Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 867: In the middle of it

However, will Qin Shi really let go of Ge Han? The answer is obviously no. With the character of Qin Shi, from the moment when Gehan invaded Hongyan, it meant his death. Qin Shi made a plan and waited for Ge Han to enter, just to take his life. He ran faster and could run out of his palm?

Qin Shichong spent a glance at the flower. The flower was expected to be the same as before. In the half second before Ge Han got up, she moved, like a thorny rose, and stayed at the door of the pub.

Ge Han’s heart sank, first looked back at Qin Shi, and the two looked at each other. Qin Shi shrugged and said: “Don’t look at me, I said I will let you go, but she has not said If you want to live, you have to fight for it yourself."

Ge Han heard that the old eyes are poisonous, {pig} pig island {small} said 3.zhu he is jealous of Qin Shi, but the cultivation of the zero-day environment is not enough to fear: "Taro I am a little bit afraid of that kid, but if you want to stop me, it is not enough!"

Immediately, he was a palm at the chest of flowers.


But under the thunderous palm of the hand, the flowers were beautiful and indifferent, and they did not hide or slam, and they greeted them. This is called Ge Han, who was slightly surprised. Immediately, the old face was picked up: "Hey, you want to die, then I will be perfect." You, though not able to kill the kid, but if you kill the red flower, it must be a great achievement."


The fierce collision between the two palms suddenly caused huge fluctuations. The whole pub swayed violently under the terrible Yuwei. Fortunately, Qin Shi shot from the rear in time, and a golden pagoda firmly blocked the two. This was eliminated. The consequences of the collapse of the pub.

The eyes of the people looked toward the center. When Yu Wei was exhausted, Qin Shi waved his hand and the golden pagoda spread out, but the picture in it was that everyone was sluggish.

Originally, everyone thought that with Ge Han’s cultivation, this palm would go down, and even if the flower was zero, it would be hard to escape serious injuries.

But at this time, the flower zero is still slim, elegant standing in the pub, not to mention, she holds a blade with a blue-blue streamer, the blade of the blade piercing the chest of Ge Han, blood ticking Fall to the ground.

Staring at the blade of his chest, Gehan looked back at the incredulous, angry screaming at Qin Shi: "Broken, broken water sword, kid, have you ever thought about letting me go?"

"Gehan Guoshi, you said this, but hey, I just said, I will let you leave, but can you leave it to see your own skills, now you are not as powerful as the owner, killed That is also that you have no ability, no wonder me." Qin Shi sneered.

Gehan heard the words and suddenly laughed. He nodded hard. "Good, good, good, good boy. It was when I went to you. I sold the holy wind, but you don't want to be proud. It won't end." The holy wind and the power will not let you go, it will not!"

"The person of that power has supreme power. You will die in his hands sooner or later. You will wait to be shredded by him, not just you, your daughter, Chi Yan, what **** Qin Zong, neither. There will be a good end!"

Ge Han’s roaring roar before his death, but he shouted his throat, Qin Shi was also indifferent. He was not angry because of Ge Han’s words, but he was very calm.

At this moment, he suddenly stepped forward, one hand on Ge Han's shoulder, cold from his ear: "Oh, old guy, you care, that is, they don't come to me, I will It’s just that scene that you are going to find them. You can’t see them.”

Ge Han stunned, but before he returned to God, Qin Shi rushed to spend zeros and made a wink, and the flowers were pulled out with force. The water-cutting sword directly cut off Ge Han’s body. Before his death, Ge Han With such eyes wide open, a look of horror staring at Qin Shi.

"Good and good news, evil and bad news, causal reincarnation, no one can escape, this is the retribution of your life, go slowly to pay off the debt." Qin Shi hand waved, smeared Ge Han's eyelids: " I hope that in the next life, you can be a good person, don't be hurting."

Ge Han was killed, it was completely opened the curtain of the red inflammation and the holy wind war, the blood wizard from the space ring of Qin Shi bored, jumped out and said: "Hey, little guy, this first battle, it looks very smooth. Didn't you think that you were so concealed, I even thought that you really couldn't do anything about it."

"There is no way, the guys of the holy wind, one by one, are the old monsters who have lived for a hundred years. The shrewd sly, only you can hide them, you can really lead them to be fooled. Of course, this is just Ge Han, he is too I’m too arrogant. If I change someone, I’m not sure that it will be so smooth.”

"Okay, anyway, this is a good sign. Then you will be able to smash the thorns, even the guys who dare to make trouble in the chaos, a holy wind can't beat you."

"I hope so."

Qin Shi sighed, but his heart was clear. This battle seemed to be easy, but the pressure on him was far greater than the chaos in the field. Because when he was in a chaotic field, he had no worries. Beat, he thought, just left, can return to Yuluo, so even if he died, he did not hesitate.

But this time, he can't, don't dare.

In this battle, he bears too much, Jin Yan, Grandpa, Chi Yan, Qin Zong, Qin Jia, all his dear love, and his commitment to Yuluo, all of which were in the first battle. Never had it, so he did not dare to defeat, nor dare to die.

"I hope, Yuan Bo did not lie to me."

Qin Shi looked down at his hand. From the palm of his hand, it was a film and television conveyor.

"Little guy, I ask you, is the serious thing you said with the old ghost?" And when Qin Shi meditated, the blood wizard suddenly asked.

This time, Qin Shixian was stunned, and this time he came back to God and said: "You mean, what about the group?"

The blood wizard nodded: "Well, you have to look for them actively?"

"Yeah, after all, I was always chased by people. I felt more or less uncomfortable. Moreover, I found that all my spearheads, dark and clear, all pointed to the group, the demon, the collapsed jade, The seal, the mission of the Qin family, the hatred of Xue Xin, the golden words and grandfathers of today, and the grudges of me and the chaotic domain, all of this, as if in the midst of it, are guiding me in the direction of the group, now Only Yu’s injury has nothing to do with the scorpion group, but I feel that the injury on the soul of Yujie and her mysterious identity from 10,000 years ago may well be related to the scorpion group. All this seems coincidental, but it is not. ""

Qin Shi analyzed and immediately said: "But I don't know much about the group now. The group is very familiar with me. This is not good. I feel very uneasy. I have to know more about the group. Only now, the easiest way to understand is the Holy Wind."

“Well?” The blood wizard’s voice was a bit shocking. “You mean, you want to know the group from the disciples of the holy wind. Kid, are you crazy? You know this is What a dangerous thing? If you don't get it, then you have lost your life. Although I admit that your talents are different, your current wings are not full enough. In the eyes of the group, you are at most only a baby."

"I know, but there is no way. As you said, the 溟 group had mastered the three souls and seven sacred sacred 30,000 years ago, but it seems that there is no such thing as an opportunity. Now that the squad has acted, That means that the opportunity has been found, the seal is also dangerous, I have to save the seal before the resurrection, he is my brother, but also because I, fell into the hands of the group, I can not watch him Dead." Qin Shi decided.

The blood wizard eagerly opened his mouth, but after a thousand words to persuade Qin Shi’s words, suddenly there was no sound. Finally, he did not say it, just shook his head: “But it, your character, decide No matter who can't discourage it, I just hope that you don't have to act impulsively. Don't forget, you said that this war is not your personal war, but the burden of life and life of many people. ""

"Do not worry, I know in my heart, I will not take their lives to make a bet."

"This is the best." The blood wizard is not saying much.

At this time, Hua zero has already treated Ge Han’s body with spiritual power, and the **** smell in the pub has faded, and the rich osmanthus fragrance has been restored. Qin Shi deeply sniffed and smiled: “It’s still this. It smells good."

"How do you deal with them?" Huanzhi directed the group of disciples who followed Ge Han.

Qin Shi turned back and glanced at it. The disciples screamed fiercely. One by one, their heads were lowered, and even more exaggerated, they squatted directly on the ground. They asked for mercy: "The adults are forgiving, and we are doing things with impartiality. This has nothing to do with us." what."

"Yeah, you just let us go, we promise that we will never be holy, and then we will live in the and never do it right."

Qin Shi blinked and struggled in the bottom of his heart. To be honest, he is not a good person, but he is not the kind of madman who kills people without blinking. He has his own obsession and bottom line, but he knows this group. People can't let it go, otherwise it will probably cause huge hidden dangers to the next plan. If this is the case, then Jin Yan has a long and two short, then he can't forgive himself, and he can't afford it.

"Use that gold grain to imprint, this group of people are under your control. With your strange martial arts, you should be able to control the living. When the matter is over, it is not necessary to let them kill them. "The blood wizard said.

Qin Shi heard the words, this suddenly realized that he had forgotten that he still has the gold-plated brand, and nodded excitedly: "Well, this should be the best choice."

"Golden brand."

Immediately, he waved his hand and counted the soul of a dozen or so souls, hitting the chest of everyone except the flower zero in the pub.

"Oh!" Suddenly, the gold pattern is like a spell, and at the same time, the sea of ​​this group is controlled. In succession, Qin Shi injects Sanskrit: "Those who want to live, wait here, violate the order, kill!"

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