Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 812: Crisis

Qin Shi's pupils are gathered into a small point, which is full of worries and tension: "You mean, if the group of the three souls and the seven souls are covered, will he die?"

"That is for sure. If I remember correctly, your child should be one of the seven scorpions of the sorcerer's sorcerer, and the spirit of the sorrowful sorrow? The three souls and seven scorpions of the sacred demon statue have been in the four worlds for 30,000 years. For a long time, they are parasitic among different human bodies. When your friend should be born, he will be invaded by the soul. If he wants to refine the spirit, he will die." The blood wizard did not want to say, but In the intimidation of Qin Shi with the collapse of jade, the final is still unwilling to say it.

"So, how many souls did you find in the group?" The matter was related to the death of the seal, Qin Shi asked promptly.

Blood Wizard shakes + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + shakes his head: "I don't know this, you should be able to see it now, with my strength in the group, just a small and insignificant role."

Hearing, Qin Shi was somewhat disappointed, but he could see that the blood wizard did not lie to him, which made him have no choice but to lose.

After that, he fell into long-term meditation.

In the past two years, he has been working hard to improve his cultivation. He has not been excessively relaxed. He has paid more sweat than others. He wants to save the seal from the deep heat of the group, but he forgot the seal. Safety.

"It seems that things are far more troublesome than I thought. If this is the case, I have to save the seals before the squad can find the three souls and seven scorpions that cover the sky." Qin Shi sighed and changed. Get nervous.

But one thing, he always couldn't understand. With his current understanding of the group, the group's power in the four circles is extremely amazing, and even the eight domains are weak in front of them.

This point, from the past few years, the ancient weapons in the eight domains are constantly being captured and can be seen.

After all, although the wilderness of the mainland is large, there are not many foundations in the world, let alone the eternal power of 30,000 years. The group is the only one.

But this kind of power, if you want to find the three souls and seven scorpions that cover the sky, isn't that a minute? Why is it that the whole 30,000 years have not been resurrected?

Among them, there must be some secrets that are unknown.

At the thought of this, he looked down at the collapsed jade, suddenly wanted to grasp what it was, and then asked the blood wizard to ask: "Blood wizard, these years, the group has always been staring at the collapse of jade, the group must What does the collapse jade do?"

But after he had finished asking this sentence, he regretted it, because he knew that the blood wizard did not know. If it was not true, the blood wizard shook his head: "I don't know, I just know that the Heavenly Demon is extremely valued."

Qin Shi nodded, and the demons once said that the half-way martial arts that the emperor once cultivated was observed from the jealousy of the town. If you think about it, it is no wonder that the sky will see the jade.

It is really enough to destroy the martial arts. Whoever is afraid will be tempted? Even the ancient two great deities can't escape the limitations of desire.

"In fact, you guessed it well. If the 溟 group really wants to find the three souls and seven scorpions of the sorcerer's lord, it has already been found in the 30,000 years. The three souls of the sorcerer's sorrows are among the four worlds. For thousands of years, I have long known how many hosts have been changed. When each host is born, it will be found by the group and will be controlled. It is only never done." The blood wizard said: "It was nearly ten years, and the order was issued. Only then began to recall the soul of the sorcerer."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi frowned, so it seems that he was really guessed, and there must be something stinking inside.

"What kind of power is the group?"

"The 溟 group is actually the deployment of the sorcerer, but after a long period of 30,000 years, it has changed a lot of fresh blood." The blood wizard explained: "No one knows what kind of strength the 溟 group has, 溟 component It is composed of two parts, one is the inner group, the other is the outer group, and the real group is the inner group. That is the real strength of the group."

"My strength is limited. The squad power that I know is only an external group. It is not the backbone of the squad. There are twelve devils, thirty-six devils, and sixty-four magical ones."

"And among these people, all of them are above the domain. The 12 devils are even more inscrutable. The last six people have reached the Dacheng domain. As for the top six, no one knows how they reversed. The extent of the day, but I am sure that it will not be below the context."

"Hey...!" Qin Shi sucked in the air: "More than one hundred domains?"

This time, he can no longer remain calm, what is the concept of more than 100 domains? In particular, the top six are in a perfect context. I am afraid that the eight domains are just dusty in front of them.

The most important thing is that this is actually only the outer group of the group. Qin Shi knows that the real strength of the group should be the inner group, and that is the real group.

"It’s a terrible group." For the first time, Qin Shi felt that there was such a big gap between him and the group. It was already the height he could not see now.

"It’s really unpredictable."

A sense of powerlessness swept the whole body, and Qin Shi shook his head with a smile.

He knows that after the magic mountain's this incident, the squad has already targeted the spearhead, which means that Moshan is only an opening this time, and there will be a second, third, countless magic mountain, he From this moment on, the calm days are completely broken, and the road ahead will be even harder.

But he didn't have a little fear. The blackness, like the darkness of the night sky, flashed inexplicably. In this broken space tunnel, he took a deep breath and squeezed his fist: No matter how strong you are, no matter what your purpose is, but dare to hurt the people around Qin Shi, then I will not let you be malicious!"

"If it is an accident, I must pay for it."

He and the group have already reached the point of endless death.

"Little guy, get out of here, this space will be broken." Suddenly, the blood wizard shouted and shouted Qin Shi, and Qin Shi was involved in his thoughts.

Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows and looked around in a circle. After a battle with the Magic Mountain, the field of kendo in the sand has been worn by a hundred holes, and the foundation of this space has also been destroyed.

"It is time to leave."

The turbidity of the chest that has been suppressed for a long time is spit out, and the Qin Shi black scorpion flashes. Before the mixed colors of various emotions, under a very firm luster flash, one is dispelled into smoke.

After that, he finally aimed at the direction of the Red Yan Empire, where the great mountain river was in front of his eyes, his home.

"Go home!"

He slammed his foot and left a trace in the air, such as a shuttle through the broken space.

Half a minute later, a beautiful mountain river reflected in his eyes, the thousands of towering peaks, the clouds of clouds, the lush trees, made his mood inexplicable.

After a year, he finally returned to the land.

He stood in the air of 10,000 meters high, overlooking the whole red, and the corner of his mouth could not help but pull up an arc: "Red inflammation, after three years, my Qin Shi finally came back."

"Call...!" The spit is sullen, and he is as clear as the black sea, directly locked to the far north, the place where he was born.

He can't wait to go back.

Of course, before he went home, he still had something to do. For this reason, he endured the excitement of his heart and bowed his head to the big country of the Chiyan border.

"The appointment of three years is coming. Now that I am merging with the blood of the demon, it is time to honor the promise of protecting the country."

He smiled a little, and then his toes were a little bit, and the figure was turned from high to residual.

He fell on the towering wall of Chiyan, and he still remembers the first time in the border dungeon of the Eastern region, the shock he felt when he saw the wall.

After a lapse of three years, he experienced a lot. Now, it seems that there is a little less majesty, but it is more than a few years of precipitation and vicissitudes.

"Old man, I am coming back to help you."

Qin Shi smiled lightly, and immediately he and the Xuantian ancient array in the sea: "Little guy, come out and help me see, how is this big country?"


From the last time, the tacit understanding between Xuantian Guzheng and Qin Shi is getting higher and higher, so this time is not the same as before. The small light ball in Xuantian Ancient Array is very happy to jump out and sway a few times. , humming.

The Xuantian Ancient Array quickly rotates three times, and a layer of golden ancient array reveals the Qin Shimei, and the ancient guardian of the country is immediately activated by the Xuantian Ancient Array, opening a hole from the closed enchantment.

“Is it successful?” Qin Shi smiled, but his smile lasted only a moment. When he saw the appearance inside Xuantian Guzheng, he solidified: “Hey, a terrible injury.”

The inside of the Guardian State has been filled with darkness and suffocation. The suffocating photos have changed too much from three years ago, from just a small crack to a huge hole.

"This injury some trouble."

Qin Shi frowned, and at this moment his eyes were sharp and suddenly fell on a small ball of indifference. It was wrong. It was exactly a small gray ball. The ball had fallen to the extreme, and it was almost there. It’s alive.

"National Defense!" Qin Shi sighed and rushed up. After he turned his palms, he quickly lifted the small gray ball and stared at the injury of the small gray ball. He called him angry: "This **** Group of cockroaches!"

"This little guy is not hurt, he has been infected with the internal organs by the fierce devil. I am afraid that if you come back a few days later, he will really lose his mind." The blood wizard was shocked.

The small gray ball sensed the existence of Qin Shi, and made a slight squeaking sound. He suddenly got excited. He struggled a few times, but in the end he did not get up. He really reached the limit.

Qin Shi took a deep breath and remembered the picture three years ago. If it wasn’t for this big country, he would not be able to recover from the injury he suffered from the northern region. The blessing of the National Congress, he asked him to gently whisper: "Little guy, sorry, I am late, but I promise you, I will not call you something!"

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