Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 690: Divide the enemy

The cold wind blew, and a few scorpions were cut off by the sharp edge. Qin Shi’s mouth was a bit suffocating and frowned.

He looked at the blade of the pause, and his heart was a little puzzled. It is reasonable to say that this man has no reason not to kill him, but he knows that when he is not thinking about it now, he will quickly take a few steps back.

"Why, I have been at my door for so long, don’t you feel happy now when I see you? If you kill me, can you not go back to the cross? If I remember correctly, your master should promise you ten. What is the contribution value?"

The man stunned and returned to the big sigh: "Stinky boy, what nonsense, my brothers and I have been here for you for so long, your boy is rewarding me like this?"

, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda "Well?"

The sound of the sound, Qin Shi revealed a bit of stunned.

"You show me the house? Are you not a simple person?"

"Fart, I see you like a simple person? Do you think that with the strength of the simple, can you call me? You stink, I really don't know how to report!" The man screamed indignantly.

Qin Shi condensed the gods, and the black scorpion swept the man on the brawl. The man said yes, he has seven days, and from the assault on the extreme, his cultivation should not be weaker than the simple one. Is there any reason to make a dog leg for Jane?

"Are you really a simple person?" To understand this, Qin Shi will be suspicious and ask questions.

" Nonsense, if I am a simple person, I should have just smashed you directly. You have a life here to talk to me!" The man looked embarrassed, and he took off the face of the mask, a long cyan hair. Spread your shoulders.

This man, isn’t the foggy coalition that Fu Jun sent to protect Qin Shi?

"Is the second head of the fog alliance?"

Qin Shi did not know the Qingqing, but Kong Xianhui knew a little more. As early as three years ago, the chaotic domain was passed down. The Wumeng II was a ghost, and concealed the master, a green hair and murder.

It is the right arm of Fu Jun.

Qin Shi was shocked and stunned: "Mist League? Are you a fogman?"

"What do you think?"

In the heart of the Qing Dynasty, he was originally suppressed by the command of the army to protect Qin Shi. As a result, he was almost killed by the villain as a bad guy. How much he is day by day?

Affirmed, Qin Shi could not help but he knew that he had misunderstood.

But he immediately sighed and sighed: "That can't blame me. You wandered around my door in the middle of the night. Who knows what heart you are pressing?"

"Drink, your kid is still reasonable? If my brother told me to protect you, do you think I am willing to come here?"

Yu Qingbai glanced at him, and many of the Wumen disciples who followed the Qingqing were also sweating on their foreheads. They now seriously doubt that Fujun is asking them to protect Qinshi. This clearly means that they are here to be sinned.

The more green, the more angry, the anger: "And, if not us, do you think your home can still stand there safely?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The strange and fascinating Chao Xianghui looked at the sight and saw Kong Xianhui's favorite face and lost his heart. He shook his head and said: "You are leaving, it is seven days not coming back. You are really enough. Outsiders chasing and killing, a man and a woman actually have the mood to go out for a honeymoon? In these seven days, the creation team sent at least six disciples to kill you, and even some people want to set fire in your home, and lead you two, if not us. In the meantime, your home has long been a ash in the fire."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi’s heart was chilly, and the dark scorpion flashed a few times.

He did not think about it before, and did not think that the creation team would be so embarrassed, openly set fire in the five districts of chaos?

But I thought that the creation group had Xing Mozhen cover, and it seems that there is really nothing they dare not do.

"You are a big brother, I have misunderstood before, and I am more offended, I hope you can not mind." Understand the truth of the matter, Qin Shi was a bit too unwilling to go, and quickly smirked at the green.

"You know it." You Qing shook his head helplessly.

Qin Shizhen’s licking his nose, he found that the character of Qing Qing is very similar to that of Fu Jun. He is a very straightforward person who is very suitable for being a friend.

But at this time, Qin Shi’s look changed, and the thick eyebrows were suddenly wrinkled like swords.

The sudden change of his gas field surprised the surrounding area. Except for the youthful presence, the other Wumen disciples actually felt a bit of fear from Qin Shi.

The invisible spiritual fluctuations roared in the wind, and the hearts of the greens also picked up a few times, and quickly stepped back.

He can feel it, and in the deep scorpion of Qin Shi, a strong murder is undoubtedly obvious.

"Kid, what are you going to do?" he warned.

Qin Shi was awakened by the green, and the suffocating anger of the human heart was gradually converged to the black robe. Immediately, he smiled at the crowd, and his mouth was rising. Somewhat strange: "Oh, nothing, just this time, it seems to be true. Someone is sending a contribution value."


The strange and wrinkled frown, and his eyebrows were slightly shocked, and the narrow eyes blinked toward the area.

Homeopathic, three figures fell into his field of vision.

In the chest of the three figures, Qing Qing saw a clear and large-scale creation, is not the symbol of the creation team uniform?

"Is it a disciple of the Creation Group?"

He was stunned first, and immediately stunned and couldn’t cover the gloomy eyes.

You know, these three people are still tens of thousands of meters away from the five districts. If it wasn’t for Qin Shi’s before, I’m afraid he won’t find it now, but Qin Shi has only four days and he has such extraordinary insights. force?

Inevitably, Qing Qing’s cognition of Qin Shi rose a bit.

"Drink, it's a funny guy."

Qin Shi didn't know what Qing Qing thought. As a three-magic magician, he couldn't escape his vision because of the wind of 366,000 meters. What's more, the three people revealed very obvious fierceness. The goal is to lock like that.

He simply scanned the three disciples of the founding team, headed by the first six days, and the last two were five days.

This kind of strength, if placed in the past, will be shocked in Qin Shi’s heart, but since his spiritual strength has been improved, he has not been afraid of it in the early days of the six days, not to mention the seven-day world, and the numerous fog alliances. disciple.

"Oh, I thought, this brief is finally long-term, but now it seems that it is still the case?" Hesen smiled coldly, and even the temperature around him fell.

Seeing the change of Qin Shi, You Qing smiled and said: "What are you going to do?"

"What should I do?" Qin Shi pinched his fist and blackened it: "Since someone wants to make a fortune, then if I don't accept it, and I don't know it, I don't know it. Of course it is accepted."

"Oh, if this words are simply heard, you must be alive and mad." Youqing stunned, haha ​​laughed, and immediately said: "That is not as good, let's compare with one? Who kills, contribution value Who is it? I am here for seven or eight days, let me earn some extra money."

Qin Shi said: "You are not saying, have you already received the disciples of the six creation groups? You are still robbing me of this contribution. Are you the second leader of the fog alliance?"

As Qin Shi said, Yu Qing blinked.

"Drink, stinky boy, I haven't settled with you yet. You dare to bargain with me now?"

"That's not the same, my person loves money, life, you want my life, the value of contribution is absolutely impossible." Qin Shiyi shrugged.

"You...!" Yu Qing's mouth twitched, and eventually he was free and easy: "Oh, then the three are handed over to you, I will not shoot in the back, if you can eat it all, you will be given it."

"Keep your word?"

Qin Shi’s heart is shining.

However, his action, but the Qingqing accident, Qingqing originally wanted to give Qin Shi a problem, let Qin Shi know the difficulty and retreat, did not expect this stinky child to be taken seriously?

But if you say that if you go out, like the water that splashed out, you will have a face and you will be able to face your teeth. "Of course, as long as you are not afraid of death."

"Oh, that's OK, with these three guys, there is no qualification for me." Qin Shi smiled confidently, and immediately he jumped to Kong Xianhui's side: "Shantou, ready to start?"

Kong Xianhui understands Qin Shi and smiles.

"Okay." She raised her hand and pointed to the back of the three: "The five-day world, return to me."

Qin Shi noticed something and screamed: "You really do, how do you say that you are also an eight-day situation. If you deal with one, I will endure it and even pick the weakest one?"

"You are not saying that as a man, you don't need a woman to have more hands? If you don't have three, you can do it." Kong Xianhui naughty and ponytailed.

Qin Shi's look was slightly suppressed, and he shook his head quickly.

"Don't, you still have to deal with that five-day situation."

Although these three people are not enough to make Qin Shi feel a crisis, but at the same time deal with three, he still feels powerless. After all, there is a six-day situation, and the gap between each layer in the heavens is very big.

He has not dealt with the six-day situation without the help of evil spirits, but it is calculated according to his own theory, so be careful, always good.

Looking at the appearance of Qin Shi’s embarrassment, Kong Xianhui couldn’t help but grin.

She feels that it is not easy and very happy to let Qin Shi eat it. For her wonderful hobby, Qin Shi can only express speechlessness.

The young and the disciples of the Wumen League blinked in the back, and they were shocked by the actions of the two.

Both of them have only four days. Everyone just wants to understand, what makes them so confident?

"You Qing Ge, they are really no problem? Two four-day situation, dealing with two five days, one six days, this is unlikely?"

Yu Qing shook his head, and his heart was not clear: "Let's take a look. Don't forget this kid before. One person killed three people for five days. I don't think he is a reluctant person. Since he chose to Do it, you should be somewhat sure."

Speaking of this, he hesitated and said: "There will be a little bit of a brother's eyes. If he really has something, he must save him. If something happens, Big Brother will be angry."

"Yes!" Many disciples promised.

Looking at the brethren who are ready to attack at any time, Qing Qing only slightly lowered his heart, tied the fight behind him, and concealed his blue hair, making his whole person disappear in the night sky.

His narrow eyes stared at Qin Shi.

"Kid, let me take a look, what do you have to do."

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