Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 658: Throw away the space gap

Dong Qing was gambling, and many slaves frowned.

But they did not wait for them to rethink, and a scene of shocking the world’s big reversal was staged in the ring.

In the eyes of slavery, this confrontation has already become a foregone conclusion. The simplified victory is only a matter of time, but they never expected it. The nervous look before disappeared, and the green corner of the mouth rose slightly, provoking a enchanting arc.


Qin Shiyi stopped, simplifying the full force and hitting the door of Qin Shi, but Qin Shi only raised his hand slightly, and the lightning flashed between the palms. The lightning was intertwined into a huge `pig` pig` island` novel `www .huhuom cobweb, fierce and simplified impact.

The attack that had caused everyone to be astonished, stopped at the chest of Qin Shi, and the violent impulse struck a violent hurricane at the point where the two met, and the hurricane ran through the left and right sides of Qin Shi.

But when the wind fell, Qin Shi stood intact in the air.

"These bets should be enough for me and Xianhui to go outside, so there is no need to delay." His cold-opening, **** killings fly freely: "Next, it is time for you to pay back It!"


In a word, a crisp bone crack resounded around, simplifying like a thunder, a painful roar: "Amount!!!! Stinky boy...!"


But without waiting for his screaming to fall, Qin Shi's five fingers knead, the strength increased several times, the golden lining grows among the skin, and the star smashes his strong body, and the simplified fist is broken.

Simplifying the pain has not shouted.

"I have been playing for so long, is it very cool?" Qin Shisen smiled coldly, and immediately his pace changed, his knees slammed up and smashed the simplified ribs.


Simplified to fly back hundreds of meters, and immediately he looked at Qin Shi with amazement, how could he not understand, Qin Shi, who was just pressed by him, how could it suddenly become so strong?

"Kid, do you deliberately hide your strength?"

"Yes, otherwise, how can you swindle so many gambling?" Qin Shi has bowed his waist and slammed the shot.


Simplifying a glimpse, this suddenly realized, seeing Qin Shi approaching, heart and fear.

He was afraid, he was really scared, and when he had a hurricane under his feet, he wanted to fly to the rear.

But what surprised him again was that, without waiting for his figure to move, the space in front of him was distorted, and a thunder light fell from the clouds. Qin Shi appeared like a ghost, and his jaw was in a boxing.


A few attacks, simplifying even the chance to dodge, he did not dare to open his eyes, let him be proud of the speed, even Qin Shi finished?

The slaves outside the court looked at it. What did Qin Shi do?

Of course, they don't know that Qin Shi's three-day world can be better than five days. Now he has broken through the four-day situation. Isn't it a simplification? From the beginning to the end, the simplification is a clown in the eyes of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s breakthrough in four days is different from usual. It is a breakthrough from the capture of the sky to the Qitian. It is a realm of cross-domain. The most important thing is that he has mastered the power of the property. Now he is confident in the early six days. First battle.

A few times, the simplification has already been smashed, and Qin Shi will repay him the wounds of Kong Xianhui, hundreds of times, especially his hands. He injured Kong Xianhui’s jade fingers, and Qin Shi directly abolished his arm.

"You, don't come over, you are a monster, you are farther away from me!" Simplified and lost souls, long before the domineering of the past, crazy back to the back.

His pace has already appeared.

"Killing, killing, Dong Qing boss, save me!" Simplify the two-eyed howl, struggling to rush outside the station.

Qin Shi's gloomy board began to face, this time he did not pursue, just licked the space ring on the forefinger: "Blood Wizard, then, handed it to you."

"Mom, stinky boy, you remember, I am not your slave!"

"I know, but if you want him to leave the theater, the consequences will make you feel better to be a slave." Qin Shi shrugged.

"You...!" The blood wizard was angry, but when he thought of the power of Qin Shi’s horrible soul, he finally bite his teeth and said: "I am so **** bad, how come you are so enchanting, have you Do you treat prisoners like this?"

His Majesty, a sigh of air swayed at the fingertips of Qin Shi, and the next force of this space spread and spread. I saw that in the direction of simplifying the escape, I suddenly broke a black hole that could not be seen.

Simplified pupil dilation, he couldn't get rid of the black hole, but his body was buried in the black hole, and the black hole disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Things are developing too fast, and everyone has no chance to react.

"Just, what is the black hole just?"

"I don't know, you are quick, simplifying? Where is the simplification?"

Under this circumstance, all the talents have returned to God, simplifying the disappearance of the disappearance without a trace, even the most basic atmosphere has not left.

Under the short-term process, Dong Qing’s look changed. He was able to tear open the space in the seven-day world, so he was very aware of the power of Qin Shi.

"This kid has a lot of secrets."

Looking at the simplification of disappearance, the cold face of Qin Shi gradually melted.

"Little guy, you are embarrassed, throw this simplification into the crack of space, there is no spiritual power in the crack of space. He only has five days. He doesn't want to live out in this life. He can only wander in space cracks. dead!"

"This is what he asked for, dare to hurt my Qin Shi's friend, kill him too cheap." Qin Shi shook his head. When he talked with Dong Qing before, he planned how to handle the simplification.

Simplification disappeared, the winner of this downfall is undoubtedly Qin Shi, who wrapped his tight robe and fell to Kong Xianhui's side.

Seeing Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi is quite gentle: "How? How much contribution has you won this time?"

"Ah?" Kong Xianhui stunned, and this time he looked back at God's gambling pool.

At the same time, tens of thousands of people showed their embarrassment, they just went to the surprise, and they all forgot this gamble, and now Qin Shi won, they only remembered.

"One thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, one thousand five, two thousand five...!" Kong Xianhui crossed the contribution value of the gambling pool, and suddenly excited, like a naive little girl holding Qin Shi: "Qin Stone, this time, we won 25,000 contributions!"

"Twenty-five thousand?" Qin Shi smiled and said: "Exactly, we have participated in the assessment of the foreign domain assessment."

But some people are happy that someone is worried.

This time, many enslavements are miserable. It can be said that there is no return to the blood, but there is no sympathy for them. After all, they have made their own wrong choices, no wonder others.

"Amount ah! Qin Shi, I killed you!" But at this moment, Jane madly rushed out of the crowd, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, stabbing toward Qin Shi's chest.

Qin Shi's brow wrinkled, the skin of the chest was covered with scales, and the scorpion would fly the dagger.

A single blow, Jane’s angry roar: "I want you to die, and my brother’s life!"


Qin Shiyang started, one inch of boxing in the shoulders of Jane, the soft and rich spiritual power of his life shocked him back dozens of meters.

Jane is not an opponent of Qin Shi. Now, even under the emotional disorder, there is no chance of being close to Qin Shi. He is crazy.

He was red-eyed and fiercely looking forward to Dong Qing: "Dong Qing boss, there are regulations on the outside, can not make people's lives, now my brother's whereabouts are unknown, you have to give me the big brother, you can not spare this Qin Shi!"

When I heard this, the people around me felt shameless and simplified the people who killed in the martial arts field. There were no one thousand and one hundred. Now Jane is so embarrassed that he can’t make a life.

But no one is unwilling to go to this drowning. Without simplifying, Jane is not terrible, but don't forget that Jane has a big brother in the foreign domain. This time, Qin Shi has won the simplification, but it also provokes It’s a great disaster, and when you know it, you won’t be tempted by Qin Shi.

For this reason, everyone will look at Dong Qing and want to see how Dong Qing is going to deal with Qin Shi.

Qin Shi is the same.

Dong Qing frowned, and he was silent for a long time. He said: "This incident, there are some surprises. Everyone just saw the black hole. It appeared from the air out of thin air. Qin Shi is a powerful attribute of the mine. It does not have tears. The ability to crack space, so I think this thing is not necessarily done by Qin Shi. It should be someone else, so I can’t make a final conclusion. When the investigation is clear, I will do my best and give you a second brother. Explain."

"What is the investigation? Isn't this a clear thing?" Jane was furious.

Everyone heard it, but lost his voice.

Yeah, isn't this a clear thing? Dong Qing is clearly pointing to Qin Shi, as long as it is an individual can hear it.

"How? I want to defy my words? Who in the periphery said that you don't know?" Jane said, the power of Dong Qing's seven-day situation was instantly suppressed, and the students would retreat a few steps.

Jane was horrified and clenched his fists.

"Good, good, good!" He felt the strange look around him, and he could only swallow this dumb loss, but he did not give up, and he slammed to Qin Shi: "Bad boy, you wait, this is not finished." After my older brother knows, he will not let you go!"

After talking he left the dust.

Looking at the angry Jane, Qin Shi smiled slightly.

"You can still laugh when you lose money. The relationship between Jane and Liu Ming is very good. If things get to the right place, don't think about it for the rest of your life!" Kong Xianhui said with a sigh: "When you first entered the chaotic domain, You promised me that you have forgotten it all right?"

"I don't think you are being bullied, you just can't hold back." Qin Shi grievances and grinned.

"What are you going to do next?"

"What to do? The soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil, and the simple one will not be put in my heart. As for Liu Ming..." When it comes to this, Qin Shi quietly turned the space ring on the index finger: "I happen to be with him." There is also a bit of private enmity. If he comes to me, he will count it together."

"You and Liu Ming have hatred?" Kong Xianhui unexpectedly raised his eyebrows: "How did I not listen to you?"

"It's not my hatred, it's a friend, but I have to manage it." Qin Shi shook his head and thought that Su will not leave and Su will not give up the fate of Liu Ming's life and death. The color of anger overflows his eyes.

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