Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 871: Shan Qingfeng


The golden light shattered directly, and the degree of fragmentation was like the collapse of the universe.

This time, the people who were onlookers were crying out. They originally wanted to be a quiet audience. But when the aftermath broke out, the frenzy directly invaded them, and many of the disciples even spit.

In fact, this time the touch was far from the strong start of the two people. It was only this hit. Qin Shi used not the spiritual power, but the power of the soul. The power of the soul and the spiritual power were between heaven and earth. The product of water and fire, the two touch, the fluctuation caused by it is not as simple as one plus one equals two, the most important thing is the power of the soul, can call some disciples with mental instability to directly understand the sea, In that case, it is the **** doctor who is alive, and also saves the `pig` pig` island` novel `www`huzud` to live them.

"It seems that the ancients said that it is justified to not join in the fun."

Some holy disciples open their mouths, but the power of the soul is very soft when it passes through the flower zero. With Qin Shi’s manipulation of spiritual power, he can accurately distribute the power of the soul to every inch. One point on the land, so it is very simple to avoid vaping the flowers among the tens of thousands of people.

Of course, after this confrontation, the singular warfare once again dignified: "The power of the soul? Kid, it seems that the rumor is true to you, you are not only in the spiritual power of talent, in the power of the soul It is also very extraordinary."

"Oh, I have such rumors? I don't know myself, but I am honored to hear this." Qin Shi gave a free smile.

The singular warfare is a cold, cold road: "Oh, good honour, really young, prosperous, but I don't know if your elders have taught you, it's not necessarily a good thing."

"Iron puncture!"

The sorcerer war will slash the giant knife and smash it at the chest of Qin Shi.

The power is very fierce, as if the most hard black iron of the heavens can be pierced, but when the front is about to fall, Qin Shi is also cold. "Is there someone telling you that my edge is all exposed? Give you another Oh, I haven't exposed the edge yet!"

"Swallow the dragon!"

Qin Shi will cut off the water behind his back and spread his hands.

Instantly from his two hands, a variety of light is suspended, and this is the emergence of this light, called a huge fault between the heavens and the earth, two completely contradictory forces constantly touch, three thousand faults will be born The earth is shredded.

Seeing this scene, the name of the sorcerer warfare changed greatly. After that, even the sprint was forcibly interrupted by him. He slammed back a hundred meters and went: "This is the fusion of spiritual power and soul power? Kid, are you crazy? ?"

This kind of thing is something that ordinary people can't even think about, but for Qin Shi, it is now like a regular meal. The mouth is very high: "I am crazy, I don't know, but I know, if you are If you can't stop this attack, your knowledge of the sea will not be guaranteed. At that time, you should be mad."

"damn it!"

The singer of the sorcerer screamed, and his body continued to retreat. There was no war. Even if he was a Wufu, it was not a coward. He could feel that if he fell into this fault, he might Like Qin Shi said, it is not dead, it will be mad.


That fault directly distorted Qiankun, this is the anti-sky move.


This huge blasting has continued the work of half a cup of tea. This is a very precious time for the mighty confrontation. The people below are amazed.

"It's a madman." Even the flower is zero. When I saw the destruction degree of the swallowing dragon, I gave Qin Shi the name.

However, as a result of the swallowing of the dragons, Qin Shi also fell into a moment of collapse as usual, and the two hands with the power of the two kinds of anti-sky, which is also a huge burden for himself.

Qin Shi bowed his head and looked at the holy wind wall that was destroyed in most of the time. Later, he looked at his hands that he had been screaming and couldn’t bear to look straight. He couldn’t help but smile: "It seems that this trick is still in the future. It's better to use less."

"Kid, this trick is really strong, but if I didn't guess wrong, you haven't used this trick for the second time?" The singular warfare finally survived in the national border of the holy wind, when that After the huge blast disappeared, he jumped out and pointed the sword to Qin Shi.

Wen Yan said that Qin Shi is a heavy burden. His current situation is really bad. He is still in the face of the enemy of the eight-day peak.

Now that I am an individual, I can see the weakness of Qin Shi. I can't help but worry about it from a distance. She wants to go forward, but she doesn't dare.

"Kid, you are defeated." The singular warfare was stunned, and the star-studded tyrants had a full temptation to him. He sneaked forward and chased up at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi's pupils shrunk slightly. Under the pressure, he manipulated the water to stop the water. The virtual space constantly blocked the chasing of the singular warfare. The whole body flashed a strong green light, and Ganlin Rain was constantly repairing his injury.


After several confrontations, he has not had the freedom to start, faintly, and even has a disadvantage. Fortunately, he is a Ray attribute, and his advantage in speed is constantly dodging. This is why he is in a hundred strokes. There is no defeat in the inside.

However, among the thousands of people on the field, individuals can see that Qin Shi is already the end of the strong, and in his current state, the defeat is only a matter of time.

"It's over!" The singer of the singer screamed, and the two arms burst into the blue veins again, and they slammed against Qin Shi.

The flower is eclipsed: "Qin Shi...!"

This time, Qin Shi has been unable to dodge, and his heart sinks. He concentrates all his strength on his chest and releases a hidden barrier.


But even if there is a barrier to protect, he was hit by the knife on the left shoulder, the body flipped on the scorpion, directly like a broken paper plaque, smashed, and fell over the kilometer.


He fell directly on the rocky pile of a mountain, and gave the mountain a tremor of impact, which led to countless birds and beasts.

"Qin Shi!" Flowers are spoiled.

But at this time, she did not say that Qin Shi did not allow her to take the shot, that is, she was allowed to leave, and it was too late. After Qin Shi fell to the ground, the singer of the wind slammed and chased, directly falling in front of Qin Shi.

The giant knife in his hand waved and sneered on the neck of Qin Shi: "You are still too young, and you say that the waves in the Yangtze River push forward waves. You really have this skill, but your wings are not full enough, of course you There is no chance of a full-fledged wing, because now is your death."

At the time of his words, his blade had been swept by the dense spirits, and the cold wind blade of a circle and a circle slammed against Qin Shi.

Huan zero has been unable to bear to look straight away, with the power of the singular warfare, plus the wind blade and the knife mans, this shot down, that Qin Shi will be the corpse of the corpse, no chance of being spared.

But what is puzzling is that under the thick atmosphere of death, Qin Shi is not in a hurry, sitting in the rock pile, and even seeing a few smiles from the corner of his mouth.

call out!

Just when Knife Mang was about to cut off the head of Qin Shi, a breeze suddenly rolled up inexplicably, and it was rotated from the surrounding of Qin Shi, and the small stones that were made into sand were lifted off the ground. Respected blade.

"Is it finally going to appear?" Qin Shi's confident laughter.

The appearance of the breeze, called the disciples of the holy wind, was shocked at the bottom of my heart, because the power they were familiar with, and even the singular wind blinked: "Imperial?"

Qing Feng smashed through, and a middle-aged man wearing a golden embroidered whirlwind totem robes suddenly appeared out of thin air. It was so stable as a mountain block in front of Qin Shi, and Qing Feng, which had been entangled in the singular warfare, was turned into The **** of the middle-aged man.

That huge force was actually caught by the middle-aged man with two fingers? It can be seen from this that the strength of this middle-aged man is terrible.

"It's him?"

The flower is frowning and contemptuous. This person also knows this. It is not the emperor of the holy wind: Shan Qingfeng?

Before Qin Shi, the reason why he was able to face the singularity of the singular warfare was not because he saw the life and death. On the contrary, he had to cherish more lives than many people because he still had too many missions. Not finished, he can't die.

The reason why he dares to be so comfortable is because he has the grasp that Shan Qingfeng will never let him die so easily. After all, the collapsed jade is still in his hands.

"Emperor, what do you mean by this?" The sorrowful warfare is an incomprehensible opening.

Shan Qingfeng did not respond to him, just faintly said: "You did a good job, then give it to me."


The sorcerer war eagerly blinked but did not wait for his voice to fall, Shan Qingfeng eyes cold, suddenly called him dumbless, did not dare to retreat to the back.

When the glory battle retired, Shan Qingfeng only turned back. He looked at Qin Shi indifferently and said: "Little guy, are you Qin Shi?"

Qin Shi did not hide and sneak a direct view of Shan Qingfeng, shrugged and smiled: "Qingfeng Emperor has been exploring me for a long time, will you recognize my identity? Asked about it, it seems that there is something more to do?"

"Well?" Shan Qingfeng snorted and immediately laughed out: "It's a bit timid, but if you talk to me like this, you are not afraid that I will kill you?"

Qin Shi smiled and said: "Oh, I am really not afraid, collapsed jade in my hand, before the emperor did not get the collapse of jade, I am afraid that I have not had the courage to kill me? After all, even if it is holy, it does not bear The anger of the group."

"You...!" Shan Qingfeng's eyes sank, and he was the emperor of the holy wind. He was so dangerously out of the red fruit that he couldn't say the anger, but he did a hundred years of throne and mastered the skills of the emperor. I quickly calmed down and smiled. "Oh, it’s not bad. It’s really good, but you said it is wrong. The jade is on your body. I have already confirmed this point, so I just killed you. Under your space ring, you can naturally make a difference to the group."

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