Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 900: Locking nail

Contemplative, Qin Shi recognized nod, and instead of such a purposeless search, it is better to directly wake up the undead old road, and then see if you can get any clues from his mouth.

After deciding, Qin Shi took a deep breath and went to the immortal body. He followed the ten dragons. Only this time, he did not devote himself to the illusion. After all, the blood wizard had just had some influence on him. He I don't want to be out of control one day, because of the influence of suffocation, he still has a lot of things to guard, and three women waiting for him to honor the agreement.

The blood wizard also saw this through, because Qin Shi was able to listen to his persuasion and felt a little gratified.


 , pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda; under the pressure of the dragon, the suffocating gas in the undead old body gathered into thousands of poisonous snakes, fully guarded at the entrance of the nine spiritual veins, and competed with Qin Shi.

Qin Shi frowned and sneered: "Hey, still want to resist? I can destroy you once, then you can destroy you for the second time!"

"Give me broken!"

The stunned male sound spouted from the throat of Qin Shi, and the ten dragons appeared to be violent and the strength was obviously strengthened.


Under the strong attack, several times they collided with those poisonous snakes, and they were oppressed by Qin Shisheng. It was the spirit of ten dragons penetrating the undead old road. The final group gathered in the vicinity of his spiritual crystal and occupied the middle of Dantian. Part of the territory.

"Hey, give it to me!"

Qin Shi’s body jumped and rode on the dragon’s dragon head. He came to the predecessor’s Ling Jing and followed him with a big hand. He was based on the demons totem and became a huge whirlpool. To the broken sputum swallowed the belly.

Then he condensed a piece, about the size of the fist-sized helium crystals handed to the blood wizard, once before, this time the blood wizard is a lot calmer, there is no shame before the crystals are swallowed.

When Qin Shi saw it, he smiled with satisfaction and followed him without opening his mouth. Instead, he lowered his head and began to sweep the Dantian, who was not dead.

During some explorations, his heart was secretly shocked. He had to say that this is not a dead old man. It is really very powerful. He is the one who has seen the highest soul of the soul in the past years. This is definitely not his.

Among the undead old Dantian, there have been three veins that have become palaces, and the Lingwei that was born is very rich and pure. Even if it has been occupied by suffocation for a long time, the aroma is so tempting.

"It's no wonder that it is called the old monster. With his talent, it's a fight with you. It's all enchanting." The blood wizard screamed.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly, he can see it, how can he get rid of the enchanting word, but he is relieved anyway, after all, people are always vain, listening to being praised by others, how much will be happy, Qin Shi not excluded.

However, he understands what is not arrogant, even though everyone praises his talents, he knows that he has a few pounds, at least in terms of his current cultivation, wanting to chase, and The 溟 group contends, and that is still too much.

Therefore, he still has to work hard.

"First wake up this old guy, otherwise continue to do this, you can only kill him." Qin Shi raised his hand and never succumbed to the spiritual crystal of the dead, followed him with the soul as the medium, grafted to die. The old road knows the sea.

Here, it is a vast territory. It looks like it is about 500,000 meters. It is not far from Qin Shi’s knowledge of the sea. It is only in this 500,000 meters that the soul fluctuations are very strong. This is Qin Shi and his inability. Oh.

"Is this the eight-curse magician's knowledge of the sea? It's terrible."

Imagine that the control of 500,000 meters of wind and grass, and has a meticulous soul reserve, which is absolutely terrible for ordinary people.

Qin Shi secretly admired, but the blood wizard smiled: "Little guy, don't worry, one day, sooner or later, you will have such a sea, and I feel that it is only a six-character to repair your soul. It can be compared with many seven curses. If you really reach the Eight Curses, you should be stronger than here."

Qin Shi stunned, and could not help but smile. But in that smile, the confidence that was exclusive to him was not hidden. He nodded: "Well, I also believe that there is still a way to go during this period. Walking."

"If you want to be a dragon and a phoenix, don't bitter, how can you do it?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi’s heart is also very clear, but he smiled freely and did not go to any more words, but turned his vision to the vast sea of ​​knowledge of 500,000 meters.

"The old guy's body is a bit weird. You must wake up his mind a little faster, otherwise it will be a while, and wherever it will come from, it will block his spirit."

I secretly thought that Qin Shi began to speed up. If this kind of hard work is handed over to others, even if it has the power of eight days and nine days, and wants to find one person in the area of ​​500,000 meters, there is no three days and three nights. I am afraid that there will be no result, and this is still a good luck situation. After all, this range is too broad.

Fortunately, Qin Shi is different from ordinary people. Although his knowledge of the sea is less than 500,000 meters, after the full expansion, there are also more than 300,000 meters. Therefore, for this 50 meters, as long as the central point is far away, Surrounded by 200,000 meters, you will gain something.

And his luck was good. He walked for half a quarter of an hour in the boundless sea of ​​knowledge. A very faint shadow and remnant soul was mapped in his knowledge of the sea, causing his black scorpion to slam open and his mouth soft. Raise: "Here?"

In other words, he is like a sharp arrow on the bowstring. After a trembling humming, the foot is stepping on, and the southern part turns into a thunder.

When he stopped, he was already in a very dark corner. Here, there was a **** altar formed by phantom, above the altar, a cross that was branded with black Sanskrit, with a lock on it. The soul nail penetrates and nails an old man who cannot see the appearance.

The old man lowered his head, unkempt, very filthy and wolverine. If it wasn't at his mouth and nose, Qin Shi could feel the faint air, fearing that he would have died.

"Good cruel means." Qin Shi hearted fiercely.

The blood wizard nodded. "Well, this kind of means is really shocking. It seems that I guessed it well. This old guy is not as simple as a suffocation."

"And, I can feel that the old guy's vitality has almost been wiped out. If it is not the body that is controlled by his soul, I am afraid that he has already been obliterated. Now these suffocating spirits are completely forcing the soul to call him. Live it."

The Qin stone chills and condenses, and the meaning of a smother flashes.

Although this is not a long way before the old road, the harm of Xiaomi Cai is hurt, but that is not his intention. On the contrary, all these real behind-the-scenes are the fierceness.

"Let him wake up first and see if he can ask some clues."

Qin Shi cold road, the body flashed, one step jumped to the top of the altar, his eyes fixed from the four chains of the imprisoned old road, followed by a big hand, hollowed down.


The four chains broke directly under the huge fluctuations. Qin Shi then put down his body and stopped from the cruel cross. The five fingers opened and a huge suction was prepared to remove the nails nailed to the soul of the undead old man.

But at this time, the blood wizard hurriedly stopped him: "Little guy, no first."

"Well? Why?" Qin Shi frowned.

The blood wizard looked at the old road for a moment and then sighed: "I have said before that the old guy's vitality has long dried up, and he is still able to survive, relying on these locks."

"These locks of the soul, although it is to block his soul, but it has played a role in the spirit of the soul, if it is his current state of the soul, once these locks are pulled away, his soul will be scattered, so if you In doing so, it is not helping him, but it will kill him."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi was quite surprised, but when he looked at it carefully, he did find that the soul of this undead old man was miserable. From the outside to the inside, he discovered that the soul of this undead old man has lost the power of aggregation, the soul of ordinary people. Between, with a very strong traction, it will not lead to the soul flying, and this traction is not in the body of the undead, but it is not half a point.

This is really troublesome.

"What should I do?"

"First think of ways to cure his soul. Otherwise, even if all these suffocates are dispelled from his knowledge of the sea, he will not wake up at all, but will die directly."

Qin Shi was quite helpless and shook his head: "I really owe him."

But he did it according to the words of the blood wizard. After all, he still has a lot of things to learn from this undead old road, but he can't let him die so easily.

Fortunately, although the old temperament is quirky in these years, but in the bamboo forest of Miantan, it nourishes many herbs that heal the soul. Qin Shi regains his mind, and after sweeping around, there are dozens of eight products, nine products. Soul herb on the.

He crushed these herbs, and took the opportunity of Ganlin rain showers, grafted in the soul of the undead old road to know the sea, to use his own for the furnace, to refine the medicinal fragrance, and to send the medicine into the soul of the undead old.

This over-named has lasted for half a day, and the soul of the undead old man in the sea of ​​knowledge is gradually emerging from the state of the virtual shadow, and Qin Shi is relieved.

"Is it almost?"

"Well, now you can try to wake him up."

"Forget it, I am still a little bit safe, I am helping this old guy once." Qin Shi is still slightly worried. In the periphery of the undead old road, set up an extremely powerful lock soul array, this is a lot of peace of mind.


Everything is ready, his five fingers produce great power. From the sea of ​​the dead, the index finger quickly falsifies for three weeks, and all the locks of the locks are removed.

Hey! Hey!

The slightly magnetic metal sounded, Qin Shi regained his mind, and then noticed that the face of the undead old man began to recover, flashing a few faint luster, and the old eyes were quietly disappeared, which revealed the joy.

"Did you make it?"

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