Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 826: celebrate

Regarding the no-door auction house, Qin Shi is not in a hurry to trace. After all, Qin Shi still has to rely on the economic source of the auction house without a door. As long as they do not do anything that harms the interests of Qin Zong, he will only look at it. Eyes.

What's more, he doesn't think that with his current strength, he can shake the behemoth that has branches in the hundred tides.

"Elder Ling Xiao, this year Qin Zong's development is good, I am very satisfied, you have worked hard." Qin Shi is very sincere to Ling Xiaodao.

Ling Xiao quickly shook his head: "Compared with the Sovereign, I have nothing to do. If there is no lord, now I am afraid that it is only the northern region. The lord of a small ancestral door that nobody cares about is the lord who gave me the possession. All this, standing in such a high position."

"That's not the case. Everyone has the role of everyone. Qin Zong is indispensable. I don't have the time and energy. So I need to worry about management." Qin Shi smiled, then he waved his hand and went on. Thousands of mysterious crystals are sacrificed. ”

"These mysterious crystals, though not many, are already all my savings, I will hand it over to you for safekeeping, but remember that these mysterious crystals should not be used for trading. In the Baichao area, Xuanjing is a luxury. Can't use it." Qin Shi hesitated, and took out a drawing. This drawing is a series of methods that he has studied for many days. He said: "This drawing is a gathering of the spirits that I designed according to my experience. Although it can't match the ten-fold and fifty-fold large-scale gatherings, it should be able to reach five times the spiritual power of the outside world. You take it, then use it to create it with Xuanjing, and then pick some of my disciples who are extraordinary. Practice."

After that, Qin Shi will again annihilate this year, as well as his martial arts accumulated in the chaotic domain, and all the medicinal herbs, including nine martial arts, and nine medicines and five lines of medicinal herbs: "These martial arts, and The medicinal herbs are also given to you. They are used to train some elite disciples. Based on the level of our Qinzong disciples, they are still far worse than others."

The cultivation of Qin Zong’s disciples, or the cultivation of Chi Yan, is still too low. It is too difficult to stand in the Baichao area. It is too difficult to realize this. Qin Shi knows that Qin Zong must cultivate his own elite disciples. Only then.


Staring at the exquisite treasures, Ling Xiao and Mo Chen and others squinted and smothered one by one. These treasures, any one of them, I am afraid that they can be fired at the price of the Red Yan Empire. Especially in the ninth-order martial arts, before the Qin Shi, the seventh-order martial arts was already the highest existence of Chiyan. It was the desert of Qin Shi who had seen the eight-day martial arts, and the nine-order martial arts. That is the height they have heard and never heard.

"Sovereign, are these really going to be left to us?"

"That is nature. Qin Zong is the pillar behind me. I can't just strengthen myself. You must be strong, so that you can help me in the future, isn't it?" Qin Shi smiled calmly.

After the Beastmaster war, he found that with him alone, it was still a little difficult. Now it is just a beastmaster. When the last nine people joined forces, they already told him to feel a bit of a crisis. After that?

The enemies he has to face are all the giants on the continent, standing at the peak of the pyramids, in the chaotic domain, the squad, and wanting to compete with these giants. He must have his own power, and Qin Zong is undoubtedly his the best choice.

I heard this, Ling Xiao several people look at each other, while bowing to the ground, holding the fist: "I will follow the lord church, I will not let the lord look forward to."

"Well, I believe in you." Qin Shi nodded comfortably.

Then, Qin Shi rushed a few people to explain some trivial things, which made him free to wait until Ling Xiao several people retired, he leaned against the table and chairs, shaking his head with a smile: "Oh, a person Used to, the position of this manager is still not suitable for me."

"Come on, don't worry." Yuluo took a step from the back hall. The jade hand gently held Qin Shi: "I believe that my man must be the best man in the world. Now these difficulties are only It will be a stepping stone for your growth, and you will eventually be cut off by your thorns."


"I love you." Yuluo brakes tightly to hold Qin Shi, and the younger ones won't win the new love. The two can no longer control the feelings, and the lingering lingering together.

"Cough!" But at this moment, a crisp dry cough, interrupted the two, Lin Yu and Su Ming several people into the conference hall.

Xiaomi Cai also followed a few people, and suddenly covered his eyes, his hand deliberately made a scissors, and exposed his eyes: "Oh, my sister and her sister are doing shame, I can't see, I can't see."

Originally, the atmosphere was awkward, and Xiaomi Cai’s shouting, Yuluosha’s face was blushing, and the resentful stunned Qin Shi’s eyes: “I blame you.”

Qin Shi shouted in his heart: "What does this have to do with me."

"That is, you all blame you, have children, do not know to pay attention to a little, haha!" Su Ming is not addicted to the side of the lungs, and laughed.

Qin Shi bit his teeth and got up and kicked on Su Ming’s ass: "Get out of the way! Have you not been stunned for a long time?"

"Do you dare to beat me? You don't know me above..."

"Come here, there are people on you, you call me over, tell me who it is, in this gibberish, I even play with him!" Qin Shi mouth, Su Ming suddenly dumb.

Lazy to understand Su Ming, Qin Shichao looked around, and his heart screamed: "It is a beautiful scenery!" But he still resisted, Chong Linyu asked: "I said, you do not sleep in the middle of the night, accompanied by Disturbing the happiness of our husband and wife?"

Lin Yu shook his head quickly. He didn't want to look like Su Ming. He said: "We just think about it. I haven't seen it for more than a year. You have been busy before. It's not easy to be good at night. Let's celebrate it, don't be old. With the help of a daughter-in-law, we also take care of us?"

"That is, see the color of forgetfulness!" Qin said.

Wen Yan, Qin Shigang wants to speak, suddenly do not know what to say, and finally had no choice but to look at the jade.

Fortunately, Yuluo is very gentle, slamming the dagger at Qin Shi: "Go, come back early, I am waiting for you to come back."

"Wait, wait, scorpion follow!" Su Ming directly took Yuluo, and Lin Yu followed a few people: "That is, go together, my mother is behind them, the pro-owner and the elder Ling Xiao also go It’s very lively.”

Upon hearing this, Yuluo Brass was not good enough to refuse. He took Qin Shi’s wrist and the two left the conference hall with the big troops.

Qinzhen Qinzong.

This night is destined to sleep, bright and lively.

Even the rest of the towns in the town were affected. Many people pushed the door open and curiously visited Qin Zong.

There were a few little guys who even climbed the wall of Qin Zhai, and looked at the inside with their big eyes kept on. Several 16-year-old girls saw Qin Shi, and the eyes of the apricots appeared spring: "Is that Qin Shi?" The legendary character, Qin Zongzong?"

"Well, it must be him, haven't you seen it? Even the emperor of Chiyan is with him, the real amazing figure."

"And it looks so handsome, if you can marry him."

"Don't think about it, didn't you hear it? It was during the day, his daughter was born, he was a deaf person."

"That's a pity...!"

Just coming out of the conference hall, Qin Shi’s knowledge of the sea came to him, and he couldn’t help but smile.

"Oh, this feeling is not bad."

He thought in his heart, and then several people came to the courtyard of the Qin house, the fire in the courtyard burned, and half of the sky was dyed red.

Next to the campfire, a large number of people gathered, including Lin Biao, Pu Quan, He Yan, Qin Zong and Qin disciples, Qin Shi familiar, unfamiliar, there are hundreds of people.

Many of them are hearing about the return of Qin Shi, the old people who came from all directions, such as Nangong Bing, Tai Shihuan, Blood Hand Liu Qing and so on.

Seeing these people, Qin Shi was slightly surprised: "This is really lively."

"Haha, Qin, you are finally back."

Nangong Bing and Taishi Yuhua greeted him, and immediately, Nangong Bing saw the jade Luosha next to him, admiring: "I heard that you are already guilty?"

"Yeah, we are all old." Qin Shi was full of joy and laughter.

"Oh, Qin Zongzhu said this, how do we call these people still live?" At this time, Nangong Yueyang took the lead, the old eyes looked at Qin Shi, flashed a few minutes of shock.

"Yueyang predecessor." Qin Shi respected the Chongnan Palace Yueyang hugged the fist, he still remembers that when he was chased by the enemy in the Eastern region, Nangong Yueyang opened the way for him.

"The words of the predecessors, that is really a good old man. The little guy that year, a year of hard work, the strength of today is probably enough to overlook this continent, it seems that the old man's vision of the year is not wrong." Nangong Yueyang shook his head and smiled. He is now glad that he did not have a distressed Qin Shi. This Qin Shi is really a enchanting.

And a few people chilled, Qin Shi and Yu Luozha once again facing forward, and Qin Shi was surprised that he had just been wary of the owner of the doorless auction house: Yuan Bo, even came here.

"Oh, Qin Laodi, four days of the situation, six curse magician, this year is not seen, your growth is really amazing?" Yuan Bo stood up very angry, and Qin Shi opposite.

Qin Shizhen began to look at the mental power from Yuan Bo, but he immediately frowned. In the past year, he still could not see this Yuan Bo?

"This old ghost, it really has a tricky." In the mind, but on the surface he will certainly not show it, flattering smile: "Yuan Boss this year, is also radiant, I heard that no-door auction house is doing now It’s getting bigger and bigger, has already made the Chiyan Empire? Yuan Boss made a fortune, and don’t forget Qin Zong later.”

"Oh, the lord praised, is to do a little business." Yuan Bo smiled lightly.

But immediately, Qin Shi explored the front, and his eyes flashed a few minutes away from Yuan Bo’s side: "Yuan Bo, I don’t know what you are going to do in the Snowy Plains, but you can rest assured that one day, I will find out, I hope you don't detract from my Qin Otherwise, I will fight for it, and it won't make you better. If Qin Shi said, you know, say no. ""

When Yuan Bo suddenly stunned, there was a shock that flashed from the old eyes, but when he passed away, he smiled: "That is natural, and the sovereign is relieved, you don't have to check it, one day, one day, you will know all this, By that time, the Sovereign would probably appreciate me."

"Hey, it's best." Qin Shi was not talking nonsense.

After that, Qin Shi staggered and sat in the middle of everyone. Lin Yu was the emperor of Hongyan. The first one stood up and raised the glass against Qin Shi: "You, let us celebrate, our big man triumphantly return! Cheers !"


A crowd of people raised their glasses.


At this moment, a loud noise rang from the big underground, and a loud voice was heard, and everyone present was shocked.

"This celebration, I think I will stay until his day!"

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