Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 665: Start of assessment

The days of foreign field assessment are coming.

During these three days, Qin Shi tried his best to recover the injury, but there are still many dark diseases in the body. This time the injury should be the most serious one in his history. The most important thing is that the injured recipient is not the flesh, but The most vulnerable soul of the human body.

That is to say, Qin Shi’s soul is strong, and if it is replaced by a person, even if the last demon is helping, it is hard to suffer the result of the soul.

"Is it the limit?"

In the early morning, Qin Shi opened his eyes, and he pinched his fist and shook his head.

&=Pig = Pig = Island = novel ww.zhuzhnbsp; "Don't worry, there is me, your one, I will help you win, it will be fine." Kong Xianhui enters the room, she sees Qin Stone worry.

Qin Shi smiled and said: "I said, when Qin Shi has not yet reached the woman's support, rest assured, this little injury will not fall for me."

When he finished speaking, he got up: "Do you know how many people are in this assessment?"

Kong Xianhui nodded: "Well, I am here to find you. This is a total of 3,000 enslavements. The top 100 people will enter the foreign domain."

"So, we have a total of 2,920 opponents?" The huge number made Qin Shi breathe a sigh of relief: "Do you know the rules?"

"The rules are simple, it is a melee."


"Well, there is a way to avoid the spirits in the central square. After the assessment begins, Dong Qing will start the battle, and 3,000 slaves will be killed from it, and eventually stop when there are a hundred."


Qin Shi frowned, this rule is very unfavorable to him. After all, he and Kong Xianhui only joined the periphery for several months, and there are no friends in the periphery.

"Let's take a step and see one step." He sighed and stood up and walked out with Kong Xianhui.

Because it is an assessment of the foreign domain, the central square on the beginning of the morning is already crowded with people, and tens of thousands of slaves came to watch.

Even in the foreign domain, some deacons with head and face also appeared. Among them, Liu Ming and Jane were both, and Jane’s gaze spurred Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s brow wrinkles and instantly finds the right one in the crowd.

"He is a simple, simplified brother."

"It turns out that." Qin Shi suddenly realized that the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

Jane squinted coldly and muttered: "Boy, I am waiting for you in the Outland, as long as you dare to enter the Outland, I must be born to die!"

"You will do what you want." Qin Shi shrugged and responded without fear.

His movements are irritating and simple. Fortunately, Liu Ming, who is next to him, quickly presses him. Liu Ming’s face is a tragedy. When he thinks of the threat of Tianyang, he hopes: "I hope this kid is eliminated, otherwise it will go into chaos." The domain is really troublesome."

Ignore the two people, Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui walked behind Dong Qing.

Dong Qing stood in the middle of the square, behind him was the three thousand enslavements of this competition.

Most of the enslavements in this competition are slavery with more than one year of service at the periphery. Among the newly joined slavery, only Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui are two. After all, like two people, they can collect 10,000 contributions. Less and less, even can be said to be no.

That is to say, Qin Shi occupies the right place and the right place. It is not simplified. It is not a coincidence that he can't break through. The premise of not having Kong Xianhui's injury is not enough. Nothing can be done. One element and two elements cannot collect this tens of thousands of contributions. value.

The two just appeared, because of the identity of the two people, immediately provoked the strange look around, the remaining 2,998, 98 enslaved to the two, so that the two could not help but frown.

"Oh, it seems that it has not begun, we have become the target of the public." Qin Shi shook his head with a smile, this result he had expected.

However, this did not make Qin Shi feel fear. Over the past four years, he has seen more people in the wind and rain, and there is no such thing as the ability to stop him. This time is the same.

"Is it all right?" Dong Qingqing cleared his throat and shouted: "Ready, let's get started."

Many enslaved strategists are eager to try.

"Remember, this assessment is very important. The final result will be handed over to the foreign domain elders. No one will make any mistakes. If you want to go to the end, you will immediately disqualify and expel the chaos!" Before the game, Dong Qing repeatedly Hey, this went to the center of the square. He waved with one hand and a beam of light broke through the sky.

The light column rushes straight into the sky, dispersing the foggy mist on the sky, about 30,000 meters in the sky, like a fireworks burst, forming a huge bird cage, shrouded in a square of 30,000 meters.


Dong Qing’s palm fell and the atmosphere burst.

In an instant, the numerous slaves present in the room held their breath, and they visited the bird cage with one big eye.

Jane was stunned and stunned: "Bad boy, I have to take a nap, what do you have, and dare to hurt my Jane family."


Thousands of people have carried forward the spirits of the heavens and the earth, and the power in the bird cage enchantment has climbed several times, and thousands of slaves have been shot.

A variety of martial arts, purple, red, visual feast.

At the beginning, Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui flashed back to the corner and did not rush to participate in the scuffle. Both of them understood that it was not the time to use them.

But there are always some guys who don’t have long eyes, and they ran into the corner to provoke two people. But without waiting for this group of people to approach, Kong Xianhui's jade finger quickly swayed in the wind. After several accidents, she had weakened the seal of Yu Xuan's left leaning. Now she is repaired in the early days of the four days. The light man dance, but the crown of the impact of the mighty, the past must be ridiculous, any martial arts any slavery can not be close.

Standing behind Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi smiled and said: "Is it strong?"

I don't know why, after so long, he always felt a little familiar from Kong Xianhui's spiritual power. This familiarity is that he can't tell what it is, but it is real.

"This woman is so strong!" Several defeats, many enslavements are correct for Kong Xianhui.

They have forgotten the existence of Qin Shi.

"A generation of women in the early days of the four days, even if they can be strong, where will they find a chance to attack her, no matter how to let her go out and say it!" Five or six slaves hang around to discuss, headed by a red-haired youth Cold drink.

The rest of the slaves nodded, and they all realized that Kong Xianhui’s extraordinaryness was recognized.

After reaching an agreement, the young red-haired youth took the lead. He had a five-day early attack from the front to Kong Xianhui. His martial arts was the power of the wild beast. The two arms were turned into rough tiger claws, and the slap of the slap to Kong Xianhui Face door.

In the five-day world, Kong Xianhui was also slightly struggling to deal with it. She subtly stepped back and left. The jade fingers swayed in the air, a layer of silvery white powder appeared, and the powder expanded rapidly in the air. Gloomy lines, meet the youth.


The brows of the youth wrinkled, and the tiger's claws touched the lines of the sky, and they were suddenly decomposed into the heavenly spirit, disappearing out of thin air?

This scene made him feel shocked, and he quickly opened his handprint: "The lion is like a beast!"

Suddenly, the breeze between his palms condensed to form a male lion. There were ten feet of ivory on both sides of the lion, surrounded by smoldering fires.

"Eight-order superior martial arts?" Many slaves were shocked.

Qin Shi also frowned, this martial arts made him feel incredible, and there is still a bit of the blood of the wild beast?

"Hey, with these, I want to be right with this lady? Not self-reliant!" But under the impact of the embarrassment, Kong Xianhui feels contented, she is always full of confidence, and sometimes Qin Shi is curious, who is it? Give her such confidence?

Her jade fingers are taken back, and the jade palm is spread out: "The stacking of the sky!"

A natural force like a bird and a beast scattered, screaming in the sky between the white jade fingers, in the space of a hundred meters around Kong Xianhui, the diamonds on the earth are broken and turned into endless powder, all in one Her control.

Qin Shi couldn't help but lose sight of it from the side. This martial art he had seen before was the trick used by Kong Xianhui in the wild night. One stroke killed a few six days and a seven-day situation. I didn't expect her to be there. This is useful.

The last time I did not observe it carefully, this time Qin Shi was slightly lost. He found that Kong Xianhui’s martial arts was far from the ordinary nine-martial martial arts. The power of Wen Yun is probably the martial arts.

"The background of this little girl is really powerful and convincing." Qin Shi became more curious about Kong Xianhui's identity, but he never asked him because he knew that Kong Xianhui would say that he would take the initiative to tell him. No need to ask him.

He can feel that when Kong Xianhui's identity is revealed to the world, he will be shocked. He is ready for this.


In a moment, the red-haired youth's heart is converging, and the palm-like shock wave of the palm is turned into nothingness in the halo, and a powerful force hits his chest, and he will fly him.

"Even seven days in this martial arts can not resist one or two, let alone the five-day situation?" Qin Shi mocked the shaking head, the power of a martial art, far from a realm can be leveled, unless the other side also has Martial arts, otherwise it will be a six-day situation, and may not be able to benefit in the hands of Kong Xianhui.

But in the heart of Qin Shi calmly, his black scorpion suddenly saw a sneer from the corner of the red-haired youth, accompanied by the smirk and the breath around him, is a triumphant ecstasy.

"Hmmm?" Qin Shi smashed ~ ~ but he immediately wrinkled his eyebrows, flashing two phantoms from his right and left, such as the sharp screaming of the sword to Kong Xianhui.

"Get it!"

The phantom is just a few enslavements that have reached an agreement with the red-haired youth before, and it seems to be approaching Kong Xianhui's jade body.

The coldness behind it was overflowing, and Kong Xianhui was hugged, and she was already attacking under the phantom.

call out!

At this moment, a rushing thunder and flash, with lightning speed, and jumped to the front of Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi double palm open and close, gold scales dense.


The attack hit the Qin Shi's palm in front, but if the power of the giant Ding was hit on the cotton, even a little fluctuation did not occur.

Qin Shi stood in the same place, staring at the two slaves and angered: "Fucking, too much, I will stand there, you fucking, you will pass through, really **** when I am not a person what?"

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