Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 591: Mo Qingfeng

"Who?" Lin Yi looked at Lin Yu.

Lin Yan pulled up the hand next to Qin Shi: "He, this is still used to say, this fourth place, let the stone come out for us."

"He?" Lin Yi questioned Qin Shi.

He had already seen Qin Shi, and he had just broken through the three-day cultivation. The three-day ambition was placed in the blazing empire. It is indeed taboo, but this is a hundred people. The three-day world is not uncommon.

"Ink, don't laugh, this hundred races, the participants are at least the peak of three days. Qin Zongzhu has just broken through the three days. Are you not letting him take risks?" Lin Yi said very sleek, However, the implication is that it is obviously not the "pig` pig` island` novel `www.huhuom, but nothing more than the abandonment of Qin Shi's repair is not enough.

In the face of this contempt, Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders without hesitation: "Oh, Lin Jiazhu, you think, I will play for you Lin, will you be a shame for you?"

"Qin Zongzhu, I don't have this meaning..."

After waiting for Lin Yi to finish the speech, Qin Shi’s gas field changed, and it became very rich, and the black scorpion was like a sharp blade that cut through the night sky. It was thorny to Lin Yi: “Nothing, in fact, the owner is not more concealed, I know me. The repair of the Lin family is really not very good, but I forgot to tell you that this time I came, I promised my brother, promised my wife, must protect the Lin family, so you even I won't let me play for the Lin family, I must also play, this master can't do it."


"You...!" Lin Yi was fierce.

Qin Shi’s words are obviously slap in the face of Lin Yi.

However, if it is scorned, if it is not paid back, it is not the personality of Qin Shi, even if the other party is the Lin family.

"Good, good, good! A good one can't do the Lord, then I want to be jealous, what is your hair boy?"

At this moment, when the conference hall was deadlocked, a mocking laugh suddenly sounded outside the door.

Lin smashed his eyebrows and went out to the door.

I saw that outside the conference hall, there was a young man wearing a white gold-plated gown. The young man held a folding fan and kept moving on his chest.

"Mo Gongzi?"

The appearance of the youth made Lin Yi’s old face appear solemn and solemn. He could not attend to Qin Shi and Lin Yu and quickly greeted him.

Qin Shi’s black scorpion looked at the youth: “Who is this person?”

"I have not been in the Hundred Years for a hundred years, I don't know." Lin Wei shook her head solemnly. She had never seen her father. This kind of look will be revealed to a younger generation. It is obvious that the identity of this young man is not simple.

"I know." Fang Xin opened his mouth and licked his red lips: "This man is called Mo Qingfeng, but he is a retreat for the Cloud Road."

“The Cloud Road?” Lin Biao didn’t know the youth, but it’s another different story for the cloud road: “Is it the cloud road that lived in the Hundred Years 100 years ago?”

"Yes, it is him." Fang Xin lightly daggers.

"Who is this cloud road?" Qin Shiyun's mouth in the fog.

Supporting the crisp chest, Lin Wei said: "This cloud road is a hundred people who came to the Baizu 100 years ago. No one knows his origins, but his strength is extremely tyrannical. He has five days in a hundred years. If there is no sky, I am afraid that it has already touched the six-day situation."

Speaking of this, Lin Wei pinched the powder boxing: "In the Baizu, there is an unwritten rule that no family will go to provoke this cloud road. This cloudless person never asks about the Baizu. Only when there are banquets or activities in the Baizu, I will definitely invite him to the scene."

"What?" Qin Shi remembered in his heart.

Lin Yi greets the youth, very polite way: "Mo Gongzi, what is this wind, blowing you to our Lin family?"

Mo Qingfeng was very proud and gathered the folding fan: "Oh, I don't want to come here, but Tsui went to find me and wanted me to replace the Lin family to attend the Baizu group."

Lin Yi first glimpsed, and immediately returned to the taste, a touch of joy can not cover the gushing: "Mo Gongzi, what did you just say? You mean to stand for the Bai ethnic group for me?"

"Yes, but watching the trend, it seems that the Lin family has someone selected?" After saying this, Mo Qingfeng's thief eyes rushed to Qin Shi staring.

Instead of looking at it, Qin Shi felt the provocation of the red fruit, and the light smile of the mouth was exhausted, turning into an embarrassing chill.

"A four-day situation?" Qin Shidong wears Mo Qingfeng.

Feeling Mo Qingfeng's gaze, Lin Yi quickly said: "Mo Gongzi, where is this, my Lin family is also guilty of this matter, but if you have your help, I think my Lin family will be able to be in the hundreds of people. The banquet was the best."

"That's the best, then the Hundreds of Nations have seen it."

Mo Qingfeng nodded, and scorned the Qin Shi screaming, and immediately he did not return, he wanted to leave.

At this time, Lin Xi and Fang Xin’s three sisters obviously felt that they were rising and rolling cold, and they went to the Qin stone. They saw Qin Shi’s black robe without wind and creaking, he Pull up your legs and go forward.

When he noticed that it was wrong, Lin Biao quickly reached out to stop Qin Shi: "Stone...!"


Unexpectedly, Lin Yu's jade hand has not touched Qin Shi, an invisible air wave emerged from Qin Shi's black robe, directly blocking Lin Wei.

"Linyi, I just promised Xiaoyuzi and Rakuba Baolin safety. I will do it according to the agreement, but as for the rest, Linyi is best not to persuade me."

The cold ice and ice, Qin Shi did not give Lin Yu the opportunity to continue to say, directly toward Mo Qingfeng step by step approach.

"Hey, stinky boy, look at you like this, it seems very unwilling?" Mo Qingfeng looked back, just happened to look at the black scorpion of Qin Shi and stopped.

"Oh, Mo Gongzi is it? You didn't seem to hear it clearly. I said that this hundred ethnic group match, I will replace the Lin family. The Lin family still said that it is not, let alone you?" Qin Shi stood Before Mo Qingfeng, he was shorter than Mo Qingfeng, but his arrogance was burning like a swallowing fire. His words just spit, and Mo Qingfeng was a tremble.

Next to it, Lin Yi’s old eyes are shrinking: “Qin Zongzhu, don’t overdo it, I see you are a friend of Moh, I didn’t say anything before, but you have to go on like this, and I’m going to blame my Lin’s order. ""

"Don't, Lin Jiazhu, since people are not reconciled, they have to give people a chance." Mo Qingfeng returned to God and stared at Qin Shidao: "Bad boy, you said you want to replace the Lin family? Is that good? Here is the territory of the Baizu. Everything is by force. I am going to give you a gauntlet. If you win me, this position, I will give it to you."

Upon listening to this, Lin Yi’s thick eyebrows are horizontal: “Mo Gongzi, this...!”

"Linjiazhu, you don't have to say more, if he can really win me, to attend for your Lin family, it is also the blessing of your Lin family." Mo Qingfeng interrupted Lin Yi, overlooking Qin Shi: "How, stinky boy? ”

Qin Shi mouth corner up: "Mo Gongzi, you seem to have not understood too much, this position of the Lin family, is itself Qin Shide." Pause, his tone suddenly changed: "However, since you want to fight, I can accompany you, but on the chip, we have to add some more?"

Qin Shi’s words made Mo Qingfeng unacceptable: “What do you want to add?”

"Plus your life!"

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere in the conference hall solidified.

Lin Yi, Lin Wei, Fang Xin, three sisters, stunned to look at Qin Shi.

Lin Yi panicked: "Qin Zongzhu, don't overdo it."

"I promise you!" Unexpectedly, Mo Qingfeng lowered his eyes and said: "If I lose, my life will be given to you, but if you lose, your life is mine."

"it is good!"

"See you at the door."

Squinting at Qin Shi, Mo Qingfeng is not nonsense, and the long sleeves are taken out of the hall.

When Mo Qingfeng just left, Lin Yi’s old face was pulled down directly, and he looked angry at Lin Biao: “Ink, you are doing a good thing for you!”

After all, he slammed his sleeves and followed Mo Qingfeng.

Looking at the back of Lin Yi’s disappointment, Lin’s heart could not help but sting, and Qin Shi blamed: “Well, why are you?”

"Do you think that he can win the dragon white?"

Qin Shi did not say much, just left a sentence, got up and left.

In the hall, the three sisters Lin Qi and Fang Xin are left behind. Four of you are jealous of me. I am jealous of you, some embarrassing.

"Lin Yan sister, you say stone, can he win? Anyway, he is also our brother-in-law. If he loses, his life will be lost to Namo Qingfeng. How do we explain to Rakshasa?" Fang Fengsan sisters worried. .

Regarding the worries of the three people, Lin Biao did not care, but helplessly said: "I don't worry about him, but I am worried about Mo Qingfeng."

“Hmmm?” Fang Feng slammed his eyebrows: “You mean, can he win the stone?”

"Well, have you known him for so long, have you seen him doing something unsure? I am worried that after the stone won, this Mo Qingfeng is the apprentice of the Yundao, and then the cloud road will definitely not give up." When I think of Qin Shi, Lin Yu can't help but helpless.

Qin Shi’s work is really unclear.

"But One thing I always can't figure out." Fang Wei opened his mouth.

"what's up?"

"I am a Yin ethnic group, and I have some friendship with the cloud road. I also know about this Mo Qingfeng. This Mo Qingfeng has always been a villain who can't afford to be early. How can I promise that your family's Lin Tsui will attend the Lin family?" Fang Yi said bluntly.

When the words came out, the other three met each other, and a touch of uneasiness fainted in the heart of Lin.

"Go out first." Lin Biao is not talking nonsense, stepping out of the hall with jade steps.

Fang Xin followed closely, and the four people just left the hall. The outside is already crowded with people. The Lin people crowded around the central stage and talked about it.

Around the ring, it is the elders of Lin Yi and Lin.

Qin Shi, Mo Qingfeng, the two stood on it.

"Bad boy, although I don't know where you came from, but you want to use this to come to the Lin family? Hey, it's really whimsical, I will let you know that I am going to do the right thing with Mo Qingfeng. ”

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