Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 893: crazy

The old man frowned, apparently did not expect that Qin Shi would really block his third palm, but he also said it was a word and a letter, he said: "That is nature, my crane peak is always counting."

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Qin Shi raised his hand to hold the fist, until he saw that Hefeng was holding Li Minghao to leave, he was relieved in his heart.

Just three palms, one palm is better than one palm, one by one, continuous, very strong, Qin Shi has now suffered internal injuries, if this crane peak continues to entangle, in the case of not using the power of evil spirits, he really dare not say Can safely get out.

But here is not a hundred tides, but a city that never beats the hundred tides, the pig-pig island-fiction. Once the power of the evil spirits is used, it will surely give birth to the incident, which is the last thing he wants to see.

When I think of this, I am afraid that I will be afraid of my heart. Therefore, I have a deep understanding of the truth. That is, there are people outside, and there are days outside.

Even after years of experience, he created Qin Zong, arrogant and arrogant, and claimed to have extraordinary talents, but this time he just left Baichao and met a guy who was enough to kill him.

"It seems that after going out, I still have to be careful. My current strength may be able to dominate the tide in the hundred tides, but once I leave the hundred tides, nothing is wrong." Qin Shi thought in his heart, but also At the same time, he clenched his fists, and a belief that he wanted to become stronger sprouted from the bottom of his heart, and then he became more and more fierce and out of control.

"A night city, just an old man, can make me convinced, and how many night cities are there on this vast and innocent continent? How many opponents I can't resist? 溟 group, chaotic domain, both forces, all It is above the night city, it is the supreme power of heaven and earth. If you want to be enemies with them, I have to be stronger." Qin Shi sighed and immediately spread his palms. Jin Mang flashed from the palm of his hand, affecting the darkness of the black scorpion: "Now, the spiritual power is sealed by two big locks. I don’t dare to unblock it for a while. It seems that I want to be within a short time. Become stronger, only to find a breakthrough in mental strength."

Although Qin Shi’s spiritual power has fallen behind in the world of upper-level people, he has never been troubled because he knows what his strengths are, the spiritual power that ordinary people don’t have, and the spiritual cultivation for these years. He has never been scorned. After all, if he encounters the same spiritual accomplishment, if he masters the spiritual power, the victory must belong to him.

Over the years, he has tasted the sweetness from his spiritual and spiritual powers, and therefore he will not give up this unique power.

"I have been in the Six Curses for a long time. I haven’t made progress since I left the chaotic domain. I have been busy with all sorts of trivial things. It’s really a lot of backwardness. If I have a chance recently, it’s time to take time and sort out Know the sea and make more progress."

He thought in his heart, and at this time, the streets were once again confused. The three-storey and three-storey merchants who had gathered in the middle of the Qinshiwei area had retreated and gave a narrow path from Qin Shi.

Then, with a slightly familiar voice, Zhang Yang’s pass into Qin Shi’s ear: “Mom, who is not a long-eyed guy, dare to make trouble in my city that never sleeps? Is it not dead?”

Qin Shi frowned and raised his head, followed by a picture of two huge waist circles from the crowd: "Is they?"

These two people, isn't it the two guards who blocked Qin Shi at the gate of the city during the day? The two men entered the crowd very imposingly, and the vicious gods looked around at the vendors. A group of vendors quickly pointed to Qin Shi: "Adult, don't look at us, this It has nothing to do with us, it’s the kid who is in trouble."

"Who is it, call me."

The two men looked up and raised their heads, but followed them and looked at Qin Shi. They all ate in the same place, and suddenly disappeared with the majestic momentum, as if they had met ghosts.

"Damn, how is this kid again, today, our brothers are not stepping on shit, how can it be so bad?" One whispered.

Another person quickly said: "What to complain about, hurry down, let us go back, just don't see him, hurry up."

"Yes, right, didn't see, I didn't see anything." The two self-hypnotized, turned away from the crowd, and the group of merchants who looked at each other looked at each other with a look of ignorance and incomprehension.

Qin Shi couldn't help but laugh, and coughed: "I said two, since I came, I wouldn't say hello, isn't it good?"

When they saw Qin Shi, they found themselves, and they turned their heads back to the scalp. One person smirked and said: "Hey, adult, it turned out to be you, our brother just didn’t see you, now I’m also calling, you continue to bring With your daughter playing, there is actually a lot of fun in the city that never sleeps, we will not bother you."

In the end, the two brothers wanted to open, but Qin Shi waved his hand and controlled the pace of the two, so that they could not advance in one step.

"Hey, adults, you see what you are doing, don't be impulsive, the world is so beautiful, you are so violent, this is not good, not good." One person's ass.

Qin Shizhen smiled and said: "Yes, this kind of temper is really bad. Who said that I just dare to make trouble here?"

"Ah?" The two guards suddenly choked, and one person stunned another person, whispered: "I blame you, tell you, don't say anything after going out, this kicked the stone, right?" I see what you do."

"I, I...!" The guard guarded this sorrow, but the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, but had to pay a smile at Qin Shi: "Hey, adults, it was my fault just now, you see, this is not big. The water rushed to the Dragon King Temple. Our brothers don’t know that it’s you. If you are, if you borrow a lot of courage, we don’t dare to talk to you like this, yeah.”

In a word, the man retired from the guard next to him and asked him to go back to God and greet him: "That is, how dare we."

Qin Shi took advantage of the two of you, I can't help but feel helpless. This kind of guard is also drunk.

The two men sang like a double spring, and one person also made a few points to be inaccurate for Qin Shi: "Adult, you said, who is it, which one is not long-eyed, dare to provoke you to be angry, you tell me, our brothers help You pack him up."

"Oh?" Qin Shi looked at the two people with deep thoughts: "I am afraid, I said this person, you two can't clean up."

"Oh, I don't believe it. In this city that never sleeps, is there anyone I can't clean up with the Tong brothers? You said, who is it, my boy, and my brother, Tong Tong, have done it for you." I vowed to pat the chest.

"Li Minghao." Qin Shi faint.

"Hey?" But in the next second, the faces of the two brothers of Tong's changed. There is still a little bit of momentum just now, like a piece of eggplant that is beaten with frost, a look of bitterness: "Adult, you, you are not kidding. Master Li, are you offending him?"


Affirmed, the two quickly waved their hands: "Adult, we can't manage this matter, you have provoked Li to survive even, it is really the first person who never sleeps in the city, we will not join you in this excitement."

"How? You are not saying that this city does not have people who can't clean up your brother?" Qin Shi eyes cold, cold channel.

Tong Tong was obviously unhappy, and he stunned his eyes. "When are you full of hairy hair, when can you change it? I am behind you, and you will be killed sooner or later!"

Immediately, Tong Tong was serious at Qin Shi: "Adults, we can't really manage this. If you still kill us, if we provoke Li Li, it is better to die."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned. After just one thing, he thought that Li Minghao was just a rich family and a little overbearing. But now even the two city guards are so afraid of him, it seems that he is still a small man. This is the identity of Li Minghao.

"I don't bother you, you don't have to help me clean up this Li Minghao, but you have to answer a few questions truthfully. Otherwise, I promise that you will be miserable than the offense of Li Minghao. Do not believe, by you." Qin Shi opened his mouth, one hand has been entangled with a golden halo, which also contains a few magical illusions, called the eyes of the two brothers, the eyes are a bit scattered, as if I saw a very terrifying picture, and I was full of breath.

After a while, Qin Shi retracted his hand, and the two men gathered in the eyes and stunned. "Large, adults, you ask, what do you ask, we will tell you."

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the direction of Li Minghao and He Feng, and said: "What is the origin of Li Minghao? Why are you so afraid of him?"

The two looked at each other and the young boy said: "The adults don't know. He is the only son of our city's Li Tan. Li Tancheng is very fond of If anyone dares to hurt him, then It is no different from suicide."

"He is the son of Li Tan?" Qin Shi was quite surprised. He said in his heart: "No wonder, even the guards in the city are so afraid of him."

But this is not a mystery in Qin Shi’s heart. What he really does not understand is: “The emperor is breaking the law, but he is still guilty of the sins. Why is he so rude, but you are so indulgent? And, I see his eyes, not The kind of cynical young master is very innocent, and no one is trying to discipline him?"

"I don't know what adults are, but Li is not like this. It is a very considerate child. He is kind and thoughtful. Whenever there is a natural disaster, he will persuade the city owner to open a warehouse. The people in the city also love him very much. Thanks. he."

Hearing this, Qin Shi is even more puzzled: "Why is that, now it will become like this?"

After a moment of hesitation, Tong Qing was very helpless and sighed: "All this is three years ago. Master Li was seriously ill. He almost had the life of Master Li. The city owner invited all the famous doctors around Wanli. This will bring Li to pull back a life from the gate of the ghost, but his life is saved, but Master Li is also crazy."


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