Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 785: back to the start

After a month of darkness in the virtual hole, Qin Shi discovered that the air outside was so fresh, the sun was so harmonious, and life was so beautiful.

Even the cold wind blowing on the face, Qin Shi feels happy.

He and Kong Xianhui passed through the peaks of the mountains and crossed the outer periphery. Underneath, they could still see the peripheral enslavers who had just entered the periphery and accumulated their contributions from a little bit. They constantly repaired the large array of chaos. .

"It’s really fast time."

"Well, we all know each other for half a year, and you are about to be defamed." Kong Xianhui smiled sweetly and said that he entered the heart of Qin Shi. % pig% pig% island% novel ww.

"Really, I really can't wait."

Qin Shi gently smiled, and even Kong Xianhui could feel the excitement from him.

After all, it is the birth of a son, and the replacement of a single man, it should be like this.

Through the outer central square, Qin Shi and the two have reached the outer enchantment area. This is the first line of defense in the chaotic domain. These enchantments have strong attack power. Even if they are nine days, they will not dare to fight hard. .

However, there is Kong Xianhui, and it is not a bad thing for Qin Shi. Kong Xianhui took Qin Shi: "Follow me, I will take you away."

Qin Shi followed closely, and the two went into the enchantment group. Like the two spirit snakes, the light car was used to shuttle through the enchantment.


But I don't want to. When the two just walked to half of the enchantment zone, Kong Xianhui's light pace just took off, and a huge sword mans suddenly rose from the ground.

"Be careful!"

Qin Shi’s eye was fast, and he pulled Kong Xianhui back. He saw that the swordsman had pierced a big hole.

Looking at the sky, the hole 贤 贤 慧 慧 玉 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 马上 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤

"How come there is an enchantment here? Is it that I remember it wrong? Then I try it!" Emei scorned, and then she turned over and headed in the other direction, but she just got up and Qin Shi pulled her again: "do not move!"

"Well?" Kong Xianhui was slightly horrified.

Qin Shi did not speak, but gently flipped the big hand and waved a golden light toward the position in front of Kong Xianhui.


Jin Guanggang walked three meters, and the earth suddenly appeared strange. One and the same sword smashed, and the golden light was broken into two.

Seeing this scene, Kong Xianhui lost his mind: "There are also enchantments here? Impossible!"

Qin Shi’s black scorpion is heavy and his face is ugly and looks around: “It’s not that you remembered it wrong. If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be a chaotic domain that changed the enchantment of the enchantment zone.”

"Changed? This is impossible. The enchanted area of ​​the chaotic domain is one. It is controlled by a huge enchantment in the inner domain. If you want to change it, you must turn it all. You also saw it, just in the first half. No problem." Kong Xianhui denied shaking his head.

But it was her words, awakening Qin Shi, a bad hunch flashed from the bottom of Qin Shi.

"If you want to change, you must change all of them?" Qin Shi whispered, and turned back to the direction of the two people to force a shock, a Jinman shot.


Sure enough, Jin Mang penetrated 100 meters, Jian Mang from the ground, just no position of power fluctuations, suddenly a huge sword array, the two people's retreat is firmly blocked!

Kong Xianhui’s heart sinks: “How is this?”

Qin Shi’s face was blue and green: “It seems that the first half is not without problems, but it is not activated at all. The chaotic domain is deliberately letting us enter half of the people, and then we are trapped in the enchanted area to catch us. !"

"Qin Shi, are you guessing it?"

A sharp voice rang from the outside of the enchantment. I heard the shock of Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui. Is this voice so familiar?


"Hey, how long has it not been seen, you don't know me?"

A thin figure slowly walked out of his sister, and saw the face of Qin Shi’s face suddenly sinking, and the opening and closing: “Jian Fang? Is it you?”

"How? Think of it?" Yes, the thin figure is the simple, simple and simplified brother, the third of the Jane three brothers.

The hatred of Qin Shi and Jane's three brothers was caused by him. In the end, he caused him to be entangled in hatred from the periphery to the outer domain. In fact, it was calculated carefully because of the simple side, he developed into the chaotic domain to this day.

If there is no simplification, he will not be an enemy of Jane's three brothers. He will not get into the foreign domain and then provoke the creation team, and will not fall to the point of today.

It’s just that he didn’t think that everything came to an end and he went back to the original point. The last one who was difficult for him was also the brother of Jane’s family.

I really don't know how much grievances he had in his life and Jane's brothers. This can really be said to be a life-and-death enemy.

"I remembered it, but I am very curious. You jumped out at this time. I want you to fulfill me. Go to the two brothers who accompany you below?" Qin Shisen’s snoring, simple and simplified, died in his hands. How can he fear the simple side?

Jane was furious, but this anger was immediately calmed by him, frivolous smile: "Qin Shi, you don't have to be stubborn, your death will be coming soon, don't think I don't know your situation, now you are the whole chaos The wanted criminal, the elders of the inner domain said that as soon as you catch you, you will be able to enter the inner domain."

Qin Shi’s eyes sank, and this deed Yu’s efforts to catch him really took a lot of effort.

"But do you think that you can catch me?" Qin Shi calmly said, that is, the pseudo-six-day spiritual power burst out, like a beast, pressing down to Jane.

However, Qin Shi’s pressure did not make the Jane move. On the contrary, Jane was very free and open. “Yes, I am not your opponent, but do you think that I can change the enchantment area of ​​the periphery? You said, I have waited for this day, I don’t know how long I have waited. Today, you are finally in my hands. I have already sent your message to the inner domain, and there will be inner powers to deal with you. At that time, you are not able to fly with wings!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi's face changed greatly. If the light is simple, he is not afraid. It is trouble to be told by Yu Deyu.


Qin Shi was anxious, but the more he was anxious, the simpler laughter became more and more wild: "Haha, Qin Shi, you never imagined, you will end up in my hands!"

Eight screams whispered: "Little doll, don't let him mess up your sense."

Qin Shi was calm and a lot. He glanced at Jane and said: "I didn't expect it, but you should have never thought that today will be your death?"

“Well?” Jane snorted: “What are you talking about?”

"I said, you are annoying, I want to kill you first!"

Qin Shi sneered a sneak, and immediately he flashed a shadow, rushing to the side of Jane, and immediately branded a palm of his hand.


The palm of the hand directly shattered the chest of Jane, and the simplification was only three days. The gap between the two was huge, and suddenly it was desperate to be under this palm.

"You, how can you kill me?" Jane squinted at the death, staring at Qin Shi unbelievably.

"Noisy guy!"

Killing the simple side, Qin Shi’s ear roots were quiet, and the black scorpion gradually became heavy, and looked around from the circle.

Kong Xianhui’s hand is ten, and the tense question is: “Qin Shi, if the Jane’s words are true, then the inner domain already knows our news. What should we do next?”

When Qin Xianhui said, Qin Shi understood that with the deeds of Yan Deyu, he would not let him go, so he had to leave the chaotic domain before he sent people to come to the chaotic domain before he had a chance.


For this reason, Qin Shi did not want to, and spit out two words.

"Breaking?" Kong Xianhui was slightly surprised.

Qin Shi nodded. "Well, in any case, we have to leave the chaotic domain before the rush in the inner region, otherwise there will be no chance."

"The little dolls said it is good. These enchantments are powerful, but they are composed of pure spiritual power. It is not impossible to break through. If those people in the inner domain catch up, there is really no chance." Nodded with approval.

Qin Shi took the lead in moving, and he stepped forward to the front of the array.

In these years, under the cultivation of jade in the book, he still has some foundations for the enchantment method. Although it is not professional, it is not difficult to break it.

His eyes are very sharp, coupled with the perception of the soul, suddenly find out the front of the big array of eyes, the slender big hand in the hand sleeves, a thunder suddenly burst out.


No matter what enchantment and formation method, the array is the most vulnerable position. This point Qin Shi has already heard the jade in the book. For this reason, the array of eyes was pierced by Lei Guang, and suddenly collapsed.

"This is solved, go on the next one, let's hurry!"

Qin Shi races against time, a few steps jumped forward, and the palm pointed to the side: "Kong Hyun-hui, that line of eyes is at your position at three o'clock, one hundred and fifty meters, attack!"

"eight shortages, your position at ten o'clock, there are two eyes at the 300 meters, and the attack is launched at the same time, must be at the same time!"

Qin Shi, like the engineering demining, quickly found out the enchantment of the enchanted area, and then reported it to Kong Xianhui and the Eight Shorts, and heard a series of data and location Both were slightly surprised, good Terrible skill.

"Little doll, I can't think of your accomplishment in the enchantment is so high?" Eighty-satisfied laughter, no longer at the beginning, disdain for Qin Shi.

"No way, people are forced out. If you don't know everything, then you may not know when you are killed!"

If it is not forced by the situation, who is willing to live so tired? Who doesn't want to be a little more relaxed? However, Qin Shi has no way, he has too many burdens, so he only pays several times or even dozens of times more than others.

"Add any more strength, so that we can rush out!"

Qin Shi once again entered the state, and constantly remembered the jade on the book in his mind. One enchantment was broken by three people.


But things are always unexpected. Seeing that there is only 10,000 meters away from the chaos of the chaotic area, a huge black hole suddenly bursts from the sky behind the three.

Qin Shi’s heart suddenly sinks.

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