Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 685: Heavenly confrontation

"Two turns to heaven?"

Bunning, Kong Xianhui, are stupid in the same place, shocked by the awakened ice dragon.

In front of this thousands of feet of ice dragons, almost occupying every inch of the crypt's open space, its huge dragon body slightly suspended in the air, four silver-colored dragon claws half open and half, the surrounding air is polymerized by him. In a group of faint halos, scattering like water ripples around.

In this way, the space is broken into hundreds of cracks, and the fissile space bursts with an unusually fierce hurricane, rolling up the crystal from the surrounding cliffs and rotating around the dragon's head.

Wrapped by the power of fury, the body of the two women is light and light ~ pig ~ pig ~ island ~ small ~ said ~ www ~zuhu ~ tremble, involuntarily step back.

At the bottom of the two women's hearts, they quickly rose up and thanked them. Fortunately, when they were going to go forward, Qin Shi stopped them in time, otherwise they were not Ren Guodong, but they were just shocked.


Qin Shi stunned, and he was shocked by the ice dragon. He just knew that there must be ghosts here, but he did not expect that there was such a terrible existence.


Ren Guodong climbed up from the ruins. His thief’s eyes flashed and stared at the ice dragon: "Damn, here, how can there be a wild beast in heaven?"

In the face of the ice dragon, he is no longer easy.

But the matter is here, the body of the quenching is close at hand, he will certainly not give up easily, the bow of the bear is slightly bowed, and the five fingers open and close in the chest.


An increasingly fearful force climbed along Ren Guodong, and the air around him solidified. The dry crypt was covered with a clear layer of water vapor.

The water vapor is faint, and the dewdrops are formed on the cliffs. Each drop of dew is crystal clear.

"Don't he have used all his strength before?"

Qin Shi was slightly surprised from the back, and the black scorpion was extremely gloomy.

He found that Ren Guodong’s power was even more terrifying than when he was just outside the crypt. He stared at the tens of millions of dewdrops around him and was shocked.

These dewdrops seem to be only the size of a finger, but each drop is filled with a very horrible force, just like a volcano that has to be exhausted for a long time.

"Well, the power of the heavens is extremely strong, and it is above the existence of the heavens. This is not only the gap between the realms, but also the control of the power of the attributes. Once they reach the heavens, their nine palaces have It is indestructible, and it is filled with the power of the majestic attributes. As long as you can wave your hand and play the power of the majestic attributes, and apply it to the martial arts tricks, even if the power of the nine days is in front of you, you can only As an ant ant." Kong Xianhui taps the dagger.

"Hey... use martial arts with the power of attributes?"

Qin Shi sucked in the air, this kind of thing he just heard from the mouth of Xue Xuexin, but these years have never been seen, the power of the attribute is far more powerful than the spiritual power, and the difficulty of driving it is not comparable. Therefore, even if he has a book of burning, he is well aware of martial arts, and he cannot use martial arts with the power of attributes.


Thousands of dewdrops gather together, and there are holes in the crypts. The wind rushes into a huge vortex around Ren Guodong. A layer of blue light is like a gentle hand, and the dewdrops are gently lifted up.

The dewdrops flicked, and the world was full of scars.

The space of solidity is as fragile as the grass in the face of Ren Guodong, and a crack in the mouth is indiscriminate, and the space in the blink of an eye is carried out by his power.

He stared at the ice dragon: "The beast, I want to stop me, and the body is my!"

"Water condensate!"

Millions of dew shots are like stars.


The whole crypt was trembled fiercely, and the force of a rough attribute carried out the 10,000 meters. The Qin Shi three people frowned at a distance of a kilometer.

The unbearable flower is eclipsed, and it is the Yuwei that shocked her.

You know, she is eight days old.

"Thorn Shield."

The green light and shadow quickly grows, and hundreds of thorns are bursting between the cliffs. The barrier is quickly opened from the front of the three people. Each thorn is covered with spikes, and the spikes and reflections are exposed.


A burst of blasting caused the three people to be silent. Qin Shi, who was wounded, felt the pain of the five internal organs directly, and a mouthful of blood sprinkled out of the mouth.


This is not over yet, the ice dragon is forced by thousands of dewdrops, and a raging anger is sprayed between the longan. His dragon's body circling three times, and the cold dragon's breath ejects.

The dragon's interest drives the cold current, and the life will freeze the dew.

Qin Shi was able to withstand the overflow of the two forces. He did not doubt that with the impact of the attack, even if it was the peak of nine days, if it was hit by the front, it would be sure to die.


In the middle of the circumstance, the two men engaged in a fierce confrontation in the crypt. This kind of confrontation was a terrible existence when Qin Shi looked at it. The three quickly retreated to a place outside the thousand feet and did not dare to approach.

Otherwise, it is only Yu Wei, it is enough to let the three people drink a pot.


Ren Guodong burst into the air, and the palm of his hand crossed the space. It was like a giant hand exploring from the sky, and the sea and the sky were splitting together.

The squally tsunami, the sea and the moon.

Just a short respite, the two met in the crypt in the hundreds of times, the confrontation between the heavens and the earth was extremely horrible, each hit caused a huge wave of the sky, and the space around him was torn into numerous cracks.


Attacks that destroy the earth and the ground collide, and the electric light flint.

Qin Shi felt that the entire wilderness mountain range seemed to be shaking. The power of Yu Wei shattered the cliff wall, and a piece of gravel was crushed into powder in the air.

"A terrible showdown."

Qin Shizhen’s pinching fist, he could not help but feel depressed.

He discovered how humble and humiliating his cultivation was on this continent.

Do not say that it is a heavenly environment, even if it is a nine-day situation, he is also too much.

"This is the real strength of the heavens and the real world, the confrontation of the heavens?"

Tens of thousands of meters of halo Yu Wei continued to shoot, Qin Shi never thought that with manpower, even to achieve this level, the heavens can still be so, how exaggerated the domain will be?

He can't imagine it.

It’s not just him, but Bening and Kong Xianhui are also very frowning and very serious: “Qin Shi, how do you know that this ice dragon is here?”

The two women asked the doubts in their hearts.

"I don't know...!" Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "I just think that since this is so powerful, there must be something guarded around, and have you forgotten it? When we entered the crypt, At the location of the cave hole, there is a six-pointed star array."

"The law is extraordinary, it certainly won't appear out of thin air. It must be someone who deliberately set it up."

Qin Shi explained that the two women suddenly realized.

At this point, they really didn't think of it, or that the attention of the two women was the same as that of Ren Guodong. All of them were attracted by the tempered body, and they did not think so much.

However, Qin Shi is not the same. Qin Shi will be led by Guo Guodong, who wants to kill people by knife.

However, there is a saying that Qin Shi did not say, that is the magic from the secret volume.

In fact, before I noticed the magic on the secret volume, Qin Shi would be sure that there must be some magical objects around this body.

That devil is a kind of seal, a very secret seal. If it is not familiar with the devil, even if it is a heavenly environment, it may not be able to detect it.

But Qin Shi has a demon. It can be said that no one in this world can understand the devil more than him.

But now it seems that he guessed wrong, this ice dragon is not a monster, but a real wild beast, but Qin Shi can be determined from the dragon's longan, this ice dragon is subject to the devil The invasion, controlled by the devil, has lost its mind.


In order to quench the body, Ren Guodong is really fighting, and the blue water pattern is constantly tumbling in his palm. Every time he tumbling, he will surely start to stun the waves, and the layers of ancient lines will smudge at his fingertips. The waves of waves on the sea.


However, he is a water attribute. In the horrible cold current, he can't gather a little bit of power. The water property has just been extracted from the air, and it is immediately chilled and frozen into ice crystals.

The dragon's claws are sharp as a knife, and the hair is broken.

The dragon claw itself is the sharpest attack between the heavens and the earth. The space of thousands of feet is broken like a silk, and a huge space vortex is torn by him.

He seems to dominate the world.


The confrontation between the two became more and more horrible. It was already devastated in thousands of feet and could not bear to look straight.


The ice dragon is angry and swaying the dragon tail, and the fierce power calls on the heavens and the earth, and the cold current will solidify the heavens and the earth, and the sly squatting toward Ren Guodong.

As the cold current approached, Ren Guodong’s shuttle body was stiff, and the surrounding air was frozen. He looked shocked and swallowed.


Nearly a thousand pounds of power hit the front, even if Ren Guodong would not feel good, his sputum spit out bright red blood, was shocked by hundreds of meters.

This is not over yet. The dragon's longan is dark and swallowed by the evil spirits. In his world, there is only killing, crazy swinging dragon body, dragon mouth opening and closing, and fangs stabbing.

Ren Guodong turned up and looked at the Longkou, which was constantly expanding in front of his eyes, and a touch of fear rose from his eyes.


The second turn to the sky ~ ~ has exceeded him too much, coupled with the restraint of the power of the property, he is not the opponent of the ice dragon.

He was not willing to pinch his fists, staring at the quenching body on the stand in the distance, and looking at the baby who was about to get it, would you give up like this?

But compared with his life, he still feels that life is important.

In the end, Ren Guodong was reluctant to endure, and he condensed his eyes from the quenching method. The evil three people went to the Qin Shi three people to take a look: "You three are deliberately leading me here, right?"

In the face of Ren Guodong’s angry screaming, Qin Shi shrugged without a word, and his heart shouted.

Seeing the movement of Qin Shi, even if the power of Ren Guodong’s shackles was not irrational, he could not believe that he was a great man of heaven and earth, and he was counted by a stupid boy of four days.

"Good, good, good, count your kid has a kind, but you don't like it, even if I can't get the body of quenching, you don't want to get it, you will all die here." Ren Guodong's eyes are full of anger And banter.

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