Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 706: Sealed lock

"Do you want to cross the Dan?"

Many disciples have a bright eye.

When crossing the robbery, Qin Shi used it for four days and broke it. It was Kong Xianhui who exchanged for him to help him, but this kind of thing is very rare, and even one or two can be seen as a fate.

"This ferry is very unusual. It is from the hands of the inner kingdom of Dan Wang. It has five sacred lines and can withstand 500,000 Thunderclouds. The auction price is worth 3,000." Lin Xingyu said that he would The ferry was lifted, and it really flashed five mysterious lines on it.

After hearing the introduction, Qin Shi was surprised again.

&n pig-pig island-fiction..bsp; dan, corresponds to the magic spell of the devil, that is to say that the value of this robbing Dan has reached the level of the five-character demon, to know his previous robbery Only three lines.

"It's really good."

Qin Shi’s heart was silent, but still did not shoot.

In the end, this ferry was captured by a six-day late disciple with a contribution of 4,000. He should have touched the seven-day embarrassment.

After that, there are several auction items, and each item is extremely expensive. It is rare.

The atmosphere at the auction is getting more and more intense.

"The next auction item, Bing Bing Han Wan." Lin Xing's wrists swayed on the stage, and a faint blue dragon pill slowly fell: "Hail 魄 cold pill, is taken from the Wanmi cold pool, It is extremely extremely cold in the world, and it is of great help to the cultivation of ice properties. The starting price is 3,500."

As soon as the ice scorpion cold pill came out, Qin Shi’s gaze was attracted.

After all, since he left Xuexin, how long has he not felt the power of this cold property? The ice attribute is the same as the Ray attribute, which is an extremely rare attribute in this world.

In these years, in Qin Shi’s cognition, there is only one person who is a snow-hearted person.

After hesitating, he raised the number plate in his hand for the first time, and prepared to take it and gave it to him as a gift. He really wanted to marry the snow heart.

"Three thousand six."

"Three thousand seven!"

"Four thousand one!"

At the beginning, the auction price continued to rise, causing Qin Shi to frown slightly, and temporarily put down the number plate on his hand, but as the price gradually rose, it finally stopped at the position of five thousand.

He smiled and raised the number plate: "5,100!"

He suddenly broke the situation on the field. There were only a few people who had been vying for this hail cold pill, and they were all guys from small forces. Seeing Qin Shi’s so quiet opening, there was no movement.

Moreover, the ice property is rare, and the value of this ice-cold cold pill is much reduced. After all, if the best thing is not used, can it not only be used as a display?

Five thousand contributions worth buying a device, I am afraid there are not a few willing.

Lin Xing has a deep sense of rushing Qin Shi to look at it, a slight smile, Qin Shi's auction skills are still very high, three consecutive slams: "Five thousand one or three times, this icy cold pill, to this son. ”

Qin Shi will smile.

In the following, it is a very long process. In the process, there are always some treasures that are not high and low, about a hundred or so.

Although each piece is very good, but Qin Shi is dispensable, he never shot, until the sudden burst of heat waves around his ear, he made a slight mention of the spirit.

Lingyun was red in the side, staring at the stage with a wink, and shaking the number plate: "Two thousand and five hundred contributions!"

Ling Yun shot, Qin Shi could not help but accident.

He looked up at the stage and held a three-lined Ling Dan in the hands of Lin Xing. He was a kind of sacred man named: Fan Ye Ling Dan.

Qin Shi searched for some in his memory. He remembered that when Lin Xing introduced it, he seemed to say that this kind of fan leaf wood Ling Dan can dispel dark diseases, clear heat and fire, and make eye-catching effects.

He is very curious, Lingyun wants this leaf wood Ling Dan to do.

At this moment, a loud voice was heard in the venue.

"Three thousand!"

As soon as this number came out, Qin Shi slightly frowned. For the players who can come here to participate, the contribution of three thousand may not be anything, but Qin Shi clearly knows that Lingyun has only three thousand contributions.

No accident, three thousand sounds, Lingyun's face changed, a touch of embarrassment and unwilling to flash.

"Everyone blames me, blame me, if I can work harder... If I can be a little more, even if it is only a little, I can heal the baby." He bite his lower lip and the blood is flowing out.

All of this was reflected in the eyes of Qin Shi, silent for a while, he smiled.

He looked around and this leafwood Lingdan had reached a value of 3,600. For this reason, he shook his number plate: "Four thousand."


The field was slightly stunned.

Four thousand, already far more than the price of a three-grain medicinal drug, after all, the previous five-grained robbery Dan, but only auctioned to four thousand five, not to mention the cross-robbery in addition to the texture, the role is far better than this Fan leaves wood Ling Dan.

"Four thousand times."

"Four thousand times."

"Four thousand three times." Lin Xing gently tapped the small hammer in his hand and smiled at Qin Shi: "The fan leaf is sold out, the son is its owner!"

Qin Shi got up and smiled, and when he sat down, there was a hot air wave coming from his side, which made him go back to the first place with horror.

I saw that Lingyun looked strange and couldn’t say the emotion.

"Big, big brother, you are...!"

"Okay, this is also owed to you, but I really want to know, what kind of illness did you have in your mouth? This leafy forest is mostly maintenance, and it does not have the effect of treatment." Qin Shi is very natural. I took a shot of Lingyun’s shoulder: "Can you tell me your story?"

Perhaps it is the decision in Lingyun's eyes, and the mission of his mouth, Qin Shi quite appreciates him.

Lingyun's pinch of the ten fingers, he is not the kind of white-eyed wolf, Qin Shi and his no reason, but helped him so many times, he is in mind.

"Call...!" He sighed and bowed his head and thought thoughtfully: "In fact, Huier is my childhood friend. Her original name is Mu Hui. We signed a marriage contract with two of us. We both It’s also a door-to-door, although it’s not a big family, it’s a bit of a recipe. Later, we sent the two of us to the chaotic domain.”

"Into the chaotic domain, the relationship between the two of us is like a duck, and we are getting closer and closer. We have already decided to return to the family at the end of this year. We will discuss it with the two and organize the marriage."

"But just six months ago, Hui and I went out for a mission, unfortunately attacked by wild animals. She was infected by the evil spirits of the wild animals. The whole person could not afford to be seriously ill. I was hurting for her, and it consumed us all these years. The savings, but it has no effect, then the matter was passed back to the two, even the family gave up her, but I will not give up, she is my lover, I want to heal her."

"Actually, I don't know if this sapling can cure her. It was only recently that I heard that this sapphire is mild and can dispel evil fire. I came here to try my luck."

"Is it like this?"

Qin Shi could not help but be surprised, but he was really the first time to hear about the evil fire of the wild beast. For this reason, he was curious: "What do you think of evil fire?"

"I can't say it, it's a black flame. It's not a flame, because it doesn't have temperature. It's like a cloud. Since Huier is possessed by this black fire, the whole person has no spirit and is always languid. And from time to time will also do something that does not accept the wisdom of control." Ling Yun is very trusting Qin Shi, the situation of this Mu Hui.

However, Qin Shi heard it but looked solemn.

dark Fire? No temperature, some like clouds?

A thought flashed in the heart of Qin Shi: "Is it a magic?"

His eyes turned slightly, and Lingyun said: "After the end, you take me to see your Huier, I may know her condition, maybe I can help you."

"Really?" Lingyun was overjoyed.

Qin Shi nodded: "I am not sure, but if it is really the situation I want, this leafy Lingdan is useless. In short, wait until it is over."

"Yeah!" With hope, Lingyun's pinching fist, the mouth kept praying: "Well, have you seen it? We met the noble, this time you have saved!"

Looking at Lingyun's innocent but decisive appearance, Qin Shi slightly smiled.

"It seems that in any case, you have to cure this Huier, otherwise you are simply tormenting people, hope and despair, between the front line." Kong Xianhui sneered.


Qin Shi took a deep breath and he did not want to see the disappointment of this missionary teenager.

The auction has continued for a long time, and the auction items that have appeared are more and more precious. There are even many famous products, such as the famous martial arts, these rare treasures in the days.

During this period, the creation team and the fog alliance competed for each other several times. Qin Shi has never moved. He does not want to be involved in such disputes. After all, his wealth is not as good as the two forces.

And just as he was silent for a long time, his look suddenly fainted and was attracted by the three auction items displayed on the stage.

Lin Xing’s jade hand rose slightly, and three square black boxes were revealed under the bead curtain.

These three boxes are quite different from the previous auctions. There is no luster on the top or even a little bit of spiritual fluctuations.

However, it is not the three boxes that attract Qin Shi, but the interior of these three boxes. He found that inside the three boxes, there is a power that cannot be said.

"Little guy, these three boxes are treasures, if you have the chance, you will take it." In Qin Shi's explanation, the sound of the blood wizard suddenly came from the explosion.

"Hmmm?" Qin Shi frowned, and the blood wizard rarely talked to him: "You said these three boxes are baby? What baby?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be a lock-up that has been lost for thousands of years."

"Leng Lei lock?" Qin Shi was shocked.

"Well, this thunder lock is not very useful in itself, but there is a very special space inside them. That space is the same as the domain of the domain power. The most important thing is that this space can seal the thunderbolt. ”

The blood wizard said, Qin Shi’s heart seemed to stop half a beat.

" Sealed thunder and robbery?"

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