Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 626: 2 big magic

"It seems that the demon's suppression of the wild beast is not as powerful as the general." Qin Shi awe-inspiring the demon in his heart.

The phagocytosis lasted for half a column, and the Ghost Spider was completely tragic in front of everyone.

This time, the holy place is silent.

The bird is silent.

I have to say that the demon's hand has played a lot of prestige, and the disciples of the hundreds of people who have been fighting for the end are not afraid to make it. This is not a joke. Just now, the magic spider has a seven-day situation. There are only white bones in front of the demon, let alone them?

? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua. Qin Shi smiled at this unexpected harvest.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to solve this trouble, and now it saved him a lot of trouble.

"You, I don't want to be an enemy of you, my Qin Shi speaks, this is a million Lingshi, and I will give it to you, not many, but it is my compensation." Qin Shi generously took out a thousand Wanling Stone, distributed to the Baizu.

Take the Lingshi, the hundreds of people face each other, no one has talked nonsense, they have already seen it, and relying on their strength to compete for the creation of the silver fir, it is simply an idiotic dream, now can get the spiritual stone, has been satisfied.

In desperation, everyone dispersed, and only the Yin Lu **** Guo five people were left in the venue. Qin Shi quickly crossed the artificial silver fir with one hand, first divided it into five equal parts, and gave four points to Yin Lin. Four people in the blood, the remaining one is divided into two by him, and handed over to the Guo family.

When I got the silver fir, I was very upset.

Guo Yilong is also the same. He helped Qin Shiben not to think about the return. Now he can get some of the artificial silver fir, which is purely an unexpected gain.

Assigning the good silver fir, Qin Shi puts away the one that belongs to him. The spiritual power of the silver fir is really horrible. He just gently holds it in his hand, and the vast spiritual power flows through his skin. Let his black scorpion appear a little bit sloppy, with greed.

"Drink, if you absorb all this silver fir, you should be able to reach three days, and you will be able to take the sky. At that time, it is only half a step away from Qitianjing, and you can get more confidence in the face of the eight domains. "Qin Shi thought in his heart."

The evil spirits are still not returning to the side of Qin Shi, and they licked the cracked mouth: "I didn't expect that the magic of this spider is so strong. The stinky boy, after leaving this, find me a quiet place, I want Retreat for half a month, this half a month, you should be careful, don't provoke any trouble."

Qin Shi nodded gratifiedly, the recovery of the demon, he was happy in the situation, especially after this integration, his trust in the demon was once again elevated, and the relationship between the two was also subtly imperceptible.

"When you go back, this is a half of the silver fir, and then I have a billion stone. You can use it. I can only help you. This time, the opportunity is rare. I hope I can help you recover more. ""

"Well?" The demon accidentally frowned, and the magic eyes were gentle. "Then I will not be polite with you. You can rest assured that although I am a demon, I know what is called a gratitude newspaper."

"You and I said that this is over, we are brothers." Qin Shi shook his head.

Everything is arranged and everyone is ready to leave.

Before leaving, Yin Hong proposed: "You have experienced so much, everything is finally over. Why not go to our Yin family to have a celebration party at night?"

"Well, is the wine tube enough?"

Yin Hong patted his chest and promised: "Must be enough!"

To this end, with Guo Yilong, everyone agreed to come down.

In this regard, Qin Shi is indifferent. To tell the truth, the nerves have been stretched for so long. He is also exhausted, just like a tired bird, to relax, or.

And just when he just wanted to agree, the black scorpion swept through the Baizu, and suddenly it flashed a few lights.

After the glory, he quickly rushed to Yin Hongdao: "Yin family, you seniors, you go back first, I still have some things left, I promise to be in place at night."

At first, a few people still wanted to persuade, but after hearing the words, Yin Hong hesitated: "Okay, that can be said, you can not lose faith in Qin Shi."

"Sure!" Guaranteed, Qin Shimu sent several people to leave the Baizu Holy Land.

Finally, in the broken Baizu Holy Land, only Qin Shi himself was left. He looked around the entrance and felt uneasy.

As early as a few hours ago, here is still infinite, but now it is so messy, everything happens so suddenly, he even began to think, will there be a day, he will be the same as this hundred holy places, silent Fall in interest.

"Little guys, don't think about this, it will affect your cultivation, and your life will be fixed. This is true, but it is not necessary to do things against the sky. To reverse the fate, I have seen more. Are you obedient? ?"

"Nature is not, I have said long ago, the most unbelief is my destiny. If it is true that one day, the destiny wants to destroy me, then I will reverse this shackle!" Qin Shi denied the way.

The demon stunned and smiled. "That is, this is like a little guy I know that I am not afraid of."

"Well, don't think about it, there will be a road before the car goes to the mountain. If there is no road, then I will pick it up." Qin Shi didn't think that there was nothing, he stayed, there is something right.

To this end, the black box is frozen.

The location of the fixed space is a piece of white bone. This white bone has hundreds of feet, and the dragon wing behind it is not the dragon white?

"The dragon's keel, that's not much to find." Qin Shi smiled, grabbed the keel, smashed a piece, and squatted in his own space ring.

After accepting the keel, he took a step back and quickly condensed into a battle with one hand, an endless burst of spiritual power, surrounded by the keel.

Yes, he wants to refine the magic.

For a long time, he has not refining the magic symbol for a long time. Since he reached the soul spell magician, he has not refining the magic symbol.

Now, it's time to pick it up, so good to use the cards can not give up.

Controlling the mental power, Qin Shi five fingers pinch, and the six-legged sleepy spirits quickly unfolded.

But the real dragon is the supreme beast of the wild, one of the most ancient beasts in the world. The six-legged squadron has just touched the bones of the dragon, and a strong anti-phasing force burst into the air, and the remaining souls struggled wildly.


Three seconds, three seconds, the six-angled spirits were shattered, and Yu Wei forced Qin Shi to retreat a few steps.

"Damn, this thing, it is really difficult to refine." Qin Shi drinks low, but he is not the kind of person who will give up easily, once can not be twice, twice can not be three times, four times, five times, ten times .

I don't know how long it took, Qin Shi has been exhausted, and the remnant of Long Bai is getting weaker and weaker.

"The last time!" Qin Shi stood firm and swaying.

With one hand from the heights, he held the dragon's white bones fiercely, and the six-angled spirits burst into furious anger, and the dragon and the white net were firmly sealed.

Finally, Huang Tian did not bear the pains of the people, and the remnant was printed on the cheekbones under this suppression, so that he could no longer struggle.


Grasping the opportunity, slamming, the six-angled spirits continued to shrink, eventually turning the dragon's skeleton into a silver-white rune.

In this rune, three weak soul curses are faintly visible, and each soul curse is full of powerful soul power and attribute power.

"Is it done?" Qin Shi grabbed the magic charm and looked at the three soul curses above and frowned. "How is it just a three curse?"

"Little guy, yes, you are just a second mantra, you can refine the three curses. This is already a bad move. Although this magic symbol has only three curses, it is the body of the real dragon, even the ordinary five. The curse is not necessarily worthy of it." The demon snorted.

It is so reasonable, but Qin Shi is still not reconciled. In his opinion, the dragon's skeleton, how should it refine the magic of the five or six curses? This is not enough.

But this is the end of the matter, he can't help it, he can only recognize it, because it almost didn't vomit the blood of the evil spirits. A three-character magical charm is still only a planting, and he does not know the stinky boy who is satisfied.

Fortunately, Qin Shi stayed, not only for the dragon white, but also another bone, that is the ghost spider devoured by the evil spirits.

Finally, the Ghost Spider, in the hands of Qin Shi also turned into a three-character demon, this Qin Shi gradually gradually satisfied.

"This is still okay."

Get two three-character demon, Qin Shi is equal to two more big cards, and the good-natured farewell to the Baizu Holy Land.

So long, it is finally over.


Far from the horizon, between the mountains and the mountains, it is surrounded by white mist, and the mountains are intricately intertwined, such as the dragons crouching in the valley and eager to try.

The ridges, like the dragon ridges, are exposed from the clouds and occupy an area of ​​millions of meters. When you look down from the sky, you will easily discover that these mountains are not irregular, but form a powerful sword. .

At the very top of the Great Sword is a magnificent grand hall. The top of the main hall is engraved with two big characters: Jianzong!

That's right, here is one of the eight domains.



On the main hall, an old figure was pressed to the ground by three disciples wearing a slashing gown. If Qin Shi was present, he would definitely recognize it. Isn't this figure a cloud road escaping from the Baizu?

"The Sovereign, this cloud road runner ran back and said that there is something to ask you to see." The three disciples respected the Tao.

At the top of the main hall there is a layer of curtains, behind the curtain is a beautiful and delicate body, from the outside world can not see the face of the petite, but the body is not know how many men to fold.

And this is the perfect figure of the woman, revealed from her body, an endless sense of oppression, as if the heavens and the earth are spinning around her.

Her beauty was slightly open, and the voice was not very loud, but it was unbearable: "Cloud?"

The beauty moves and falls on the cloud road people: "I remember, you were a hundred years ago, stole the purple sand sword, and the deacon of a treasure map?"

Among the Baizu, the arrogant cloud road, when facing the shadow behind the curtain, the whole body involuntarily trembles, the fear comes from the body and mind, is the fear of disguising: "Back, return to the lord, it is disciple!"


Suddenly, the atmosphere of the hall doubled, the density between the air was strongly compressed, and the old eyes of the cloud road shrank. At the moment, his head was crushed by heavy stones. The ground under his body was crushed, and his knees fell into the ground and collapsed.

"Then you dare to come back?"

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