Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 853: Money

Seeing that he was going to succeed, Duanmuhong couldn’t help but raise his mouth and sneered out.


Unexpectedly, the smile had not yet emerged from Duan Muhong's face, and suddenly it solidified. In the following, from his eyes, it was a little bit of inexplicable fear.

In the palm of his hand, he would hit Qin Shi. A big hand suddenly lifted up, and there was a golden lining on it, and he firmly grasped him.

At the time of danger, Qin Shi woke up.

He is so relaxed, and smiles at the end of the woods with a smile. {Pig} Pig Island {small} said 3.zhu: "If I was killed by you like this, then I am really sorry for my brothers."

Duanmuhong struggled hard, but he found that he couldn't break free. This made him stunned: "Bad boy, how is this possible? I am the end of the wooden family's boiling inflammation, it is even eight days of power. The fear of the ninth-order peak martial arts, its temperature is as high as thousands of degrees, enough to melt the mountains and boil the sea, how can you catch it without being countered?"

"Do you mean this little flame? If you say it without me, I really don't realize it, is it so powerful?" Qin Shi smiled lightly, and the smile was full of irony: "Your flame is really powerful, but I wonder if you have heard of it, is the phoenix reborn?"

Just kidding, Qin Shi’s star-studded tyrants, but it is a combination of the blood of the sacred beast of the sacred phoenix, no matter the powerful fire, the phoenix that is afraid of fire? Obviously not.

Wen Yan, Duan Muhong only noticed the strangeness of Qin Shi’s palm, and everything was suddenly realized, but at this moment, he suddenly burst into anger and sneered: “Boy, your skill is not small, it was my little before. You, but you think, if you block me, can you be safe? Innocent!"

However, at this time, Lin Yu and Su Ming and other people's eyes flashed and stunned, and they stood up and screamed: "Stone, be careful behind you!"

However, a few people are still late. When they say it, the end of the wood cloud has appeared in the position behind the Qin stone. He is rolling a boiling flame, such as a group of magma erupting from the volcano, directed at Qin Shi. The heart of the heart caught.

"No!" Yin Mozhen wants to split.

On the side of the red inflammation, all of them breathed quickly.

Seeing that Qin Shi’s life is worrying, Xiaomi Cai and Yu Qing and others are trembled, and the spiritual power bursts out, and they want to rise.

But at this time, Qin Shi rushed to Duanmuhong and smiled differently: "Do you think that I am a six-character magician, such an obvious sneak attack, I will not notice it?"

"Well?" Wen Yan, Duan Muhong's heart was inexplicably surprised.


Immediately, the scene of the scene was extremely horrified, and everyone was sluggish. I saw that the end of the wood cloud was about to attack Qin Shi. It was also a big hand, and suddenly grabbed the end of the wood cloud.

"how is this possible?"

Duanmuyun's heart was stunned. The most surprising thing was that hand. Qin Shi's two hands were all used to resist Duanmuhong. What happened to the third hand?

At this moment, from the back of Qin Shi, the place where the hand extended, a black thin figure slowly emerged, this figure is like the derivation from the body of Qin Shi, watching people feel awkward.

But this is not the most amazing. The most unacceptable is the appearance of the figure. Although the distance is very far, Lin Yu and others still look at it. The figure, a black hair blocks the black scorpion, and the face is sturdy. A black robe wanders in the cold wind, isn't it Qin Shi?

"Two Qin Shi?"

"This, what is going on?"

In the sky, two Qin Shi suddenly appeared, and everyone was widened.

Duanmuhong’s heart wrinkled: “Is this, avatar?”

Qin Shi shrugged with a smile, so natural: "Okay, but with ordinary avatars, but there is a fundamental difference."

Yu Qing stared at the Qin Shi from the bottom, and the beautiful flashed a few points and couldn't believe it: "In that avatar, it is full of the power of the soul? Is this the soul?"

"Xiao Qing, what is going on here?"

"In the records of my family, when the soul of the demon master reached a certain level and the mind was very strong, it was possible to separate the mind from the body and turn it into a avatar. This kind of avatar and ordinary avatar There is a fundamental difference between martial arts and the fact that there is a soul flowing, so it is possessive."

"Do you have the wisdom?"

"Well, that is to say, if there is no Qin Shi, this is an independent person, but there is no flesh."

"And I can feel that the power of the stone is different from that of the ordinary mind. It seems to be supported by some kind of huge French. It is a terrible soul martial refining, and it will be stronger than the normal mind. Yu Qing said.

Hearing this statement, Lin Yu and others slammed into the air, what is this concept? Doesn't that mean that whoever wants to play against Qin Shi is equal to playing against two people?

Today's Qin Shi is also like the Duanmu brothers, which is equivalent to two people, and because the avatar is composed of the mind, it is also a heart-to-heart, or even more, more powerful and more tacit than the Duanmu brothers.

I want to understand this, everyone looked up and looked at Qin Shi, who back-to-back and resisted the two brothers at the bottom, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"It turned out that he had plans."

"Our worry is superfluous."

A group of people glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Yu Qing guessed it right, this is the seventh layer of the mysterious Bible: the golden pattern of the mind, this trick was as early as the healing of the black city of the city, Qin Shi learned a few points from the ancient heavens, now manipulating It has also become handy.

Putting the boiling hot double kill, Qin Shi mouth gently rises: "Duanmu Emperor, so two-on-two, it seems fair, right."

"Bad boy, you...!" Duanmuhong blinked and angered.

"Second second, first withdraw, I am looking for a chance to kill him. You help me from the side." Duanmuhong called out at the bottom of his heart, and Duanmuyun immediately received instructions, and he was unwilling to take a look at Qin Shi’s ecstasy. Out of the three palms, and Qin Shi's power to open the distance.

After Dumuyun retreated, Duanmuhong let out a sigh of relief. After that, he rushed to Qinshi for three consecutive palms, and the rolling heat wave continued to rush to Qinshi.

This is called Qin Shi’s blink of an eye: “Want to run?”

He turned his sleeves and rushed to the end of the wood, and it was at this time, Duanmuhong’s eyes suddenly flashed: "Hey, boy, who told you, I am going to run? You are fooled." !"

"Don't be fooled?" Qin Shi smiled faintly, and then he looked down on it. As he guessed, Duanmu Yun was unpredictable, and with his attack on Duan Muhong, he was already behind him.

"Maybe you don't know, there is a kind of deed to be counted." Qin Shi sneered, this is called the end of the words of the end of the wood, the inexplicable feelings of uneasiness, and then, not waiting for his reaction, a black shadow like a ghost, the impact has been Wandering behind the end of the wood cloud.


Duanmuyun's attention was concentrated on the former Qin Shi body, even though he felt the uneasiness of Duanmuhong, but when he wanted to dodge the Qinshi's mindfulness, everything was already late.


The attack of Qin Shi Nianli's avatar, the early end of the wood cloud step, a palm hit, the life will be the end of the cloud to fly hundreds of meters away.


The half of the valley has collapsed.

"The second child!" Duan Muhong saw an eager heart.

Qin Shi was only expected to smile: "I have to say that the secret technique of your Duanmu family is really powerful, but I think, if only you are alone, then this mystery will have no effect?"

Suddenly, Duanmuhong’s face was blue and green. As Qin Shi said, the Duanmu brothers are powerful together, even comparable to eight days, but once they are broken, the power will also be weakened several times. They are too Depend on each other.

"This is the flaw of your secret technique." Qin Shi sneered.

Wen Yan, Duan Muhong rose red face, Duanmu Yun's miss called him angry and ruined, he clenched his teeth tightly: "Kid, don't look too depressed!" After that, he hit the front, a full three meters The knife of the blade was lifted over the top of the head and slammed down against Qin Shi.

"Kid, this knife is the treasure that I have passed down to the mountain. It is a famous instrument that transcends the existence of the Horcrux. I see what resistance you have this time!"

"Name device?" Qin Shi frowned.

And that is his action, called Duan Muhong is even more arrogant: "Yes, how? Is it that even the name of the device has not been heard? Look at the tide, only the holy wind and I have a mountain, like you I don’t see it, it’s normal!”

Wen Yan, Qin Shi first is a glimpse, and immediately he suddenly smiled, this end Mu Hong is really interesting, he is only surprised that there will be a famous device in the Baichao area, but unexpectedly considered to be a country without knowing the name?

Don't talk about the famous device, that is the eight most ancient weapons that look at the human world. The most powerful weapon of Qin Shi has two pieces. If you count the jade light dance, he has seen three ancient weapons, not to mention a small name. What? Moreover, the knife that opened the mountain knife was only the inferior name, and the glare of the light made him very disdainful.

"Oh ~ ~ was stunned by people." Qin Shi shook his head, and immediately his eyes condensed, a blue-blue Jianguang slanted out, the water was sacrificed by him.


It is a sword, that power is strong, and it directly hits the mountain knife of Duanmuhong, and it is booming! Indifferent, a shocking tremor, called countless people can not help but tremble a bit.


Suddenly, a crisp cracking sound, this is called Du Muhong face revealing hi, he is full of confidence in the mountain knife in his hand, in his cognition, there is no such blade in the hundred tides. He was able to fight with the mountain knife in his hand, so he had already determined that the sound of the break would be the broken sword in the hands of Qin Shi.


But in the blink of an eye, a slap in the face of a knife from his ear, his face was cut, and he was shocked and wide-eyed: "This, how is this possible?"

I saw the mountain knife in his hand, and was actually cut off by life.

"Name, not only you have!"

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