Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 756: Busan’s life white wolf


Busan stunned, and immediately he was shocked, only to see that Qin Shi black robe no wind, the whole body burst out of the purple-like thunder.

"Don't you want to kill me? If you have the ability, come on." Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, a violent sigh in the heart flashing, and then his five fingers together, a force of the empty grip, a Thunder Dragon flipped the clouds, Strictly rushed toward the side of the bus.


The strength of the Thunder Dragon was extremely strong, and the pupil of the Busan quickly shrank, and then he flickered and flickered. Then his five fingers gathered in the chest, reluctantly gathered together with a slight aura, and wanted to open the barrier.

&[猪][猪][岛]小说www.huhu.mnbsp; but even though he has the cultivation of the seven-character magician, the spiritual power is only in the early days of the four days, although Qin Shi is also four days, but Qin Shi’s For four days, it is possible to roar for seven days, comparable to the existence of Sikong Lingnan in the outer domain, and this four days of the bust is a weak point among many four-day practitioners. There is a difference between the two. The difference between the places.

In Qin Shi, neither spiritual power nor mental strength can be judged by ordinary ranks. There are too many variables in him.


The aura of the pottery in the face of Qin Shi was as humble as dust. The dragon was only shaking the dragon tail, and it shattered the barrier that had not yet been condensed.


Busan was slammed, and a blush of blood spit out, saying: "Boy, you are only four days, why is spiritual power so thick?"

Qin Shi did not explain, just smiled and said: "If there is no such ability, then why should I have to take such a big Zhouzhang to lead you out?"

"Are you deliberately leading me out of the magic?" Busan's angry haiku.

"Yeah." Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders unobtrusively. He was not polite to Busan. The palms controlled the thunder and lightning, and the thundercloud made up for it. The sky was dim.

The face of Ke Yan is extremely blue, and finally it is a crisis from Qin Shi. If Qin Shi is just a common monk, even if Qin Shi is a seven-day world, he also has the confidence to fight with it. After all, the power of the soul is ordinary. The monk has a strong repressive power, but don't forget that Qin Shi is also very strong in spirit. Although he is not enough to marry him, he wants to kill Qin Shi in a short time, which is impossible. Things, this situation is combined with spiritual power, then he is definitely not an opponent.

After thinking about this, Busan suddenly calmed down and showed a smile of sarcasm: "Oh, boy, you are doing a good job. I used it lightly, but do you think that you are trying to repair it for you?" Can you win me?"

Looking at the different appearance of Busan, Qin Shi looks a bit strange, and I don't know why. He always feels that he is not quite right, but when he is not right, he can't say clearly. For this reason, he quickly opened a distance with Busan.

Ke Yan did not care Qin Shi, let him back a hundred meters: "Want to win by spiritual power, then I will accompany you to play." After that, Busan suddenly raised his hand, his eyebrows flashed: "White wolf, come out. ”


Suddenly, there was an extremely ferocious spiritual power in the eyebrows of Busan, and the fluctuation of spiritual power made Qin Shi a slight surprise: "This power is the peak of seven days?"

I saw the white flame at the eyebrow of the bust, and a white giant wolf burst out of the air. The half-crouching squatting on the side of the pottery, a pair of fierce wolf smog to Qin Shi, To shred Qin Shishengsheng.

"Is it my life?"

Qin Shi suddenly realized that this is the second time he saw the life of Warcraft, the last time in the eastern region of the Chiyan Empire, from the Xiaoqing of the Yu family.

Seeing the white wolf, Qin Shi did not dare to care about it. The life of Warcraft is not as simple as the ordinary magic. If this is combined with this white wolf, it will not exclude each other, and it will have no time to achieve 100% integration. The upper limit.

"Kid, don't you want to use the spiritual power to be higher or lower? Then I will accompany you!" Busan's left hand grabbed the white wolf, and the wolf claws were opposite to his palm, suddenly producing a shocking cyclone, a white The hurricane will wrap both.

The hurricane was exhausted, the giant wolf had long since disappeared, and the **** had changed appearance. The whole body had white hair, and the wolf was raised high, and the whole body was squatting, like a werewolf.

After the integration, his cultivation was even more explosive, reaching the peak of seven days, and even faintly showing eight days of volatility.

"Some troubles."

The life of Warcraft, before Qin Shi did not take into account, many magicians are lame in spiritual power, mostly because they do not need to practice spiritual power, as long as they swallow a talented powerful life, so they only need to upgrade Warcraft The power of their cultivation increases naturally.

"Kid, let's die!" The transformation was completed. Busan did not give Qin Shi a chance to breathe. His two rough thighs stepped hard, and the void was shaken by him for a few minutes. It was like a cannonball. Spurred down the Qin stone.


Qin Shi raised his hand to resist, and suddenly the wolf claws sent a few points to his hand bones: "Drink, good strength!"

"Hey, the white wolf is the descendant of the **** of the gods of the gods. Is this the mortal flesh of you?" Busan’s arrogant sneer, the wolf body, a dexterous body, and chasing after Qin Shi The wolf claws were lifted over the top of the head and caught in the Qin Shi.

In the cold wind whistling, Qin Shi mocked and picked the corner of his mouth: "Don't say that I am a mortal flesh, can you lick your puppy, light is speed, you can be far away." The thunder and lightning, a layer of shadowless lightning, his figure disappeared from the original place, just like the momentary movement, directly around the back of the bus.

And this is not over yet. After his virtual shadow is revealed, his fist is gripped, and a layer of gold linden covers his skin: "Why, if you talk about the flesh, you are not afraid of it!"

In a word, he used to punch out, and the boxing style was different. It was like carrying out the Scorpio. The air in his wrist was shaken, and the heart of a boxer in Busan.


The sudden strong wind made the Busan wolf eclipsed, and a blush of blood spurted out. He hurt his teeth and flicked a hundred meters: "The kid, the power you just had, is the power of the real dragon and the phoenix? How is this possible?"

Qin Shi shrugged by default. He didn't care what the white wolf was. He was a descendant of the Sirius. In his opinion, he didn't believe it. Can the wolf be stronger than the dragon and the phoenix?

Qin Shi's default, but frightened Busan: "This is impossible, the power of the real dragon and the phoenix, is the avenue of the world's devils, but the real dragon is the most masculine, and the phoenix is ​​the body of the extreme yin, one Already lucky, how can the power of the two be integrated?"

He said that the true dragon and the phoenix are the existence of the peak of the beast world. These two forces speak one yin and one yang according to common sense. Ordinary people can never merge with each other, otherwise they will only be exploding and die.

But what he doesn't know is that Qin Shi, who is a master of the martial arts, is very different. His skin is the body of the golden phoenix, and his bones are the body of the true dragon. This kind of dragon and phoenix is ​​one and the same. If the light wheel is in the flesh, Qin Shi is now almost the most forced body between heaven and earth, and even those domain powers can only look at it.

"Now you still think that you can win with the little white dog?" Qin Shi smiled coldly, and immediately he flashed a cold, and the sky was empty, and he stepped closer to Busan's chest.

Busan was slightly shocked. Two wolf claws slammed hard. Although they were suppressed by Qin Shi in the flesh, the spiritual power of the seven-day state was real. In the hard hit, Qin Shi did not get much benefit.

In the seven-day world, the body of the wild beast, plus the spiritual cultivation that may have erupted at that time, the present cultivation of Busan is even shorter than that of Xu Yan. If it is thrown in a foreign domain, then Undoubtedly the third person under Fu Jun and Sikong Lingnan.

The violent confrontation continued to make hundreds of moves. Qin Shi frowned slightly and felt a little bit bad. If he went on like this, he would indeed be able to win, but it would take a lot of time, and still in the case that Deng Kai would not come, once Deng Kai If he comes back, he will die.

And just as he was anxious, Busan suddenly ambushed him, and the wolf claws hit the shoulders of Qin Shi, and the blood flowed: "Boy, you care!"


Qin Shi’s painful snoring sounded quickly and exploded.

However, the corner of the clothes was broken, and the black suffocating swell suddenly appeared under the left arm. The suffocating suffocating force was very fierce, trying to break away from Qin Shi, and wanted to rush down to that.

Qin Shi looked at the left arm and frowned: "Demon, is that you?"

The demons did not wake up, but those suffocating responded to Qin Shi with their own independent performance, constantly forming a black cyclone around Qin Shi.

Qin Shi smiled excitedly, and his eyes rushed toward Caitian. The previous anxiety was exhausted, but it was a smile.

He forgot, not to mention the peak of seven days. Even if this is promoted to eight days, he should not be worried about it. After all, Busan is not like Sikong Lingnan, but with his own cultivation and strength. Most of Yan’s power comes from the life of Warcraft, and what is the essence of Warcraft’s life? It is a wild animal.

The demon is the nemesis of the wild beast.

"Oh, it's not me who cares about it, it should be your own." Qin Shi smiled lightly, and Black Scorpion stayed in the werewolf's body for a moment, suddenly holding his left hand up.

"Your white I heard that the strength is good, then I will accept it for you."

Hearing, Busan did not understand: "What do you mean by this?"

Qin Shi laughed and said nothing, and immediately his arm waved, the fierce suffocating gas, such as flooding the river tide, swarmed and swallowed toward Busan.

Su Yan was shocked, and immediately his face changed, his chest stood up inexplicably, and a powerful suction came out in his suffocation, as if he had penetrated into his soul, dragging the white giant wolf out of life.

"吼-!" The wolf’s fear of screaming, but just out of the pottery, suffocating from his body outside a circle, directly to the giant wolf to eat, in the blink of an eye, the giant wolf is left with only white bones.

The mouth of Busan’s pupil shrinks and he wants to split: “White wolf! No!”

After a full meal, he returned to Qin Shi’s arm with satisfaction, and the long-lost totem was a flash of light.

"Little guy, it seems that during this period of my sleep, are you really restless in this chaotic domain?" The familiar voice rang from the totem, and Qin Shi revealed the joy of not covering it.

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