Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 725: Liu Ming’s whereabouts

Qin Shi in the room is ignorant of the outside world's arguments, just sitting on the big mouth and panting, watching the fifth thread of the seal, the mouth is rising, leaking a light smile: "Look Come, is it successful?"

"Well, it’s successful."

The blood wizard squeezed his cold sweat for him.

Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and the big hand turned around his chest. The gravitational force of the Holy Spirit in the chaotic field formed a phagocytic vortex in the palm, quickly inhaling the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth, which relieved his overdraft body.

But what surprised him was that after he inhaled the spiritual power, the sixth thread actually glimmered a bit of brilliance, making him a [pig] [pig] [island] novel ww.zuhm shocked: " Hey? What is going on?"

"It is a false breakthrough, your fifth thread is sealed, so the spiritual power you are absorbing now will all be injected into the sixth thread. After the seal is sealed, the robbery will seal you and make a false breakthrough in your body. Phenomenon, that is to say, you are now a pseudo-five day."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi’s accident stunned the god: “So, isn’t that the fifth spiritual practice before the breakthrough of five days?”

"Well, that's probably what it means, and it's because of the miraculous effect of Feng Lei Lock, so it was a baby who was snapped up hundreds of years ago. After all, if you can fill the sixth thread, it will be down for five days." The thunder of the country, it is easy to want to rob."

Qin Shi’s heart is happy, and the blood wizard is right. The most important thing is that he doesn’t have to worry about it in this way. He will stop in the next days, and maybe there will be any miracles.

With an excited heart, Qin Shi looked out the window. At this time, it was dusk, and the sunset was like gold, mottled the earth.

He squeezed his fists, and a sense of exhaustion could no longer be suppressed.

"It is finally over."

He talked to himself in his heart, and immediately fell over and fell on the bed. He didn't want to think about it now, and he wanted to sleep well.

The next day.

In the early morning, the East is white, the first morning is like a pair of gentle hands, caressing every inch of the earth, every minute, gradually dispels the darkness brought by the moonlight, giving people the illusion of laziness.

Qin Shi’s eyelids twitched slightly, and the black scorpions were indifferent, once again revealing the squat and domineering that had been exclusive to him in the past.

The vain gas field spreads.

He squeezed his fist and gently raised his mouth: "It took so long to relax, and the body has recovered almost. It is time to continue working."

He still has a lot to do in the chaotic domain.

He just left the room, Kong Xianhui's frowning cluster, and quickly stepped on the jade step to welcome: "How? The injury has recovered?" But when she took Qin Shi's big hand, she could not help but feel a little surprised. , horrified: "This feeling, there are five days of fluctuations in your spiritual power? Do you break through?"

Looking at the Iraqi who was shorter than herself, Qin Shi shook her head with a smile and licked her hair: "No breakthrough, but it is similar. In short, it is progress."

Hearing, Kong Xianhui's beauty is full of ochre, and the blush on the pretty face is rich: "I really don't know if you are lucky or what, this is only three months into the chaotic domain, and your strength has increased so much."

Qin Shi shrugged, he was really lucky.

Immediately, he did not say much, but he really held the jade hand of Kong Xianhui: "Xianhui, these days are hard for you."

"No, I see you are fine, I am also relieved. After all, only you can stay with me consistently?"

"Well, I will!"

"That's good, you will wait a moment, the fat man who came in the morning, said that if you want to find you, tell you to call him after he wakes up, he will come over soon." Kong Xianhui eagerly eagerly.

"What about the rain?"

Qin Shi made a small accident and immediately nodded his head. He had already guessed what it was for him to find him.

"Is it all the best, is it still very efficient?" He smiled a little and took out a special microphone for the fog alliance. He used the power to pass it into it: "Dead fat, big brother, I woke up!"

"Big Brother? Big Brother?"

The voice of the fat man was immediately remembered in the megaphone.

"You wait for me, I will fly over!"

Hearing the panting voice inside, Qin Shi couldn't help but smile, and immediately he was waiting, sitting bored from the sofa, holding Kong Xianhui in his hand and giving him a good tea, gently tasting.

The fat man of Ning Yu can be said to be flying. Just half an hour's effort will break into the door, and the face of obesity will sweat, but the color of excitement will not cover up.

"Big brother, you are finally awake."

He stepped forward in three steps and two steps, Lingyun also followed him.

According to Kong Xianhui, Ling Yun seems to be worshipping the rain as a teacher, and started the business of selling the gossip.

Qin Shi is full of black lines, and I don’t know how the fat man is ignoring the people, and Lingyun has brought a road of no return.

"How? Is it clear?" Qin Shi took the lead.

Not as he expected, Ning Yu looked for him just for the sake of Liu Ming, his head was hard to point, the top of the meat swayed straight, Qin Shi even could not help but curiosity, how did this fat man make his head so much exercise?

Is it not tired?

"Check it out clearly." Ning Yu grabbed the tea cup in the hands of Qin Shi, and once he drank it, he eased: "Six months ago, Liu clearly left the chaotic domain, and it was still quite a long time. No one said that I was asked by several brothers who worked in the office."

"Where did he go?" Qin Shi got up.

But when I mentioned the whereabouts, the face of Ning Yu was slightly ironish, hesitated for a long time and did not open his mouth. He lowered his head and kept his left and right hands constantly turning.

Qin Shi frowned. "I didn't find out?"

"No, I have heard it, it's just this position... there is a little trouble." The condensate rain looks a bit struggling and sighs.


"The neutral area in which the eight-domain bad list is located."

"Neutral area? Chaos cemetery?" Qin Shi slightly condensed, and the black glint flashed a few points.

In this regard, he heard a little about it. When he was chased to Weixin, Kong Xianhui mentioned a few words. The neutral area of ​​the eight domains is also known as the place of chaotic cemetery.

The chaotic cemetery, in the center of the intersection of the eight domains, is one of the few places in the human world that is not under the jurisdiction of the eight domains. There is a lot of confusion, mermaids are mixed, everywhere is full of death, and people who can survive from it It is undoubtedly not the wanted object on the eight-domain evil list. The sinister killing demons in the world are all gathered there.

"What did he go there?" Qin Shi’s eyes flashed.

Ning Yu shook his head: "I won't know, but I can be sure that he stayed in the Chaos Cemetery for a long time. He left the chaotic domain and returned to the chaotic domain. It took two months. I almost can't keep up with the peripheral assessment."

"Are you sure?" Qin Shi asked.

Condensed rain patted the chest: "Use life to guarantee."

In response, Qin Shi’s face was once again gloomy. If the condensate rain is correct, then he can almost conclude that Su should not be abandoned in the chaotic cemetery.

However, the danger level of the chaotic cemetery is much higher than that of the eight domains. Although the eight domains are powerful, they are humane, while the chaotic cemetery is just the opposite. The life is as mediocre as the grass, and there are counts every day. Hundreds of people have died tragically without any legal sanctions.

"In any case, at least the scope will be reduced, and it is better than nothing."

Qin Shi thought, pinching his fist and plunging into the explosion of the sacred beads: "If you don't leave, if you condense the rain, should you hear it?"

For half a month, Su did not leave a rare concentrated look.

He has a slight fierce force in his body: "Well, I will not give up in the chaotic cemetery, I will save her, I can't watch her suffer."

"You know it, but you have to wait, now into the chaotic cemetery, the only thing that greets us is death, and I still have a lot of things to do in the chaotic domain." Looking at Su will not recover the charm, Qin Shi relaxes. less.

Su did not struggle for a long time, and finally nodded.

"Qin Shi, thank you...!"

"Nothing, as long as you can do it well, I also want to see for myself, how the feelings between you are so sensational." Qin Shi smiled freely.

He calmed down and did not leave. He took a good shot and smothered the rain: "Dead fat man, this time is a good job. After the contribution value of the magic character sold, you will take 20%."

"Really?" Ning Yu's small eyes widened and screamed at the excited palm: "This is a rich man, this is a rich man, when will you go to refine the magic charm? Or will we leave now?"

Qin Shi blinked and was laughed at by this fat man. He was so lazy to care for him. He said: "What are you worried about? Let's cure the injury of Lingyun's Huier first."

The condensate rain laughed a few times, and he also knew that it was light and heavy.

Qin Shi crossed the condensate rain and walked to Lingyun: "Ling Yun, let's go, you lead the way, I will accompany you to treat your Huier now."

"Really big brother?"

Lingyun's bright blink of an eye flashed a bit of excitement, the truth is so clear, so Qin Shi could not help but feel gentle.

He helped Ling Yun, purely for personal reasons.

Perhaps because of his emotional twists and turns, and the three girls he loves are thousands of miles apart, so he likes this true person, just as he helps Su.

He gently clicked on the head After getting affirmation, Lingyun's heart was wavering, and the tears filled with gratitude, only to return to the dynasty outside the home.

Qin Shi three people sorted out, followed up from behind.

Qin Shi measured in the bottom of his heart, the left-handed demon totem was lifted by him, and the black scorpion always stared from above. If the injury of Huier is really caused by the devil, then whether it can be successfully cured, it depends on the demon.

He thought like this, but just a few steps away from the mansion, a chaotic figure swayed in front of his eyes and blocked his way.

Seeing this figure, Qin Shi frowned, and the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch.

"Ink wolf?"

This figure turned out to be an indian wolf, and the most disappointing thing for Qin Shi is that the dress of the ink wolf at this moment is exactly the same as it was half a month ago.

A bad thought spread out in the heart of Qin Shi.

"This kid, won't you stay outside the door for half a month like this?"

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