Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 582: God's grace

Qin Shi’s hand was awkward, and the whole person was like a stupid one. It lasted for a long time, and he only violently returned to the taste. He liked the color and grasped the youth. He shook his head and said: “You, what did you say? You say Again."

The youth was infected by the joy of Qin Shi, followed by excitement: "The princess, the princess, she has a happy, Qin Zongzhu you will be defamed."

"When you are, when you are right, right, I am going to be jealous." Qin Shi has no more like the Lord, happy like a child, excited in the same place for a few laps, this is a lot of calm "Rah, Rakshasa, I am going to see her, I am going to see my child."

Thinking of this, he couldn’t attend to the youth, and when he got up, he flew over to the green.

&n pig-pig island-fiction..bsp; the young man left alone, licking his eyes, quickly shouted: "Hey, Qin Zongzhu, I haven't told you Lin Lin where they are!!!"

call out!

A few seconds later, Qin Shi returned to the Imperial Garden, grabbed the shoulders of the youth, and then got up and went out.

Under the guidance of the youth, Qin Shi came to Lin Biao’s palace outside the city.

When I was a child, the palace was still brightly lit. The main hall gathered a lot of people. Lin Wei, Fang Xin, three sisters, Lin Yu and Qin Tianqing, Qiong Shuyao, and Qin Yongfeng were all here.


Qin Shigang landed and pushed the door and rushed in.

"What about my wife?"

As Qin Shi shouted, the people in the hall all moved their eyes. They were full of emotions, different, happy, envious, and blame.

Didn't wait for everyone to react, I saw Qin Tianqing stepping forward and stepping forward, licking Qin Shi's ear and shouting: "Rabbit scorpion, can you make a small noise? Don't know what time it is? Is it scaring me? My wife and my grandson, my boy and you are not finished."

Qin Shi was shocked and quickly stepped back: "No, you know, is it a boy or a girl? Is it your grandson?"

"Whether the boy is a girl, you give me a little whisper. I will not bully the rumors from today. If I let you know, my mother and I will not recognize you as a son." Qin Tianqing was indignant.

He grabbed his head and Qin Shi had no choice but to nod. Finally, he sighed helplessly. "Oh, okay, this little guy hasn’t come out yet. The status is more important than me. The status at home is getting lower and lower." what."

"Okay, don't say my son, let him go in and see the rumors." Qiong Shuyao pushed forward and opened Qin Tianqing.

When Qiong Shuyao is in his head, Qin Tianqing will immediately squat down.

Qin Shi couldn't help but laugh at the side, so he took a picture of Qin Tianqing: "Cough, oh, do you know what this is called? There is a saying that is good, boiled tofu in brine, one thing to drop."

"Rabbit scorpion!" Qin Tianqing brows a cross, and he wants to catch Qin Shi.

Can Qin Shi give him this opportunity? As soon as I slipped, I broke into the inner room.

The interior of the room is very beautifully decorated. The jade Luosha jade face lies on the bed, and the three sisters Lin Ke and Fang Xin are next to each other. Four people saw Qin Shi and they got up.

"How long has the child been?" Qin Shi whispered a question.

"It’s almost three months. Before you were too busy, and rumors that she didn’t want to influence you, I never said it. If it wasn’t for me, I’m going to the Imperial Garden tonight, seeing her spit in the yard alone, and the spirit is very weak. If it is, she is not expected to tell us, can you spend more time with her?"

In the face of Lin Biao's accusation, Qin Shi shyly bowed his head.

This matter is indeed the fault of Qin Shi. The blame of the blame guarantees: "You can rest assured that Qin Shi will assure you that no matter how busy I am, I will accompany Luo Xia well and prevent her from receiving another half. Wronged."

"This is still like words." Lin took a look, took Fang Xin three sisters back a few steps, 叮嘱 Qin Shidao: "Tonight, you will accompany her, and staying up all night will have no effect on you, because before I didn't pay attention to it for three months. Just now the doctor said that some of the tires were moved. My name is He Yan, and she is given a few medications. I need to divide it into three servings tonight."

"Good." Qin Shi promised.

When the four people left, Qin Shicai sat down and looked at the Iraqi people on the bed. The heart could not help but feel the needle-like tingling.

"Sorry, these days I am not good, I did not notice, let yourself suffer for so long." Gently whispered, Qin Shi's big hand stroked on the cheek of Yuluo.

The big hand just touched the cheek, and Yuluo's eyelids jumped and slowly opened the eyes. Her eyes are slightly blurred, and there is more fascination in the confusion. It is a fascination with Qin Shi: "Are you coming?"

"Well, is your body better?" When Yuluo wakes up, Qin Shi quickly cares: "How? Is it because I woke you up?"

Under the gentle care, Yuluo Brake shook his head happily: "No, I have never dared to sleep deeply, because I know that you promised me to come back today, I will definitely come back today, but I am not in the Royal Garden, are you not? Very disappointed?"

There was a violent convulsion in my heart. Qin Shi kissed on the forehead of Yuluo Brass: "The silly hat, how come, how can I be disappointed, I should be happy, we have our own children, we will be parents."

As soon as I heard this, all the coldness of Yuluosha melted, revealing a brilliant sweet smile: "Well, time is really fast. When we first met, it was still in the ridiculous jungle. This year passed." We all have to be parents and have our own children."

"You are still very embarrassed to say that I was going to die to kill me in the first place, but it is also a coincidence. Maybe this is fate. It is destined to be fate. You have to leave me in this life." Qin Shizhen The black hair of Yuluo, alone fell into memories.

"That is not to blame you, read my body, but also say some rogue words." Yu Luo braked a white, and smiled happily.

"Yes, I blame me." At this time, Qin Shi no longer has the inferiority of his day, the unusual gentleness and smoothness, everything goes along the jade, he really loves her, and the children in her belly, : "Yes, I want to tell you about it. I want to give you a name about our wedding. I want to let the whole world know that you are the woman of my Qin Shi."

When I heard the word of the wedding, the beauty of Yuluo Brake was obviously excited. No girl didn’t marry her wedding.

However, just for a moment, she shook her head decisively: "Stone, about the wedding, I want to push."

"Well? Why?" Qin Shi did not understand.

"I... I think, wait until you find the snow heart, and then wait until you find a way to restore the jade sister, the three of us, marry you together, I don't want to be in danger, no one of them is better than me. Love you less, I should not be in front of them." Yu Luo brake said with a cherry lips.

In a word, like a fine needle into the heart of Qin Shi.

He looked at Yu Luosha with a sly look. The girl in front of him really paid too much for him. Everything was considered for him.

"Rakshasa, wronged you." He deeply slammed Rakshasa in his arms.

Yuluo shook his head with love: "No, no wrongs, you can be by your side, that is, the greatest **** is full of grace, but it is just a matter of snow heart and jade sister, snow heart and the hatred of the genocide." I am always sleepy and loved, but I can’t be with you because I am a spiritual person. Compared with the two of them, I am really too much, at least I can be by your side, so lucky."

Speaking of this, her beauty is red, and it can be seen that she and she are really in a sisterhood between the snow and the heart of the book, holding the arms of Qin Shi: "Stone, promise me, must not let the snow Heart and jade sister have something."

Qin Shi moved and seriously nodded: "Well, I promise you, I promise you, this day will not be far away. When we reunite again, I will marry you together and use this wilderness to make your world." Look, let you be the happiest bride in the world."

"Trust me!"

"I believe, always believe."

This night, Qin Shi did not sleep, always accompanied by Yu Luozha, watching her drink the soup of He Yan refining, the mind is full of things about the three girls.

The three girls are really in every respect to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi thought, Heaven must be looking after him, like the perfect girl like Yuluo, Xue Xuexin, and Shuzhongyu. It is a good fortune to have one life. He is fortunate enough to get the love of three people.

It is precisely because of this that he secretly vowed in his heart that he must take care of the three women who gave her youth.

Of course, the jade in the book is not counted.

On the early morning of the next day, Qin Shi took Yuluo Brass back to the Royal Garden. He was ready to put down all the affairs and stay with the Royal Garden every day to take care of her.

It’s not just Qin Shi who stayed up all night, but Qin Tianqing did not sleep.

Seeing two people, Qin Tianqing stepped forward: "Bad boy, where are you going to take my daughter-in-law?"

Looking at myself, this old-fashioned jealousy, Qin Shi is full of black lines: "Where can I go back, of course, it is back to the Imperial Garden."

"Return to the garden, but I warn you, during the period when my daughter-in-law is!"

Without waiting for Qin Tianqing’s voice to fall, Qin Shi’s helpless voice said: “Well, I know, I don’t want to bully her, I have to take care of her in everything, should I take care of her, isn’t it?”

In these few words, Qin Shi’s ears are all touched.

However, I thought he could leave when he finished, and Qin Tianqing suddenly stopped him and shook his head. "Whoever said this is the most basic thing. Your kid must do it for me. I want to tell you something." During the pregnancy of my daughter-in-law, you are not allowed to have **** with her, do you know?"


All of a sudden, the audience was silent, the jade face of the jade robes was blushing, and everyone looked weird to Qin Tianqing.

Qiong Shuyao was immediately annoyed: "Old man, what do you say?"

"Who said, when you are pregnant with Shishi, I have not had **** with you. It is not good during pregnancy. It is easy to affect my grandson. If my grandson has anything, I am not finished with you. Do you know?" , stinky kid?" Qin Tianqing said endlessly, this time even Qiong Shuyao is red and fragrant, and the air is on the side.

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