Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 375: Shangguan cold cold


As the roar of the dragon soared, half of the pavilion was directly shattered.

Hit the flying nearly 100 people, Xiaomi Cai easily patted the jade hand: "Hey, a bunch of waste, also want to shoot this lady? See you really have not died!"

The crowd was amazed, and the eyes staring at Xiaomi Cai seemed to fall to the ground.

In the group of people just now, there are three mysterious spirits and a two-character magician!

But this is the case, in the hands of a teenage girl, even half of the face is not blocked? So can be % pig% pig% Island% novel ww. fear of lethality, even the official tyrants may not be so easy to release it?

"Hey!" Liu Fang stared at Xiaomi Cai outside the ring, and sighed: "Well, is his daughter even more terrible than him?"

Zhao’s main fist clenched his trousers, and his heart could not help but raise a few points of luck and embers. If it wasn’t for the Shangguan’s sudden accident, I’m afraid that he is now sinned by his Zhao family?

"In any case, you can't avenge him. You must resolve the previous contradictions...!" Zhao’s heart thought about this one.

"Waste! Kill that woman!"

Shangguan cold bites his teeth and suddenly screams at the right side of the pavilion. The strength of Xiaomi Caixuan Lingjing is Zhīdào, but the jade Luosha is only the peak of Wang Lingjing.

Not Kěnéng blocked the two Xuan Lingjing and Guo Lin's reclamation.

But that is just what he thinks.

Facts have proved that Guo Lin was the first to return to God, and to express his spiritual strength without thinking, the invisible air waves rolled over the face of the jade.

call out!

When Yuluo brakes open the black hair like a waterfall and reveals the jade surface like a thousand years of ice, a crisp blade of the sword reverberates over the pavilion, and the people around him have not seen what happened, only See the first few of the disciples who are close to each other, and they are solidified into stones!


The crowd blinked again, and Shangguan cold seemed to be crazy. What logic is this?

Looking at the horrified expressions of the people, Qin Shi’s heart is a beautiful smile.

Just kidding, one is the list of beasts: the colorful Xiangyun snake, one of the three ruins of the once absurd jungle: Yuluo.

The two guys who swayed the whole ridiculous jungle, what a group of shrimps and crabs will be able to catch? Even Qin Shiyi asked himself, if there is no magic, it is not necessarily the opponent of two women.

Especially Xiaomi Cai, her strength is still a mystery, only Zhiīdào is a mysterious realm, but sometimes the Yu Wei of the colorful Xiaguang, to Qin Shi, even a difficult environment.


In the moment when a group of people were petrified, the Sword of Sudden suddenly broke away from the magic hand of Jade Rakshasa. It was very violent, and did not listen to the jade robes. It floated in the air and swept a hundred swords.

Since the ridiculous jungle green carving, the sword has never left the scabbard, and every night can hear the mourning, including every action now, full of resentment.

Staring at the action of silence, Qin Shi frowned: "Is it a life to die, it really is not to be cut off? It seems that you must restore the Nether as soon as possible, otherwise the silence will continue in this way, sooner or later become a magic weapon!"

call out! call out! call out!

The sword light passes, it must be blood flowing.

"This is the spirit of the instrument? Is it the soul of the device?" Just pulled away from the horror, a group of people immediately fell into the second horror.

The Horcrux? That is rarer than the strongest of the heavens.

"How could this be?"

Shangguanbing’s stupid squatting place, this sudden accident far exceeded his expectations. He thought that he could rely on Xiaomi Cai and Yuluosha to threaten Shi Qin, who had wanted to steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice. Have a party.

He was unwilling to rub the sound between his lips and teeth. After hearing the news, Qin Shi gathered his eyes and sneered with a sneer: "Oh, do you really think that when you took two girls outside the cold city to threaten me, I was afraid? I just I am interested in the bones of the day! Idiot!"


Shangguan Lengsen turned his head down, and the current situation is very unfavorable to him.

Qin Shi surpassed Xie Lei with the help of the devil, and Xiaomi Cai and Yuluosha ruined his five mysterious spirits and two magicians. There are not many people available on his hand.

"Can you move?"

In desperation, Shangguan coldly slammed his mouth and suddenly said to Xie Lei.

Xie Lei got up and squatted, looking back.

"To kill those foreigners." Shangguan cold and indifferent contempt for the hustle and bustle, screaming at the foreigners who flashed a sigh of anger.

"Kill them?"

Xie Lei glanced at it, but he didn't ask much. He just dropped his hands on Dantian quickly, and then he used the spiritual power to heal the wounds in his body. He suddenly slammed into the scorpion.

His Sùdù was extremely fast, almost tearing open space in the blink of an eye and moving to the crowd of people such as Liu Fang.

Suspended in the crowd, he is proud of standing out, and the fingertips in the sleeves immediately bring up five blue-violet thunder, and the thunder and light are like twins, rolling down.


Thunder Dragon fell and rolled up the lives of hundreds of people.

This is not only his attack, but his attacks are far and wide. The sky is filled with dense clouds of haze, and the clouds are shaken by purple thunder, like a blooming lotus flower.

The darkness of the West is the last sun, and it is chaotic.


"Run fast, Shangguan is cold, he wants to kill us!"

In the constant thunder of Thundercloud, a drop of dense raindrops fell.

It was raining, the rain was dripping, the atmosphere of panic was intensified, and a scream of horror roared in the crowd.

Looking at this scene, a cold light in Qin Shi’s black swayed: “Does he want to kill all the people here?”


Suddenly, a dead hand grabbed the tail of the lizard that Qin Shi had turned into. The Shangguanba shivered: "Little friends, save them, the cold city can't die!"

Looking back and biting his teeth, Qin Shihong did not open his eyes.

"Damn!" In the panicked crowd, Liu Fang and many of his family owners were relatively calm, but they still kept shaking their fists.

They did not run, because they Zhīdào, they simply could not run, the heavens in front of them, like an indestructible behemoth.

"Work with him!"

The nails pierced the palm of the hand, and Liu Fang got up first, and a purple invisible mental force turned into a three-way cone weapon, and the fierce pounced on Xie Lei.

The Zhao family and the rest of the family looked at each other and eventually dumped all the auras.

"Hey, a bunch of ants!"

Xie Lei overlooks the earth like an ant like Liu Fang and others, his arms are mixed with purple halo and inserted into the thundercloud. After the ten fingers spread out, the thunderclouds roared, and the next purple rose like a raindrop fell down.


Just as the thunder light seemed to tear the earth, a huge monster greeted the sky, and Qin Shi dragged the wild body in the air.

Immediately, thousands of thunder, all without exception, slashed on the torso of Qin Shi.

"Drink!" A snoring, Qin Shi's squat suddenly dripped a drop of black blood.

"It is Shi Qin!"

"Look, he came to save us!"

The crowd that stalked like an ant suddenly stopped at the bottom, and looked up at Qin Shi as if he saw the straw, and shouted with joy.

Qin Shi waved his mouth and erased it: "Go to the pavilion, fast!"

The sound of the people, the people stunned, Liu Fang first returned to God, a touch of nearly a hundred feet of pale yellow streamer into a line, the Liu family's disciples to hold, squatting in the direction of the pavilion.

A group of people just flew out, Xie Lei's pale yellow eyes condensed toward the crowd, whispered: "Want to run? Thunder and anger!"

Thousands of thunderclouds gathered into a spider web, and the ever-changing suddenly fell to the earth. In the process, they turned into beasts, tigers, cheetahs, phoenixes, dragons, and ones.

"Your opponent is me!"

With a bang, Qin Shi’s huge body galloped like a sword to the ring, followed by two sharp claws in the chest: “Da Lili decided!”


Three purple smoldering fires, just after jumping out of the black shadow, immediately ignited the gap of the space, even the various beasts of Thundercloud were no exception, and then tempered into three golden relics like the scorching sun, stabbing down .


A tough collision, Xie Lei's body trembled in the air, squirting a **** face, but he did not dare to quickly sideways, the next five cracks to cut through the air around him.

"The tiger is not angry. Are you really sick and sick?" The wind shattered and cracked his cheeks. Xie Lei was really angry.

With a bang, the clouds between the heavens and the earth shattered, and the ground beneath it cracked dozens of deep-skinned gullies, and a thousand thunderstorms rose from the sky and smashed toward the eyebrows of Qin Shi.

"Sick cat? You don't deserve it!"

Qin Shi was not willing to show weakness. He used his strong recoil force to squat along the thunderbolt. He couldn’t help but evade the three claws.


The moment when the two men played against each other, a smattering of the violent wind smashed the earth and uprooted the Yuyu of the Shangguan family.

With a bang, the claws and the thunderbolt opened, and Qin Shi and Xie Lei both flew like a cannonball.

"Old guy, die!"

Qin Shi is relatively better. After a few hundred meters, he immediately stopped his body and immediately got up and wanted to chase up Xie Lei.


However, he just stepped into the air and suddenly came the jade of Yuluo.

Qin Shi smashed back and looked at it. Immediately, the eyebrows could not help but flash the chill. I saw that in the lower part of the audience, hundreds of Shangguan disciples, under the command of Shangguan Leng, entered the crowd of foreigners, regardless of disregard, seeing people kill.

Even Liu Fang, Yan Dong, Xiaomi Cai, Yuluo Bra, and the homeowners do their best to maintain, but because the number of people is too large, Shangguan Leng and his men turn their hands every time, the flash of light will surely Blood flows and people fall and fall.

In a short while, thousands of people have been killed.

"Damn!" Qin Shi's scorpion was cold, and he had no choice but to withdraw his god. The huge body quickly descended from the sky, and the bang was blocked by the people in front of the pavilion: "Shangguan is cold, in order to be the head of the family, you really do not hesitate Xīshēng the whole cold city?"

"Haha, cold city? The meaning of the cold city is because I was born in the cold. If I don't go to the first place here, then there is no need to exist here!"

The Shangguan cold and gloomy laughter, the strange gap between the teeth reveals the cold air, and then he waved again to sacrifice hundreds of halo, swept into the crowd of foreigners.


The painful Shangguanba, turned over and roared.

"Oh, hey, in this world, only the strong will be remembered, the weak is just a stepping stone for the strong! And you, all my stepping stones!" Shangguan cold in the thousands of resentment, but instead More and more excited, laughter is getting more and more harsh.

In this way The two sides confronted each other. Although the number of Shangguan cold is small, it seems to be sensitive.

Qin Shiyi's eyes, his body of Baizhang can not block the nearly 10,000 black pressure crowd, and there is a tiger eye on the Xie Lei, as long as he dares to act rashly, Xie Lei will not hesitate to take thousands of lives.

For a time, he was passive and did not dare to move halfway.

The most important thing is that time passes by, and when you see the magic symbol, there is only less than five minutes left. If the magic symbol disappears, no one can stop Xie Lei.

"Damn! What to do!"

With a snarl, Qin Shi is a human being, with blood and flesh, and love and love. He can't do it. The 10,000 people don't care, but if he goes on like this, he will not save them, but will also harm Xiaomi Cai and Yuluo. Follow him into the crisis.


But suddenly, just in the chaos of Qin Shi and nearly 10,000 people, a loud bang that was shaken by the Qiankun was passed in the Shangguan’s outer court. Immediately, I saw a pungent blood filled the audience, a black haze, and instantly shrouded The distance of the kilometer in the ring.

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