Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 823: Qin Jinyan

The Beastmaster soon provoked thousands of empire within a radius of ten thousand miles. Everyone knows that the Beastmaster has died, and the empire that has been filled with thousands of years of empire, the one who perished overnight, is the Chiyan Empire. The lord of Qin Zong: Qin Shi.

The word Qin Shi also started from this time and was thoroughly resounded in this hundred empire.

Red Yan, the northern region.

A small town that was defeated in the mountains, in the town's town, is a high stone gate with marble inlaid with gold rims. The top of the stone gate is engraved with two characters: the wild town.

Since the red age, the town has become a very sacred place of red inflammation, because + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + for everyone knows that this is the birthplace of that legendary figure, but also his roots.

Although the barren town is not large, it is extremely magnificent. There are countless spiritual mines that have been excavated in the mountains behind it. The construction of the town is also extremely macroscopic, comparable to the imperial capital.

In the middle of the barren town is a huge old house, which is Qin Zhai.

At this time, the Qin Zhai, the unprecedented excitement, almost all the guys with faces in the entire empire came, even the Red Yan King: Lin Yu rushed over, called the people in the town were surprised.

"What happened? Even the emperors are coming?"

"Hey, what happened to the Qin family? How can there be so many powerful people?"

A group of small people, they are curious about the adults around their homes.

The group of adults laughed bitterly: "Don't talk indiscriminately, it is the Qin family that has a happy event."

In the Qin Zhai, outside the exquisite wing room, Qin Yongfeng's ancient body stood at the forefront, and the old face was full of expectations. Behind him, Qin Tianqing, Qin Tianyu, Park Quan and so on.


At this time, the door of the wing room was suddenly pushed open, Lin Biao walked out of it, saw Lin Biao, a group of people rushed up and greeted Qin Yongfeng eagerly asked: "Lin, my granddaughter, how is she?"

"Yeah, how about him?"

Surrounded by the crowd, Lin Biao was pretending to be a sorrowful face, called countless people to be frightened, and then could not help but laugh at the scene, screaming and snoring: "Do not worry, my sister is fine, after serving the beast, the body has begun It’s getting better, and the midwife has just said that the children in the abdomen have also been saved and will soon be born.”

“Really?” A group of people was overjoyed.

Lin Wei nodded softly: "Thanks to the little guy, he is turning the tide again this time."

"I will know that the scorpion will not have anything to do." Xu Qiaoer patted the chest and sighed.

"If you count the time, the stinky boy should come back soon?" Qin Tianqing smiled and looked toward the distant sky.

Qin Yongfeng followed the color of expectation: "I don't know my grandson, what is it now, he is really the pride of my Qin family."

"Come on! To be born!" At this moment, the shouts of the midwife suddenly came from the wing, and the heartstrings of all the people were tightened.

"Fast, fast, little girl, you are going to get the handle, we are not convenient to go in." Qin Yongfeng, although he lived nearly a hundred years old, is also full of black lines for this kind of thing, and he rushes to Qin Qin private rain, Xu Qiaoer, etc. Shouted.

Lin Biao also entered the wing and rushed to the soft bed.

"Proverbs, rumors, how are you?" Lin Yu worried about holding the hand of Yuluo.

Yuluo brakes her eyes slightly, sparkling with a distressing blur. At this time, her fragrance and her hands are all covered with sweat. She gently said: "Sister, stone, stone, what about him?"

"He will be back soon. Don't talk, you will be born, and you will be hard-working. Concentrate on it, my sister is here to accompany you." Lin Biao gently groaned.

But I don't want to, Yu Luosha shook his head, her three thousand black hairs have been glued together, and her mouth is squeaky: "No, no, he said, he wants to see the child's first side, I must wait until he comes back."

"Xunzi, now is not a wayward way."

"Yeah, this way, you will get rid of it."

"Not to mention, there is a three-day journey from the Beastmaster. If he does not come back in three days? Do you have to wait for him for three days?"

"No, he will come back soon, even if it is three days, I will wait, I must wait for him." But no matter how others persuaded, Yuluo was very stubborn, she must wait until Qin Shi came back.

Her phoenix eyes looked away from the distance, looking at the clear sky: "Stone, hurry, I am waiting for you."

call out……!

At this moment, a cold wind swept the deserted town, and the sky became dim. A black figure was like a streamer, and it broke through the sky.

"Ruosha, I am back!" Qin Shi silently fell, the figure appeared on the bed of Yuluo, he slammed down and grasped the jade hand of Yuluo: "I'm sorry, I have waited for a long time." ""

The sudden appearance of Qin Shi called many people surprised, only Yu Luosha gently shook his head, as if expected, smiled: "No, I know, you will not lie to me, so I am waiting for you."


A cry of the baby sounded from the wing.

"Give birth, gave birth, is a girl." The midwife shouted with joy, and suddenly called the people in the entire Qin house to let go.

"Give birth, gave birth... finally got born, I am a grandfather." Qin Tianqing seems to be hollowed out, and the whole body is occupied by joy.

"Is it born?" Yu Luozha excitedly laughed and screamed and sat up: "Call me, tell me to see the child."

The midwife sent a newborn baby, wrapped in a shackle, to the jade, and Yuluo was holding her. She was crying happily. I am afraid that there is no woman. At this time, I can hold back, even if it is Yuluo The same is true.

Lin Biao people glanced at each other from the side, full of joy: "You two, good lingering, we will not bother you."

A group of people left the room and left the two alone.

Qin Shi looked at a lot of jade Luosha, and her hand gently licked her cheek. This year, she really lost weight.

"You have been tired this year."

"I am tired of you, have you lost their hearts in this year?" Yuluo brakes a gentle question.

Qin Shi heard the words, helplessly shook his head: "I have witnessed too much this year, this continent is bigger than I imagined. If I want to help the snow heart revenge, restore the jade sister, I am still poor. far away."

Feeling the sadness of Qin Shi, Yu Luozha put him in his arms, let him relax in his arms, and let go of himself. She knows that Qin Shi must have suffered a lot during this year.

"Don't think too much, I believe my man will not let me down."

"Wow!" And when the two enjoyed the warmth of a long time, a crying interrupted the two, and the two looked at each other and could not help but laugh.

Qin Shi reached out and teased the little guy in the jade of Luohua. "This is just born, so you don't want your aunt to have a good life. Is it still there?"

"Ruosha, she looks like you. Look at this big-eyed look. It must be a beautiful embryo in the future." Qin Shiyue looked at his own child and couldn't help but laugh.

"I am stunned."

Qin Shi’s long sigh of emotion, I really can’t imagine it. After five or six years in a blink of an eye, he turned from the original unrestrained little guy and became awkward.

"Little girl, you can rest assured, this life will definitely make you have a good time." Qin Shi pinched his fist and promised to this little girl.

That serious look, watching the jade Luo brake can not help but smile, shoved Qin Shi: "Look at you, she was born, you don't spoil her."

"How about spoiled? My daughter, I am petting, can't be heavenless, just do whatever I want, it is my daughter." Qin Shi is not convinced.

Yuluo brake shook his head: "You haven't changed at all this year."

"Give her a name." Qin Shi smiled.

Regarding the name, Yuluo Zao had already had some plans, so hesitated to meditate and promised: "Just call her, Qin Jinyan."

"Qin Jinyan?"

"Well, her father, said one, she also witnessed your commitment, I hope she will be able to inherit this from you in the future, and will be able to protect the promise in the future."

Qin Shi thought for a moment and nodded: "Well, the Qin word is me, the words are you, the middle is a gold word, it is you and I am rich to her, I hope she can inherit our advantages."

Qin Shi is very satisfied with this name.

Qin Jinyan, a meaning of inheritance, Qin Shi could not help but laugh, and hugged the little guy: "In the future, you will call Qin Jinyan, do you like this name?"

The little guy was very sensible, and he made a look of old-fashioned. The little finger swayed on his chin and suddenly laughed.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shi stunned, haha ​​laughed: "Okay, then it is called Qin Jinyan."

"When you have been away for a year, go out to accompany you, and Grandpa and they, they miss you very much, and let them look at the golden words." Yu Luozha is very gentle and rushes to Qin Shidao.

Qin Shi nodded. He knew that Yuluo was also tired. He stood up, and then he did not rush to leave. His palm turned, and a huge rain shower was made by him. He was placed next to the bed of Yuluo. , said: "You have a good rest."

He walked out of the wing with the little guy, and everyone saw Qin Shi coming out. All of them were pleasantly surprised. Qin Yongfeng took the three steps and two steps forward and took Qin Jinyan from Qin Shi’s arms.

"You see this little more like Shi Er, especially this eyes, black, so god." Holding Qin Jinyan, Qin Yongfeng no longer has the appearance of a family, but like It is a child who is a treasure, laughing.

Looking at Grandpa laughing, Qin Shi also laughed.

"Little guy, for you, you have to pay a lot, you must grow strong." Qin Yongfeng teased Qin Jinyan.

After that, Qin Tianqing, Qin Yueling, more and more people came forward, and they all loved Qin Jinyan. Su Ming and several people also came together to join in the fun.

At this time, the only person who was not involved in the thoughts of Qin Jinyan was Qiong Shuyao. Her apricot eyes were blurred and covered with a layer of water mist. The eyes were filled with distress and the thoughts of Qin Shi.

She is like everyone else, she just hurts her son.


Looking at Qiong Shuyao, Qin Shi’s heart was cramped.

"Mother, Shier is back."

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