Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 858: Qin Shi is dead?

Duanmuyun’s sudden move called everyone’s heart tremble, and one by one even forgot to forget, Yin Mo took the lead to drink: “Stone!”


But that palm, in the end, actually hit the chest on Qin Shi's chest, squirting a stream of blood from the mouth, called Qin Shi's face pale.

And a palm is not over yet, Duanmu Yunxiao's mad laugh: "Kids, this time you are dead!" After that, his eight-day peak of the Lingwei rolling down, like a storm, raining against Qin Shi's chest.


&nb "Pig" "Pig" "Island" novel www.zhuzud.omsp; several attacks, Qin Shi five internal organs are misplaced, a violent tumbling, the last palm, directly hit the heart of Qin Shi, Qin Shi directly Going out, like a flying cannonball, it hits the cliffs of the valley, and the rocks are crushed into powder.


"Oh! No!" The incident happened so suddenly. A few people in Linyu were almost going crazy. Xiaomi Cai ignored the safety and turned into a giant scorpion. He directly rushed through the sky, when she penetrated from the sea of ​​fire. The colorful snakes on the body have fallen off, and the tears are beautiful, holding Qin Shi.

"No, no, hey, you wake up." Xiaomi was sorrowful, but no matter how she called, Qin Shi never responded. In the hundreds of attacks, his chest was sunken and his breath was getting weaker. It’s so weak that it’s hard to tell if he’s still alive.

Qin Muyun stared at the chest and shattered Qin Shi sneer: "Small girl, don't shout, your heart has just been crushed by me, that is, Da Luo Jinxian is coming, and today he can't save him!"

Hey! When I heard this, everyone in Chiyan was sluggish.

Qin Shi, dead? This news is devastating for everyone! Su Ming was half-squatting on the ground, full of shock and error, and a line of blood and tears flowed directly from his eyes.

"Impossible, this is impossible."

"The sovereign, how can the sovereign die?"

Countless times of reversal, countless times of hope, Qin Shi has already become their cornerstone. In their hearts, Qin Shi seems to be invincible, but now suddenly tells them that Qin Shi is dead, they simply cannot accept, or even have Few people, fainted directly.

Among them, Yin Mo, her front black, Jiao Tuo directly fell to the Qin Huan's arms.

Even the moon in the distance is frowning. The hand that has been placed on the giant sword is tight, and scornfully: "Is this finished? Is it because I mistakenly watched him?"

Killing Qin Shi, this is called Duanmu Yun's momentum is expanding, he suddenly turned his head, scorned toward the red side, sneered: "Hey, that kid is dead, you have no hope to win, this thing was originally It’s my mountain and his grievances, and I have nothing to do with you. Besides, you have helped me to get rid of these years and help me to sit on the throne. I should thank you for being right, so I will give you the opportunity, as long as you Within the San Muxiang, I can all leave the mountain, then I will let you go."

When he said this, all the people in Chiyan were suppressed.

Lin Yu has long been red-eyed, and the words are even more furious: "You don't want to be confused, you killed my brother, today is dead here, I want to wash the mountains!"

"Yes, blood washes the mountain!"

Qin Zong, the original army of Chi Yan, everyone was rushed by this anger, Su Ming is the most direct, Qin Shi’s death really stimulated him, he did not say anything, just like the void For a long time, he suddenly stood up. After that, he stepped closer to the past toward Duanmuyun. In his eyes, everyone could see it. There was only one word, and that was killing.

Seeing this scene, Duanmuyun snorted with a sigh: "Oh, it’s really touching, but you want to die, but it doesn’t mean everyone is willing to accompany you. You still have the last time to think about it, if you don’t want to die. Leave now."

Lin Yu heard that his face was fierce. If he said that he is now attacking the sea of ​​clouds, he dares to use his life to guarantee it. He has absolute confidence. On the red side, there will be no traitors, but now it is not the sea of ​​clouds, their army. It is no longer the Red Army, which has countless variables.

Sure enough, as he expected, the voice of Duanmuyun had not yet fallen, and on the side of the red, suddenly there was fluctuation.

"I am leaving, I am leaving, I don't want to be buried with these people!"

The turmoil is getting stronger and stronger, and even those who have turned against the cloud have once again turned their backs. They turned to the direction of Wangshan and attacked from the inside of Hongyan.

Looking at the commotion, Duanmuyun laughed: "Haha, Chiyan kid, it seems that there are still smart people."

This time, Qin Yu was angry and shouted at the group: "You dare!"

"There is nothing to dare. It was originally that you forced us. Followed by you is to live. Now that you are defeated, why should we die with them?"

"That is, the person who knows the time is Junjie, and the trend of your red inflammation has gone, it is good to die, and we will hate for us!"

Hearing this statement, Qin Hao was violently trembled, and at this time Lin Yu suddenly patted him on the shoulder: "A group of grasses, let them go."

"But...!" Qin Hao gritted his teeth.

Lin Yu shook his head. He knew what Qin Lan had to say. Now Qin Shi is no longer there. If this group of people leaves, there will be people who will report to the Holy Wind.

However, he has no mood to pay attention to those now. He looks up and his **** eyes stare at Duanmuyun. He only wants to kill him for revenge for Qinshi, even if he is betting on his life.

Finally, among the 37 people in Yunhai, 34 of them all rebelled. In the end, there were only three old people left. When they saw the three old people, Lin Yu stunned and said: "What? You don't Ready to go? Really want to stay with us to die?"

Unexpectedly, the three old men looked at each other and from their eyes, they flashed a bit of self-deprecation: "Don't go, anyway, our homeland has also been destroyed. To be honest, we are very touched, although not long. But as prisoners, we are very respectful to us. We have never rejected us not to mention it. We have provided us with a lot of resources to heal and cultivate."

"Well, this cohesiveness of your red inflammation is something that Yunhai does not have. Whether you or the kid is a human being, you deserve to be respected."

"In the past 100 years, the tyranny of the cloud, the sea of ​​clouds has long changed its nature. Like us, we are so old, we have already seen it, and stay here to accompany you."

Wen Yan, Lin Yu sluggish for a moment, suddenly he was actually a lot of gentle, looking toward Qin Shi in the millet of Xiaomi, and said: "Stone, have you seen it? Your choice and pay, and finally Someone saw it."

"I killed you!"

And Xiaomi Cai saw this scene from a distance, her beauty has changed, into a narrow line, very violent, and immediately, her jade hand raised, turned into a colorful sky, and wanted to rush to those who defected in the sea of ​​clouds Hands-on.


Unexpectedly, at this time, a slender hand suddenly caught her wrist: "A group of people who are not here, killing them will dirty your hands."

Suddenly heard, Xiaomi Cai was slightly lost, and then she looked back fiercely. When she saw the figure behind her, her eyes fell red, and her lips trembled: "Hey, hey?"

Then, she lowered her head and looked at Qin Shi in her arms. She saw Qin Shi, who was seriously injured before. At this time, the body has become ethereal: "This, what is going on?"

The horror is not only her, Lin Yu, Su Ming, Qin Yu, Yin Mo, all of them are stunned, Lin Yu’s eyes are moist, and he holds the fist: “I know, you will not It’s so easy to die.”

Haoyue is also inexplicably relieved: "Oh, it turns out that he has long thought of everything, deliberately using the avatar to die, and then testing the hearts of people, really interesting."

Duanmuyun on the Scorpio is a big mouth, a look of stunned, and immediately, he angered: "You kid, you are not dead?"

Qin Shi smiled and shrugged without saying anything. This is called Du Muyun suddenly realized, his face gloomy: "That said, just that is your avatar? Why do you want to do this?"

"If it weren't for you, how can I know who is genuine and who is false?" Qin Shi smiled, and his eyes suddenly became cold, and looked toward the clouds and seas that had dispersed in the distance. Shake his head and shook his head: "You shouldn't leave, but since you have chosen it, there is no chance to look back."

He just said, the group of people who have not left the sea of ​​clouds suddenly trembled, one by one all stiff in place, and then the first few people suddenly looked back, afraid to look at Qin Shi.

"Amount!" Suddenly, the group of people slammed on the ground in pain. From the eyebrows of several people, they flashed a few ochre, like a poisonous snake, invading their whole body, asking them to mourn: "Big, adults. No, we know what is wrong, let us go!"

"Adults are forgiving!"

But for their prayers, Qin Shi was very indifferent. He shook hands with a big hand, and the sound of a burst of sound rang through the world. The kilometer was suddenly turned into a **** sea.

Thirty-four Tianjing died in an instant, and all the people present were sluggish. The three old people in the sea of ​​clouds vomited and spit, and their hearts rose and felt scared.

It’s really good to hang in one thought, their results may be the same as these 34 people.

After killing the 34 people, Qin Shi jumped back to Lin Yu. He glanced at the three old people. He was very pleased: "Three, how to call it?"

The three men glanced at each other and quickly said: "Old decay Li Wei, Zhao Tianyi, Xu Jialu."

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, and immediately he turned to look at Lin Yu, and Lin Yu nodded intently. He said: "Three, in the future, I will bother you three people."

"Really?" The three people heard that the old eyes were moved. To tell the truth, it is an honour for them to be able to protect their hometown. It is a pleasure to be grateful: "Trusted by the adults."

Qin Shi shook his head, and immediately his face was cold and cold, and looked up towards Duanmuyun: "Well, it is time to do the final understanding."

On the first day of August, the three have been sent, for two consecutive months of delay, everything is on the right track, and there is an update today. This month, Xiaoxiao will begin to break out, and make up for the previous chapters. I want to save 250,000 this month. I hope everyone is happy.

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