have not exchanged red beans, you dare to enter the auction here? If it is really the last shot, and finally there is no red beans to settle, it is really shameful."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi licked his mouth, he originally tried water, so I really didn't think about these things.

At this time, the auction of the crossing of the robbery had come to an end, and was finally won by one person with the value of one hundred and seventy red beans. This is called Qin Shi once again could not help but sigh: "One thousand seven hundred Xuanjing auction one It’s really a lot of rich people on the mainland.

Next, the second auction item is a preliminary rifle, and the value is also soaring. Finally, two hundred and three red beans are nailed on the board. After that, several auction items are also extraordinary. Qin Shi once again sighs this. Sacrifice the handwriting of the auction house.

Fortunately, these auctions are extraordinary, but few of them are Qin Shi’s heartbeats, so they don’t pay much attention. Instead, Li Qi’s words suddenly asked him: “Yes, you just told me, It’s a piece of ice, what does this mean?”

"This, this...!" Li Qi grinned.

Qin Shi smiled and said: "Is it right? I want to make a good deal with it before, and then I have been rejected by others?"

"That's not...!" Li Qi shook his head quickly, followed by a very proud saying: "Shi Ge, I said to you, don't look at me like this, ordinary people can't look at it, I chose to recognize you. Big Brother, that's because you look very domineering. I have a smell on my body that attracts me. I can smell it, and I will feel like you are going to make a big earth-shattering event. Come."


A burst of speechless, Qin Shiquan when Li Qi is praising him.

At this time, the blood wizard said: "Little guy, he didn't lie. This little guy has a breath of breath. He does have a kind of strength. I can't say this power, but it seems to be related to our Mozu. Because of this power, he only feels your kindness."

"real or fake?"

When it comes to the Mozu, Qin Shi is serious.

"Well, I have been observing him for a long time. He has been looking at you since he entered the auction. He didn't sit on your side when he started. He was seated and seated."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi blinked, and he had all his heart and soul focused on the auction site, and the giant tower, and the ferry, but did not pay attention to who was sitting on his side.

"It seems that this kid is talking to is not as simple as he said."

Qin Shi used to be wary of it, but the blood wizard said: "You don't need this. He is not malicious. You should be clearer than me."

Qin Shi wrinkled his frown and repaired his current soul. Even if he could not use the soul in this giant tower, he could be sure of the five senses. This Li Qi deliberately made a good relationship with him.

This is called Qin Shi to relax a lot, I thought: "Let's take a look, I hope he does not have a purposeful contact with me, otherwise..."

In the eyes of Qin Shi, there is a murder machine.

Then, he calmly rushed to Li Qi: "Then you said who is like ice?"

It seems that Li Qi is very embarrassed about this matter. He grabbed his head and said: "This, this... well, since I have recognized you as a stone brother, then I am not satisfied with Shige, you are actually the last auction. When I was meeting, I was sitting next to a girl. The girl and Shi Ge gave me a very similar feeling. I only looked at her and fell in love with her. I thought, I must take her. Chasing the hand, just the result... The result... Hey, people have never said anything to me from beginning to end."

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