Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 745: Xu Yan

Leaving the dungeon, Qin Shi's speed is fast. The dungeon is directly connected to the central hall of the creation group. When it is directly below the hall, Qin Shi slightly wrinkles his eyebrows. He found three young guards in the hall at the six-day scene. .

If he is there, then everything is easy to say, but there is a serious injury Lingyun, and the three-day six-day situation, will inevitably spread to Lingyun, let alone do so, will certainly alarm the creation group.

"I will help you."

Just when Qin Shi was at a loss, Zhang Tingfeng poked his head out from the darkness of the dungeon.

Without Qin Shi's expectation, in a short moment, he will resume instinct, two **** hands behind his back, a $ pig $ pig $ island $ novel (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). () undercurrent Surging in his palm.

Qin Shi frowned, but did not wait for him to open, Zhang Tingfeng had stepped forward, he went straight out of the dungeon, and the three guards immediately alerted him when he saw him: "Who?"

"Drink, big courage, when I entered the creation group, you still enslaved in the foreign domain, dare to talk to me like this?" The face snorted, Zhang Tingfeng screamed, and immediately he waved a big hand, a dark The golden creation team’s waist was lifted by him.

Seeing the waist card, the three disciples sighed in the heart. The waist cards in the creation group were divided into four levels. The first level was the red gold of Sikong Lingnan, and the second was Xu Yan, Liu Ming, and Jane. Gold, the third is the dark gold in the hands of Zhang Tingfeng. It is the waist card that only the small heads of the creation team have. The three guards are just ordinary disciples, only the last bronze hand.

The vigilance before the three became a respectful one. For fear of offending Zhang Tingfeng, he bowed his head and said: "Big, adults, villains do not know Taishan. You must not care about us. The main reason is that today is a celebration of the fog, we are only Didn't recognize you."

"Fog fog?" Qin Shi snorted: "This creation group is really embarrassing."

Zhang Tingfeng’s performance is very calm. Three years ago, he was able to start in the world of the creation of a group. Naturally, he had some abilities. After seeing some scenes, he glanced at the three people and scolded: "The next time, put your dog. The eyes are polished!"

"Yes!" The three people quickly agreed, and Zhang Yanfeng moved forward. When they thought that Zhang Tingfeng was leaving and relaxed, an invisible cold current suddenly passed down the top of the three.

The three men blinked fiercely. When they looked up, they only saw the blue waterball in the water. The pressure in the water polo was so thick that they caused a burst of hair in the heart of the three people, but they did not wait for them to react. The three water polo **** had already slammed. , wrap the three people in.

Zhang Tingfeng’s eyes were sharp, and the five fingers quickly swayed on the three water polo: “Hydro, condensate!”

After all, the water polo became a prison, and it actually solidified. Qin Shi looked at this scene in the back and couldn’t help but frown. This martial art is really fierce. The attack power of water properties is not strong, but if it can The property is compressed into a solid state, which can definitely achieve unexpected results.

This also makes Qin Shi firmly believe that everything is not certain, all are variables.

"You saved me, I helped you, and we are not owed by each other. I will not participate in the hatred of your fog alliance and the creation team. I don't think I have the ability. I just want to go to Wang Zheng." Zhang Tingfeng clap his hands and absorb the surrounding water vapor into the body, facing the opening of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi smiled a bit, this Tingfeng is interesting, feeling his life, it is only such a small busy? But he did not care, anyway, Xu Yan, he must solve it personally. If Zhang Tingfeng joins in, it will become troublesome.

Watching Zhang Tingfeng leave, Qin Shi took a deep breath, and immediately his hustle and bustle was cold, and the murderous leaps and bounds jumped out, directly to the third floor of the Genesis headquarters.

Before, he asked Xu Yan's dormitory from Chen Yu and Li Ke.

During the respite, he came to Xu Yan's door.

And just as he had just stopped, there were countless struggles in the room, screaming, desperate, all kinds of voices gathered together, and the voice of Qin Shi was so familiar, making his eyes cold and cold, such as Like an abyss troll, even the evil spirits of the devil are involuntarily pouring out.

"Little girls, look at this, Qin Shi will not come to save you, the night is a fog-breaking celebration feast, this time the fog alliance is finished, you will accompany your brother tonight."

"Hey! Let me go, don't!"

In the room, Mu Hui was like a white rabbit. Only the underwear was left on the delicate body. The limbs were tied to the bed by Xu Yan with spiritual power. She frantically twisted her body and shook her head.

There are several red fruit women next to the bed, they are very casual, a ketone body does not hang on the lining, and there is a bit of excitement in the corner of the mouth.

"No, beg you, don't do it!" Mu Hui screamed.

"Don't?" Xu Yan, like a hungry wolf, bowed his waist in front of the window, his **** face turned red, excited: "That can't be done, you have a good meal, I have been watching for a long time, every day. My brother looked at you and wanted to burn. If there were not a few of them to fight for me, I would have swelled. I wanted to leave you to the fog and let your man look at me and humiliate you, but my brother is really Can't stand it, let's exercise first."

After speaking, Xu Yan went crazy and rushed toward Mu Hui.


At the same time, the door outside Xuyan was severely smashed by the stock, and the black scorpion of Qin Shi has become blood red, like the **** sea that is not at the bottom.

Breaking the door, he and five fingers and together, the space in the room is distorted, the next door and window smashed, the earth suddenly split, a gully like a spider web, the ground made by Xuanjing, turned into powder, spiritual overflow.

Xu Yan’s whole body was in Mu Hui’s body. He did not realize that Qin Shi was approaching. This sudden impulse made his body sway and violently exploded several meters.

"Qin Shi, is that you?"

Steady body, see Qin Shi, Xu Yan face changes.

Qin Shi looked stunned and approached forward, laughing with a cold voice: "Of course it is me, how? You didn't ask me to come? See me, are you surprised?"

Xu Yan returned to the gods slightly, and the burning bath fire was suddenly extinguished, letting a violent color spurt out from his eyes, roaring: "Drink, good boy, I didn't expect you to dare to come!"

As for the beggars of this beast, Qin Shi did not hear it. He sullenly ignored his face and walked to the bed step by step. He waved his hand and first broke the spiritual seal of the lock, and then Lingyun slowly lay down.

Seeing the injury of Lingyun, Mu Huiyu shed tears: "Cloud, how did you hurt this?"

Qin Shiqiang endured anger: "Don't worry, he's fine, let him rest." After that, he unloaded the black robe and covered Mujing for Mu Hui, then he took a deep breath, black dice. Such as the ice blade, fiercely look back, squatting to Xu Yan: "Xu Yan, I am not alone, I want your life!"

call out!

The voice did not fall, the purple thunder of the fury was unfolding in the void, and the force behind the Qin Shi was shocked. One arrow rushed out of the hundred meters, just like the momentary movement, directly floating in front of Xu Yan.


Immediately, he clenched his fist and slammed it out at Xu Yan’s heart.

Suddenly approaching the boxing style made Xu Yan slightly surprised, but after all, he was the repair of the peak of seven days, the reaction speed was still very fast, the palm was slightly hard, the five fingers quickly kneaded, the golden sandstone flew, forming a giant hand, blocking Lower Qin Shi.


Suddenly, the two spiritual powers fluttered in the room.

Xu Yan stepped back a few steps. After he opened the distance, he was not in a hurry. The knowledge looked up and down Qin Shi. Seeing Qin Shi’s spiritual fluctuations in the four days, the sarcasm in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger. : "Hey, is it really a breakthrough failure?"

Originally, he still had some jealousy about Qin Shi, especially the last time, he looked at Qin Shi, who was in the four days of the situation, and defeated Jian Lu in the chaos of the two peaks in the chaos, Liu Ming’s appearance, if Qin If the stone breaks through to five days, then he will feel the pressure.

But now, his confidence is overwhelming, and the ridiculous laughter seems to have judged Qin Shi’s life and death: "Oh, originally, I think you can only live for the last three days, I will let you go, but it seems that You don't want it for three days, then I will send you a ride in advance!"

"Whoever sent it, that's not necessarily it!"

Qin Shi is too lazy to talk nonsense, the foot is swaying, the dexterous side of the body, the black robe concealed into the grid of the sky, and when it reappears, it has already crossed the giant hand of Xu Yan, and the palm of the hand gathers a whirlpool of blue, in the whirlpool There is a Thunder Dragon, and the Thunder Dragon seems to be able to swallow the ground, and the violent force rises.



When Lei Long came out, Qin Shi’s two fists were like the wind. In just three short breaths, he punched Xu Yan hundreds of times, and every time he punched, he was filled with endless anger.

He was really irritated, especially when he looked at the wounds of Mu Hui's whole body. The old accounts were all squeezed in his heart. A hundred times of boxing and bombardment, Qin Shi suddenly bowed his waist and the space ring on his fingers was gently A flash of light, his power suddenly changed, the power of the turmoil, the broken water sword turned out.


Baizhang Jianmang, the room was smashed from above.

Xu Yan’s eyes were cold and shrouded by swordsmanship. He felt a little bit of oppression, especially in the center of Jianmang, which contained a very rich spiritual power. He dared to conclude that the spiritual power was not four days.


That Jianmang’s eyes fell, and this was also Xuyan was seriously injured, and his body was violently shaken back a few steps. The wild impact shattered the walls behind him.

"Hey!" A spurt of blood, Xu Yan roared: "This fluctuation is five days? How is this possible? You are not a breakthrough failure, should you be seriously injured? How will your strength increase?"

“Breakthrough failed?” Qin Shi stunned, and suddenly he woke up and smiled ironically: “When is that? I don’t remember it myself!”

A hit, Qin Shi did not give Xu Yan a chance to breathe, the body slightly suspended, the black robe seamlessly wandering, and his ten fingers merged in front of the chest, one after another, the cumbersome handprint quickly pinched up.

"Quenching the gods!"

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit!"

The two bodies quickly burst out, only behind Qin Shi, a vain giant shadow tearing space, igniting a strong suction, Qin Shi body is like a whirlpool, gathering the aura of everything in the world.

Under the aura, the blue armor transmits the chill, so that Qin Shi is like a **** of war, and the **** is finally solidified: "Xu Yan, let it die."

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