Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 594: 16 people

"Yin, blood, and family?" Qin Shi paused for a moment, revealing a smile.

In this regard, he was not surprised. He nodded to the Lin’s disciples and got up and went with him to the conference hall.

Just entering the conference hall, a large number of people gathered in the conference hall, Gao Tang is undoubtedly Lin Yi, in his left and right are three white-haired old men. The atmosphere of the three old men is very rich, and it is a kind of chilling feeling just to look forward from a distance.

"This breath, these three should be the Yin, the blood, the patriarch of the Houzu? It is a five-day situation, the strength of this hundred people really can not be underestimated." Looking at each spring and autumn, any one can sweep red The four old men of the Yan Empire, Qin Shi’s heart could not help but secretly.

$猪$猪$岛$小说(www).(zhu)(zhu)().()The four homeowners are surrounded by Lin Wei, Fang Xin, Fang Feng, Fang Wei, four good sisters, they The first to see Qin Shi, the beauty of the faint glory: "Sister, come over."

"This is the lord of the Qin dynasty of the Red Emperor?" Just seeing Qin Shi, the three old men outside Lin Yi were frowned, apparently not quite the same as they expected, and somewhat disappointed.

Feeling the change of three people, Lin Yi smiled: "Three, you don't underestimate this little guy. Before I saw it with my own eyes, he defeated Mo Qingfeng with three days, and he was not the Qinzong's sovereign. There is another more shocking identity."

"What identity?"

"The soul charm is a magician." Lin Yi's mind flashed through Qin Shi's control of the power of the soul, sighed.


The soul curse is a four-character one, and the contempt of the three old faces disappears. For them, the sect of Qin Zong is nothing. After all, the red empire is so big, and the first force is not enough to make them fear, but The Soul Charm is completely different, but it is a career that is madly robbed in any corner of the wilderness continent.

"No wonder, the three-day situation can overcome Mo Qingfeng. If there is a soul curse, it is not difficult to upgrade a realm." Yin's patriarch spoke.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi shook his head: "Do you think that he won with the help of the soul spell?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not. From the beginning to the end, he has never used the devil, no, accurately, he did not rely on any external force, but with spiritual and spiritual power, he could control the whole game and defeat Mo Qingfeng." Yi thought that Qin Shi shouted out four strokes to end the battle, and the three-handed shot, the mouth can not help but twitch.

For this boy, you can't understand it with the thinking of ordinary people.

"That doesn't mean that he can cross the border against the enemy? This is very rare in the heavens." The three old men could no longer be settled, and they showed their solemn color.

In the surprise of a few people, Qin Shi has already been thousands of people. His mouth is still a smile like the sun in the past. Even in front of the leaders of the four hundred ethnic groups, there is no timidity.

"I don't know a few seniors, what is the matter of finding the younger generation?" Qin Shi wrapped his black robe and smiled.

In a word, several old people looked at each other and no one spoke. The first one to open was the three sisters Fang Xin.

"Stone, this is the owner of my Yin family: Yin Hong."

"This is the owner of my blood family: blood flies."

"This is the owner of my family: Hou Wanqian."

The three sisters first introduced the three people to Qin Shi. Even though they had already guessed it, but after hearing the introduction of the three sisters, Qin Shi still made a shock and a lot of convergence: "Oh, it turned out to be three." Homeowner."

"Little guy, Ming people don't say slang, my Yin people come to you today, there is something to be desired." Yin Hong is very bold, can't help but talk.

Qin Shi nodded: "What is the matter, Yin Hong’s predecessors are saying."

"I have heard about your business. I know that your kid is different. I hope that you can help us in the Bai ethnic group. This time, unlike the ordinary, there are dragons. Intervene." Yin Hong said bluntly.

Upon listening to Yin Hong’s opening, Xue Xiongfei and Hou Wanqian looked at each other and quickly said: “We also mean this, hoping to become an ally with Lin.”

On the request of the three people, Qin Shi was silent for a while, and the black scorpion stayed for a moment from the three sisters of Fang Xin. In fact, even if the three major families do not come, he will take care of the three tribes in the race of the Baizu group. After all, he promised Yuluo, the family of Baolin and Fangxin, not just the Lin family. Moreover, Fang Xin’s three sisters and Yu Luozha are the real blood relatives.

However, since this group of people came to the door, if they did not hang them, it was not the character of Qin Shi. Especially after the race of the Bai ethnic group, he still had something important to do. If he could get help from the three families, It will be convenient.

To this end, he is a difficult way: "Three, you also see it, the younger generation is only three days, the Baizu group does not say that anyone is stronger than me, how can I help? You guys?"


"Bad boy, less with the old man with garlic, do you think that the identity of your soul charm can be concealed?" Didn't wait for the two to open, Yin Hong's temper was on the top of his head, but he was also straightforward: "Let's say , what are the requirements, as long as you don't go too far, my Yin people all promise you."

"Hey, I like and understand people to do things." Qin Shi smiled and grabbed his head, until he felt that Fang Hao’s eyes blamed for a lot of convergence, and he rushed to the blood and waited for him: "Two, you? ?"

"You said it is." The two shook their heads helplessly.

"This is the best, in fact, I have no requirements. If you really believe me, then we are not like this. In the Bai ethnic group competition, I will try my best to help Yin, blood, wait, these three families, but wait until this hundred races After the end, I hope that the three will help me to win the silver fir."

"Made the silver fir?" Four old men who counted Lin Yi's old eyes shrank and dignified: "How do you know the silver fir?"

"The few people can't manage it. Of course, I also know that after the creation of the silver fir, it will surely provoke a hundred people to fight for it. I will not let a few white people help me. After winning the creation of the silver fir, they will all Divided into five, each one, how?" Qin Shi showed his heart.

When I heard Qin Shi’s words, several old people were obviously tempted and looked at each other: “Forget it, this made silver fir should grow in the last two months. If it can really unite, it can be.”

"Yes, I promise you." Yin Hong promised, added: "But you have to promise us to let our three big families, all of them enter the top five of the Baizu group."

"Five strong?" Qin Shi whispered, and calculated it in his heart. If he said that he was playing against Taiwan, he might not guarantee it, but if it was a sub-category, he had a little confidence, and he was from the blood. Xiong Fei and Hou Wanqian swept: "Two seniors, do you mean this too?"

The two old guys looked at each other and the first Yin people of the Baizu had already agreed. Their two families would naturally not be unwilling and nodded.

After receiving a satisfactory reply, Qin Shi smiled and said: "This is the best, the top five can, I can assure you, but I have a request."

"You little doll, how do you ask so much?" Xue Xiongfei and Hou Wanqian did not have a good grin, but helplessly said: "What requirements?"

"This creation of silver fir must be divided by me." Qin Shi said that his interest in this creation of silver fir is not great, but the spider he must have.

In response to this request, Yin Hong began to have some doubts, but for them, as long as they can get the silver fir, they are already content. As for whoever divides them, they don’t care.

In the handling of things, the demon always listens, he does not say anything, just silently write down in his heart, write down gratitude.

Lin Yi is also very happy to reach the alliance. The Yin, the blood and the Houzu have a very rich heritage in the Baizu. Although the Hours lost in the last Baizu group, they are still not to be underestimated.

This time, he reached an alliance through Qin Shi and the three major families, which means that they can all take care of each other in the territory of the Baizu.

For this reason, he had a banquet at night.

Among the banquets, the most dazzling is undoubtedly Qin Shi. He has been included in the crowd from beginning to end. Yin Hong has deliberately wanted to draw Qin Shi.

"Little doll, look at your age, it is the wind and prosperity, do not know if there is a wife?" Yin Hong played with the old and not sitting next to Qin Shi, the old face drinking slightly red, hooked Qin Shi The shoulder said: "If I don't have a wife, my little granddaughter like a flower, I will be sixteen years old in a few days. Is it better for me to help you?"

As soon as I heard this, Qin Shi’s mouth was twitching, and the old guy was too sleepy.

"Dad, don't hit the attention of my brother. He already has my sister."

Fang Xiao smiled and inserted into the topic. Hearing this statement Yin Hong was only crossing the cross-browed eyebrows, but he shook his head. "So a good boy, why is it so bad?"


However, although this family can't do it, Qin Shi is very fond of Yin Hong. It can be seen that this old guy is within the Baizu, it is the real Wurui, doing things arrogant and straightforward, very right for Qin Shi Taste.

After the banquet came to the back, several young people participated in it. There were fifteen people in total. These fifteen people came from four different families, namely the Yin, the blood, the Xizu, the Bai ethnic group, the younger generation, and the Lin’s three. people.

Among the four people who played in the Yin Dynasty, was divided into two men and two women. The two men were named: Yin Fengyi, Yin Yin, and both of them were repaired for more than four days, especially Yin Feng’s As a repair, Qin Shi can feel it, and his spiritual concentration is still above zero.

The other two women, one named Yin Yuting, one named Yin Xueer, may be a snow word, let Qin Shi think of the snow heart, the attitude towards this Yin Xueer is somewhat different.

Blood family, three men and one woman, the name is: blood dragon: blood million withdrawal: blood Bufan, and blood shadow.

Houzu, two men and two women, the name is: Houqiangu, Houqian, Hou Bingbing, Hou Yu.

The three members of the Lin family are the direct grandchildren of Lin Yi.

Lin Yong, Lin Tian, ​​Lin Fangze.

This group of repairs, no one is simple, Qin Shi is the weakest, the rest of the minimum and minimum are in three days, and touched the four days of the thunderbolt, the highest has even touched five days The thunder of the land.

However, Qin Shi ranks among the 15 of them, but it is the most dazzling. These 16 people will be representatives of the Bai ethnic group after half a month.

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