Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 895: Emerald

Just outside the bamboo forest, a touch of fragrance was swept by the breeze and then flowed into the nose and mouth of Qin Shi. The rich soul of the atmosphere called his heart to admire: "It seems that the Tong brothers did not lie to me, here is really the soul of herbs. The treasure land."

"With this medicinal scent, the grass that grows in it will help me to make a leaps and bounds in the power of the soul." Qin Shi secretly thought, and Xiaomi Cai and two people walked into the bamboo forest.

But when he arrived at the front half of the bamboo forest, Qin Shi frowned, and pulled Xiaomi Cai, called Xiaomi Cai, and curiously said: "Hey, what's wrong, don't you go in?"

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "There is definitely going in. There is a rare soul herb here. I don't want to give up this opportunity, but if it is such a sneak, (pig) (pig) (island) (fiction) www. I am afraid I will not suffer from it."

Xiaomi Cai smashed Liu Yanmei, indicating that he was puzzled.

Taking advantage of her innocent and ignorant look, Qin Shi smiled and licked her head, and immediately did not explain anything, but lifted the five fingers and gently licked outside the bamboo forest.


Then, a light layer that is indistinguishable to the naked eye rises along the periphery of the bamboo forest and becomes a huge fortress. It firmly blocks the bamboo forest.

Under the rise of the light layer, a colored butterfly just flew into the bamboo forest, and the beautiful butterfly wings, in the view of the two, were cut into powder.

Xiaomi Cai was shocked and quickly returned a few steps to hide behind Qin Shi: "My sister, what is this?"

Qin Shi is very calm, his eyes are gazing from the light layer, and a closer look can be distinguished from the light layer. The light layer is composed of a very sharp wire. These wires are very thin, but they are injected with strong Spirituality makes it extremely sharp. It is feared that Xuanjing Hantie will be cut into powder if it is thrown into it without defensive blessing.

"A terrible gold enthusiasm."

With Qin Shi's understanding of the enchantment of the law, I can see at a glance the origin of this light layer. The golden enthusiasm is the superior array. After all the expansion, it is like a canary cage. The inside and outside will be completely separated by the thread. It is a very horrible array.

"It is no wonder that this undead old man is called an old monster. He uses this kind of method at his own door. Although the outsider can't enter, he himself is very difficult to come out. This character is indeed strange enough."

However, this method may have a full deterrent to the outsiders, but for Qin Shi, who knows the law well, it is not a problem to enter the bamboo forest.

Everything can be broken, there is attack and defense, there is no absolute saying in the world.

This is the first sentence that Qin Yu said to Qin Shi when he was teaching the Fa. It is also because he knows this well. He is worried about the bad town. Those formations seem to be firm, but they all have their own defects.

The flaw of this gold scorpion is that his action surface is too broad, and it is a comprehensive blockade of the bamboo forest in the semi-circle, which will result in a limited power at a certain point. As long as you find the point of force, and then hit it all the way, break it and break it all.

Knowing this, Qin Shi is not eager to break through. Instead, it is very leisurely and Xiaomi Cai is surrounded by a circle around the bamboo forest of Miantan. It must be said that this bamboo forest is really beautiful, and the unique night view of the city that never sleeps is simply Fairyland.

"If there is a chance in the future, it is a very happy thing to find a beautiful and comfortable place to raise the sky." Qin Shi couldn’t help but think that the corner of his mouth showed a pleasant smile, but the smile only lasted for a while. He was smashed by several figures flashed in his mind, and his eyes were slightly condensed: "Just, before that, you must pay the price of the chaotic domain and the squad, and you must wake up the jade sister and take back the snow heart. In this way, the family is a reunion."

He sighed, and at this moment, a small pink hand reached into Qin Shihuai, Xiaomi Cai grabbed the corner of Qin Shi’s clothes and suddenly raised his head. He smiled sweetly: “Hey, I believe you, will definitely One day, we will all receive such a place, there is no dispute and killing place, there are jade sisters, there are Luosha sisters, there is also the big iceberg of Xuexin, and then there is no worries, so I have been living quietly. I always believe in you."


Qin Shi is slightly lost. If this is for someone else, he may only be touched. As for Xiaomi Cai, he is the first time to hear it. For this reason, he is more gratified when he is moved. This little girl is finally long. Big.

He licked the hair of Xiaomi Cai: "Do not worry, it will be, and I believe that day will not be very far."

After all, he looked up and he and Xiaomi Cai had come to the bamboo forest, in a very remote corner. In front of this corner, there was a huge rock, three or four people high, and it was covered with emerald green. Moss, it can be seen that no one has touched it for many years.

Feeling the fluctuations around, Qin Shi’s strange smile: “Is it here?”

According to the close circulation around, and with a somewhat viscous atmosphere, Qin Shi can conclude that the blind spot of the gold scorpion is here. For this reason, his big hand spreads out from the chest, first gathers a counter-current deep purple. Lei Guang, waving at the boulder.


Unexpectedly, the thunder was turned into a brontosaurus. Just after a moment of heavy slamming on the boulder, the gold scorpion squad suddenly burst into waves, like the huge vortex that could swallow all things in the world, and drove the brontosaurus into it. In the deep sea.

This time, Qin Shi accidentally said: "Before this law, is there a blessing of the power of the soul? I am a little unruly."

He found that it was indeed a blind spot for the gold scorpion, but there was a small soul defense array on the outside.

Spirituality and soul double enchantment, this is what Qin Shi did not think of, and can do this, then this is not a dead old, and it is not a mortal.

“No wonder, the city’s evaluation of this person is so superb.”

Qin Shi secretly, but the same reason, if it is changed to an ordinary person, even if it is an enchantment that is extremely researching on the spiritual aggression method, at this time, it may not be possible to break the bamboo forest of both the offensive and defensive, not to mention the attack and defense knot. The world is two completely different logical ways. Few enchanters or strategists can master at the same time. Just a soul enchantment will shut out countless people.

However, Qin Shi is very human, he just has the power of spiritual power and soul, and his accomplishments in the enchantment formation are also pure and pure, even the blood wizards must be called enchanting, this little trick is Can't help him.

Knowing the situation in front of him, Qin Shi first indicated that after the retreat of Xiaomi Cai, if it was only the spiritual power, he would not worry too much, but with the power of the soul, he was also afraid that Xiaomi could be affected, Xiaomi was a little bit Head, also surprisingly step back.

"Let me come and meet these two formations!"

Then, Qin Shicai's eyes were cold and the left and right hands were spread out at the same time. Among them, two different power fluctuations were raised, one was purple thunder, and the other was a golden flame.

When the two reached their peak, Qin Shi’s palm suddenly tumbling, and the two forces were simultaneously countercurrent in a way that was beyond common sense.

If there is an outsider who sees this scene, I am afraid that it will fall below the glasses. I mistakenly believe that Qin Shi is going to commit suicide. The counter-current spiritual power and the soul power are all against the sky, but Qin Shi masters the gods, and masters this. It is very smooth.

"Give me broken!"

Everything is ready, Qin Shi both hands at the same time, almost indiscriminate, Lei Guang and Jin Huo suddenly produced a strong blasting sound on the boulder, the beginning of the soul's defense enchantment also tried to resist, set off a stormy wave, But in the blink of an eye, under the burning of the golden fire, it was dry and the whole boulder was blown up.

The Soul Defense Array was broken, and the gold scorpion smashed under the purple brontosaurus for a moment, and lost the power of resistance. Like a canary canary, it was cut off by the brontosaurus.


The golden cage of the entire bamboo forest was turned into ashes under the eyes of the two people. Xiaomi Cai cheered from behind: "Hey, what is it? You want to stop us with this little trick? Dream!"

Qin Shi smiled bitterly. Everything was very smooth in Xiaomi Cai. Only he knew that it was not easy to break the two big arrays. He had already shed fine sweat on his forehead, but he was quietly wiped by him. went.

"This is not a dead old man, it is not simple. It seems that I will act carefully, but I still have to be careful." Qin Shi secretly said in the heart, and then two talents entered the bamboo forest with Xiaomi Cai.

In the bamboo forest, everywhere is full of dark and fragrant, occasionally a few pairs of crickets come out, the screaming is also ethereal, very graceful.

While walking into the bamboo forest, Qin Shi did not offend, but politely stood outside the bamboo forest and gently shouted: "Excuse me, can the predecessors be there?"

He screamed three times in a but he didn't respond at all. This made him look a bit strange: "No? Impossible, the gold scorpion is not closed, how did he leave this? ?"

He thought about it, but he was suddenly interrupted by the sweet smile of Xiaomi Cai in front. Xiaomi Cai was kneeling in the bamboo forest. There was a ghost grass in front of her. The top was flashing with a creamy white halo: "Hey, look at it." This flower is beautiful."

Qin Shi looked side by side, and for a moment, his eyes shrank violently, and the whole body was the same as the electricity: "This is, the emerald flower?"

As he did, he couldn't help but feel the heartbeat when he saw the emerald flower. It is obvious that the origin of this flower and grass is extraordinary, and the fact is the same. This flower has been seen in books, but it is a semi-prestige. Linghua, who has a strong innate mind, has a great effect on nourishing the soul.

Even he dares to say that if there are two kinds of green fragrant flowers, it is enough to tell him to break through the six curses and stabilize at the level of the seven spells.

The excitement has not lasted for too long, and a violent sense of crisis suddenly came from behind, calling him a sharp look and fiercely going back.

Then, a dry shadow shocked him.

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