Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 876: Method

The black crushed sand is like the butterfly shadow, and the land of tens of thousands of meters of holy wind is shrouded. This kind of feeling is very bad, just like being trapped in a closed space, called 10,000 people at the same time. Wrinkled, even the breathing became rushed.

As the Misha became more and more majestic, the confrontation between the two empires was weak. Whether it was the sacred disciple of the holy wind, the disciples of the sacred winds stopped their hands and looked up to find the source of the darkness, but Except for a small number of people, no one knows the true identity of this darkness.

But what is certain is that this dark figure is not a mortal. Light is judged from the breath, so that everyone can be sure that this person’s cultivation is even on the single clear maple, and in this situation, one The power of the famous world is enough to turn around, and the emperor who once tended to be the side of the red side will lose balance in the heart and it is difficult to measure.

"I didn't expect that there was such a enchanting thing in the holy wind. It seems that the boy who is red, wants to win, it is difficult."

"Well, a single clear maple has already called Chi Yan to do its best. If you are joining a guy who is stronger than Shan Qingfeng, then it will be defeated."

"It doesn't have to be, there are too many secrets on the kid."

"Really, it’s just this battle. If he wants to win, he has to come up with a very shocking card. But after so long, can he still have such a card?"

Everyone shook their heads and was not very optimistic about Qin Shi.

When the darkness shrouded the heavens and the earth, Shan Qingfeng also climbed from the rock pile. He ignored the emperor's dignity. He laughed like a **** face. "Haha, kid, I said, you can't kill me, that power. The guy is coming out, you will die today!"


Qin Shi snorted and used his current soul to repair. It is easy to locate the exact position of the figure. The eyes are like a sharp blade, piercing the clouds, staring at the darkness of the group. Concealed corner.

The same movements as him are also the moon, Lin Yu and other people, everyone will look at Qin Shi, Qin Shi rushed to the head and shook his head, indicating that several people should not act rashly, facing the group, he did not dare to care.

Under the command, the talents will hold their hearts.

In the end, where Qin Shi’s eyes converge, there is a space crack, and a figure that can’t see the appearance is coming out, it seems so strange.

"Hey, Qing Feng, I didn't expect you to lose to him. It seems that it has been a waste of your cultivation for so long. It really disappoints me."

Wen Yan, Shan Qing Feng Yu's gritted teeth, angry stunned Qin Shi, but he is still very humble to the group of black shadows: "Resist the law, this kid is too strange, the body is all powerful Baby, so I told me to miss...!"

"Oh, excuse!"

Li protects the eyes, slams a blow, and slams into the single-clear maple. This is called the single-clear maple that has been wounded in the body. It is directly squirting blood. If the Guardian is using a force, I am afraid he will Will be killed on the spot.

This is called Qin Shi secretly shaking his head: "Almost, it will be almost a little, this old dog will die, but it will leave me a lot of strength."

However, he also understands that this situation will not appear at all. Shan Qingfeng continually squirts blood, and the defensive method is a grip. A black force is poured into the body of Shanqingfeng, and the eyes of Shan Qingfeng are changed. However, although it is still full of blood, but the power has become very strong, it seems to have recovered.

This is called Shan Qingfeng's heart, and he is very happy. He is eager to protect the law and hold the fist: "Thank you for your protection."

"Hey, this time let go of you first, if you are missing, what consequences you know!" Li Hufa coldly shouted.

Shan Qingfeng couldn't help but shudder, and quickly said: "The disciple will never."

"This is almost the same."

These short movements, called everyone in the distance, were shocked.

"What is the origin of this person?"

Shan Qingfeng is the first one in the hundred tides. Undoubtedly the first person who leads the entire holy wind, will he be so respectful of this shadow? What is the sacredness of this shadow?

"I don't know, but for sure, it's not something we can do."

Everyone stunned, and in the heart they slammed the retreat. From the short-handed hands, the one hand almost killed Shan Qingfeng, and the one hand put the single-clear maple from the ghost gate to save the life, it is enough to call everyone to bow down. .

"Is this the power of the group?" Lin Yu is also a secret in his heart.

"The red branches of the red will be handed over to you, don't let me down again this time, otherwise don't blame me for not paying attention." Li Hufa ordered.

Shan Qingfeng heard the words, and he promised: "If you protect the law, I will send these guys to Xitian to report."

"Yeah." Li protects the law and nods. This is the satisfaction of the eye-catching, finally met with Qin Shi, and the mouth is rising upwards: "Hey, little guy, I didn't expect a few years, you have grown to this point. What? It really surprised me."

"溟 group!" Qin Shi cold road.

"Oh, don't be so big resentment, if it's not us, now I'm afraid you're just a waste of spurs, right? You must know how to be grateful." Li Biao snorted, and then he became cold. "If I didn't guess wrong, the smell of the magic mountain and the headquarters were broken recently. Should it be your hand?"

"He came to die, I will naturally complete him." Qin Shi shrugged and said: "Like you are now, I will fulfill you."

"Oh?" Li Baofa smiled unexpectedly, his eyes changed a lot of fierceness: "That makes me jealous, how do you fulfill me!"

"You will know later."

Qin Shi’s words completely angered the law, and his eyes shook a little, and a touch of magic was very rushing to Qin Shi: “You are looking for death!”

The blood wizard shouted from the bottom of his heart: "The kid, be careful, the identity of the law-protection is extraordinary. It should be the cultivation of the four layers of the Scorpio. It also has a very important position in the group."

"Is it a law?"

"Well, I told you before, in the group outside the group, divided into twelve devils, thirty-six devils, sixty-four magic vectors, these are the peak power of the outer group, and the law of protection It is the backbone, and it is second only to the existence of the magic vector." The blood wizard is serious.

Qin Shi heard the words, nodded secretly, and his eyes could not help becoming serious.

In fact, without the blood wizard, he would never dare to care. The pressure of fighting with the people in the group is far from ordinary. The holy empire is stronger, and it is ultimately human power, but the group is not human.

"The real war is about to begin."

Qin Shi was faint in the bottom of his heart, and his palm waved. The nine stars moved from the left to the front of him, and the giant fist lifted up, and Qin Shi was sheltered behind him.


The impact of the two great forces called the world to be a fierce tremor. The earth directly broke a gully, and the body of the law was moved a few steps later. He stunned: "Hey, this is the chaotic domain, guarding the virtual hole." The devil is a ghost? Oh, I didn’t expect it to be made by your kid?"

Qin Shi heard a slight surprise, he did not expect that this law can recognize the nine stars.

"It seems that in the chaotic domain, there is an endless connection with the scorpion group." Qin Shi said in the bottom of his heart that the resistance to the chaotic domain became more and more serious.

But these, he did not speak, the most important thing now is this law.


In the confrontation between Jiuxing and Li Hufa, a huge sword mang suddenly came down from Jiuyi. The strength and even the protection of the law were all cold in the back and a step back. Then he said coldly: "Hey, what is the generation of rats? How dare you attack the law?"

"Hey group, I want you to die!" Haoyue held a lyrical sword and fell to Qin Shi's side.

Seeing the moon, the Guardian Law first took a moment, and suddenly suddenly realized a smile: "Oh, kid, is you?"

"I want you to pay for the singer!"

"Teacher? Oh, yes, I remember, it was the original, the little guy with you, isn't it? Hey, now that he remembers, he is really terrible, he is being torn apart, but he was not all at first. In order to save you, you have heard something you should not hear, and you will die if you die."

"Fart! At that time, the eight-domain assembly task, our swords and the chaotic domain are the same group. My brother and I just saw you making personal contact with the people in the chaotic domain. The result was discovered by you, but you have to kill people."

"Yes, my younger brother is trying to save me. If it weren't for him, I am afraid I will have been killed by you. Since that incident, I have withdrawn from Jianzong and lived for a few years. It is for revenge. Today I will ask you. Pay for the flow of the younger brother!" Haoyue crazy roar.

Qin Shi heard the words from afar, frowned slightly, and united the dialogue between the two. He suddenly understood all of them. He said: "It turned out that he also discovered the relationship between the chaotic domain and the scorpion group. It was only a few years of seclusion, only The younger brother revenge, this is a person who loves the righteousness."

Li Hufa said with a smile: "Oh, revenge? It’s so funny, it’s gone. It doesn't matter. It's just a matter of irrelevant human life. One more guy who sent death, then I will accept it."

皓月眼神一寒 Raise the lyric sword in his hand and want to slap the law, Qin Shi from the side of the eye quickly, this will stop him.

"Don't be impulsive, you will only be in the middle of his heart." Qin Shi faintly said that he immediately turned back and looked at the direction of the war in the distance.

The recovery of Shan Qingfeng, the morale of the holy wind that had been defeated, rebounded, and suddenly it was once again violent. The holy wind is the first of the hundred tides. The foundation of these years is not strong, plus the strength of the sea of ​​clouds and Wangshan. Support, there are more than two thousand talents in the sky, and the red side, plus the mercenary, is only about 1,800, and the two sides gradually opened the gap.

Together with Shan Qingfeng, the power of the heavens is between the two forces, just like a giant standing in front of a group of ants, completely crushed and destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi frowned. He never allowed Lin Yu and others to be injured. He shot the shoulder of Haoyue for this: "Calm a little, I am anxious to leave, I will leave Jiuxing and let him assist. You, I have to solve the troubles on that side first. After the treatment is properly handled, we are joining forces and killing him."

PS: There are some things in the real world yesterday, so I only updated one more, today's two more, yesterday's owed updates, tomorrow's make up.

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