Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 599: The power of dragon white

The dragon tooth jumped to the battle platform. His speed was extremely fast. He did not wait for the reaction of the people. He had already come to the front of the force point. A dragon claw tore the space, and the whole whistling through the whistling.

call out!

The crack in the space caused a strong suction, so that the people present at the same time held their breath at the same time, staring at the point of force.


At this moment, a black shadow flashed up, the shadow of the black shadow in the sleeves robe, bursting out five golden lightning, just in the moment when the dragon's claws are about to touch the point of force, A devastating trend is facing up.

 —Pig—Pig—Island—Fiction ww.{zhu}{zhu}{}; Rumble!

Thunder light is like a giant, and the power of Tiancheng is very heavy. The dragon claw is just the opposite of it. The very smashing attack runs through it, and suddenly it touches the touch point of the two confrontation, causing the rolling pressure.

The spirit pressure formed a hurricane, and the earth of a square kilometer trembled at the same time. The hurricane turned into a tsunami-like vortex, covering half of the Baizu holy land.

"How, what's the matter?" Under the violent impact, countless disciples rushed back, and the hustle and bustle gathered in the blink of an eye.

"Just what was the black shadow just now?"

"I don't know, but this power is terrible."

When the hurricane paused, everyone quickly raised their eyes and went to the center of the battle platform. It was only in the center of the whirlwind. It was the figure of the two courts. One of them was naturally a dragon tooth, and the other one was Qin Shi.

"Bad boy, who are you?" Longan's longan shrank and shouted.

Qin Shi smiled slightly: "Oh, who am I? It doesn't matter. The important thing is the Dragon Brothers. Are you too anxious? The Yin family has not yet announced the beginning. You will come up like this. It is too unreasonable to respect. What's the word? Is your parents teaching you this way?"

"You...!" When the words came out, the face of the dragon tooth was white, and an angry fire could not stop: "Bad boy, you are looking for death!"

In other words, the dragon's fierce cat's waist, and the dragon's claws against Qin Shi's dragon claws are first loose, then a back flip, a side swept side kick, approaching Qin Shi's chin approaching.

The dragon tooth suddenly shot, Qin Shi frowned, his body receded backwards, and immediately took advantage of this opportunity, his left hand slightly force, grab the dragon's calf.

"Stars and tyrants!"

At that moment, the golden Lin family grew up in the palm of the hand, and the offensive of the birth and the dragon tooth hit, and the half-walled platform was again caused by the hurricane.

The dust and sand on the ground was involved in a height of more than 100 meters.

The people in the audience all looked silly, and the hundred homeowners frowned. From the dragons, the youthful eyes that were dressed in plain, warm and not open, showed a strange color in the spirit.

"Hey, stinky boy, a little skill." The calf shrank, the dragon's teeth licked the fangs, the inner anger became more and more violent, and the two dragon claws unfolded, and the space between his palms shattered, showing the fury. The power to swallow: "However, I advise you to get out of the box immediately, otherwise I will send you to die."

"Would you like me to let go? You can try it if you have the ability." Three steps back, Qin Shi two hands of gold scales, the golden scales on the slaps of the screaming thunder, the black scorpion staring at the dragon tooth.

Rare Qin Shi is so impulsive, the demon is puzzled: "Little guy, what's wrong with you? This is just the beginning, and the strength of this dragon tooth is not like your character."

"No way, no matter what, I can't let Dragon Tooth attack this point first. The strength of Longya is the same as that of Yin Feng. If you let him take the lead, there is a mysterious dragon white. At that time, the attack on the single item, the four major families will be defeated, even if I am unable to return to heaven."

"Oh? Then you can stop him now, don't let him test, he will shoot sooner or later, isn't it all? Is there any other plan?"

"Really, I do have a plan, but the premise of this plan is to let the dragon disciples, at the end of the competition, otherwise they are empty talk."

"It turns out that, I wish you good luck." The demon smiled.

I don't know why, Qin Shi is inexplicably angry, thinking that this demon does not help him ask so much to do? If it is not the enemy, he really wants to swear the demon.


The dragon tooth was completely irritated by Qin Shi, and the space gap on the two dragon claws continued to expand, causing him to fall into the darkness within half a meter. He suddenly ran through the Qin stone: "Dragon roar."

"The desert is deserted!"

The handprints are quickly kneaded, and hundreds of ridiculous textures are offered.

Suddenly, the two forces shrouded the battle platform. From the center of the battle platform, they were divided into a black and a horrible picture. The strong visual impact made countless people wink and the heartbeat stopped half a beat.

"The power of horror...!"

At the moment when the two forces rose, hundreds of homeowners got up at the same time from the side of the battle platform. Yin Hong, Lin Yi, Xue Xiongfei, Hou Wanqian, and four people were eclipsed.

Lin Yi pinched his fist. He couldn't let Qin Shi have an accident. He couldn't get up even if he wanted to take the shot and stop the two.

Unexpectedly, suddenly there was a heavy force, firmly pressed against his dry hands, so that the power he was just about to launch was blocked.

Lin Yi, who felt the pressure, suddenly looked back. He saw that Long Xuan was full of eyes and made him angry: "Long Xuan, what do you mean?"

"Oh, this kind of thing, where do you use us to get it?"

Long Xuan smiled faintly, and at this moment, a pale figure, like a blue sky, suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the center of Fujian.

The sudden appearance of the figure surprised the field.

And when the horror of the people has not faded, this pale figure looked up slightly, and he was pinched in the center of the dragon's roar and the desert, letting two very ferocious forces blow him up, but There is always a light smile.

Between the two forces and the distance between them, countless people are clenched, and even some girls can't bear to look straight.


At this moment, the pale figure suddenly moved, his speed is not too fast, but it makes people feel very messy, a pair of white and jade-like slender hands, virtual space directed around.


Unexpectedly, his palm just passed, the room that was originally calm suddenly swayed, and the fierce and fierce anger of one layer and one layer formed two huge black holes in the original place.


When the black hole came out, the whistling sound of the inside was like two dragons that had been sleeping for a thousand years. The **** mouth swallowed the two forces that had already shaken the audience.

The power was swallowed, and the black hole gradually dissipated under the pale waving of the pale figure. Everything returned to calmness in the blink of an eye. The disciples of the hundreds of disciples on the field twitched, all stupid.


"Stop, block it? He alone, has just blocked the two horrible forces just now? Really fake?"

Originally, the alarm caused by Longya and Qin Shi was transferred to the white youth.

The black scorpion fell on the white youth, and the Qin Shirenren shrank. This young man was the young man who felt his sense of crisis in the dragons. He couldn’t help but look low: "Is he?"

"Dragon White, I know him, he is the genius of the Baizu: Dragon White!"

I don't know who it is, suddenly shouting out.

Under this circumstance, even the eyes of the hundreds of patriarchs are ugly. Just a strong offensive by Qin Shi and Longya, many of them have claimed that they can't resist. Is this dragon white so powerful?

Long Bai’s appearance, Long Xuan laughed, and this loosened Lin Yi’s dry hand: “Lin’s master, how? I said, this little thing can’t be used to trouble your old man’s shot.”

"You...!" Lin Yi clenched his fists.

Blocking the two, Longbai suddenly turned back, and a slap in the face of the dragon tooth, this shot is very hard, the dragon tooth did not even have the opportunity to return, directly attacked and flew out of the battle platform.

"Really to the Dragon family!" Hit the dragon tooth, the dragon white faintly spit out, there is no change in the look, it is so calm and calm.

He turned back and faced Qin Shi: "This brother, before the younger brother did not understand things, it gave you trouble."


Shaking his head and opposing the dragon and white, let Qin Shi feel the pressure that has not been seen for a long time.

"Oh, now, can this brother let it go?" Longbai slowly approached, but every step was full of terrible power.

Qin Shi frowned, and this dragon was putting pressure on him.


At this time, the evil spirits of the demon entangled, so that Qin Shi's repressed body relaxed a few points, so that he could not help but open his heart: "Demon, thank you."

"Thank you for a fart, although you are not my brother, but I am still in your body, so I can bully you, but others, but it is not!" The demon is cold.

In just a few words, Qin Shi was deeply moved. With the help of the demon, his qi also increased the points. He looked up at Long Bai and smiled: "Dragon White Brother, this can't be done. It is said that there is no rule and no square. The order of the competition is not yet explained by the Yin family. Your Dragon family is so anxious to do it. Are you saying that it is not for you to count the results?"

Qin Shi said this, the talents suddenly realized.

The white dragon's chills condensed, and the previous flatness turned into nothingness. After half a sigh, he nodded: "Oh, this brother is right, I was offended before."

言止 He turned back and looked at Yin Hong: "Yin Jiazhu, this order, should you announce it?"

At the end of a farce, Yin Hong’s palms have already appeared cold sweat. This dragon’s breath is not weaker than him. He is serious: “Well, the order of the attack items is dominated by the previous Baizu group competition. This is It was decided by the previous 100 consultations."

"What about my dragon?" Long tooth climbed up and shouted.

"Dragons, there was no competition in the last session, naturally it was at the end." Yin Hong glanced and said bluntly.

"You...!" Longya is unwilling, and then Longbai has stopped him, and his look is not very good-looking: "Oh, the last one, the last one, is the so-called finale."

After all, he held up the dragon tooth and went to the dragons. At this moment, he suddenly looked back at Qin Shi: "Oh yes, I haven't asked, this brother, I don't know your name?"

"Qin Shi."

"Qin?" Long Bai wrinkled his frown: "Oh? If I remember correctly, among us among the hundreds of people, it seems that there is no Qin surname?"

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