Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 836: Banmen axe

"Kid, just the blow, it is just the beginning, then it is your real nightmare, ready to die!" One hand will beat Qin Shi back a hundred meters, Ge Han confidence rose, lifted hands, Once again, Qin Shi stormed.

When Ge Han stepped forward, Qin Shi’s eyes were slightly congested, and the left and right hands were simultaneously opened. Two different colors of flames ignited, and the whole body’s gas field was boiling.

boom! Hey!

The two just started, suddenly caused a shocking wave, the level of confrontation is not the rest of the people can be involved, Hao Tian from the national wall, the whole person was shocked, stunned and spit: "This Is it a confrontation above heaven?"

|Pig|Pig|Island|Fiction www.[zhu][zhu][]砰!


Ge Hanyi palm, like a microcosm, concealed from the cold wind, Qin Shi is not willing to show weakness, the body bowed, a Thunder Dragon jumped out of his chest, and bite away at Ge Han.


Once again, the two collided, and the wind and thunder continued for a full half of the time. This is called Ge Han’s old eyes, and he looked up through the gap of lightning and looked at Qin Shi: "You can still get from the kid." Stick in my hands?"

Qin Shi shrugged without a word.

Eight days of peaks, although very strong, but for today's Qin Shi, there is no such untouchable level, but it will be a lot of trouble.

"Hey, you are less proud, you can stop me, but I think you are working hard, I see how you are distracted to deal with the other two!" Ge Han angry snoring, and at this time, Qin Shi frowned and raised two chills from behind his back.

"Kid, your death is here!"

At this time, Susu and Hongteng also completed the demonization. The two men slammed their feet and pulled up. The posture was like two trolls. The whole arm of Susu was turned into a stone wall, and it was directed at Qinshi. Grab the heart.

Hongteng is more direct, the silver gun is set up by him, straight to the Qin Shimei.

After the two men in tandem, the attack was very tricky.

"Hey!" Xiaomi Cai was worried about the sound from the bottom, and immediately she was a fist of powder, and the body was once again turned into a giant python, and turned over and leaped.

"Hey, a little snake, let me go, there is nothing wrong with you here!" Hongteng saw Xiaomi Cai, and he turned his head in the hand and greeted him toward Xiaomi.

"Old dog!"

Xiaomi Cai screamed and bite down at Hongteng.

boom! Bang! Suddenly, two huge impulses exploded from the sky.


The silver gun and the millet's fangs collided, and a force would shake Hongteng.

However, Hongteng did not panic. Instead, he moved his body. The pace at his feet was very strange. The silver gun turned. This time he directly bypassed Xiaomi Cai and stabbed the seven-inch spot of Xiaomi Cai.

Seven inches is a snake dead hole, this is called Xiaomi color eyes panic, quickly swinging the snake body, but Xiaomi color into a snake body, although the size is extremely large, but to some extent also limit her movements, Although she swayed the snake body hard and barely avoided the seven-inch position, the silver gun was scratched from her waist, and a colorful snake came off her skin.

"Little rice color!"

Under the refraction of the moonlight, the colorful snake lining was reflected in the black scorpion of Qin Shi. Originally, after the two men pursued, Qin Shi just frowned, but this time, he was completely angry.

"Hey, stinky boy, look at your appearance, you seem to care about the life and death of this little snake!" I noticed the change of Qin Shi's breath, and Su Shi changed from the rear corner of the eye, originally he approached the giant heart of Qin Shi. The hand suddenly changed direction, and also grabbed Xiaomi Cai: "In that case, I will let you see with your own eyes how this snake was killed by me!"

Seeing this scene, without waiting for Qin Shi to open, Ge Han roared from the front: "Hey, don't go! Don't deliberately anger this kid, kill him quickly!"

However, his words were still late. At the time of the turn of the Soviet Union, Qin Shi’s black scorpion was completely cold, and an unprecedented killing flashed from his body. This is called Ge Han’s contempt with Qin Shi’s roar: “Good Horrible killing! Damn!"

"You are looking for death!"

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and then suddenly a flash of lightning under his feet, the palm that had originally contend with Ge Han suddenly recovered, which called Ge Han suddenly lost his heart, and his body was forced to dump forward.

But originally, the distance between the two was less than half a meter. Ge Han was confident that he would take the opportunity to kill Qin Shi, but when his finger just touched Qin Shi, he wanted to use his force from the fingers, his body swayed. The attack was inexplicably lost.

The feeling for him was that Qin Shi was still in front of him in the first second, and the next second seemed to disappear from his eyes. This made him feel upset and quickly turned back.

"Well?" But the accident is that he did not appear in Qin Shi, and he was puzzled: "Where is this kid? Where is it? I am closest to him. It is reasonable to say that if he wants to do it, it should definitely It’s right from me, is it still the other two?” But when he thought of this, he suddenly burst into surprise: “No, his goal is...!”

But immediately, his old eyes sank and turned to look forward to the squatting out of the kilometer. The scorpion of the petrified scorpion was still approaching Xiaomi Cai. This is called Ge Han’s more uneasy, shouting:苟苏, stop, stop!"

But everything is late, his voice has not yet fallen, and the space in front of him is violently swaying, and a thundering brontosaurus rises up, like a light and shadow, rushing toward the sui.

Lei Long was only a hundred meters away from the Susu, and the Thunder Dragon fell apart. A figure wrapped in a black robe was revealed from it. The five fingers spread out and grabbed the head of the Susu.

"Oh... fast speed!"

Everyone was shocked when I saw this scene.

Gehan dazzled his eyes: "What is the speed?"

You know, the two people can still be in the same position in the previous second. Has this blink of an eye been flashed out of the kilometer? Even the real anger is just that? Is this true?

Suddenly, the singer was also blind, and his petrified arm was really petrified this time. He couldn’t move at all: "Is this true?"

"Old dog, you touched my counterscale!"

Qin Shi’s black scorpion has become bloody. This time, he did not have any mercy, and his handprint turned: “God word!” Immediately, the soul of the Six Mantra emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge, poured into the sea, called him The force leaps and bounds, and then he exerts a little force, his fingers are covered by the golden lining, a fierce flame burns from his palm, the high temperature, even a piece of metal falling in it, I am afraid it will immediately become gold water, and even This is the case, Qin Shi's palm is safe and sound, this is the power of the golden phoenix bathing nirvana.


"苟苏国师!" Hongteng held a silver gun and exclaimed in the distance.

Ge Han’s old eyes were gloomy: “Damn, tell him not to try to provoke this kid, he just doesn’t listen, this is really troublesome!”

But blame, he bit his teeth, his body is still looking forward, squatting in front of the scorpion: "Kid, don't be too crazy!"

"Get out of my way!" Qin Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense, the other hand emptied out, the golden Lin family rose directly, and tore off Ge Han's chest.

"Drink, the power of horror." Ge Han's old eyes were slightly surprised. Between them, he squirted blood and applied the blood to his eyebrows. The blood burned and the **** prints of his eyebrows brightened again. A layer of fierce anger burst from his eyebrows, entangled his body little by little: "Kid, you force me, tell you to see the power of the evil spirit!"

"The fierce devil?" Qin Shi stunned, and could not help but smile. As early as five years ago, Qin Shi was very familiar with the evil spirits. Now Ge Han releases the magic in front of him. This is clearly a class.

Although the demon has been accounted for, under the circumstance, do not easily use the power of the evil spirits. After all, the group has been eyeing him, and must be very careful.

But this time, Qin Shi is really angry. Xiaomi Cai is a very heavy person in his life. It is undoubtedly in the scope he wants to guard. He has been working hard for the people he wants to guard throughout his life. Touching his reverse scale is something he can't stand.

So this time, he didn't have any reservations, and the totem flashed on the arm of Susu, and the wild suffocation of the layers of the sky rushed to the sky. Suddenly, his arm swelled a hundred times, such as a claw that caught the sky. Like Yunxiao, he grabbed it at Gehan.

Seeing this scene, Ge Han and Yu Su’s eyes condensed: “The power of the evil spirits? How is it possible?”


And the opportunity to not respond to the three people at all, the claws will be surrounded by three people, like a mountain, the three people slammed on the ground.


The earth is cracked by thousands of gullies, and the paw print of the claw is deeper into the ground, and a huge deep pit emerges.

"Hey...!" Before and after this, less than five seconds of effort, three powerful powers that were originally powerful enough to be feared, were they destroyed by Qin Shi?

"Is it over?" The sky rolled over the dry lips.

The tiger cub is also full of and at this moment, the ruins under the deep pit flipped, and Ge Han dragged his wolverine body and stood up.

"Well? So powerful, this old dog can still live?"

After Ge Han got up, Susie and Hongteng even stood up. This called a lot of people uneasy. Qin Shi’s attack was just like destroying the earth. Ge Han has eight days and can survive. There is no excuse, but what happened to these two people?

"It should be the reason for the **** print." The tiger cub clenched his teeth: "The **** print seems to have changed their system."

The tiger cub guessed that it was because the power of the evil spirit changed the bones of the three people. This made the three people survive. Otherwise, even Ge Han, under the attack, feared that he would die. back and forth.

"Sacred Wind Master, what do we do?" But even if he survived, the three were really badly hit this time, and the three had completely lost their fighting ability.

Under the tiankeng, Ge Han Yin Yan eyes, staring at Qin Shi, biting his teeth and gnawing his teeth: "Run, this kid also has the power of fierce devil, and far stronger than our fierce devil, we are fundamental Not his opponent."

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