Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 816: Beastmaster 0

"Lin Wei, you can think about it. If you order this, it is the battle between the two countries. This result can't be afforded by you!" Lin Biao started, and the tiger swelled from the distant old eyes.

Lin Biaomei is very decisive: "The tiger screams, it is less pretentious. During this year, your Beastmaster empire constantly kills my Chiyan nationals in the neutral area. It is not that we want to start first, then you are bright and bright. Invade me, red inflammation?"

"My red inflammation didn't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean that we are afraid of things. Your beastmaster is deceiving too much, then we should fight."

"Good! Good!" The tiger screamed and nodded with anger. "Since you have said this, then you will wait for Hongyan to be flattened by my beastmaster!"


"Well old man, less nonsense, surrender the poisonous beast Dan!" Without waiting for the tiger's voice to land, spend a single flash, directly rushed up, and the jade palm shot.

"Oh, a hundred flowers are zero, the main hall of the hall of the temple, I have heard about you for a long time. I didn't expect it to be a coward who only knows how to use force. It is really disappointing." The tiger smiled disdainfully, and then he died. With a hand grip, the figure was a magical flash, just like a momentary movement, it was back 100 meters, and the zero-attack was defeated.


That Yu Zhangsheng will crush the beast kingdom wall out of a gap, and will be willing to give up.

After that, Huan zero did not stop for a while, and when he got up, his footsteps were like butterflies, and his body was very different, and he approached the tiger's whistle.

boom! Hey!

Under the rain-like attack, the tiger screams with a negative hand and is very natural. He just shakes left and right and can easily avoid all the attacks of flowering zero.

"Is it a beastmaster?"

Staring at this body from a distance, Lin frowned.

"The Beastmaster has changed?" Qin Tianqing’s eyes were condensed, and a few surprises were revealed.

"Uncle, this beastmaster is a martial art?" Yin Mo repelled three disciples and saw Qin Tianqing's worried color could not help but ask questions.

"The Beastmaster is the most profound martial art of the Beastmaster Empire, reaching the ninth order." Qin Tianqing said this, solemnly: "But his true meaning is not for defense, this martial art is truly horrible. The place is an attack."


"Well, this martial art came from the ancient white tiger, and added the nature of hundreds of beasts. It is displayed like a crouching tiger. It is still not moving, but if it moves, it will be thunder." At the speed, the prey is broken into pieces."

Qin Tianqing explained that his eyes were always on the battlefield.

At this time, the flower and jade hand-kneaded synthetic print, high above the top of the head, a withered flower blooms: "Hundred flowers, withering!"

Thousands of light, gathering and bursting.

Hey! One side of the Beast Kingdom Wall was directly destroyed and collapsed.

But it was also the opportunity to take this opportunity. The tiger slammed his foot and left a deep footprint on the national wall. After that, his figure disappeared and appeared in a hundred meters.

Suddenly, under his old-fashioned lumbar cat, the whole body gravity was concentrated between the soles of the feet, and the old eyes flashed cold and became ambushes.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Qin Tianqing was shocked: "Flower Temple, quickly avoid!"

But his words are still late. Since ancient times, how many of the prey locked by the tigers can escape smoothly?

The tiger screamed with a strong waist, and suddenly he was stretched when the flower was lost. The violent jumped up and slammed, his nails and fangs, all stretching out dozens of meters, it seems to be true. It turns into a beast and a fierce bird.

"It’s not a wise choice to be an enemy with the Tigers!"

boom! Hey!

In an instant, the flower zero was repeatedly defeated under the fierce attack of the Tigers. The Beastmaster's ever-changing characteristics of thousands of raptors and animals are far from being accessible in terms of speed and attack.

"Well old man, I want you to die!" Flower zero white hair fluttering, several times lost, completely touch her anger, an emergency stop, Jiao body a bow, jade finger like a sword shot.

Under this, the tiger whistle flashed to the left side very naturally, but he seems to be a small smack of flowers, a few confrontations, spend zero known that his body is very different, how can he use such a simple offensive?

I saw that when the jade finger was ten meters away from the tiger, it was the tiger screaming between the body, suddenly accelerating, forming a series of afterimages, smashing, and penetrating the space, approaching from the day to the tiger.

At this time, the half of the waist is under the attack of the jade finger. The jade finger is constantly rubbing the space and constantly rubbing the flames. Even if the fire is really hit, the tiger will not feel good.

"Successful?" Su Ming many people hold their breath and get excited.

The tigers are defeated, which is undoubtedly a great news for them.

But is it really that simple? The jade finger approached, and the tiger scream did not show a bit of taboo. Instead, he smiled at the slapstick: "Little girl, the skin is good, but the heart is really embarrassing."

"It is not worthy of pity for such a villain."

"Oh, the tone is not small, but I really thought that if you are a small five days, you will be able to hurt me? It is too uncomfortable." Hu Xiao shook his head, and then his eyes changed a lot, and Huanren turned into Oval, handprint condensation: "The Beastmaster is changing! The snake is changing!"

Suddenly, the tiger's body is elongated, and the skin grows like a snake, and the whole body becomes extremely lubricious and sticky.


That jade finger slammed the tiger scream, but on the snake lining, the direction was directly cheaper, and one finger slammed and shattered the ground next to it.

Su Ming’s eyes are unbelievable: “Is it lost?”

“How is it possible?” The flower was a big surprise.

But this is the moment, the tiger screams evil and raises his mouth, coldly screams: "Say you are not self-reliant, you still don't believe it!"

"The Beastmaster is changing! The eagle is changing!"

Suddenly, the tiger's nails stretched and bent into claws, and squatted against the neck of the flower.


With a positive blow, there is no chance of a zero-reaction reaction. The white skin is directly torn by the talons, and the red blood stains the red half.

"The Lord!"

"Flower zero!"

Countless people were shocked, Qin Tianqing and Park Quan looked at each other.

"Get together!"

In the past few years, the two have cooperated numerous times, and they have a tacit understanding. One eye has enough exchanges. In a moment, the two men surrounded the tiger from the two wings.

A year ago, when Qin Shi left, they were ordered on different levels. Qin Tianqing is now also a three-day repair.

"Huang Quan Jiu Jian!"

"The soul is thirty-six days!"

Two major martial arts blasted and bombarded the tiger.

However, the gap between the two sides is too big. The seven-day situation has already stepped into the sky. It is far from the ordinary world. He just has a slight hand and shrinks.

"Don't come over!"

boom! boom! Two bursts of fire, Qin Tianqing had a serious injury, the sharp edge of the palm was broken, and the nine swords were completely shattered.


Surprisingly, Park Chun’s side did not fall under the attack of Hu Xiao. When Pu Chun bit his lip and the blood flowed out, his offensive actually rose a few more points, slamming and penetrating the attack of the tiger. The purple smoldering fire shot.

"Hey? This power is the power of the soul?" Hu Xiao was attracted by the approaching fire, and licked the cracked lips: "Oh, really good. Already?"

In this year, according to Qin Shi’s on-demand, Park Quan continued to excavate the power of the soul. The Emperor’s heart is not worthy of his heart. Now he is also the level of the three-character magician. Three days plus three curses, facing the attack of the tiger It doesn't help you.

"When I hurt my wife and children, that is to fight for life, don't want me to be old bones, I want your beastmaster to be safe!" Park Spring roared, the power of the soul formed a huge illusion from behind him, again crazy Shocked by the Tigers.

However, he was still naive, and the tiger shook his head indifferently: "Oh, my words have not yet finished. Do you think that a little soul charm magician can be rampant in my beastmaster? !"

"The Beastmaster is changing! Heim is changing!"

Infinitely endless, the tiger's screaming body, a very pure soul power from his celestial cover, burst into the sky.


On this attack, Park Quan’s chest was severely painful, and a bitter bitter water spit out and was directly shaken out.

"Park Springs senior!"

"Master!" Qin private rain points to the jade feet, anxiously rushed up.

Countless people are staring at the tiger's scream: "The power of the soul? Is he also the soul charm magician?"

"How can this be?"

"No, just that is not the power of the soul. It is the power of the soul based on the spiritual power. It is the ghost of the Beastmaster's martial arts!" Lin Biao opened his mouth and tried to stabilize morale.

Qin Tianqing’s bite is also the first to bear the brunt of the tiger’s violent attack.

boom! Hey!

"The third child, I will help you!" Qin Tianyu even got up, Qin Tianxing, Qin Yueling, Xu Daoyan all followed: "Three brothers, we together!"

"Yin Mo, let's go!"

Shaoyang and other original disciples from the fire of the eight major purple-level disciples into the battlefield, Su Ming, Qin Yu, followed.

Lin Yuyu's hand tumbling, the shadow of the body is like a moon, dragging a pink graceful dress, the skirt is constantly fluttering, but also ambush.

"Fire is burning steel!"

One of the three imperial martial arts was used by Lin Wei to make the most of it! Three sounds blew, and the burning peaks were like a flood, which destroyed half of the wall of the beast kingdom.

"Hey, I want to fight for the number of people, you have no advantage!" And the war began, the rest of the Beastmaster Empire did not idle, Liu Changhu led the army, the first leap into the battlefield.

"Tiger screams!"

The handprint quickly condensed, and Liu Changhu slammed a few people and repelled several Qin Zong disciples.

"We also do it!"

The rest of the six kingdoms of the Beastmaster Empire, five days and three days, all entered the melee.

boom! Rumble!

The two countries’ wars are on the verge of being triggered.

Suddenly, huge fires swallowed the sky, directly filled in the ten-mile radius of the Beastmaster Empire, and Qingzhu City fell into a frenetic fire.

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