Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 885: Holy Wu Jingjing

In the endless cloud, Qin Shi sent his speed back to the extreme. On this road, he did not rest for a while, although the spiritual power in the body was still exhausted, but he could not resist it. When I saw Yuluo, when I saw the words of Jin Yan, everything changed.

Soon he returned to the northern part of Hongyan, a desert town.

When he settled down from here, the suspended heart fell heavily. He sorted out his mood and walked in the direction of the Qin family.

In a month's time, the barren town has been repaired with the support of Qin Zong's large amount of manpower and material resources. Even to some extent, it is more solid and luxurious than the original. Luxury is the second, mainly firm. This is also before the departure. He deliberately confessed to Qin Zong, must use the best stone, (pig) (pig) (island) novel best architect, and enchantment, array of wizards to repair the desert town, After this sacred sneak attack, he was deeply aware that the defense of the barren town was much worse than those of the imperial forces. It was simply a stone attack.

Moreover, his enemies are far from being a hundred tides. In the future, the dangers that the bad towns will face will be even more terrible. The chaotic domain, the shackles, one of the eight domains, one of the eight giants of the human world, one survived for 30,000 years. Even the more exaggerated mysterious force is called Qin Shi, who even thinks about it now, and feels the powerless and creepy existence. Any one of them is the one that is enough to call Baichao.

For the Qin group, there is not much understanding. For the time being, in the chaotic domain, as long as you randomly send an inner-field disciple, you will be lame in the hundred tides, fearing that the hundred tides will collapse and become a human purgatory. The barren town is his root. He will never allow a little bit of mistakes here, so he must guard it.

In today's barren town, the three floors and three floors are firmly blocked, such as an indestructible copper wall, and the outer wall is 100 meters high. It is made of black iron from the deep sea, and its defense level can withstand five days. The footsteps of the six-day world are full of blows. Even the national wall of the Red Yan Empire is not enough to sigh.

For these mysterious irons, Qin Shi has invested a lot of energy, so that people can get it from the doorless auction house. This kind of mysterious iron is a rare baby among the eight domains.

The walls are even more exaggerated. There are dozens of enchantment barriers under the high-level enchantment division. There are various sword arrays, squad, and magic arrays and foggy arrays. If there is no understanding of these arrays. Don't say that it is a heavenly environment, it is a heavenly environment, and you don't want to enter it easily.

There is a meaning of the outer boundary zone of the chaotic domain.

However, Qin Shi entered the barren town, but it was still frowning in the various formations. This is called the blood wizard who couldn’t help but smile: "Oh, little guy, what? You are not satisfied yet? The defense is even eight domains, but that’s it?”

"These formations are really strong, but for those who don't understand the law, if there is a person who is as proficient as I am, then these are all useless and useless."

"The kind of person you are talking about is very rare between the heavens and the earth. The enchantment method is itself between the heavens and the earth. It is the most mysterious and unpredictable. If you want to be a senior jiejie or a mage, then There must be a talent for the law, and those who are good at attacking are only good at attacking. Those who are good at defense are only good at defense. Few people can have both, and people like you are metamorphosed. It's hard to find one among the people, you care too much." The blood wizard pouted.

Qin Shi smiled bitterly: "I am all about you to praise me."

After all, he was silent for a long time. He also understood the words of the blood wizard. If there is no on-demand jade in the book, then he is ignorant of the statutory law. This kind of thing really needs a deep talent, but when he returns to Chiyan He also thought that with his strength, he was in the midst of a hundred tides. Chi Yan had him, and it was impossible to have an accident, but the reality was awkwardly hitting him with a loud slap. The golden words were under his eyes. Lost, this is why he is very lacking in security now. He is more credible and does not believe in his own words: "If it is just an ordinary force, then I believe that there is hope and hope to break through the red inflammation. The defense of the town is absolutely impossible. However, among the group, there are only a group of foreigners. There are hundreds of people in the domain. This kind of formation is basically resistant to the destruction of the domain, and the chaotic domain is also There aren't so many domain powers, but it's not hard to find a few disciples who are proficient in enchantment."

The blood wizard screamed and frowned. Qin Shi’s words were not unreasonable. Both the scorpion group and the chaotic domain are the supreme and strong presence of the heavens and the earth. It is true that they should not try to figure out the ordinary eyes.

"If you really want to make the bad town do not destroy, it is not impossible." Blood wizard suddenly said.

Qin Shi spirited up: "Do you have a way?"

The blood wizard is bloody, it seems to have flashed a few rigorous luster, saying: "There is a solution, but it is something that needs it. It is a true treasure that can be met and not demanded."


"Holy Wu Jingjing."

"Holy Wu Jingjing?"

The blood wizard nodded: "Yes, it is said that the holy martial arts crystals are at the beginning of the mainland. When the heavens and the earth have not yet split, they gather together in the chaos to gather the spirit of all things and have a strong space. And can absorb attacks from the outside world, if it can find this holy Wu Jing Jing, based on this as a foundation in the barren town, then even if the domain is capable of aggression, it is also helpless."

"Is there such a magic?" Qin Shi blinked.

"Yeah!" The blood wizard is very sure, but the next words are very negative: "Just, Xuanwu crystal is just a rumor. No one really knows whether it exists in the mainland so far. If the baby does not have enough chances, It’s the life-long life that has been exhausted for a hundred years, and it’s not a chance to see it, let alone find it.”

Qin Shi heard the words, suddenly silenced, he also understands the words of the blood wizard, there are too many heavens and treasures in the world, it can only be seen from afar, and there are too many people who want to find them, but In the end, they were all wiped out in the long river of history, but there are few people who can really get a treasure.

"You don't have to think too much. It's definitely a joy to find this holy martial art crystal, but if you can't find it, it's not a good thing."

"Qin family, Qin Zong, including red inflammation, these are your subsidiary forces. What you actually want to do is not to guard them. This will only obliterate their blood and talent. You What you really should do is to cultivate and find ways to turn this force into your right arm. That is the right way. After this battle with the holy wind, you should have discovered that the power of one person is ultimately limited. ""

The blood wizard said that Qin Shi wants to be an enemy of the world giants such as the chaotic domain and the squad, and he must have his own power.

"Call...!" He sighed, and he nodded helplessly: "Really, in the past few years, I always wanted to guard them, but I forgot that when I was a child, I relied on their care. Today, I shouldn’t have put the cart before the horse.”

"But this holy Wu Jing Jing, I will not give up, and some words are better than no, at least give me enough time, let me fill my wings, so that I will not lose when I compete with the 溟 group. It’s too embarrassing.”

Qin Shi calculated the days and continued: "The distance between the gods and the sands is ten months. In the meantime, I will try to find out the news of this holy Wu Jingjing."

Feeling the state of Qin Shi, the blood wizard first glimpsed, and immediately smiled: "Oh, little guy, good, with your original temper, when you hear about the martial arts, you will definitely look for the results, now you can Not arrogant, it looks like your heart is calm."

Qin Shi shrugged: "If you have experienced things, you must always learn what to do. After all, do people need to grow up?"

"Go back, your wife and prostitute are still waiting for you."

Qin Shi wrapped his tight black robes, and this raised his head: "Yeah, anything now is more important than this."

"Rah, I am back."

He shouted in his heart and swaggered into the enchantment.

The enchantment of the barren town is strong, but it is not enough for Qin Shi. With the experience of Jade in these years, his footsteps are very fiercely wandering in the blind spot of each enchantment method, which is easy. Just enter it.

When he arrived at the Qin family house, he stopped inadvertently.

"Bad boy, are you back?"

Qin Tianqing and Qiong Shuyao had already met at the door, and saw their son, on the cheeks of the two old people, flashing their smiles.

Qin Shi smashed his head. When he saw his parents, the heart was always unable to withstand the fluctuations. He gently said, "Well."

"Well, I have heard about the things on the holy wind. I didn't give you Lao Tzu." Qin Tianqing took the Qin stone hard, and the full love was included.

This is a unique exchange between their father and son.

But this time, but it made Qiong Shuyao unhappy, and the resentful stunned Qin Tianqing: "Don't be so hard, it is broken for the stone."

Qin Tianqing’s squatting down immediately, he said: “Your son, now no one can hurt him in the hundred tides, will it be broken by my palm?”

"That's not OK."

"It is Qin Shi followed the road.

Qin Tianqing squinted at Qin Shi, but because Qiong Shuyao did not dare to attack, he had to pout: "You, my heart is only your baby son."

Qiong Shuyao did not care about Qin Tianqing. All her energy was attracted by Qin Shi. She rushed to Qin Shi and waved: "Shier, this road must be exhausted. Come and ask the mother to take a look. ”

Qin Shi was very sturdy and snuggled in the arms of Qiong Shuyao. I was afraid that it was called by outsiders. No one dared to believe this young man. It was a sensation of the Qinzong lord of Baichao.

"It’s really grown up."

Qiong Shuyao licked the head of Qin Shishi. Qin Shi’s man was already more than half of Qiong Shuyao’s head, and Qiong Shuyao couldn’t help feeling. Then the three parents chatted a few times and heard a baby crying. From the squatting room, this awakened the Qiu Shuyao of Meilu San, and released Qin Shidao: "Look at the Rakshasa and Jinyan, they are waiting for you."

Qin Shi heard the words, hard to point his head, then when he looked up at the room, the whole person's thoughts were touched, and the family could finally be reunited?

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