Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 846: Moonlight spring breeze

The sea of ​​clouds is located hundreds of miles away from the red ash. The whole empire is very large. Now the beastmaster is destroyed. The sea of ​​clouds is in the top of the hundred tides, and it is also among the best. With the holy wind sitting in the town, it is not even in the middle of the night. People defend.

call out!

Suddenly, a black mangled as the sharp edge of the night sky, directly into the cloud empire, after him, is a woman wearing a blood-colored cheongsam, no doubt, it is Qin Shi and Hua Zi two people.

When they were ten miles away from the sea of ​​clouds, Qin Shi and the two separated from the big forces and acted separately.

Qin Shi’s hand always took the book from Lin Yu’s hand and looked down at it. He rushed to the zero: “Yunhai*Pig*Pig*Island* novel w.zuzd and Chen Xiezhe should all be in the palace, that There is some trouble in the face, let's start with the sui."

Hearing the sorrows and sorrows, the beauty of the flowers was faint: "The old dog gave it to me, this time I will want him to die."

"That will be handed over to you." Qin Shi smiled, but he was happy to have him, just to let him retain some physical strength to deal with the sea of ​​clouds, after all, half a step of eight days, plus Chen Xiezhe, he will also Feel pressure.

Of course, the premise is that he does not want to do his best in the sea of ​​clouds without using some of his cards. If so, how can he and the holy wind be higher and lower?

"Sui Su should go to Xicheng's moonlight spring tonight, where the squad is his old good, let's rush now." Qin Shi said.

Hearing the words, Hua Zhi reveals a few sarcasm: "The old man, that age, is there such a sense of interest?"

"Oh, this kind of thing, who is willing to serve the old? But this is just right, it is good for us, the location of the brothel, and the internal structure are all marked out." Qin Shichong spent a little laugh, he is now reluctant to provoke This woman.

After that, the two men rushed forward with the moonlight, and the west city of Yunhai was very close. The two men arrived here only three hours ago and stopped from the position outside the city.

"Next, just use walking, assassination only once, we can not be exposed." Qin Shi asked for a question.

Flower zero is indifferent, and the beauty in the United States followed the Qin Shi, and Qin Shi looked helpless: "Sister, you don't have to do this, you haven't killed you to kill a few words in your face. On the way, if we just entered the city, I am afraid that they will be caught."

Huan heard the embarrassment, she found that she did become more obvious, stopped jade, quietly sorted out, and soon her delicate murder was gradually hidden, revealing a very enchanting Smile.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, and went back to Xicheng.

Yunhai Xicheng, there is also a second name here, which is the night city of Yunhai. At this time, it is already in the middle of the night. The sky is very dark, but the two enter the city, but they don’t feel a little bit. The lights are bright and the market at night is crowded with people. A variety of screams are constantly screaming.

Of course, the most amazing thing here is undoubtedly the brothel here. The land of the wind and the snow is always the symbol of the night scene. There are many brothels in the West City. At this time, all kinds of son-in-law will dress up. Standing on the street to seduce men.

The two walked along the West City and soon found the brothel named Moonlight Spring Breeze. This brothel is huge, three stories high. There are several female daggers in the pink and dew point costumes at the door. One of them, one sees Qin Shi, directed at Qin Shi, said: "Grandfather, come and play, what service you want, the little girl can guarantee you, and you can't stop."

After saying this, the woman still did not forget to lick her own chest, tilted her head, and stretched out the bright red tongue and rubbed her red lips, screaming at Qin Shi.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi frowned. "Oh, the woman here is really open."

"Go ahead, the old dog should have not come yet."

"Yeah." Qin Shi nodded, screaming at the woman, followed by turning into the moonlight spring, with flowers behind him, hesitating to wear a red cloak, so that people could not see Male is a woman.

Sitting down from the brothel, Qin Shi tilted his legs and deliberately put on the appearance of a rich family. The large stone was thrown into the air by him, and immediately attracted countless women's snaps.

"Oh, this grandfather, raw face, look like, don't you come out to play?" The old man also squeezed over and saw the spirit stone in Qin Shi's hand excited: "But since we came to our moonlight, you and My mom, I said, what kind of woman do you want, as long as you say, I promise to make you satisfied, come here, next time I want to come, I want to work hard in bed, or want to be youthful, you Say yes."

Qin Shi smiled a little, but he was not polite: "My mother, call out your squad, I will ask her tonight with me."

"Hua Kui?" Wen Yan, the old man frowned, revealing a distressed color: "This guest officer, this I am afraid not, we have been ordered today."

"Don't you be ordered?" Qin Shi's face changed, and the look of the cockroach was filled with the most vividly, and he angered the desktop with one hand: "What? Is it afraid that I can't afford it?"

After that, thousands of Lingshi were thrown out by Qin Shi, and the scattered smashing of the land, called the group of son-in-law all crazy, squatting on the ground, but they are not gone.

The old man saw Qin Shi’s anger, and he panicked and flattered. “No, no, I dare, I didn’t lie to you. You see that we don’t have a squad, what kind of woman has it, big deal, big deal, I’m tonight. Calling you two, calling you a dragon and two phoenix, can't you?"

"No!" Qin Shi’s voice is very decisive: "Today, you are either asked to spend your time, or you are a brothel, you don't have to do it."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand at the flower and spent zero on the lips. The pressure of the five-day world circling into the air, and the whole room trembled.

"Hey, five days?" The people here were suddenly shocked, and the old man was panicked. The five-day world was in the sea of ​​clouds, and it was already the power of the top three.

The old bite bite his teeth and secretly took a sneak peek: "What are these two people? Is it the Prince of the Royal Palace?"

"My words, you didn't hear it!" Qin Shi raised the decibel again.

This time, this old man can not care so much, and quickly rushed to Qin Shi to lose his smile: "Objectives don't be angry, objectively don't be angry, isn't it a flower squad, I will go and call you."

"Liu Mei, come out to pick up the guest!"

The old man screamed at the second floor, and a beautiful woman immediately walked out of the boudoir and painted thick makeup. When she saw Qin Shi, she first revealed a few accidents, but she survived in this place for a long time. The unexpected color was fleeting, and when I smiled, I twisted my waist and took Qin Shi: "Hey, Grandpa, you can be really handsome, then the little girl tonight is yours." ""

Seeing Liu Mei, Qin Shi looked up and down, and determined that the difference between the records in the manual and Lin Yu was undoubted, and this smiled and grabbed Liu Mei, and walked toward the second floor.

After the flower zero followed, the old man saw the desire to open: "Hey, that objective, what do you mean...!"

However, her voice did not fall. Suddenly, a killing intention flowed out from the flowers and made her body suddenly stiff.

Liu Mei also noticed this scene. After a moment of sighing, he quickly said: "Oh, old mother, how much do you manage? The grandfather’s money, since the two of them came together, I did not Is it alright?"

The old bite bite the lip, and then nodded: "That's alright."

After the two walked into the house, just as soon as they entered the house, Liu Mei immediately went to the door and sat down on the bed. Her body shook and shouted at Qin Shi. "You, you should not come here to play." What?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi gave a slight glimpse: "Oh? You see it?"

Liu Mei bites her lip and tries to keep her calm. "Well, you and the people who have come here in the past, look at my eyes differently. From your eyes, I can't see a little bit of **** bath, but it is very clear." ”

Qin Shi suddenly realized, gently smiled: "It seems that I still do not like it." As he said, he grabbed his own hair and thought: "It is helpless, call me to other women." It’s really hard to put on a look that is full of desires."

He can deceive himself, but he can't.

"What do you want to do? I, I have not offended you?" Affirmed, Liu Mei was sitting upright and shook as far as possible to the rear.

Qin Shi looked up: "Since you know that we are not here, why do you want to bring us to your boudoir?"

"The strength of both of you is very strong. If I don't do this, you are really angry, and the whole moonlight will be destroyed." Liu Mei did not hide.

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he smiled at Liu Mei. He never discriminates against a prostitute. He thinks this is a profession. The way others choose, he has no right to Of course, he also Can't agree, so he didn't have a problem with Liu Mei: "We have no enmity with you. You will be here quietly for a while. When we solve this trouble, we will naturally give you freedom."

"Your enemy is Susie?" Qin Shi did not expect, that Liu Mei suddenly said, and after she saw Qin Shi’s surprise, her heart was more certain, and she sighed helplessly: "I will know that this time he He couldn’t escape, he offended someone he shouldn’t offend."

"Do you know?"

Liu Mei's first light point: "Chi Yan Qin Zongzhu: Qin Shi, I said, right?"

Qin Shi’s eyes rose slightly: “The woman is too smart, not good.”

"It is his own trouble, he deserves it." Liu Mei is also calm, no more to say, a person curled up to the bed.

Then, outside the door of the room, suddenly an angry snoring sounded: "Is that rabbit scorpion, dare to swear at my house? Eyebrows? Let me go, let me in!"

Hearing the words, Qin Shi and Hua Zi took a look at each other. They used to be like an old well, and at the same time they flashed a touch of killing: "Come on?"

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