Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 887: March ease

Qin Shi heard a moment, but if it was a demon, he thought it was very possible. He couldn’t help but smile: "Oh, it seems that the demon guy, although he is sleeping, does not forget to give him The little niece sent a gift."

"Well, this little girl is very cute. I only have a little more in a month. If you see you, you will know that you are coming back. This kind of spirituality is the most important thing. Many young people in the field do not have it. If you cultivate carefully in the future, you will definitely There is no small achievement, even if you surpass you, it is very likely." When the blood wizard looked at Xiao Jinyan in Qin Shihuai, the magic eyes that were full of blood and violence were also flashing mildly.

During the days with Qin Shi, he also changed a lot because of his influence.

Qin Shi Yaodao>Fiction www.zuzud shook his head: "Whatever the achievement is, if it is the body of a man, then she wants to sway the world, I will definitely support her without hesitation, the boy eats bitter, and is tired of anything. It doesn't matter, but girl, I don't want to see what happens to her, as long as she can learn to protect herself, like Rakshasa, gentle and virtuous, and find a man who loves her and hurts her."

"Oh, what do you say, how do I listen to my daughter who is not distressed, is it like to praise yourself?" The blood wizard screamed.

Qin Shi shrugged and laughed.

"How about Jin Yan?"

Love the woman is heart-breaking, Qin Shi smiles, Yu Luozha from the side quickly rushed to ask.

"Don't worry, Jinyan is good." Qin Shi told the situation to Yuluo, Yuluosha is not very concerned about the talent of Jinyan, but it is not a big hindrance to hear the golden words, and the heart that has been hung is slowly put down. Long sighed.

In the days that followed, Qin Shi stayed in the Qin family in the desert town and stayed with him at the side of Yuluo. Although the two were together for a short time, they might have to separate again, but he wanted to be limited. In the time, give Yu Luosha unlimited care.

In the meantime, Yuluosha's eating, drinking and living, all accompanied by Qin Shi, this sudden happiness called her to be somewhat uncomfortable.

One night, the stars of the sky are twinkling, like the clear words of the golden words hanging, the non-stop 眨 眨 ,, watching the two gentlely.

Yuluo's delicate body nestled in Qin Shihuai, Qin Shi's black robe has been supplemented by jade Luo brake, before the sewing, Yu Luochao was mentioned, want to change the new clothes for Qin Shi, but was rejected by Qin Shi This black robe, although it seems to ordinary people, is just a very ordinary dress, not as strong as the armor of the black iron armor, not as strong as those who have blessed the law, and has the ability to go to the ground. But for Qin Shi, he has a very deep feeling. This feeling is impossible for any magic weapon.

This black robe was given to him by Park Spring, and then he was stitched by jade hand of Yuluo, which combines two different loves, not to mention the black robe has become a unique symbol of Qin Shi. Accepted with pleasure.

The jade hand kneads the black robes of Qin Shi, and the jade Luo brake gently whispers: "Stone, don't be so good to me, I am so scared, I am afraid that one day, when you are gone, I will not adapt."

Qin Shi’s heart is sore, how much he wants to say no to the girl in his arms, saying that he will never leave, but he knows that it’s not yet time, but just smashed the blue silk of the jade jade and laughed: Silly girl, how can it be? I just preheated, you can’t accept it. Then when we really never separate, I’m good for you in those three hundred years. Are you still not touched?”

"That will wait for you to say it again. You remember what you said today. Jin Yan can still be here. Don't lie to me. I am waiting for the three hundred years. You are very good to me." Like a woman who opened her heart, she is sweet and screaming at Qin Shi.

Qin Shida’s man’s assurance: “Wait, that day will come, and I believe that it will not be too far.”

Yuluo brakes the dagger and believes in Qin Shi blindly.

In other words, Qin Shi is also looking up into the distance, his eyes flashing a slight color: "Next, I am afraid it is just beginning?"

"Chaotic domain, 溟 group, wait, I will ask you to pay the price."

The moonlight gradually shrouded, Qin Shi was not worried, ready to enjoy this rare ease, in the last time, to give Yu Luosha the most companionship.

The days of ease always pass away in the blink of an eye, alternating between the sun and the moon for three months.

In the past three months, Qin Shi did not smell the window and tried his best to accompany Yu Luosha and his family. In his spare time, he would also teach some martial arts methods to the Qin family's younger generation in the Qin family's courtyard. And the guidance on cultivation.

Now, with his help, Qin Jiaxuan’s disciples have nearly a hundred disciples, and Qin’s second generation, led by Qin Tianyu, all reach the heavens, Qin private rain, Xu Qiaoer, Xiao Tianyue, and Yu Xuan. Many of his friends who had made friends in the Eastern region also reached the heavens, and Qin Fei and others had a slightly lower talent, but they also touched the shackles and condensed the thunderbolt. The breakthrough was sooner or later.

This lineup, looking at the red inflammation is shocking, Qin Zong finally jumped from the first case of Chiyan, and jumped to the position of the first door of Baichao.

In this regard, the Baishao countries are also happy to accept, and even some empire in order to throw the olive branch to the red inflammation, deliberately sent messengers to find Ling Xiao, personally put forward the requirements of Qin Zong in their empire.

However, Qin Shi is arrogant, which may help Qin Zong's development, but if this is done, there will be problems in management, and the enemy that Qin Shi will face is chaos. Since the domain, the scorpion group, and the scorpion group can infiltrate the empire into the empire such as Wangshan, Yunhai, and Shengfeng, it is inevitable that in this tens of thousands of empire, there will be no squad of the same party. Of course, if there is no Well, if one happens, then Qin Zong will develop in it, which will cause a devastating blow to Qin Zong.

In the period of the Qin family's peacefulness as a hidden world, there was a big change in the hundred tides. After the end of the holy wind, Qin Shi did not go too far, but Lin Yu showed it. Everyone’s horrified wrists completely ruled the Holy Wind in just three months, which is something that no one expected.

Prior to this, there were several rumors that the red king was shaped like a scorpion, the domestic regime was controlled by Qin Zong, and the only capable person in the red sin, only Qin Shi.

But obviously, after this time, this rumor no longer exists. Although the three strongest members of the holy wind have been defeated, the holy wind is the first of the thousand countries in the past, and the possession of the thousand countries. It is very powerful. There are dozens of great powers in just five days. In three months, I want to let them bow down. The old people who have been sitting in the centuries of emperors are asking themselves, but it is hard to do, but they are Lin Yu completed at the speed of the Thunder, which is why everyone is looking at the red-haired boy who has just been in the top for a year.

In the meantime, in addition to the holy wind, Lin Yu will also reorganize the Beastmaster, Wangshan, Yunhai, and the three empires, completely completing the integration with the red inflammation, and the scenes that were originally chaotic will become static and orderly. .

After all this, the strength of Hongyan shocked the tide, and since then, the position of Baiyue Overlord has been firmly and firmly stable.

When everything is in place, the news is passed back to the Qin family in the desert town. Qin Shi is sitting next to the curved neck tree in the courtyard. When the pigeon is on his shoulder, he has been flashing a few points in the plain black scorpion. The corner of the mouth rises slightly.

"Is it successful?"

"I didn't expect that the seemingly mediocre little guy actually made such a result in just three months. It is really worthy of surprise." After hearing the news, the blood wizard was also amazed.

Qin Shi smiled and said: "Don't underestimate him, how can my brother be mediocre? He is just different from the path I chose, but on the talent, it is not under me."

"Well, he is a Mingjun, Chiyan has him, is the blessing of the people." The blood wizard nodded.

In the hands of the words firmly clenched, Qin Shi was sitting up straight, activities under the bones, smiled: "A comfortable for so long, it is time to go out of business, just to give our emperor a celebration."

After all, his body flashed and he flashed in the direction of the red city.

His speed is extremely fast, and all the way is assisted by wind and thunder. After half an hour, he is already in the magnificent palace. Lin Yu is in the upper seat of the main hall. When he saw Qin Shi, the two men looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Sounds come.

"How? After three months of cozy little days, do you not want to leave?" Lin Yu laughed.

Qin Shi sprinkled: "Yes, it's really a bit unwilling."

"Then don't go, stay with our brothers, what troubles face together." Lin Yu's tentative opening But as a result, he had already expected that Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "No, you know, it is not for me."

Lin Yu reluctantly sighed and patted Qin Shi’s shoulder: “I know you will say this, then when are you going to leave?”

"No hurry, there is one thing before I leave. I want you to help me first."

"What, you said." Lin Yu unambiguous opening.

"Help me in the midst of a hundred tides, there is no news about the holy Wu Jingjing."

"Shengwu Jingjing?" Lin Yu smashed.

Qin Shi nodded. "Well, in short, if you arrange it, I will arrange the disciples of Qin Zong. If there is news, I must tell me the first time."

Lin Yu pondered, he rarely saw Qin Shi's eagerness for anything. From then on, the importance of this holy Wu Jingjing to Qin Shi, he seriously nodded: "Okay, I will arrange the manpower, there are The message is uploaded to the abandoned town and told you to know."

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