Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 670: Rent a house

"Say something right, where do we live at night?"

Qin Shi quickly interrupted the sinister Kong Xianhui, pointing to the sky that will soon be dim.

"Go to the rent agency to rent a house."

Kong Xianhui took the glare of the distant place and left Qin Shi alone to be messy in the wind. He was really messy. In this place, there is still a rent agency?

Have you made a mistake?

He patted his head and quickly followed Kong Xianhui.

&nbs[猪_猪_岛]Fiction; On several streets, the east turned west and turned two laps. The two went to the so-called rent agency, where there are many people, and not only houses are rented, but even There are also house sales.

Qin Shi’s cognition of the foreign domain has also changed radically. He looked up and swept the big name in the intermediary. The above is a huge map. The map is divided into five areas: “What does this mean?”

Kong Xianhui kneaded the jade: "This is a plan of the outer domain. It is divided into five zones in the outer domain. The spiritual purity of each zone is different."

The center of Kong Xianhui’s map pointed out: “This is a district, and the first district is in the most central position of the outer domain. There are five clusters of giant spirits, supported by tens of thousands of thousands of crystals. Fifty times the outside world."

"Fifty times?"

Qin Shi was shocked by this huge number.

"Well, this is also the welfare of the foreigners to the disciples. After all, it is still very rare to gather outside the domain. Even if there is, there is at most one."

Kong Xianhui’s jade finger once again pointed out: “And here, it is very common. It is not just a district. You see this location. Here is the second district. The second district is composed of four giants, which is equivalent to the outside world. Forty times the purity of force."

"Here is the three districts, three giant spirits, thirty times the spiritual power. Here are the four districts, two giant spirits, twenty times the spiritual power, and now we are at the outer boundary, that is, five districts, Covered by a large array of spirits, it is ten times the spiritual purity of the outside world."

Listening to the shocking data, Qin Shi said: "No wonder, countless people have broken their heads and want to enter the chaotic domain. It is just that the rich spiritual power in this gathering is enough to make people crazy, after all, even in the fifth. In the case of a region with ten times the spiritual power, it is also possible to let a mortal person get more than ten times the spiritual power in the whole life. Doesn't this mean that he will spend the rest of his life as a lifetime?"

"Not only that, as the realm of the realm increases, the life of the people will increase. Such an ordinary person who can only reach the level of the outside world, may be able to obtain three layers, four layers, even Higher achievement." Kong Xianhui tapped the voice of the dagger.

Qin Shi was shocked.

"It is no wonder that in the eight domains, the heavenly masters are so rare. There are such superior conditions. It is far from the small empire that can be embarrassed. Even the mortal whose roots are in waste materials can at least reach the heavens. Repair it?"

"In other words, how many people who can become disciples in the field are ordinary?"

To understand this, Qin Shi looked up at the map and saw the price behind the rent of the house in the district. The corner of the eye could not help but twitched. He found that the houses in one district were covered by a series of zeros. How much does it cost to rent a house in this area? Ten or 100,000? Is it 100,000? Am I wrong?"

He rubbed his eyes hard.

Seeing the funny appearance of Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui smiled helplessly and confirmed: "You are not mistaken, the price of each district is different. The price of one district is very exaggerated. Only a small number of disciples in the foreign area can rent. With the contribution of our hands now, we can barely rent a room in the fifth district, and it is only a monthly payment."

Qin Shi, who was originally raised, had no temper.

"In the foreign domain, there is no contribution value, it is really difficult to walk." Qin Shi sighed, can not help but think of the value of the five thousand contributed by Dong Qingkeng, a nameless anger poured into my heart.

"Well, rent a house in the five districts first, and you can't sleep on the streets."

Kong Xianhui interrupted Qin Shi, but Qin Shi blinked: "Stop, one? You mean, let's live in one?"

"Yeah, do you think that our contribution value is a lot? But it is a residence, we have to do two things." Kong Xianhui white Qin Shi glanced: "In addition, I do not deny you, do you still abandon me? I Where have you not seen it?"

"I...! This is not the same!" Qin Shi shook his head.

"How is it different? I am afraid that I can't stand the temptation, what kind of animal will I do?" Kong Xianhui deliberately discharged to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi hit a spirit, and quickly retired two steps, and stabilized his mind: "Forget it, live and live, anyway, I am determined to be good, I can hold it last time, this time I can!"

"Oh? Is it right?" Kong Xianhui stunned Qingsi's aim at aiming at Qin Shi, and smiled: "Then you will make your own efforts. Forgot to tell you, I have the habit of sleeping at night."

I heard the eyes of Qin Shizhen, and I’m blind.

"Hey, no, I have to complain to you! You are the temptation of red fruit!"

Irrespective of Qin Shi’s complaints, Kong Xianhui shook his shoulders innocently, and one went to the counter of the renting agency and picked up the middle and lower houses in the five districts.


Kong Xianhui smashed the key in his hand and greeted Qin Shi.

Qin Shi left alone, again messy.

The two returned to the rented house. Fortunately, this room is a two-story building. Qin Shi was relieved. How could he be a normal man, a normal man with a **** temperament, if it really makes the two live together, it will inevitably be Rubbing out what sparks come.

"The second floor belongs to me. I will not let you know if I don't allow it in the future." Kong Xianhui entered the room, and the coat was taken off. On the second floor stairs, she held the emerald light dance and shook it at Qin Shi. Hang on the handle of the door: "Otherwise, don't blame me if you are bent!"

Qin Shi stunned. When he wanted to refute, Kong Xianhui had already returned to the room, which made him angry: "Hey, this is not fair. I can't go up because of it. After that, I will not let you go." !!!"

But his shouting is obviously not a bit of strength.

After a while, Kong Xianhui walked down in Pengsong's pajamas, and took the washed fruit and tasted it.

Looking at the comfortable and sturdy Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi had to sigh and admit defeat.

"This woman is really enough!"

Qin Shi feels more and more, this Kong Xianhui is simply a living ancestor. After nearly two months, her inner shadow has been eliminated, revealing the most basic nature.

And this nature is the look of the big lady who is not afraid of it.

Do not care about Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi alone sitting in the chair of the living room, playing with ceramic cups in his hands, a lot of looks between the colors.

"Now I have entered the foreign domain, and then it is time to find ways to accumulate the value of the contribution. The snow-capped cuckoo and the Sengu spirit must find a way to get it, but the contribution of nine million... oh."

Thinking of this, he got a headache again.

"No way, it seems that I can only pick up the old line." Qin Shi will hold the long finger grip cage, and the eyebrows will flash a bit.

"Harmony, in the outer domain, where can I kill the wild animals?"

"Abandoned beast?"

"Well, it is better to be a wild animal above heaven."

"What do you do to hunt down the wild animals?" Kong Xianhui frowned and asked.

Qin Shi said his thoughts in his heart: "In the foreign domain, there is no contribution worthwhile. I have to support you such a defeated woman. If you don't want to refine some magic characters to sell, do you have to wait for the northwest wind?"

In a word that awakens the dreamer, Kong Xianhui thinks of another identity of Qin Shi. In the foreign domain where he survives by personal advantage, the demon is indeed a negligible existence. After all, this is the first in the wild world. Career.

"In the western region of the outer world, there is a wild animal mountain range, where there is a wild animal in the chaotic domain, which is specially used for hunting by foreign disciples." Kong Xianhui said.

"Arid Mountain Range?" Qin Shi smiled with satisfaction: "It seems that it is necessary to cure the injury to the sea earlier."

With plans in mind, he is no longer in a hurry.

Take a rest, the next day.

Qin Shi started very early. He did not greet Kong Xianhui and left the room. He held a card in his hand, which was the card of the Fu Jun that the old man gave him.

He is going to find the army. After all, he is now a foreigner disciple. He will not let him go with a simple sex. He is not afraid of being accurate, but he is worried about Kong Xianhui.

He knows Kong Xianhui. He is afraid that one day, Kong Xianhui will make a full effort for him. At that time, he will make an irreparable disaster. He does not want to regret it.

So before he can find him, he must first prepare.

He bypassed 13 streets along the way and walked straight to the center of the outer domain, a district.

Fu Jun’s residence was here, but he did not wait for him to enter the gathering, and several figures stopped him.

"Kid, who are you?" The leading disciple's thief's eyes were narrow and long, and his disgusted eyes swept the Qin Shi. He looked at his broken black robe and said: "No one can enter the area. If there is no invitation, he will leave." ”

Qin Shi smashed: "Is the district a tube so strict?"

"What do you think? All the residents living in the district are distinguished and the deacons of the foreign domain, like you, such a poor boy, do not fit in." The disciple sarcastically.

Qin Shi frowned, and his heart raised a bit of resentment, but he was immediately suppressed by him. He had been swaying for so long. He was not young and frivolous. He knew what it meant to be forbearance and forbearance.

"It seems that I want to see this Fujun, it is not as easy as I thought." Qin Shi stepped back a few steps and thought about it alone under a tree neck outside the area.

He looked around the wall of a district. The first district was different from the other four districts. Every 100 meters, there were several disciples guarding them. They only lived in a district or received invitations.

Just as Qin Shi didn't know how to be good, a figure suddenly came to his side, smirking at him: "Hey, I said little brother, look at you, you want to enter a district?"

Qin Shi smashed and looked at the side of the figure. This figure was a wretched fat man, his eyes narrowed into a gap, and his face swayed.

"I can help you."

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