Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 818: Then you will die.

Throughout the clear sky, Lang Lang whispered, and the entire valley seemed to be brightened by this red sound. No matter it was Red Yan, Beastmaster, Qin Zong, the disciples of the other forces all looked up, successively, on the face. The look will solidify.

A thin figure is in the midst of Jiuyi, standing with his hands on his back. He has a black robe and floats gently in the cold wind. The most amazing thing is that the white tiger, which is just very violent, is on his forehead, but I don’t know why. At this time, the white tiger in the eyes of everyone, has long lost the deterrent power of the past, but like a white kitten caught in the hands, constantly struggling, but how can not fall.

Immediately, I saw the figure finger gently flicking, a beam of light like an eagle hitting the sky, slamming, hitting the white tiger's eyebrows.

&nb+Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction+www+z+; Hey!

"Hey-!" The white tiger was hit, suddenly mad, and screamed, and then, was the birth of the beam to the earthquake?


The white tiger was scattered, and suddenly it was silent. In addition to the tens of thousands of meters, and the sound of the throat rolling, there was no other voice, and everyone was stupid.

That full blow from the power of seven days, was it broken?

The silence lasted for a long time, and Qin Tianqing and other talents came back to God. The big mouth was breathing and gasping. Now it is the fool who can see it. They are saved.

Then, everyone recalled the red sound of the figure.


What about Xiaomi Cai? Is it him?

A thought, rising from the bottom of countless people, Qin Tianqing slammed his head up, the old eyes stared at the figure, and his body was stagnant, the familiar figure, familiar appearance, as he had when he left home. It’s just that in the seemingly young face, there is a bit more fortitude and determination, and a few points that should not belong to his age. From this point on, what he experienced during the year.

"Shier...!" two words, some hoarse spit, Qin Tianqing's old eyes are moist.

Qin Shi’s figure was slightly moved. When it appeared again, it was already in front of Qin Tianqing. In this year, he grew a lot taller, but he still didn’t have Qin Tianqing’s height and was as short as a centimeter.

Looking at the man who has already appeared in front of his eyes, his father, even Qin Shi’s resolute heart, has finally moved at this moment. The black scorpion is red and the choked swearing: "Hey...!"

As we approached, everyone looked at Qin Shi’s appearance and what he did, and he could be called the aura of the audience, and the gas field, they were amazed.

This year, in this little guy, there is really a fundamental change, just like the transformation of the young eagle, becoming an eagle, flying for nine days, the same.

"Shier, is it really you?" Qin Tianqing still has some unbelievable.

Qin Shi nodded hard: "Yes, it is me, it is Shier, Shier is not filial, and it is late."

In my mind, just a few years ago, in the picture of Qin Jiashi, Qin Tianqing couldn’t help but smile. The boy who needed his protection in the past, in the blink of an eye, could have been alone and can protect him. On the peak of this continent.

"Stone brother!!"

"Stone, sovereign!"

Countless people shouted loudly, and the depressed atmosphere suddenly became magnificent, and the situation of tens of thousands of meters was greatly reversed.

The appearance of Qin Shi seems to inform all the people of Chi Yan. They have won the same battle. After all, Qin Shi has given them too many miracles.

"Bad boy, are you finally coming back?" Park Chunhong looked scorned from the side.

Qin Shi turned his head and nodded at Park Spring: "Well, Master!"

"Haha, I heard these two words, everything seems worth it." Park Quan was satisfied with the big laugh.


Qin private rain, Su Ming and Yin Mo several people came forward, watching those old friends, Qin Shi heart sputum, he did not say anything, just patted Su Ming, Yin Mo, Qin Yu several people The shoulders, but this one, contains too much.

After that, Qin Shi turned back and looked at Lin Wei. The Lin Biao stared at the black robe boy and smiled a little. "Little guy, in the past six months, your growth has exceeded my expectations."

"Oh, not only the growth, the crisis encountered, but also beyond your expectations." Qin Shi teased and smiled, but although it was just teasing, listening to everyone's ears, called many people feel A few minutes of heartbreaking.

Everyone can guess that this year Qin Shi is hard to come by.

"Lin, thank you, Chi Yan can be the shot of Qin Zong." After that, Qin Shi was very serious and rushed to the side.

Lin Wei waved his hand and smiled. "First, I am not helping you. I am helping my silly sister, and my stupid son. If it is not for me, he will come to the battlefield. Second, you help." I have never had the chance to thank you for my family, this is what I should do."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi grinned, did not take over, but he was very grateful to Lin Biao, because he knows that in this world of the jungle, there is nothing that should and should not be, Lin Biao can help him, he Be grateful.

Suddenly, he frowned and slammed back to the first place. A very cold look was like a sharp blade. If he said that Qin Shi’s appearance was called excitement, then the only one was not so happy, but full. The person who resents is spending zero.

The flower is very cold and cold: "Qin Shi, I don't care what level you have grown up this year, but if my sister shows something wrong, I will not let you go."

Qin Shi slightly glimpsed, helpless laughter: "The flower is still so overbearing." But right away, he has a lot of color, one hand licking his chest: "If it is a jade, there is no mistake, no you I will not let myself go!"

"That is my wife!"

Listening to these words, many people are amazed in their hearts, but there are also a few gaze between them, showing a few points of soft, such as Yin Mo, and Luo Tingting of Luojia.

A few years later, Luo Tingting, who was not the petite girl of the year, was transformed into a tall, beautiful woman with long legs and waist.

During the year, Luo Feng also tried to be a matchmaker for Luo Tingting, but the latter’s heart was already one, and the man who saved her in a forest was occupied, so no matter who she was, she was indifferent. .

But she also knows that she and Qin Shi will never be possible. She just wants to wait and see this far and will feel satisfied.

When the red side is calm, the direction of the beastmaster in the distance is shaken, the old face of the tiger swells down, and the old eyes stare at Qin Shi.

Liu Changhu, and those who are in heaven and earth.

They are very curious, what is the identity of this boy, why has it emerged from him, and Chi Yan has already tightened to the heartstring that is about to be broken, and suddenly he has loosened it, and from everyone’s face, he can see a few Easy, easygoing.

"What is your name?"

The rough and heavy voice of the tiger screamed and rang.

This sound is ringing, and many of the eyes are concentrated on Qin Shi. I don’t want to say that the target of Hu Xiao is Qin Shi. After a few encounters, the red side is already half of the casualties. Those who resisted the tiger's blow, only Qin Shi.

But what is awkward is that Qin Shi simply ignores the shouting of the tiger.

He looked around as nothing, and strode into the red-light crowd, step by step to the front of Xiaomi Cai, watching the cut wound on the shoulder of Xiaomi Caixiang, still bleeding, his angina.

"Hey...!" The old savage little rice color, in front of Qin Shi, showed a very smooth appearance, gently sighed and bowed his head, as if he was afraid of the latter blaming.

Qin Shi couldn't help but smile, and licked the hair of Xiaomi Cai: "Why, I haven't said you, you are doing very well."

"Really?" Xiaomi Cai's two big eyes sparkled, and the inner heart swayed.

Qin Shi recognized the nod, and immediately his eyes changed a lot, turned back and looked toward the direction of the tiger, cold and cold: "Tell 爹爹, who just hurt you?"

"That is the old dog!" Xiaomi Cai indignantly pointed at the tiger screaming.

"He?" Qin Shi had a long-awaited smile, very indifferent, said: "Well, wait here, oh, this will give you revenge."

Hearing this, everyone screamed at the gods, and when they were returning to God, Qin Shi had already turned into a streamer, and jumped to a position 100 meters away from the tiger.

Suddenly, the army of Chi Yan screamed, and Qin Tianyu’s several Qin disciples were somewhat worried: "He Tianqing, can Shier do it?"

Although everyone knows that Qin Shi’s repairs will be leaps and bounds in the middle of the year, this can be seen from the Qinshi’s hitting the tiger’s scream, but how to say that Qin Shi was just a year ago. The little boy who entered the world can grow up to seven days a Is it unlikely?

But under the worries of everyone, Qin Tianqing was very proud, staring at Qin Shi, and nodded with a smile: "Do not worry, my Qin Tianqing's son is not a general generation. Since he said, it will definitely work. Confidence, I still have it."

Hearing this, a sentence that once spread through the red inflammation once again resounded in the ears of the people. The Qin Zongzong, said one or two, yes, he said, it will certainly work.

Qin Shi stood up from the high air, and the black scorpion was very indifferent, with a bit of chilling, staying for a while from the tiger scream: "Old guy, just you hurt my daughter?"

"Your daughter?" Hu Xiao wrinkled his frown, and his old eyes glanced at Xiaomi Cai, which suddenly realized, and then nodded: "I am, what about?"

"How?" Qin Shi smiled lightly, and the laughter had not yet solidified. Suddenly, the sudden passing of the murder was caused by the sudden murder. The feeling of oppression of the audience was completely dissatisfied and stunned.

After that, several voices of the wind and cloud talked out from the Qin Shikou, which was so understated.

"Then, you will die."

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